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Cold Fireworks (English) - ebook

Data wydania:
27 lutego 2024
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Cold Fireworks (English) - ebook

"Cold Fireworks" is Chen Baoqi's fourth crime mystery novel after "Oasis", "Residual Bi" and "White Dwarf". Tells the story: night falls, silent office, lawyer autumn Yu Chen is preparing to get off work, suddenly an ugly weak man climbed into the room. Someone claimed to be a hospital patient, because uremia to accept kidney surgery. During the post-operative care, the new kidney died due to abnormal rejection in the body due to the doctor's use of suspicious drugs. The patient asked his lawyer for help in getting justice from the bad hospital. However, when the lawyer just began to contact the hospital, a gas pipeline explosion suddenly occurred, including Zhao Bingxin and many patients, doctors died. However, the safety supervision department's investigation into the explosion concluded that it was an accident. Lawyer autumn Yu Chen does not accept such a "coincidence", began to secretly investigate, the results broke into the minefield, resulting in a number of relevant personnel inside and outside the hospital were killed, he himself also fell into the trap, was nearly killed. Undeterred, the lawyer finally discovered the startling truth. It turns out that this is a tragedy caused by a sinful love: the daughter of the hospital director designed a gas explosion in order to kill her rival. Before the explosion, the director and a young doctor were informed of this information, but took the exact opposite action: The director, in order to protect his daughter and cover up the medical accident, did nothing about the impending explosion. The young doctor at the center of the storm rushed to the scene immediately to try to stop the explosion and save the patient and his beloved woman, resulting in serious injuries and near death.

Kategoria: Mystery
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-4461-5258-4
Rozmiar pliku: 2,5 MB


1. Unperate guests / 1

2. new kidney injury / 4

3. Kidney donation to save my brother / 7

4. Legal aid / 10

5. "Good friend" / 13

6. "Recall" of the patient / 16

7. "Fairy Sister" / 19

8. Accidental missing contact / 23

9. unbelievable / 26

10. Difficult / 29

11. Lost suspect / 32

12. Tracking of small nerves / 35

13. To surrender / 38

14. Witness case handling / 41

15. Strange car accident / 44

16. Money and color trading / 47

17. Deadly doubt / 50

18. survivors / 53

19. Ward Liying / 5620. Meet the beauty again / 59

21. Strange calls / 62

22. Encounter tracking / 65

23. Tea house meeting / 68

24. Maple pulp in trouble / 71

25. Love for you / 74

26. Mystery message list / 77

27. Smart mobile phone / 81

28. Beautiful encounters?84

29. The Dean is suspected of / 87

30. Inquiry in person / 90

31. Avoid serious matters / 93

32. He who rides a tiger can never dismount /96

33 No more than that / 100

34 Cause / 103

35. Drug phase grams / 106

36. Blshameless / 109

37. Worry heavily / 112

38. Love legend / 11639. One angry word / 119

40. Tiny love / 122

41. Spiritual redemption / 125

42. Suspect appears / 128

43. Through the fog / 131

44. Where are we going, Dad? / 134 45

46. Building planning / 140

47. Strange SMS / 143

48. refusal / 146

49. Mystery invitation / 150

50. The alarm bell rings / 153

51. Encounter attacks / 156

52. Expect support / 159

53. Not willing to stop / 162

54. Fish are off the net / 165

55. Accident report / 168

56. Police interrogation / 172

57. Huang Dayou / 175

58. A bluff / 17859. Under heavy pressure / 181

60. Suicide and death / 184

61. Missing U disk / 187

62. Mental breakdown / 190

63.U, Dissecret / 194

64. Psychological offensive / 197

65. Copy the Truth / 200

66. No / 202

67. Situation of abrupt change / 205

68. Beauty disaster / 208

69. Who is the real culprit / 211

70. Save the Husband / 215

71. Mental dust / 218

72. Bang the truth / 221

73. Silent sinners / 224

74. Crisis reappearance / 228

75. Ward Devil / 231

76. Cemetery Jing Dream / 234

77. Farewell / 2 3 7

78. End of the / 2 3 9· casual visitor ·

casual visitor

Night falls, the silent office, suddenly an ugly win

The weak man crawled into the house.

I am not a confident and maverick person. If he had not been forced to help, he would not have fled from the school and turned to the municipal legal aid center as an aid lawyer. Compared with practicing lawyers, aid lawyers cannot make a lot of money, but it has a stable income and does not have to take too much risk, which is suitable for me. Because I have been a teacher for 10 years, with limited personal ability and social experience, and I am more accustomed to the rules and regulations. Therefore, when I first did it, I were often troubled by such problems: some committed serious crimes such as murder and drug trafficking, which were evil and heinous, and were despised and abandoned by his family and friends. At this time, the aid lawyer came out to "speak" for him, if perfunctory, the trial through, will bear the criticism of incompetence and inaction; however, if really more effective, use his expertise to reduce their guilt, its role as an accomplice, and will be condemned by the families of victims and some of the society. I certainly can't respond perfunctorily. After 10 years of teaching, I have already developed the habit of doing things seriously. Slow, of course, slow also find the reason of relief: even heinous sinners, also has its can pain poor, in, the loss of personal freedom, by public criticism, accept severe trial, maintain its rights, and, make its punishment within the law, is also a necessary system of civilized society

DESIGN It is also a civilized symbol of this system.

Another important job of assisting lawyers is to provide legal help to those who live in poverty and suffer unfair treatment, in order to balance the moral obsession of "helping the bad guys", which I do

Be very devoted to the work, spare no effort.Cold, flame, fire

This evening, I was alone in the office drafting a defense letter. This is an intentional homicide case, the defendant Sun Liqin, 23, female, was sentenced to death for intentional homicide in the first instance. After I served as the defender of the second instance, after carefully reading the papers and meeting the parties, I found a new evidence Proof of abortion, when the party is in custody for murder. I believe, my client A young woman who brutally murdered her lover's daughter —— might escape death because of my excellent job. Although she is so young, she had no criminal record, and gave her a chance by murder or by chance. However, there was another voice of protest, which told me about the result of the woman who had been killed

Child, and her mother, who was on the verge of a mental breakdown, was obviously unfair.

There was a quiet in the office, colleagues had left one after another, it was late, the night light of the city outside the window began to reflect the sky, a night full of desire and temptation came quietly coming. I bowed my head and put up the papers on my table, ready to leave. Suddenly, the office door was pushed open. There was no one seen across the desk. I slowly stood up, and saw a middle-aged man, his body lying horizontally in the glass door

On the ground, hands to try to stand up, gray green face as terrible.

"Qiu Yuchen lawyer, hello, I come to beg you —— justice."The man whispered, trying

Squeeze out a smile, as if trying to make his face become less scary.

I walked over and looked down and asked, " Justice?fine! But you have to sit up first.

I pulled up a chair and put it up in front of him.

The visitor looked at me, then stood up neatly and sat down in a chair. I went back to the table and sat down,

Look at him and waiting for him to speak. The visitor smiled a little embarrassed, and began to introduce himself.

The person claimed to be Zhao Bingxin, the city, suffering from renal failure, 6 months ago, after a long wait, in the provincial medical university general hospital will be a young kidney transplant into the body. Postoperative recovery was good, and in vivo rejection was effectively suppressed. In order to facilitate his family to take care of him, he was transferred to the third hospital of C City with the doctor's consent. Because the hospital doctors suddenly changed the anti-rejection drug, the new anti-rejection drug effect is suspicious, resulting in a sudden enhancement of the rejection reaction in the body, serious damage to the new kidney. After a week of high fever, urine output began to decrease significantly, and the implanted kidney was enlarged, painful,

Finally, the doctor judged the new kidney necrosis, and he had to resume the dialysis treatment.

Zhao said he waited nearly three years for a kidney, spent nearly 400,000 yuan and sold the only one· casual visitor ·

The property. Due to the dialysis blood leakage several times, now he can only maintain the frequency of dialysis once a week, the toxin in the body can not be discharged in time, which caused his face so bad, a person, ghost not ghost appearance, often frighten the children around. The doctor said the only way out was to change the kidney again. However, finding the right kidney source is not easy. Besides, he can't afford the huge price. After selling the house, the family of three rented an 8-square-meter shanty at the junction of the suburbs.renew

After dialysis, his wife left him and his 7-year-old daughter and went missing.

"Wenxiu still has to go to school! She is the young pioneers team leader of the school, for me, with tears turned to learn... that suburban school, not even heating in winter!"Zhao Bingxin said, closed his eyes, tears silently from the eyes overflow. He opened his eyes and looked at me silently, full of endless sorrow and despair, like a piece of soaked with a little water


My heart suddenly tightened up. I claimed to read the world of sadness, was endless in his eyes

Sorrow and despair were deterred.Cold, flame, fire

New kidney injury

Zhao Bingxin said that his life is not enough, he wants to return

It's the house for the transplant and the future life for the daughter.

The third hospital began to agree that this problem is anti-rejection drugs, but did not actively hold the drug factory accountable. Later, it was suggested that the possible consequences were individual differences in kidney transplant recipients. Both the hospital and the responsibility of the pharmaceutical factory. So, Zhao plans to ask me to act as an agent to the hospital and the manufacturers of inferior drugs. Zhao Bingxin said that his life is not enough to cherish, he wants

It was the sale of the transplant and the daughter's future livelihood.

I asked him what evidence he had. Zhao Bingxin listened to a Leng, and then sat in the chair straight, said: " Evidence? I am living evidence! Let the judge see my misfortune now, like the cabbage boy face, is not enough to prove that their bad medicine hurt and quack harm people?"See me shake his head without language, his eyes a turn, showing a sly smile:" I found you from the Internet. You are very powerful, do not charge, speak for the poor at the strength —— you know, there are two with

Like an unlucky man, it is also my virtue. You can meet them up.

Zhao Bingxin dug out a brown paper envelope from the shopping bag and filled out a copy

Give me an application for legal aid. He had apparently studied the application process for legal aid.

See me to accept his application, and consider acting for his case, Zhao Bingxin obediently left. As I guess, he can actually walk normally, without what he looks like when he walks in

Is weak.

I have seen a lot of people like Zhao Bingxin, in the scene and play the innocent side

Face, their talent often exceeds that of professional actors. But I know that, on his present terms,· New kidney injury ·

The legal aid center will accept his application for assistance. Whether I like it or not, since I name it

Me, I have no reason to refuse. Although it is probably a very difficult legal case.

I left the materials brought by Zhao Bingxin, which recorded his so-called medical malpractice. In the next few days, in my spare time, I studied his case and the kidney transplant

professional knowledge.

In general, kidney transplantation is considered only by those who have severe kidney failure and need dialysis, and must be matched. If a matching kidney is found, the transplant goes well, and then the body rejection problem will be solved. Because the new kidney is like a foreign guest, to the strange space, hard to avoid the soil. The main means of anti-rejection is to take it regularly

Make exclusive drugs.

The drug Zhao took to inhibit rejection was originally said to be A capsule called cyclosporine A (CsA), which worked well, and then took a new cyclosporine called Xinshan Ming. Shortly after the dressing change, his body rejection began to appear abnormal. I looked it up online, and clinical trials showed that neocysporin (Xinshan) significantly reduced the risk of acute rejection than CsA. In this way, switching to the drugs is no problem. If the case is handled, it must be proved that Zhao Bingxin's new kidney damage is indeed caused by the sudden enhancement of rejection in the body, and then find out the cause of the enhancement of rejection (such as the failure of anti-rejection drugs), so as to accuse the drug factory and the hospital of being significant


The other two victims Zhao said, one named Chu Xingbo and the other named Chang Siyuan. Chu Xingbo, whose parents were laid off and ran a small restaurant, spent most of their savings for his son; Chang Siyuan, an electric welder, had the kidney replacement provided by his sister. Almost all of them were transferred to the third hospital of the provincial medical university, a month before, due to abnormal rejection

And it damaged the new kidney.

Soon, Zhao Bingxin called and asked me to his home with two other patients, Chu Xingbo and Chang Si

Source meeting. I promised to go there on time.

Zhao bingxin's home is located in a low bungalow on the edge of the canal. Because the alley was too narrow, I parked my car far away on the road outside the residential area, and then walked 300 meters to Zhao's home.open

The door was a little girl, short and thin, who looked only five or six years old. She is ZhaoCold, flame, fire

Bing Xin's daughter Wenxiu. Probably heard that I was coming, the girl's eyes were timid, revealing some kind of

Expectation reminds people of how young animals are eager to protect themselves when they are threatened by life.

A double bed took two-thirds of the room, a two-thirds hanging in the middle of the roof, an energy-saving lamp on the side of the door, and a dish of pickles leaning on the wall

Bottle of hot sauce, the rest of the pencil box, books. The girl was probably there before I came in

do the homework.

There was no fire in the house, and the winter sun came in from the window about the size of a 19-inch computer monitor to the south, filtered, and made the room even more damp and cold. The girl was wearing a blue school uniform and a thin long Johns inside. I knew Zhao Bingxin had a daughter, so I bought a little cake and cookies in a plastic bag. She smiled at the girl, and I handed it over to her. Probably because her father was not at home, the girl was afraid to pick her up. At this time, zhao Bingxin's voice came outside: " Daughter, dad back

Here we go!· donate kidney to save brother

donate kidney to save brother

Female college student Chang Sihan donated a kidney for his elder brother, the new kidney was damaged, thought

Han sad.

Zhao Bingxin came into the house and handed a set of large pancake scrambled eggs to his daughter. The girl took it over, pulled open the plastic bag, and ate it up. It was already after two o'clock in the afternoon, and the girl came back from school

Here, there's no lunch yet.

"Drink some water and send it away. Eat slowly. But I have starved my daughter. Dad forgot the school this afternoon

No class."Zhao Bingxin said lovingly, turned to greet the outside often Siyuan in.

Originally he went to the hospital in the morning, came back late, on the roadside often think of the source. After Chang Siyuan came in, the house was too full, so Zhao Bingxin asked his daughter to go outside first. The girl nodded sensibly, but took out a small red book from the bag and pulled her father aside to show him. Zhao Bingxin saw after a happy smile, patted her daughter's head, let her go out. Then tell us, my daughter midterm exam

First place in the class again.

The room was damp and cold, and after I stayed for a long time, I felt like I was immersed in ice water. I kept walking there, or I felt my feet like frozen wood. Seeing my appearance, Zhao Bingxin smiled apologetically and said, " I will light the stove immediately. The baby won't make a fire, and I can't let her fight it. In fact, not to the " Sanjiu'on the big frozen day. We are used to it, you are the king, not with us

the same."Then he turned around and said," Lawyer Qiu, this brother is Chang Siyuan.

Chang Siyuan held out his hand to me from behind Zhao Bingxin. Compared with Zhao Bingxin, Chang Siyuan's condition looks much better. He was wearing a knee-high black cold suit and a gray cotton wool hat.

Although his hands were weak and pale, he was well taken care of.Cold, flame, fire

"What about another brother, that Chu Xingbo?"I asked.

"Cough, cough! The child is not coming. Originally had agreed, but this morning, his parents took his paralyzed grandmother to kill to the hospital, vowed not to give the night on the floor to sleep

In the outpatient hall.

"That's it?"I was a little surprised. It has not yet determined the real cause of the accident, if it belongs to the quality of the anti-rejection drug, the responsibility is in the drug factory, in this attitude with the hospital, and

Not very good.

"We don't want to do that, lawyer Autumn. We are a cultured person. Newspaper radio is not always said, rights to be rational and legal, go to normal channels."Said Zhao Bingxin. I know Zhao Bingxin is here

Before the post, once when the unit of the trade union cadres.

At this time, Chang Siyuan, who had not spoken, said: " Lawyer Qiu, originally, when Lao Zhao talked about inviting you, I hesitated and discussed with my sister, but she did not agree. She said the hospital's attitude is good, has promised to find out the reason, but also free to give us do dialysis. She asked me to trust the hospital before the final conclusion came out. But, I thought, this time I could not listen to her. To tell the truth, I can have today, all rely on this sister: she gave me a kidney, lost their own body, but so unexplained to defeat. I don't want to drag her down any more. If you can negotiate on our behalf, we will appreciate you all our lives. We have no money now, the kidneys have emptied us and our families, no more sell except for people. Only when you win the lawsuit will you be paid.

In saying so, Chang Siyuan showed an apologetic smile on his face.

I shook my head and told them that they would not pay nothing if they met the law.

Chang Siyuan nodded gratefully. The media in the provincial capital once reported the story of Chang Siyuan's sister donating her kidney to her brother. I specially found it out and read it again two days ago. Combined with reports and Zhao Bingxin

I have some understanding of this brother and sister.

Chang Siyuan, 31, and his sister, Chang Sihan, 23, were born in an ordinary farmer's family in the outskirts of C City. His parents are sick, and Chang Siyuan took care of his sister since childhood. At the age of 16, Chang Siyuan gave up the opportunity to go to high school and went out to work to support his family. Before working said to his sister, go to college is his dream, let the sister

Sister good refueling, for him to realize his dream, he will earn money for her.

In May of the same year, before Chang Sihan graduated from university, his brother was diagnosed with uremia. At that time, Chang Si· donate kidney to save brother

Han has been favored by a foreign trade company, with a monthly salary of more than 5,000 yuan. But she gave up and donated her kidney to her brother. Chang Sihan and her parents took out all the family's savings, and borrowed money everywhere to scrape together the operation costs, and did a kidney transplant in the General Hospital of the Provincial Medical University. The operation was very successful. In order to save money, often

Siyuan returned to C city care, who knows soon his kidney was damaged again.

However, Chang Sihan is very strong. She told her brother that although she could not donate her kidney to him, she could find a new kidney for her brother and raise the money she needed. Brother understand, sister is a student just out of the university campus, can have what way to raise the money needed for kidney replacement? Later, he heard that there was a online selling "first night" for his brother's medical treatment, although not sure that his sister issued, but very worried, even if he was immediately dead, also to prevent his sister from doing that

affair. There was a reason for his eagerness to find me.Cold, flame, fire

legal aid

Zhao Bingxin said that the daughter's biggest wish is to redeem the house, back

Go to a school in the city.

Seeing Zhao Bingxin's daughter Wenxiu standing alone in the yard, shivering in the cold early winter wind, I said to Zhao Bingxin: " Please call the child in, she will be

Frozen bad.

Zhao Bingxin looked at me, blinked, quickly opened the door and shouted, " Wenxiu, uncle let you in."After the girl came in, Zhao Bingxin looked at the paper bag I put on the small table, took out a piece of cake wrapped in the paper box, and handed it with guilt to his daughter:" Here, uncle bought it. You haven't eaten, don't look at such a small piece, can buy several sets of big pancake scrambled eggs. The uncle will help my father to find the hospital to ask for money, with the money, you can redeem the house to move back to the city, you also on the original

School, but also when the captain. Thank you uncle.

"Thank you uncle."Said the child, taking a bite of the cake and a white cream on the tip of his nose. Zhao helped her clean, found the white plastic fork from the bag and handed it to her."good to eat. Dad also eat."The girl said as she took the fork, ignoring our presence, to fork a piece of cake

To dad's mouth.

Zhao Bingxin had to swallow it and said repeatedly: " This boy! This child!

"I will go back to ask about the approval, and I think it will be approved soon.in the meantime,

I'll start with some preliminary research."I said.

Zhao Bingxin and others listened to this, with a happy smile on their face. I remind them, fight the legal advocate

To see the evidence, I hope they immediately start to prepare, as soon as possible the doctor list of drugs, drug samples, diagnosis· legal aid ·

Evidence and other material evidence were collected and provided to me.

Zhao Bingxin said that initially thought that the failure of anti-rejection drugs may be a quality problem of the drug, and the hospital has little interest, at the same time, expect to get the support of the hospital, together with the drug factory to launch negotiations, so, the hand of the new cyclosporin and so on to the hospital. As for other auxiliary drugs, he remembered a drug with the logo of "Little Red Riding Hood" on the outer box, which was taken once every morning, middle and evening. The doctor said that it was anti-infection and increased anti-rejection effect after surgery, but he did not have it in his hands. Zhao Bingxin reminded

I will definitely go to the hospital to find out their medication records.

I shook my head and said I could not count on the hospital. Chang Siyuan thought for a while and went back to ask her sister, " She is more careful than I have, and specially found a book to take the name, dosage and dosage of the medicine every day

Time and written on it. In addition, she may have a little medicine in her hand.

After learning that their new kidney was damaged, the General Hospital of the Medical University had a special review consultation for them, but the results did not come out. I want them to ask the general hospital of the consultation immediately. Chang Siyuan said can, said if got immediately inform me. As if the third hospital side is also concerned

In waiting for this conclusion.

I asked about the details of the hospital, who received them. When Zhao Bingxin heard this, his gray face poured into a faint blush. He angrily said angrily that the attending doctor is the deputy director of the kidney transplant surgery department, named Li Qianjun, or a professor of medical university, a pair of experts, full of profound nouns, but with selling dog skin plaster. Another is the minister of justice, this person is more hateful, for the cause of kidney damage, first said that anti-rejection drugs have problems, and said that their physical differences caused by, and then said what kidney source discomfort. In short, the hospital does not have any responsibility, if given a little compensation, it is also out of good faith and pity, and the amount, he believes, will not exceed 10,000. Chu Xingbo's cousin was too angry to fan him several times. Then there came an assistant dean, and the attitude was good. Chang Siyuan said the legal minister named Zhou Jitong, more than 40 years old, old river's lake, not easy to deal with. The assistant dean is named Peng Jiayue, in his early thirties. He looks sincere and a little compassionate. Chang Siyuan suggested that I see it first

this man.

I crossed my hands, placed them on my chest, and then hung them back to the sides of my legs.

Chang Siyuan looked at me and said, " I will say hello to him. If not, let Sihan go

try to persuade. He met with you.Cold, flame, fire

Seeing Chang Siyuan is so confident, let me guess that Peng Jiayue and his sister Chang Sihan are

What is a kind of relationship.

I declined his kindness, saying that I had dealt with both Peng Jiayue and Zhou Ji, and wanted to meet them

It's not hard.

I'm ready to leave. At this time Zhao Bingxin had lit the stove, the room is warm, I do not know why

When the girl son Wenxiu climbed into bed, curled up, fell asleep like a quiet cat.

After this conversation, I called Zhao Bingxin on the phone and told him that the center had approved legal aid to them. We have a contract and ask him to find time. Zhao Bingxin listened to very happy, and then said, after Chu Xingbo, Chang Siyuan was also taken back to the hospital care. His last body

Also very bad, also want to go to the hospital. I told him until I met Peng Jiayue.· "Bow up and tie good friends".

"Bow bow tie good friend"

Peng Jiayue looks very young, with an oil painting in it

Beautiful angelic face, perfect, delicate, flawless.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, I came to a small western-style house by the canal. Outside the building planted a few tall Indus, summer thick branches and leaves of the sun, now the leaves fell out, leaving only bare

The branches swayed with the north wind. There is a sign hanging at the door of the small building: Sihui Seafood Mansion.

This is a Chinese restaurant with good taste, which was rebuilt from the residence of a qing Dynasty old man in the early 20th century. The owner is a friend of mine, who often asks me to handle some matters involving the law

The reward is to encourage me to bring my guests here to eat and drink for free.

Into the door, the duty manager Fang fang smiled to greet me, led me up to the second floor, came to a guest's table: the store only he alone occupied a table, the table a cup of freshly brewed tea, hot rising, tea curl, gyro like leaf buds dancing in the cup. The guests stared

Tea cup out of mind.

Seeing me coming, the guest stood up, nodded to me, smiled gently, and held out his hand to me. I immediately took his hand, looked into his eyes, and returned it with a smile. He recognized it

I, I also recognized him, he is the third hospital of the president of the assistant Peng Jiayue.

A few years ago, I was transferred to the "legal aid center" as an aid lawyer soon, once represented a migrant worker's injury case. At that time, the migrant worker fell from the sixth floor and injured the spleen. The foreman sent him to an unlicensed hospital for simple treatment and then sent him back to the shed, no longer ignored. He has no money for medical treatment, to find the judicial bureau of the letters and visits office to request to solve. I was ordered to administer legal aid to him. First find Peng Jiayue, hope

Hope the hospital to him first treatment, the cost to be paid after the labor unit compensation. He was still in medical treatmentCold-flame · fire

Office of responsible, very enthusiastic, after asking the dean said can consider. But things eventually got stuck in the hospital

ministry of law. I had to find another way to take the wounded to another hospital.

Peng Jiayue looks very young, with a beautiful angel face in oil painting, perfect, delicate, flawless, take off the gray hooded coat, wearing a white red shirt, with wine red pants, well set off his wide shoulders, waist, thin legs, long and strong figure, looks more like one

Sports college student, not the head of a general hospital.

I know Peng Jiayue likes sports and loves archery, and also participated in an online contest called " Sky Arrow

Alliance " organization, so arrange the food and wine, then as the beginning of the conversation.

"Have you been busy lately? Do you still go to practice arrows?"I asked with a smile." You know, before, I thought of you so often

Take time to the suburbs, 'bow knot friend archery to repair the heart', my heart is particularly envy!

"I haven't been there in a long time."Peng Jiayue shook his head and sighed," to practice arrows need plenty of time, more need leisure and calm. In ancient China, archery was regarded as one of the skills of 'six gentlemen', shooting to observe virtue and shooting to cultivate heart. Now, those of us who are trapped in real difficulties need even more cultivation and nourishment. Unfortunately, "said, he looked up at me," Lawyer Qiu is tall and healthy, slender limbs, it is quite suitable for riding and shooting. If you really have the mood, everyone can squeeze when

Get together.

"That's great. Just, like me such a small lawyer, usually want to find time to run, often difficult to insist. Jiayue old brother so young when the region's largest general hospital

Dean, the responsibility is great, of course, more difficult to separate.

"You'll come less."He said impatiently, in a very straightforward tone," in the Third Hospital of the Medical University, president Li Hongfang is at the helm, I am just one of his assistants, in my major, to help to deal with some

Just miscellaneous business.

"Now the conflict between doctors and patients is so acute, dealing with medical disputes is not a miscellaneous affair. It is old

My brother is a little self-deprecating."I immediately took his words and introduced the conversation to the subject.

"You are not wrong. Sometimes I find myself like a frog trapped in a pot, cooked a little bit, but I don't feel."Peng Jiayue shook his head, expressing infinite distress, and with a bit of self-mockery," Well, tell me what you want to talk about. Also, the last thing

I'm terribly sorry.· "Bow tie and good friend" ·

"No matter, don't mention it —— I want to discuss the problem is, in your postoperative maintenance Zhao Bingxin three kidney patients, they seem to be your' recall ', now, xing' recall ', Toyota recall, BMW recall, the third hospital kidney patients also recalled. I want to know, why three patients in kidney transplant soon, almost at the same time

An abnormal rejection reaction has occurred? What is your professional analysis of their symptoms?

"You care about it!"He was a little surprised and straightened up." Now, you are for him

Do your lawyers come to talk to me?

"I am ready to accept Zhao Bingxin's commission."I looked up at him and told him the truth.

"That's it! Should I be more careful?"Peng Jiayue calmly asked, and the expression on his face is more relaxed."The situation about the medical accident is so complicated that it is hard to say it in a few words. Besides, I'm not an expert in a kidney transplant, either. So —— you only when to me

It's about personal thoughts.

The waiter also brought me a cup of tea and put it on the table in front of me."fine. We are friends

Friends chat, open up."I said falsely.

Peng Jiayue smiled and shook his head, see through my dishonesty, but also did not care too much. I also

He laughed along and had a crush on the young assistant dean.Cold, flame, fire

"Recall" patients

I asked, " Why did all three patients have a physical rejection reaction shortly after the doctor changed the anti-rejection drugs

Often phenomenon. Can this be explained by 'coincidence'?

Peng Jiayue said: " It is not clear what caused the abnormal rejection reaction in the human body, and it is not certain that the abnormal rejection reaction damaged the new kidney. Kidney transplantation is limited by many conditions. Generally speaking, the recipient is a young adult, in good physical condition, HLA is excellent human leukocyte antigen matching type, the donor is young, died from brain trauma, body weight and body surface area is about equal to or greater than the recipient, meet these conditions, the transplant is easy to succeed. As far as I know, at least Zhao Bingxin and Chu Xingbo are not said to fully meet the above requirements. In addition, I want to tell you that there was a fourth patient who received kidney transplant care in our hospital. She received the same care and took the same anti-rejection drugs, but her rejection response was very low and her urine volume was stable and normal.this

An 'exception', of course, also needs to find out a reasonable explanation.

"You put Chang Siyuan and others 'recall' the hospital review, just for this purpose?"I asked,

Cross your hands and place them on the table.

"We are professionals, please believe that we want to figure out what causes the new kidney necrosis. One of the purposes of inviting Chang Siyuan and others back is like this. It's not a recall. The metaphor you started doesn't fit well. Human organ problems are much more complicated than car machines. Believe me, once the review is clear, if it is a medical error or even medical malpractice, we will take responsibility. Medical science is to overcome all kinds of difficulties and puzzles

ascensive.· "Recall" the patients ·

"That's certainly what I expected, too. However, do you think that if hospitals have problems in treatment and care, what might they be?"I asked casually. He leaned back to the chair, his hands

Loosen it and rest on the edge of the table.

Peng Jiayue thought carefully for a moment, " I'm still analyzing. I can't say no. It's not good for now


"Is it inappropriate? Is the quality of anti-rejection drugs reliable?"I asked, trying to keep it flat."As you just said, kidney transplantation is a complex medical project that fails for a variety of reasons. Such as the kidney source body discomfort, the recipient's personal body differences and so on. However, why all three patients occurred shortly after the doctor changed the anti-rejection drugs

The problem of an abnormal reaction. Can this be explained by 'coincidence'?

"We also suspect that the new drug is flawed. However, after a preliminary examination, the anti-rejection drugs used

No obvious problems were found with the neocyclosporine. More authoritative conclusions require professional expertise.

"They mentioned a postoperative conditioner with a little red riding hood logo, but if you've checked it,

Is it a side effect of this type of drug?"I asked casually.

"Little Red Riding Hood?"Peng Jiayue listened to, the language with alert."They did take a variety of drugs after surgery

Things, can be according to the specific condition needs, will not be its reason.

He was very cautious. For a moment, I felt his eyes be wandering

I avoided my eyes. But I don't have much evidence in my hands, so I have to change the subject.

"At this point, Dr. Peng, please allow me to say some more words. As we all know, doctors in China have always been known for being sincere and helping the world. Globally, being a medical worker is a noble profession. On the back of the Nightingale Medal, the world's highest nursing award, there is the praise of "The true meaning of humanity and compassion". Human nature and conscience are the cornerstone of public trust and respect for this work. Only in this way can patients safely trust their lives. You just said wrong, often sincere, I fully understand. But I am more sympathetic to my clients, who have lived a very hard life and the situation is more miserable. I hope the hospital can do what you said, seek truth from facts, and finally give one

A reasonable explanation.

I say the magnificent, but also only according to the lessons prepared in advance. Who knows Peng Jia

Yue listened to but some excited, his face slightly rose red.Cold, flame, fire

"Well, you said. I admit that at present, doctors and hospitals, sometimes do not do well enough, resulting in distrust of patients. I assure you, although I am still young and young in the hospital, as a doctor, I will always maintain a professional and academic position and try to find out the truth. This is one aspect. On the other hand, I may not be quite what you think, I think the more important thing now is to solve the problem. They are the most sad is that the new kidney transplant died, but, you no matter how sad sad, with the hospital, the doctor to fight, also can not change such a reality, so, should consider how to try to change the kidney, this just

Is the fundamental solution to the problem.

I nodded in agreement, raising my eyebrows at him, " But how?

Peng Jiayue swallowed, and said: " Although the current domestic kidney source is very tight, we can still think of some ways. Our hospital is small, narrow channels, you can ask the General Hospital of the Medical University to help, at least let them queue first, maybe they will wait for the appropriate match. There are some other paths

Path, although not too solid, but also want to try. This stalemate is not the way.

It was my first meeting with him. We ate Sihui's specialty, peony shrimp balls and sweet and sour yellow croaker, and drank a little white wine. I proposed that Zhao Bingxin also wanted to be admitted to the hospital, at least temporarily after this winter. Peng Jiayue agreed to consider it. He finally said that the hospital, will face the new cyclosporine identification, combined with the general hospital of the patient consultation results, to find out the true original of the accident

follow. And actively looking for new kidney sources.

Soon after we met, Zhao Bingxin told me that the hospital informed him to return to the hospital for review.· "Fairy sister".

"Fairy sister"

"This girl is very nice. But we are not in that case, and

And, at such a sensitive time, and the patient's family members fall in love, spread out

Go would be considered a problem here."Peng Jiayue knocked on it with her index finger

Head, and then start it with a hearty smile.

After that, I was busy with the intentional homicide case. I attended the trial of the provincial capital, communicated with the court and the public prosecutor, presented new evidence to the court, quoted the relevant judicial interpretation of the Supreme Court, and made every possible effort to state that the induction of labor during detention was like pregnancy, and the person involved was not suitable for the death penalty. During this period, I received a drunk traffic accident case: a township cadre drunk driving hit a boy to escape,

A day later to the traffic team surrendered.

Zhao Bingxin was admitted to the Third Hospital of the Medical University. He called me to thank me. I said no thanks, but I said the truth. From the agent's point of view, keeping him in the hospital put some pressure on the hospital and helped to strengthen my negotiating position. I asked for the diagnosis from the general hospital of the medical university, and he said he hadn't got it yet. This made me feel a little time, just let the case at hand to go to his case. I was a little surprised to receive a phone call from Peng Jiayue, who asked me to meet at a restaurant called Canal Gu Gu the next night. I thought he would tell me what was going, but after meeting, I realized that today's dinner was just a return for my last reception. I was a little upset, but I was more positive about his character

The recognition of.

I came to the restaurant on time. There are not many guests in the store, only sitting in the compartment near the river

For young men and women. The dining room decoration is simple and practical, and each compartment is separated by fine bamboo curtains.suchCold, flame, fire

Tea restaurants recently opened along the canal, the dishes are mainly Guangdong and Hong Kong flavor, simple and fashionable, quite popular with young hipsters. Peng Jiayue sat in the middle compartment, has ordered the shop's lotus leaf crisp bone fish, Guanyin tea fragrance shrimp and other dishes. Soon after I sat down, Peng Jiayue took out a bottle of red wine and asked the waiter to open it. He told me that he once went to a British medical school to follow an internationally renowned chest specialist

I learned for 8 months. The wine was brought when he returned home.

I asked Zhao Bingxin and others in the hospital. He told me that there were some unexpected problems, and that he somewhat regretted letting them come back. Originally, Peng Jiayue accepted Chu Xingbo and others to be hospitalized again, originally wanted to release the message of goodwill, in exchange for the rational cooperation of these people, the peaceful solution of the problem. However, these people include Zhao Bingxin, together with their respective families, but presented a kind of psychological state of confidence, the wild price, that the hospital has admitted the loss, they put forward any harsh conditions of the hospital can accept. Some people within the leadership of the third hospital thought that Peng Jiayue was too weak and accommodating in dealing with this matter, and accepting their return raised their psychological expectations and made the solution

This matter became even more difficult. Peng Jiayue has been under a lot of pressure for this.

I sympathize with him and explained that Zhao Bingxin and others are not like muddy people. As long as the hospital shows sincerity, reliable evidence and puts forward reasonable conditions, he would accept it. Hearing this, Peng Jiayue shook her head heavily. I asked, how did his active search for a kidney go? Peng Jiayue spread out with his hands, avoided my eyes, and did not answer. I can see it's not going well. He's doing well now

Difficult, to the heart of how to solve the matter.

Silence for a moment, Peng Jiayue said that ready to move Chu Xingbo and others from the ordinary ward, arranged to a quiet place, so as not to affect the normal order of other patients and the hospital. Let everyone at the same time

Calm down emotionally. I gave no opinion.

The waiter got the permission and began to pour the wine and cloth dishes. Peng Jiayue raised a glass with me, with infinite emotion, said: " the wine is good, drink a little more —— for a better life."Will the cup

A drink is left out of wine.

Peng Jiayue said, in fact, things are bad in Chu Xingbo's mother, this person has no culture, lack of rationality. Everyone else can do it, especially the Chang siblings. If you owe it, the hospital owes it the most

Is they. He gave no specific explanation.

Remembering what Chang Siyuan had said, I asked somewhat jokingly: " I heard that this girl is special"Fairy sister".

Don't be beautiful, like the fairy sister in Jin Yong's novels, do you have a little call?

"This girl is very nice. But we are not the case, and, when so sensitive, falling in love with the patient's family, it will be considered a problem here."He tapped his head with his forefinger,

Then he laughed brightly. " Don't get me wrong.

Peng said he felt more respect to the girl, who donated his kidney to his brother

Heavy, not covet its beauty.

"A little salivate also not too much, after all are a man, if it is me, can have such a charming blessing

Never miss the……

"Really not... many times I just feel bad for her and owe her too much to pay back.

"So do you think so? This medical malpractice —— of course has not been finally confirmed now, gu

What does —— have to do with you?

"This is my hospital, and certainly it has something to do with me. For good or bad, I have a part of what happens in the hospital. I want to find out the real cause and make up the fault —— if the mistake really comes on us. More importantly, do not let the same tragedy happen again. They make trouble

No, but they are also very poor, their lives are ruined.

He gave a long sigh and raised his glass. I nodded and touched the glass with him hard. That night, we talked very happily. Peng Jiayue told me that he had lost his parents and grew up with his aunts and uncles. Living dependent on others made him form a sensitive and gentle character. This, master after reading to the provincial general hospital, all the way over. However, three years ago, in an accident for a female patient, the patient died on the spot. The accident ruined his future in the provincial Medical University General Hospital. President Li Hongfang showed pity for the talent and transferred him to the third hospital of the medical university, so that his life and career were back on the right track. And specially cultivated him, let him go to Britain to study, in the professional side

The face has made a qualitative leap. He was filled with gratitude.

Peng Jiayue asked me about my special experiences and feelings as an aid lawyer. For example, do I often meet the defendants in my cell; what do I feel when I defend the worst murderer? Whether because of my defense error, such as improper use of strategy, insufficient energy input, and so on, the party suffered undue punishment or even the death penalty, and at this time

Wait, the heart will not feel uncomfortable and guilty?Cold, flame, fire

He asked these questions with his eyes fixed on me, taking them very seriously. At the time, I thought it was not good enough

Is the curiosity of an ordinary person, and did not think deeply.

We all drank a lot of wine, and Peng Jiayue walked a little shaking as she left. I asked if I wanted to give him it away. He waved at me, telling me that he would take me to the countryside to shoot arrows, promised to send me a bow he made himself and get into a taxi. Before the car started, he rolled down the glass and put his head out, and said forcefully, " Happy. Next time we find you, we hit it off, all the way

Man... " said also hard patted the chest.

Looking at the taxi far away, my heart suddenly surged up a moved.· Accidentally lost contact with ·

Accidental lost contact

An explosion occurred at the third hospital. I'll find out

Name of the dead or injured. At the same time, began to constantly give Zhao Bingxin

And Peng Jiayue call, all are unable to connect to the sound.

A busy week went by again. This morning, I received a phone call from the chief judge of the first criminal court of the provincial High Court, telling me that the high Court had considered my defense opinion and asked me to talk about it again. The killing woman may change the death sentence with a two-year reprieve. I breathed a long sigh of relief. Just trying to tell the news to the mother, the phone rang. The caller was a stranger, in a deep and weird voice. He congratulated me on selling my humanity for a murderous madman. He said I must have not seen a picture of the killed girl, otherwise, how would I have tried to defend such a unscrupulous murderer. Then the phone was silent over there. I was hesitating, a burst of crying in the microphone, terror and despair, I had to take the microphone away. Soon, the cold male voice appeared again, " Have you already guessed that this is the victim's mother

parent? Her cry may not move you, either?

I just hung up on the phone.

As for lawyers, this situation is inevitable, and generally speaking, I am not disturbed by it, both physically and mentally. This time, however, it seemed a little unusual, and about the woman's cry was so sad that it touched a button in my heart. It is at this moment, I do not know why, I suddenly thought of Zhao Bingxin and his daughter Wenxiu, very want to know how they lived during this period of time. I am ready to deal with Zhao Bingxin's case immediately, and decided to surf the Internet

Buy a set of thermal underwear for Zhao Wenxiu.

