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Commercial Dispute Resolution in China - ebook

Data wydania:
17 września 2020
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Commercial Dispute Resolution in China - ebook

In 2019, the world economic slowdown already under way reflected common influence across the countries. The cyclical and structural slowdowns in China have fueled disputes in the marketplace and thus created a rising number in the statistics of commercial dispute resolution in China. Many developments in the field of arbitration and mediation mark the milestones of building the rule-based practice. Some of these developments have already brought positive effects in the dispute resolution industry amid the slowing down economy. To present an insightful understanding of the developments of commercial dispute resolution in China, the Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Center (hereinafter referred to as the "BAC/BIAC") continuingly invites experts to author 12 chapters of this book, namely, the chapters on commercial arbitration, commercial mediation, construction, real estate, energy, international trade, investment, finance, intellectual property, civil aviation, entertainment, and sports.

The impact of economic slowdown also projects profound changes in each different specialized sector. More detailed and targeted legislation and regulations have emerged in 2019 as the response to the changing climate of the business environment. 

In this book, experts from the front line gathered and wrote each chapter as the reflection of their first-hand experience on the overview, updates of legislation and regulation, case studies, debated issues, and outlook of the industries. It is the eighth edition of the Annual Review and Preview of the Commercial Dispute Resolution in China. In this edition, for the first time, experts from in-and-out China co-authored one of the chapters, i.e.., the chapter on sport, which is a new creation of this book. The authors of this new chapter examine the Chinese legislation, regulation, and cases in the field of sport from different perspectives. For example, the athlete Yang Sun’s arbitration case has been debriefed and may help readers gain the pulse of the dispute resolution of sport in China.

In general, the book presents to all stakeholders a reference of the commercial dispute resolution in China and unlocks intricacies of each different sectors. This book endeavors to record the development of rules, leading cases, and the pulse of the field. By reading this book, practitioners will understand what to look for when solving commercial disputes in China.

Kategoria: Business
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-988-79357-6-6
Rozmiar pliku: 12 MB

