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Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for intermediate users - ebook

Data wydania:
4 kwietnia 2023
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Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for intermediate users - ebook

The book: Computer networks in packet tracer for intermediate users is designed for people who want to expand their skills and knowledge in the field of managing LAN and WAN networks. The reader finds here descriptions and practical exercises on configuring CISCO devices. It is a continuation of the first book with the same title. The authors have adopted the principle: minimum of theory, maximum of practical examples which will enable the reader to learn how to administer ICT networks in many complex device configurations without the need to purchase expensive CISCO equipment. The content of the book covers the basics of configuring protocols, services and network techniques such as: dynamic routing RIP, EGIRP, OSPF, eBGP, static routing, access control lists VoIP, STP, RS,VTP, FRAME RELAY, PPP, PAP and CHAP authentication RADIUS, NETFLOW, NAT, L2NAT, VPN tuneling. This part also includes configuring multilayer switches 3560-24PS and 3650-24PS. The authors of this book are an intergenerational and interdisciplinary team. Talented student of the Communications School Complex in Gdansk Damian Strojek. His passion is computer networks, and he holds certifications CCNA R&S and CCNA Security. Jerzy Kluczewski, a long-time CISCO CCNA Academy instructor. He already has several book publications to his credit about the Packet Tracer simulator. He gained his experience while working in industry and is currently a lecturer at the Gdansk School of Banking. Translation: a very talented student of applied linguistics at Silesian University in Katowice – Julia Skutela. She has been studying English and Russian to become a professional translator. Eager to expand her knowledge and building a workshop of the translator she has decided to raise up to the challenge of translating the following book into English.

Kategoria: Computer Technology
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 978-83-65645-87-6
Rozmiar pliku: 21 MB


13 ADDRESS TRANSLATION USING L2NAT This chapter describes the L2NAT ( Layer 2 Network Address Translation ) technique and the basics of configuring network address translation using L2NAT.

13.1 Introduction to L2NAT

L2NAT ( Layer 2 Network Address Translation ) allows a unique public IP (global) address to be assigned to an existing private IP address, providing the ability to communicate private subnets with public subnets.

L2NAT supports two translation tables: one stores the translation definitions of private addresses to public (global) addresses, and the other stores the translation definitions of public (global) addresses to private addresses. The translations are defined based on the physical addresses of the end devices.

The limitations of the L2NAT service are as follows:

 Cisco IOS version15.0 (2)EB minimum required,

 only IPv4 addresses can be translated,

 if L2NAT translation is configured for a host, it should not be configured as a DHCP client.


 you must use a switch that includes the L2NAT service (in Packet Tracer, this is the IE 2000 switch),

 you must configure so-called instances that define address translations,

 L2NAT instances must be assigned to an interface or VLAN.

13.2 L2NAT Operating Diagram

Figure 13.1 L2NAT operating diagram.

Assumption: PC1 performs a ping to the global address of PC2. ping

Step-by-step analysis of the L2NAT translation operation:

1 – packet in the direction from PC1 to PC2 before translation

Figure 13.2 Packet from PC1 to PC2 before translation is performed. 2 – Packet in the direction from PC1 to PC2 after translation

Figure 13.3 Packet from PC1 to PC2 after translation.

3 - Return packet in the direction from PC2 to PC1 before translation.

Figure 13.4 Packet from PC2 to PC1 before translation.

4 - Return packet in PC2 to PC1 direction after translation

Figure 13.5 Packet from PC2 to PC1 after translation.

Operations in the direction from PC1 to PC2:

 A frame arrives from the internal network and is to be forwarded to the external network.

 The switch searches the Layer 2 NAT table.

 The Layer 2 NAT table contains an entry that matches the local source address

 inside from host to

 The switch converts the local address to a global address, which is .

 The switch searches the Layer 2 NAT table.

 The Layer 2 NAT table contains an entry that matches the global destination address

 outside from host to

 The switch converts the global address to the local address, which is .

Operations in the direction from PC2 to PC1:

 A frame arrives from the external network and is to be forwarded to the internal network.

 The switch searches the Layer2 NAT table.

 The Layer 2 NAT table contains an entry that matches the local source address

 outside from host to

 The switch converts the local address to a global address, which is .

 The switch searches the Layer2 NAT table.

 The Layer 2 NAT table contains an entry that matches the global destination address.

 inside from host to

 The switch converts the global address to a local address, that is, to .

13.2.1 Example of the Simple L2NAT Configuration

Addressing table

Table 13.1 Addressing table.


Figure 13.6 L2NAT topology.

Configuring a simple topology with L2NAT is done in the following steps. Step 1. Connect two computers to the IE 2000 switch according to the topology. Step 2. Configure the IP addresses of the computers according to the addressing table Step 3. Configure an L2NAT instance named OUTSIDE on the IE 2000 switch. enable

conf t

l2nat instance OUTSIDE

inside from host to outside from host to

Step 4. Assign the OUTSIDE instance to an interface on the IE 2000 interface Gi1/1


Step 5 . Check with the ping command the communication between the computers From the command line of PC1 (global address of PC2), execute: ping

From the command line of PC2 (global address PC1), execute: ping

13.2.2 Handling repeating IP addresses in L2NAT

The following example shows how, using the L2NAT service, you can configure repeating IP addresses (duplicate IP addresses). Here we will use two IE 2000 switches and one 2950 switch.

Addressing table

Table 13.2 Addressing table.

Switch configuration table - Part 1

Table 13.3 Switch configuration table - Part 1.

Switch configuration table – Part 2



Table 13.4 Switch configuration table - Part 2.


Figure 13.7 Network topology.

Configuring the above topology with L2NAT is done in the following steps. Step 1. Connect the devices according to the topology.

Step 2. Configure the IP addresses of the computers according to the addressing table, switch configuration tables (Part 1, 2).

Step 3. Configure the L2NAT service named A-Subnet on the SW-A switch according to the switch configuration table (Part 2).


conf t

l2nat instance A-Subnet

inside from network to mask

outside from host to outside from network to mask

Step 4. Assign the A-Subnet instance to an interface on the SW-A switch. interface Gi 1/1

l2nat A-Subnet

Step 5. Configure the L2NAT service named B-Subnet on switch SW-B according to the switch configuration table (Part 2).


conf t

l2nat instance B-Subnet

inside from network to mask

outside from host to outside from network to mask

outside from network to mask

Step 6 . Assign the B-Subnet instance to an interface on switch SW-B. interface Gi1/1

l2nat B-Subnet

Step 7 . Check that PC-A1  PC-B1, PC-A2  PC-B2, PC-A3  PC-B3, can ping each other.

