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Politically Incorrect Guide to the Vietnam War - audiobook

Data wydania:
23 lutego 2010
Format audiobooka:
Format MP3
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Politically Incorrect Guide to the Vietnam War - audiobook

Think the United States lost the Vietnam War? Think again.No war in American history is so shrouded in obfuscation and myth as the Vietnam War. "Vietnam" has entered into our national memory as a byword for disaster, usually accompanied by the word "quagmire," and the specter of the war has haunted our foreign policy discussions ever since. Left-leaning historians with a political agenda, aided and abetted by the liberal media, have convinced the world that for America, the Vietnam War was a tragic and dismal failure. Liberal pundits and leftist professors have been telling lies and getting away with it-despite the fact that the war was televised and has been the subject of innumerable books and studies.In The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Vietnam War, Phillip Jennings finally sets the record straight. Jennings, who fought in Vietnam as a marine pilot and later as a pilot for the CIA's Air America, shatters the near universally accepted myths and politically correct lies that have for decades obscured the truth about what happened in Vietnam.Jennings has made a lifetime's study of the war, and here he provides the surprising truth, backing it up with facts that the liberal pundits ignore. He demonstrates that the United States did not lose the Vietnam War-in fact, we won it. Far from failing dismally, the United States achieved its goal in Vietnam: we stopped the spread of Communism. Jennings explains how the cultural chaos of the 1960s and 1970s negatively influenced the Vietnam War, not the other way around. Without the sacrifices made and the courage displayed by our military in Vietnam, the world would be a very different place today.The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Vietnam War reveals:-Who won the war? The United States military lost more than 58,000 men in Vietnam; the North Vietnamese military lost more than 1.1 million-and Communism isn't exactly rolling up the map of Asia any more-How John F. Kennedy's "firm stand against Communist aggression" took the form of an unclear, waffling policy that led to a series of blunders by liberalism's "best and brightest" foreign policy and defense advisers-How Richard Nixon effectively won the war, while rapidly withdrawing US troops-only to watch a liberal Congress throw America's victory away-How liberal Democrats continue to try, outrageously, to present their scuttling of South Vietnam as moral and political wisdomThe Politically Incorrect Guide to the Vietnam War at last reveals the truth about the battles, players, and policies of one of the most controversial wars in US history.
Kategoria: Obcojęzyczne
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: brak
Rozmiar pliku: 1 000 B

