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Compounding, The Wizard of Wealth Building - ebook

Data wydania:
9 czerwca 2021
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Compounding, The Wizard of Wealth Building - ebook

Quotes from Editorial Revew by BOOKLIFE REVIEWS:

"Novice and seasoned investors looking to capitalize their investments will find this in-depth guide eye-opening and inspiring".

"Engineer and real estate investor Sebastian walks readers through the complexities of compounding, the exponential growth of money, and how to use the mathematical phenomena to generate wealth in this exhaustive financial guide. With simple language, relatable anecdotes, and an abundance of revealing charts to illustrate complex financial concepts, Sebastian thoroughly examines the fundamentals of compounding, while laying out for the average reader practical steps to making the compounding techniques of the wealthy work for everyone."

Book Description:

This book is a treasure trove of mathematical secrets and insights that will help every reader to build wealth many times bigger and faster irrespective of whether the reader is a Ph.D. holder or a high school drop-out.

The book is about 77,200 words and 70 graphical and tabular images in size.

In this book you will discover how immense wealth gets created in a complex 4D world in which simple 2D arithmetical rules do not apply.

In the 4D world of wealth building, a 1% yield rate can have more value than 20%, a 1% yield rate can have 200x times more value than another 1%, a 20% yield rate can be 4x10%, and so on.

A fool’s paradise: discover the paradox of how mathematical laws stealthily make tax evaders lose more money than they save on taxes.

Differential interest rates: discover how banks make more money for themselves with your deposit than they let you make for yourself, and how you can play the same game for your own benefit.

Borrowing to invest: learn how all Billionaires got there using borrowed money and how you can do the same too.

The Goldmine of foreign stock markets: discover how investing in some foreign stock markets can increase your net worth many-folds compared to your domestic market.

Tax Drag: discover how 90% of your potential wealth may stealthily be drained out of your pocket through Tax Drag while your nominal tax rate may be only 20%.

Deferred tax: discover how investments with deferred tax instead of yearly tax will take you to millionairedom several times faster and how the government is also an equal loser with the yearly income tax system.

An uncomfortable truth: learn how irrefutable mathematical laws always make wealth flow from bottom to top, from poor to rich, causing an exponentially growing wealth gap between rich and poor, making it a natural phenomenon unless governments intervene using tax measures.

Learn what it will take in initial investment, yield rate, and time to accumulate a net worth of $1 million or $1 Billion, and what the Influence of each of them will be on your net worth in 10, 30, or more years.

Learn which of the ten traditional investment categories will give you the highest net returns and what returns you can expect from each.

Learn why percentages of anything can be utterly misleading, and you should base all your decisions also on actual amounts.

Learn how to calculate all investment results, such as amounts of return, net worth, tax drag, etc., in a simple way using pre-calculated matrix tables provided in this book.

Get introduced to "Yieldometer," a software program developed by the author to compute all investment results automatically.

The author is an engineer with two Master’s degrees and an MBA in International Trade & Finance, and broad experience in government, MNCs in different continents and as an entrepreneur.

This book is an extract of three decades of accumulated wisdom, numerous calculations, and curiosity-driven research by the author.

This book is an international edition. The content applies equally to any country and currency in the world.

Complex words and mathematical formulas are avoided in this book. Much of the numerical information carried in this book is presented in a tabular or graphical format in order to facilitate quick and easy at-a-glance comprehension.

This book is built on mathematical fundamentals and is therefore timeless with eternal validity and no expiry date.

Kategoria: Finance
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 978-90-831203-1-7
Rozmiar pliku: 20 MB

