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Byways of Blessedness - ebook
Data wydania:
21 sierpnia 2017
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Byways of Blessedness - ebook
Students seeking the underlying Secrets to the Law of Attraction often will miss what is in plain sight.
James Allen is most known for his "As a Man Thinketh," yet his greatest essays on how to apply the Law of Attraction are known in his classic, "Byways of Blessedness."
Here, Allen tells precise, but unknown techniques which will improve your ability to get the most out of life:
- How rising early gets you on the right foot daily.
- How a definite plan enables success.
- Why replacing habitual bad thoughts with good will bring you more happiness.
- How strength and power are weakened by pursuing them as an end.
- How paying unselfish attention to completing details expands your will power and peace of mind.
- Why learning to focus on the one thing you are doing will bring you the power of a Master.
Allen tells you how problems and difficulties are more easily solved when they are welcomed, instead of resisted or feared.Seeing the good they bring enables you to then get the opportunity from them which would otherwise be lost.
This explains why Luck is defined as "opportunity met with preparation." The missing steps to take which will turn your life into one of continuing good luck and expectant optimism - every second, minute, and hour of your days.
These long-lost steps to your own personal joy can be found in Allen's book. Learn the smaller steps needed to get the Law of Attraction working in your life - every single moment of your day.
Get this book today and carry it with you on your smartphone or tablet. Learn to apply the smaller steps in order to enable the Law of Attraction to bloom in every corner of your universe. Study it every spare moment and gain a new life.
The moment is Now. Decide and Act. Your future is what you attract into it, so invest in yourself wisely.
Get Your Copy Now
Kategoria: | Self-Improvement |
Język: | Angielski |
Zabezpieczenie: |
ISBN: | 978-1-300-91117-3 |
Rozmiar pliku: | 724 KB |
- EBOOK10,24 zł
- 17,99 zł
- EBOOK12,99 zł
- 16,25 zł
- Wydawnictwo: PublishDriveFormat: EPUBZabezpieczenie: Watermark VirtualoKategoria: Self-ImprovementSuggestion, or rather Autosuggestion, is quite a new subject, and yet at the same time it is as old as the world. It is new in the sense that until now it has been wrongly studied and in consequence wrongly understood; it is old because...13,90 zł13,90 zł