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Angielski. Ważne konstrukcje bez tajemnic. Wersja mobilna - ebook

Data wydania:
1 stycznia 2013
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Angielski. Ważne konstrukcje bez tajemnic. Wersja mobilna - ebook

Seria repetytoriów językowych Wydawnictwa Lingo przeznaczona jest dla wszystkich uczących się języka angielskiego, a zwłaszcza uczniów, studentów, maturzystów i osób przygotowujących się do egzaminów językowych.

Repetytoria przygotowane zostały przez uznanych specjalistów-filologów i praktyków-nauczycieli, przy współpracy native spkeakerów. Dzięki repetytorium Lingo ważne konstrukcje językowe okażą się łatwe do opanowania zarówno dla początkujących, jak i zaawansowanych.

Repetytorium Angielski. Ważne konstrukcje bez tajemnic:

  • Mowa zależna i niezależna.
  • Zdania warunkowe.
  • Strona bierna.
  • Praktyczne omówienie najważniejszych konstrukcji.
  • Ciekawe przykłady opatrzone polskim tłumaczeniem.
  • Test sprawdzający wiedzę czytelnika na początku każdej części oraz ćwiczenia z kluczem.

Repetytorium zgodne z wymaganiami na egzaminach: Nowa Matura, FCE, CAE.

Wersja mobilna na smarftony i tablety została wzbogacona m.in. o interaktywny spis treści, hipertekstowe linki przy każdym ćwiczeniu odsyłające do klucza do ćwiczeń. Udostępnia też cały zakres typowych funkcjonalności dla formatów mobilnych (wyszukiwanie, skalowalność, zakładki) zachowując istotne dla pozycji edukacyjnej zalety szaty graficznej książki papierowej.

Kategoria: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 978-83-7892-023-6
Rozmiar pliku: 2,2 MB



Chyba każdy uczący się angielskiego chciałby szybko i sprawnie opanować bardziej skomplikowane konstrukcje składniowe, żeby móc swobodniej posługiwać się tym językiem. Nie jest to wcale takie trudne. Aby się o tym przekonać, sięgnij po repetytorium Lingo „Angielski. Trudne konstrukcje bez tajemnic”.

Książka jest skierowana do uczniów, maturzystów, studentów, osób przygotowujących się do egzaminów językowych, a także wszystkich, którzy chcą uporządkować i poszerzyć swoją wiedzę o wybranych trudniejszych konstrukcjach składniowych angielszczyzny. Uwzględnia materiał wymagany na nowej maturze oraz egzaminach takich jak First Certificate in English czy Certificate in Advanced English.

Opłaca się poświęcić nieco trudu nauce gramatyki – bez wątpienia zaowocuje to wyraźnym pogłębieniem biernej i czynnej znajomości angielskiego. Język to przebogate medium umożliwiające komunikację pomiędzy ludźmi. W trakcie jego rozwoju obok imponującego zasobu słownictwa ukształtowało się wiele konstrukcji gramatycznych pozwalających na sprawne przekazywanie informacji. W niniejszej publikacji proponujemy dokładniejsze zaznajomienie się z trzema ważnymi obszarami tematycznymi gramatyki angielskiej, które często nastręczają wiele problemów uczącym się języka angielskiego. Są to: mowa zależna i niezależna, zdania warunkowe, oraz strona bierna.

Każda z trzech części podręcznika składa się z krótkiego wprowadzenia, poszczególnych rozdziałów tematycznych oraz klucza do ćwiczeń pozwalającego sprawdzić poprawność odpowiedzi. Ponadto poprzedza ją krótki test sprawdzający, który pozwoli zorientować Ci się, jakim zagadnieniom musisz poświęcić więcej uwagi. Rozdziały obejmują wstępną charakterystykę problematyki, której są poświęcone, część merytoryczną prezentującą odpowiednie zasady gramatyczne zilustrowaną starannie dobranymi przykładami wraz z ich polskimi tłumaczeniami oraz zestaw ćwiczeń pozwalający opanować i utrwalić omawiane zagadnienia.

Książka stanowi obszerne rozszerzenie – przede wszystkim o urozmaicony zestaw ćwiczeń –repetytorium „Angielski. Gramatyka z ćwiczeniami” wydawnictwa


Ważne konstrukcje angielskie nie będą miały teraz dla Ciebie tajemnic!

Z życzeniami sukcesów

Autorka1. Mowa zależna i niezależna

Sprawdź się

Wykonaj ćwiczenia i sprawdź swoją wiedzę. Pomogą Ci one ocenić, na czym należy się skoncentrować w nauce zagadnień przedstawionych w tym rozdziale.

1. Poniższe zdania zmień na mowę niezależną.


1. She said that there weren't any tickets left. _________________________________________________________________

2. Lynn told me she didn't understand the instruction. _________________________________________________________________

3. He said that he had never planned to be a teacher. _________________________________________________________________

4. Chloe said that she had left her luggage on the train. _________________________________________________________________

5. Mr Bright said that he was moving to the suburbs. _________________________________________________________________

6. Bob told me that he was very upset by her remarks. _________________________________________________________________

7. He said that he had met her the day before. _________________________________________________________________

8. Jacky told me to put the key there. _________________________________________________________________

9. Mark said he would never give up. _________________________________________________________________

10. Andrew said thathis new book was coming out next month. _________________________________________________________________

11. Brian told me that he was sorry for his behaviour. _________________________________________________________________

12. Vince said that he used to smoke like a chimney. _________________________________________________________________

13. He said that the flyover was scheduled to be completed in May. _________________________________________________________________

14. The doctor told me that I needed to start exercising. _________________________________________________________________

15. She said that she wouldn't object. _________________________________________________________________

2. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania w mowie zależnej.


1. "I will drop by tomorrow." He told ____________________________

2. "What have you done?" She asked ____________________________

3. "You're looking wonderful today." He said ____________________________

4. "Can I call you back?" He asked ____________________________

5. "This ring is beautiful." She said ____________________________

6. "I haven't got a clue." She said ____________________________

7. "I met Jack in a DIY store." He told ____________________________

8. "I didn't enjoy this performance." She said ____________________________

9. "We missed the bus by 10 minutes." He said ____________________________

10. "You have no reason to be angry." She said ____________________________

11. "OK. I will go first." He agreed ____________________________

12. "I won't tell yoursecret to anyone." She promised _______________________

13. "This is really bad." He said ____________________________

14. "I like it here." She said ____________________________

15. "Cut down on coffee." He advised ____________________________Wprowadzenie

- Komunikacja językowa nie może obejść się bez relacjonowania opinii, stwierdzeń, pytań, sugestii zasłyszanych czy odczytanych. W przypadku przywoływania czyichś słów w piśmie mamy zawsze możliwość wzięcia danej wypowiedzi w cudzysłów i poprzedzenia jej stosownym czasowniki em wprowadzającym takim jak say, tell (najczęściej spotykane) bądź np.: inform, claim, argue. Mamy wtedy do czynienia z mową niezależną (direct speech). Mowy niezależnej używa się przeważnie w języku pisanym, aby przytoczyć dokładnie czyjeś słowa. Występuje w dialogach w powieściach, nowelach i innych utworach literackich. Stosuje się ją w sytuacjach, w których ważna jest precyzja, np. w takich dziedzinach jak prawo czy polityka.

Philip said, "I am tired." Philip powiedział: „Jestem zmęczony”.

"I will call you soon," Paul told me. „Wkrótce zadzwonię do ciebie” – powiedział Paul.

Beth said, "I didn't expect the truth to come out." Beth powiedziała: „Nie spodziewałam się, że prawda wyjdzie na jaw”.

George Bush said, "Dick Cheney and I will do e very thing we can to keep the peace." George Bush powiedział: „Dick Cheney i ja zrobimy wszystko, co możemy, aby utrzymać pokój”.

Tony Blair said, "Sometimes the only chance for peace is a readiness for war." Tony Blair powiedział: „Czasami jedyna szansa na pokój, to gotowość do wojny”.

- W przypadku wypowiedzi ustnej jesteśmy zdani raczej na mowę zależną (reported/indirect speech) – nie występuje tu przecież tak skuteczne narzędzie separacji przytaczanego wyrażenia jakim jest znak cudzysłowu:

Philip said that he was tired. Philip powiedział, że jest zmęczony.

Paul told me that he would call me soon. Paul powiedział mi, że wkrótce do mnie zadzwoni.

Beth said that she hadn't expected the truth to come out. Beth powiedziała, że nie spodziewała się, że prawda wyjdzie na jaw.

George Bush said that he and Dick Cheney would do e very thing they could to keep the peace. George Bush powiedział, że Dick Cheney i on zrobią wszystko, co mogą, aby utrzymać pokój.

Tony Blair said that sometimes the only chance for peace is a readiness for war. Tony Blair powiedział, że czasami jedyna szansa na pokój to gotowość do wojny.

- Relacjonując wypowiedzi w mowie zależnej należy zwracać uwagę na następstwo czasów. Zazwyczaj pociąga to za sobą zmianę czasów gramatycznych, określeń czasu i miejsca, zaimków osobowych i dzierżawczych. Musimy również podjąć decyzję czy przytoczyć czyjąś wypowiedź w pełnej rozciągłości, czy może ją skrócić albo zwięźle streścić w kilku słowach, np.:

"I would like to thank my husband, my parents and my friends for supporting me from the beginning," she said. „Chciałabym podziękować mojemu mężowi, moim rodzicom, moim przyjaciołom za wspieranie mnie od początku” – powiedziała.

She thanked every one for supporting her from the beginning. Podziękowała każdemu za wspieranie jej odpoczątku.

The Prime Minister said, "I've met governors, mayors, council members and commissionaires to discuss issues related to regionald evelopment." Premier powiedział: „Spotkałem się z gubernatorami, burmistrzami, członkami rady, oraz komisarzami, aby przedyskutować sprawy związane z rozwojem regionalnym”.

The Prime Minister said that he had met local government leaders to discuss issues related to regional development. Premier powiedział, że spotkał się z liderami samorządów lokalnych, aby przedyskutować sprawy związane z rozwojem regionalnym.Key

Sprawdź się

1. Powrót

1. She said, “There aren’t any tickets left.”

2. “I don’t understand the instruction,” Lynn told me.

3. He said, “I never planned to be a teacher.”

4. Chloe said, “I left my luggage on the train.”

5. Mr Bright said, “I am moving to the suburbs.”

6. “I am very upset by her remarks,” Bob told me.

7. He said, “I met her yesterday.”

8. “Put the key here,” Jacky told me.

9. Mark said, “I will never give up.”

10. Andrew said, “My new book is coming out this month.”

11. “I am sorry for my behaviour,” Brian told me.

12. Vince said, “I used to smoke like a chimney.”

13. He said, “The flyover is scheduled to be completed in May.”

14. “You need to start exercising,” the doctor told me.

15. She said, “I won’t object.”

2. Powrót

1. He told me that he would drop by the next day.

2. She asked me what I had done.

3. He said that I was looking wonderful that day.

4. He asked whether he could call me back.

5. She said that the ring was beautiful.

6. She said that she didn’t have a clue.

7. He told me that he had met Jack in a DIY store.

8. She said that she hadn’t enjoyed the performance.

9. He said that they had missed the bus by 10 minutes.

10. She said that I had no reason to be angry.

11. He agreed to go first.

12. She promised not to tell my secret to anyone.

13. He said that it was really bad.

14. She said that she liked it there.

15. He advised me to cut down on coffee.


1. Powrót

1. “Who’s calling, please?” he asked.

2. “I am not a child!” she exclaimed.

3. “Shh, not so loud,” she whispered.

4. “My left shoulder hurts terribly,” he complained.

5. “Go away!” she exclaimed.

6. “I will get you out of this,” he promised.

7. “Yes, I cheated in the exam,” she admitted.

8. “I didn’t say that,” he denied.

9. “They will get here in time,” he assured me.

10. “Green tea cools the body,” she explained.

2. Powrót

1-j 2-e 3-i 4-b 5-d 6-g 7-f 8-a 9-c 10-h

3. Powrót

1. He reminded me that it was her birthday.

2. She replied that she hadn’t heard anything.

3. He assured me that it would be easy.

4. The desk clerk informed me that there were no rooms.

5. He admitted that he offended them.

6. The teacher explained that/to us that Islam doesn’t allow extra-marital relationships.

7. Zdanie poprawne

8. Zdanie poprawne

9. Zdanie poprawne

10. Zdanie poprawne

4. Powrót

a) 1-d 2-e 3-a 4-c 5-b

b) 1-c 2-e 3-a 4-b 5-d

5. Powrót

1-h 2-e 3-c 4-g 5-b 6-d 7-f 8-a

6. Powrót

Mowa niezależna

Present Simple

Present Continuous

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Continuous

Past Perfect

Mowa zależna

Past Simple

Past Continuous

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

bez zmian

7. Powrót

1. She said that it was a gorgeous room.

2. Beth said that I spoke English very well.

3. Alice said that she hadn’t talked to him yet.

4. Bob said that it looked frightening.

5. Jim said that she was a very talented lawyer.

6. Philip said that he was not trying to offend anyone.

7. Amy said that she was a babysitter.

8. He said that he would try the following day.

9. She said that she would wash the dishes.

10. Tom said that he wouldn’t repeat the mistake.

11. Tim said that she was very kind.

12. Mark said that it hadn’t happened like that.

13. Katy said that she would do whatever it takes.

14. Grace said that she wouldn’t say a word.

15. Greg said that he had been trying to call me.

8. Powrót

1. She said that she loves mountains/that she loved mountains.

2. She said that he is always late/was always late.

3. He said that he has never heard about it/had never heard about it.

4. She said that she hates Mondays/hated Mondays.

5. He said that she is getting better/was getting better.

6. She said that it will cost me a fortune/would cost me a fortune.

7. She said that he is always blaming her for things she didn’t do/was always blaming her for things she hadn’t done.

8. He said that he is sick and tired of it/was sick and tired of it.

9. She said that he won’t be missed/wouldn’t be missed.

10. He said that she doesn’t want to be an accountant/didn’t want to be an accountant.

11. She said that her son doesn’t believe in Santa Claus/ didn’t believe in Santa Claus.

12. He said that Beth never gets angry about anything/never got angry about anything.

13. She said that Mrs Right often borrows things from them/often borrowed things from them.

14. He said that his sister is a very reasonable girl/was a very reasonable girl.

15. She said that live in Twin Oaks/lived in Twin Oaks.

9. Powrót

2. But you said that you hate/hated spinach.

3. But you said that she is/was only a friend.

4. But you said that you cannot/couldn’t dance.

5. But you said that you have/had never eaten Thai food.

6. But you said that you are/were going on a business trip.

7. But you said that you love/loved all animals.

8. But you said that he is/was your next-door neighbour.

9. But you said that you don’t/didn’t speak foreign languages.

10. But you said that you are/were a Tory.

10. Powrót

1. She said that I must be over 21 to hire a car.

2. He said that she must be seeing things.

3. She said that he must be mad.

4. He advised me to think twice/He said that I ought to think twice.

5. She said that he couldn’t find common ground with some people/She said he hadn’t been able to find common ground with some people.

6. He said that she could wear whatever she wanted/He said that she was allowed to wear whatever she wanted.

7. She said that I mustn’t let anyone use it.

8. He said that he would like to see me again.

9. She said that I needn’t/didn’t need/didn’t have to go to all that trouble.

10. He said that she used to work as a housekeeper.

11. She said that he should be indicted.

12. He advised/urged/encouraged me to quit smoking.

13. She asked me to clean the house.

14. He said that she must/had to talk to me.

15. She said that she might succeed in convincing him.

11. Powrót

1. The nurse told me that she would take my blood pressure.

2. The Prime Minister said that he would discuss the surge of violence in Baghdad.

3. The teacher told me that I might be suffering from dysgraphia.

4. The judge told her that she mustn’t speak to the jury/wasn’t to speak to the jury.

5. The traffic cop said that he could take me to jail for driving too fast.

6. The car mechanic said that I didn’t have to/didn’t need to change the air filter.

7. The actor said that he used to live in a poor area of London.

8. The secretary said that she could type 30 words a minute.

12. Powrót

1. (that) the prescription expired the day before.

2. (that) you should call the doctor to renew it.

3. (that) he had noticed my hard work.

4. (that) I would find something extra in my paycheck.

5. (that) he would rather get married in Vegas.

6. (that) she might drop in for a chat.

13. Powrót

1. at the time

2. there

3. five minutes later

4. the year before/the previous day

5. the following summer

6. then/at that time/immediately

7. two days before/two days earlier

8. those days

9. that evening

10. that day

11. the next day/the following day

12. the following night

13. that night

14. two years before

15. the day before/the previous day

14. Powrót

1. She said that it was very easy.

2. He said that they were very good questions.

3. She said that she had enjoyed the book.

4. He said that they were quite comfortable too.

5. She said that she had bought them for herself.

6. He said that it was a real war.

7. She said that they were the good old days.

8. He said that the roses were for her.

15. Powrót

1. Bob said that he had met my parents.

2. Katy said that they had bought a new camera.

3. Tim said that he’d like me to meet his girlfriend.

4. Jerry said that their car had a flat tyre.

5. Paul said that he bet my laptop was heavier than his.

6. Sue said that her job was stressing her out.

7. Jack said that no company was better than theirs.

16. Powrót


He said that they were in Greece, that they were staying at the Attica Hotel. He told Beth that it was absolutely fantastic. He said that the rooms were very clean and the staff were friendly. He said that nothing was too much trouble. He said that they couldn’t have asked for better accommodation. He mentioned that their room overlooked the sea so it was wonderful to watch the sun rise and set. He added that the food was excellent, especially the home-made bread and cookies. Finally, he said that he would call Beth again on Saturday. He asked her to say hello to Mike from Kate and him.


He told Beth that they were a bit tired of their room. He admitted that it was clean, but he grumbled that it was very small. He said that there was no place to keep their suitcases. He complained that the bathroom was also tiny. He said that after the second night he had called the reception desk to request a room change, but he had been told that the hotel was overbooked and a room change wasn’t an option. He continued saying that they were planning on checking out the next day. He asked Beth to say hello to Mike from them.

17. Powrót

1. She queried what had happened.

2. He asked whether everything was all right.

3. She asked whether that would be all.

4. He wondered what I was talking about.

5. She wanted to know how long I was staying.

6. He asked me what I was going to do.

7. She inquired how much it cost.

8. He asked me what I had done to my hair.

9. She asked me what was wrong with me.

10. He wondered who I was.

11. She wanted to know what I wanted to become: a doctor or a lawyer.

12. He asked me what my boss was like.

13. She wanted to know what I was doing.

14. He queried how I knew his name.

15. She queried what I had learnt.

18. Powrót

1. He invited me to join them.

2. She asked me if I would be her friend.

3. He told me to go immediately.

4. She told me to answer the questions.

5. He offered me a cup of coffee.

6. She implored me/begged me to recommend her.

7. He ordered me to be serious.

8. She asked me to take her home.

9. He asked me to wait for him.

10. He told her to stop staring at him.

11. She asked him to turn off the radio.

12. He told me to give her his regards.

13. She begged me to let her go.

14. He implored me to help him out.

15. She ordered them to behave themselves.

19. Powrót

1. She asked me whether I would like to be self employed.

2. He asked me if I had got a light.

3. She wondered whether I could trust him.

4. He asked me whether I was sure I wanted to know.

5. She wanted to know if our neighbour was a bully.

6. He queried whether there was any way out.

7. She asked me if I often skipped breakfast.

8. He asked whether she had really changed.

9. She asked if they had kept their promises.

10. He wondered if there was any problem.

11. She wanted to know if he still worked there.

12. He asked if I approved of the ban on beer advertising.

20. Powrót

1. What time is it?

2. Will you come?

3. Will you do me a favour?

4. What are you doing here?

5. What do you want for your birthday?

21. Powrót

1-a 2-a 3-c 4-b 5-c

6. Is it your car?

7. Can you speak Spanish?

8. Do you know anything about it?

9. Can I call back for further information?

10. Are you taking your pills?

22. Powrót

1. would buy

2. were

3. didn’t

4. was

5. were

6. should go

7. would be

8. wasn’t

9. included

10. ran

11. had

12. was

13. expired

14. he could buy

15. could buy

23. Powrót

1. how the weather was

2. how she was

3. whether there was any way out

4. why she fought with him

5. how he liked it

6. whether he was hungry

7. where I wanted to go

24. Powrót

Sugerowane odpowiedzi.

1. They advised me to stay at home.

2. Mike asked me to wait a moment.

3. She demanded that I (should) keep an eye on him.

4. Jack forbade me to think about it.

5. Simon asked me to calm down and listen carefully.

6. Mark told me not to be afraid.

7. She told me not to lose hope.

8. Helen warned me not to expect much.

9. Dave told me to leave him alone.

10. Alice offered me to drink more red wine.

11. Tom told me not to make him laugh.

12. Roger implored me to call him back.

13. He asked me to answer the phone.

14. Jane warned me not to stick my head out of the window.

15. My mother reminded me to be honest and always tell the truth.

16. Paul advised me to take it easy.

17. Beth advised me to apply a hot compress.

18. The doctor told me to stay in bed.

19. Ally told me to keep my opinions to myself.

20. Chris advised me to take the car to a mechanic.

25. Powrót

2. Staff are not to use the phone for personal calls.

3. Staff are to wear badges.

4. Staff are not to accept cash gifts.

5. Staff are not to leave their valuables unattended.

6. Staff are to report any act of vandalism.

7. Staff are to smoke in designated areas only.

8. Staff are to park their cars in the main car park.

9. Staff are not to discuss any job-related issues with anyone.

10. Staff are to attend appropriate training courses.

26. Powrót

1. The teacher told us to pay attention.

2. The teacher told us not to speak Polish.

3. The teacher told us not to talk.

4. The teacher told us to be quiet.

5. The teacher told us to open our books.

6. The teacher told us not to copy other students’ work.

7. The teacher told us to write a story about our best friend.

8. The teacher told us to take out our pens.

9. The teacher told us not to forget our homework.

10. The teacher told us to put our hands if we wanted to speak.

27. Powrót

1. He told Alfa to lie down.

2. He told Alfa to jump up.

3. He told Alfa to fetch.

4. He told Alfa not to bark.

5. He told Alfa to shake.

6. He told Alfa to go up.

7. He told Alfa to heel.

8. He told Alfa to roll over.

28. Powrót

1) The narrator said that the Hare had been/was once boasting of his speed before the other animals.

2) The Hare said that he had never been beaten and

3) he challenged any one there to race with him.

4) The Tortoise replied that he accepted his challenge.

5) The Hare retorted that it was a good joke adding that

6) he could dance round him all the way.

7) The Tortoise told him to keep his boasting till he had been beaten and

8) suggested racing/a race.

9) After the Tortoise won the race, he told the Hare that plodding wins/won the race.

29. Powrót


The psychiatrist asked the patient what his problem was.

The patient answered that he thought he was a chicken.

The psychiatrist wanted to know how long it had been going on.

The patient replied that ever since he had been an egg.


The man exclaimed that he could hardly believe his eyes adding that it was the smartest dog he had even seen.

The friend replied that that the dog wasn’t so smart, that he had beaten him three games out off five.


The first cow said that the mad-cow disease was really pretty scary adding that she had heard it had hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm.

The other cow replied that she wasn’t worried because it didn’t affect them ducks.

30. Powrót

1. She exclaimed that it smelled terrible.

She gave an exclamation of disgust.

2. He exclaimed that they had made it.

He gave an exclamation of relief.

3. She exclaimed that he dadn’t know that.

She gave an exclamation of surprise.

4. He exclaimed that I looked wonderful.

He gave an exclamation of wonder.

5. She exclaimed that it tasted awful.

She gave an exclamation of disgust.

6. He exclaimed that it was great.

He gave an exclamation of wonder.

7. She exclaimed that it was true.

She gave an exclamation of surprise.

8. He exclaimed that he couldn’t find his glasses.

He gave an exclamation of anger/annoyance.

9. She exclaimed that it hurt.

She gave an exclamation of pain.

10. She exclaimed that she had locked her keys inside.

She gave an expression of annoyance/pity.

31. Powrót

1-b 2-c 3-a 4-f 5-d 6-e

32. Powrót

1. He asked her if she would help him and she answered him that she would.

2. She asked him whether he had phoned Mark and he answered that he had.

3. They asked me whether I was tired and I answered that I wasn’t.

4. He asked her if she could drive and she answered that she couldn’t.

5. I asked her if he was a sports fan and she answered that he was.

33. Powrót

Sugerowane odpowiedzi.

1. She asked how I liked her new glasses adding that she had bought them at Harrods.

2. He said that I looked very tired and wanted to know what was wrong.

3. She asked if Jack was in adding that she had to talk to him.

4. He asked me if I had talked to her and wanted to know what she was like.

5. She invited me in and asked what she could do for me.

6. He told me to be quiet adding that he was trying to sleep.

7. She asked me if she could use my mobile adding that she needed to call her boss.

8. He asked her what she was doing there adding that she should be on the plane then.

9. She asked if I had taken the test and wanted to know what my score was.

10. He said that they were going to the cinema that night and asked me to join them.

34. Powrót

1. She told me to contact John as he would give me more information.

2. He told me to see the doctor as he would put my mind at rest.

3. He asked whether they would get married adding that he hoped they would.

4. He asked me whether I had heard his album adding that it was amazing.

5. He asked me to tell him the time as he would have to leave at 8.

6. She offered me some coffee as it would do me good.

7. He advised me to take an aspirin as it would kill the pain.

8. She suggested that he take a jacket as it was cold and windy.

9. She encouraged me to get rid of him as he was after my money.

10. He asked me how she was adding that he hoped she was doing well.

35. Powrót

1. She said if she had been me, she would have demanded a refund.

2. He said if he had more time, he would read more.

3. She said that if she hadn’t met him, she wouldn’t have set up a business.

4. He said that if she apologised, he would forgive her.

5. She said that if he insisted, she wouldn’t disagree.

6. He said that if she hadn’t overslept, she would have been on the plane.

7. She said that is he had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have had the accident.

8. He said that if she came, he wouldn’t tease her.

9. She said that if they had let them know, they would have picked them up from the airport.

10. He said that if she had been more passionate, he would have voted for her.

36. Powrót

1. She said that if she had been Angelina Jolie, she would have been a movie star.

2. … she would have lived in a mansion.

3. … she would have hired twenty maids.

4. … she would have been a philanthropist.

5. … she wouldn’t have been doing the job.

6. … she would have had a handsome husband.

7. … she would have done plenty of TV interviews.

8. … she would have had a big collection of shoes.

9. … she wouldn’t have agreed to strip off her clothes for love scenes.

10. … she would have demanded ten million dollars to star in a film.

37. Powrót

Sugerowana relacja.

He said that he didn’t want to discuss the decision further. He said the rules are as they are and are not about to change. He added that he meant his previous remark.

38. Powrót

Sugerowana relacja.

She said that Garbage was playing in her town the previous weekend. She said it had been the first time she had seen them live. She had a great time there and so did the crowd of 60 thousand. She said the concert was worth the money she had paid for it.

39. Powrót

Sugerowane odpowiedzi.

a) The service manual says that if you detect anything unusual about the printer, you should turn it off.

b) He told me how to get to the city centre.

c) She showed me how to use the copy machine.

d) They wished me all the best.

e) She said that she had bought some dairy products and sweets.

f) He said that they required thread-starters to provide an answer to their question first.

40. Powrót

1. She accused me of taking the money.

2. She boasted of being able to read 1000 words a minute.

3. He complained about my behaviour.

4. He reminded me about sending Beth a birthday card.

5. She asked me about my husband.

6. He moaned about having to work at weekends.

7. She told me about her grandchildren.

8. He confessed to cheating on me.

9. She criticised me for not working hard enough.

10. He apologised for his behaviour.

