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Selected issues of Public Economic Law in Theory Judicature and Practice in Czech Republic Poland and Slovakia - ebook

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Selected issues of Public Economic Law in Theory Judicature and Practice in Czech Republic Poland and Slovakia - ebook

This book deals with selected issues of public economic law related to the state’s infl uence on the economy and its entities. This influence is particularly visible in the infrastructure sectors, including energy, telecommunications and postal services, as well as in the sector of providing medical services. Th rough legal norms, the state regulates and rations competitive relations in the economy, public aid for entrepreneurs and public procurement, together with relations between the economy and environment protection.

The authors, who all work in universities while also practicing law, are from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, and characterise these problems by referring primarily to national regulations based on European Union law, which constitutes the basis and starting point for these issues.

The book is intended for: law students, theoreticians and practitioners of law and economic sciences, and anyone who is interested in the relationship between law and the economy in various public law systems.

Kategoria: Literatura obcojęzyczna
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 978-83-255-1130-2
Rozmiar pliku: 2,5 MB



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Public economic law is a part of the legal system that includes standards whose subject is the state’s influence on the economy, including the regulation of the state’s behaviour towards business entities. It is the right of the state and its organs and apparatus to intervene in the economic sphere. It is an expression of the state’s power in the economy and reflects the state’s obligations such as determining the situation and legal position of entrepreneurs.

The law embraces legal relationships that occur between state bodies and business entities. The entities are not only the addressees of the state’s activities but also their initiators, awaiting appropriate actions to be taken by state authorities. What is included in the area of these legal relationships are the competences of state organs, a mechanism (procedures) for taking decisions and expressing a specific attitude (e.g. by establishing standards) and the rights and obligations of business entities along with the conditions and forms of their implementation and guarantees of protection. The formation of the indicated legal relationships is usually carried out by means of methods and instruments of an administrative-legal character applicable in legal relationships, although it is not rare that solutions used in civil law are also adopted.

Public economic law regulates in particular: the organization and functioning of infrastructure sectors in the economy including energy, telecommunications and postal services, as well as medical services sector, rules and forms of competition protection, opportunities for granting and making use of public aid, environmental protection issues connected with economic activity and public procurement. These issues were elaborated on by authors from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, who – from the perspective of the law of individual states – prepared in this study the characteristics of the indicated issues. It is worth, it seems, getting to know the discussions devoted to various national problems of public economic law, at the same time bearing in mind the fact that these are the regulations of the European Union that constitute the basis and starting point for them.

Prof. UG, dr hab. Andrzej PowałowskiPart One. Energy Law. Energy Security and Energy from Renewable Sources


Marián Vrabko1

The term “energy industry” generally denotes a field which is concerned with the economic use of all energy sources and supplies.

Nowadays, we use different forms of energy, including their combinations, but the most frequent forms of energy used are water energy, wind energy, heat energy and nuclear energy.

The majority of energy may be used in a place where it originates and this is important for its use but it is not a decisive factor.

However, a much more effective use of energy takes place in a place designated in advance where, in a concentrated form, its transformation, exchange or sale is carried out. Here, the energy plays an important role as a commodity which may be transported freely and subsequently sold and purchased or processed and just then be sold and purchased, either in large or small amounts – for small consumers. We therefore talk about the transport of energy through various networks, referring thus to network industries. With respect to the legal regulation, we thus talk about the legal regulation of network industries.

The framework of legal regulation of network industries may be found in individual national constitutions and national legislation.

In the EU, this legal regulation is contained in the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, particularly its Title XVI entitled “Trans-European Networks”. Article 170 of the Treaty states that the European Union wants to contribute to the development of trans-European networks in the areas of transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructures, including the interconnection of national networks as well as the access to such networks.

We will not deal with the development of transport and telecommunications networks since these are subject to a specific legal regulation and operate more or less effectively. The situation is much more complicated with respect to energy infrastructure, naturally, including the specific features through which one can differentiate it from transport or telecommunications networks.

As we have already mentioned, energy networks have certain specific features which can be derived from the type of energy and also from the fact of whether the renewable or non-renewable energy sources are concerned.

A specific problem typical of them is their spontaneity and the fact that they are subsequently difficult to store and handle. These facts are frequently taken advantage of by supranational corporations in a cross-border trade.

Most proposals for legal regulation support the renewable sources. However, investors are many times not interested in them since it is rather expensive. Many investors thus prefer to invest in non-renewable sources.

Given these problems and other obstacles which tend to emerge, the construction of energy networks and development of energy market (especially electricity) in Europe is of a great importance at both the national as well as the European level.

The applicable legal regulation at the national and the European level should ensure the priority of electricity, preservation of its specific qualities, ensure the means of its transport and ensure the compliance of national interests with the supranational ones, in particular with the Union’s interests.

The transport and sale is generally related mainly to the market environment. Foreseeability and functionality is typical of such market environment.

At the European Union level, this practically means that it is necessary to create energy networks interconnection so that every entity in the EU could, whenever it needs to, purchase enough energy from the administered European energy network.

1 JUDr., SCs.

