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A Remembrance of Death - ebook

Data wydania:
1 grudnia 2024
Format ebooka:
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A Remembrance of Death - ebook

A Remembrance of Death by Andrew Tweeddale is a poignant exploration of mortality and the human experience. The book delves into themes of loss, memory, and the interplay between life and death, inviting readers to reflect on their own relationships and experiences with grief.

Tweeddale's writing is both lyrical and thought-provoking, blending anecdotes with philosophical insights. The narrative is rich with vivid imagery and emotional depth, drawing readers into the author's contemplative journey. There is a seamless flow between different reflections, making it both accessible and engaging. It encourages readers to confront their own fears and acceptance of death, while also celebrating the beauty of life and the connections we forge with others.

A Remembrance of Death is a thought-provoking read that compels us to appreciate the fleeting nature of existence. Tweeddale's sensitivity and insight make this book a valuable resource for anyone grappling with the complexities of mortality and the memories we hold dear. Highly recommended for readers seeking a deeper understanding of life and death and the turbulence of relationships.

Spanning forty years, the story examines the relationship between Basil Drewe and Celia Lutyens, and how love like rain cannot choose the grass on which it falls. As he arrives at Oxford in 1917, Basil is coming to terms with the recent death of his brother Adrian in the Great War. Meanwhile at Ojai in America, Celia and her illegitimate son Robert struggle to find their place in a foreign country. On returning to England, Celia renews her acquaintance with Basil and finds she must deal with the mistakes of her past and the constraints placed upon her by society and its expectations. Their journey takes them to India, Vienna, London, Nuremberg and Kenya. Finally, they return to Castle Drogo, the place where they first met, however, the castle no longer represents the ideal it once did for Celia but is now a mausoleum.

Shortlisted for the Yeovil Literary Prize 2024, A Remembrance of Death is a must read novel.

Kategoria: Historical Fiction
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-73961-223-8
Rozmiar pliku: 2,7 MB

