Adorable Amigurumi - Cute and Quirky Crocheted Critters [DRM] - ebook
Data wydania:
7 sierpnia 2012
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Adorable Amigurumi - Cute and Quirky Crocheted Critters [DRM] - ebook
Ebook zabezpieczony DRM. Dowiedz się więcej
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Ebook po zakupie nie będzie dostępny do czytania w aplikacji Empik Go.
Knot your mother's crochet! Craft cute animals with this playful Japanese amigurumi crochet book. Weave your way into the yarn-filled world of Japanese amigurumi crochet or "small, crocheted stuffed toys" with adorable creatures and cuddly new characters! Whether you're honing a new craft or in search of creative needlework inspiration, let Voodoo Maggie (Eric Clark) show you the way in this amigurumi book. There are adorable Koala Bears, Darling Dachshunds, Nuggly Bats, and the not very fearsome Yeti. Full of 300+ colorful photos to help guide you through the crochet patterns, Adorable Amigurumi: Cute and Quirky Crocheted Critters walks you step-by-step through this distinct Japanese craft. Artful designs, easy-to-follow knitting instructions, and detailed illustrations allow you to create the most delightful amirgurumi animals easily. Learn to make 18 amigurumi crochet animals, including: Luna the Baby Dragon Lucy the Giraffe Schnitzel the Dachshund Dust Bunny Basil T. Koala Marcel Monkey Olive Octopus Bella la BattyThis amigurumi book will have you tending a little zoo of tiny animal creations in no time!
Pamiętaj, ebook będzie dostępny do pobrania wyłącznie w wybranym przez Ciebie formacie.
Ebook po zakupie nie będzie dostępny do czytania w aplikacji Empik Go.
Knot your mother's crochet! Craft cute animals with this playful Japanese amigurumi crochet book. Weave your way into the yarn-filled world of Japanese amigurumi crochet or "small, crocheted stuffed toys" with adorable creatures and cuddly new characters! Whether you're honing a new craft or in search of creative needlework inspiration, let Voodoo Maggie (Eric Clark) show you the way in this amigurumi book. There are adorable Koala Bears, Darling Dachshunds, Nuggly Bats, and the not very fearsome Yeti. Full of 300+ colorful photos to help guide you through the crochet patterns, Adorable Amigurumi: Cute and Quirky Crocheted Critters walks you step-by-step through this distinct Japanese craft. Artful designs, easy-to-follow knitting instructions, and detailed illustrations allow you to create the most delightful amirgurumi animals easily. Learn to make 18 amigurumi crochet animals, including: Luna the Baby Dragon Lucy the Giraffe Schnitzel the Dachshund Dust Bunny Basil T. Koala Marcel Monkey Olive Octopus Bella la BattyThis amigurumi book will have you tending a little zoo of tiny animal creations in no time!
Kategoria: | Crafts |
Język: | Angielski |
Zabezpieczenie: | brak |
ISBN: | 978-1-4629-0842-4 |
Rozmiar pliku: | 16 MB |