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Breaking the Gas Ceiling - ebook

Data wydania:
1 maja 2019
Format ebooka:
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Breaking the Gas Ceiling - ebook

The international petroleum industry has long been known the world over as a "good old boys' club" and nowhere is the oil and gas industry's gender imbalance more apparent than offshore. The untold story, shared in these pages, is about the women who have been among the first to inhabit this world, and whose stories previously have been a missing part of the history of the industry.

"As a CEO, I believe it is imperative for today's generation of young women to realize there is a seat for them in the boards of oil & gas companies as the "gas ceiling" can be broken quicker and easier than before. Reading this book, they will think about these women who have gone before them and broken down those barriers in order to give them new opportunities."
-- Maria Moraeus Hanssen, CEO, DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG

"My belief is that diversity is key to both creativity and solid long-term business results. Even in a country like Norway, where professional gender diversity is greater than in any other country I have had interactions with, we have an underrepresentation of women in top management positions. I would therefore like to express my appreciation to Rebecca Ponton for keeping this important subject on the agenda by presenting to us positive, impressive and, at the same time, obtainable role models."
-- Grethe K. Moen, CEO and President, Petoro AS

"As the industry now is more complex and faces more uncertainty, women will be more important contributors, especially in management and communication. Women could be just what is needed!"
-- Karen Sund, Founder Sund Energy AS

"Everyone needs role models - and role models that look like you are even better. For women, the oil and gas industry has historically been pretty thin on role models for young women to look up to. Rebecca Ponton has provided an outstanding compilation of role models for all women who aspire to success in one of the most important industries of modern times."
-- Dave Payne, Chevron VP Drilling & Completions

From the World Voices Series at Modern History Press

Kategoria: Biography & Autobiography
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-61599-445-8
Rozmiar pliku: 3,8 MB

