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Wheat Belly - audiobook

Data wydania:
30 sierpnia 2011
17 min.
Format audiobooka:
Format MP3
na czytniku
na laptopie
na smartfonie
Format stosowany przy audiobookach. Jest to plik dźwiękowy (książka w wersji audio, czytana przez lektora), który można odsłuchać na urządzeniach posiadających głośnik, takich jak: smartfon, tablet, laptop czy czytnik.
na laptopie
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na smartfonie
Zakupiony audiobook trafi do Twojej Biblioteki, gdzie będzie dostępny jako .zip. Po jego rozpakowaniu będziesz mógł odsłuchać audiobooka za pośrednictwem dowolnego programu umożliwiającego odtwarzanie plików mp3. Obecnie większość smartfonów od momentu zakupienia wyposażona jest w program umożliwiający odsłuchiwanie plików MP3. Jeśli jeszcze nie posiadasz takiego programu, możesz go szybko zainstalować na swoim smartfonie.

Wheat Belly - audiobook

A provocative look at how eliminating wheat from our diets can help us lose weight, shrink unsightly bulges, and reverse a broad spectrum of health problems-from acne to diabetes and serious digestive disorders.Since the introduction of dietary guidelines calling for reduced fat intake in the 1970s, a strange phenomenon has occurred: Americans have steadily, inexorably become heavier, less healthy, and more prone to diabetes than ever before. After putting more than two thousand of his at-risk patients on a wheat-free regimen and seeing extraordinary results, cardiologist William Davis has come to the disturbing conclusion that it is not fat, not sugar, not our sedentary lifestyle that is causing America's obesity epidemic-it is wheat. How this once-benign grain-now genetically modified almost beyond recognition and found in virtually every course of every meal-has come to have such a profound and deleterious effect on our collective well-being is one of the great untold health stories of our generation.In Wheat Belly, Dr. Davis exposes the truth about modern-day wheat, deconstructing its historical role in the human diet and the agricultural evolutions that have created a hybrid grain that has a greater impact on blood sugar levels than pure cane sugar and many of the addictive characteristics of a narcotic. He sheds light on wheat's connection to weight gain as well as to a host of other adverse effects from diabetes to heart disease to immunologic and neurologic disorders like celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and dementia. Finally, to help listeners dependent on wheat products make the move to a wheat-free diet, he presents a clear-cut action plan packed with food and lifestyle tips, meal plans, and recipes.Informed by decades of clinical research and backed by case studies of men and women who have experienced life-changing transformations in their health after waving goodbye to wheat, Wheat Belly is an illuminating look at a familiar food as well as an affirmative life plan for regaining health and losing unwanted pounds.
Kategoria: Obcojęzyczne
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: brak
Rozmiar pliku: 1 000 B

