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Creating a succesful powerpoint presentation. Tworzenie efektywnych prezentacji w Microsoft Powerpoint - ebook
Creating a succesful powerpoint presentation. Tworzenie efektywnych prezentacji w Microsoft Powerpoint - ebook
Seria kieszonkowych poradników językowo-biznesowych pomoże Ci poszerzyć słownictwo i wiedzę w różnych dziedzinach. Książeczki zawierają tematycznie zgromadzone pojęcia i zagadnienia, a także ich tłumaczenia. Bądź specjalistą w swojej dziedzinie, również w kręgach obcojęzycznych!
Kategoria: | Angielski |
Zabezpieczenie: |
ISBN: | 978-83-64340-23-9 |
Rozmiar pliku: | 314 KB |
In the previous part of our guide, we have established that presenting is more than just displaying slides on a screen. There is no argument that a well-prepared speaker is a backbone of every successful presentation, but if the slideshow itself is boring or visually unattractive, even the best presenters have to struggle to keep their audience interested. In the second part of BEM’s guide to successful presentations we are going to focus more on slide design and we will show you how to create a perfect PowerPoint presentation.
Computer-made slides are ideal for everything from management meetings to academic lectures. Programmers like PowerPoint make running a presentation easy, but there are still some common mistakes that can trip up even the best presenter. Although PowerPoint is the most obvious choice for creating a slideshow, our guidelines can be easily applied to other software like OpenOffice.org or Google Docs.All clear
While the age of the flip chart and transparent foil is well behind us, we have learnt quite a lesson from those days. Every presentation has its message to deliver and the aim of your visual aids is to help you get this message across. Slideshow is only a part of the whole process and reading it aloud is never enough. Ideally, your slides should only represent ideas and brief explanations of the main points, while the rest of the message is supplied by you.
Making your slides look smart
Many of the guidelines that apply to word-processing also work well with PowerPoint presentations. Don’t put too much text on them, and prepare the layout always keeping readability as well as aesthetic appeal in mind. Crammed slides do not look good and lead your audience into reading what’s on the screen rather than listening to you. For you it would mean reading the slide aloud, rather than using it as a visual aid.
When you want to use a downloaded text, be sure to remove the hyperlinks and edit the text so that it matches the colour,
font and size of your presentation.
TIP: Before copying a text from the Internet into your presentation, open a simple text editor (like Notepad in Windows or TextEdit in Mac OS)and paste it there first. This will remove most of the web formatting and unnecessary hyperlinks. Text copied from there will be much easier to adopt.
Words like bullets
Always consider that your audience will be looking at any one slide only for a few minutes so the information it contains has to come across clearly at first glance. A clean slide that emphasizes key points is more effective than the one that contains every word you intend to say. Instead of using long and complex sentences, try turning them into short phrases. Small chunks of text are also acceptable, especially when you are dealing with quotations, but the best thing to do is to organize your message into bullet points.
Try to limit any slide to four or five bullet points, each with a sentence or two of explanatory text. If a topic requires six or more bullet points, remove the additional text and offer it yourself. Keep the most important information at the top of the slide. Often the bottom portions of slides cannot be seen by audience in back rows. Remember that you don’t have to display everything at once. To keep your listeners focused on one thing at a time, try animating the text onto the slide, point by point.
Five rules for aesthetic presentations
No more than:
- 5 bullet points
- 5 words in the title
- 7 words in width
- 7 words in height
- 4 lines of quotation
If you want to include a quotation, remove irrelevant parts of it using and making important words and phrases stand out by using bold or italics.
reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
TIP: If you need more points to cover a topic, re-structure the section into two slides, each with a smaller number of bullets. This way your audience will concentrate better on what you’re putting across.VOCABULARY
adequate - odpowiedni
academic - akademicki
aesthetic - estetyczny
aloud – na głos
appealing - atrakcyjny
at first glance – na pierwszy rzut oka
backbone - podstawa
bold – pogrubienie
brief - zwięzły
bullet - pocisk
chart - tabela
chunk - fragment
to come across – natknąć się na
to come in handy – przydać się
complex - złożony
to cram – upychać
default - domyślny
design - projekt
to display – wyświetlić
to emphasize - podkreślić
entire - cały
to establish – ustalić
to expand on sth – rozwijać (np. temat)
explanation - wyjaśnienie
foil – folia
font - czcionka
guideline - wytyczna
hyperlink - hiperłącze
irrelevant – nieistotny
italics - kursywa
lecture - wykład
neat - schludny
obvious - oczywisty
opposing – przeciwny
to participate - uczestniczyć
to paste - wklejać
patterned - wzorzysty
to persist – upierać się
portion – część
punctuation - interpunkcja
to put across – przekazywać
question mark - pytajnik
quotation – cytat
range - skala
reasonable – rozsądny
to recap - powtórzyć
relief - odpoczynek
repetitive – powtarzający się
to reinforce - wzmocnić
remaining - pozostały
to require - wymagać
row – rząd
scheme - schemat
to shout - krzyczeć
solid - jednolity
slideshow – pokaz slajdów
to stand out – wyróżniać się
to stick to sth – pozostać przy czymś
to struggle - walczyć
to supply – zapewniać
tacky – tu: kiepski
to trip up – potknąć się
to tempt – kusić
transition - przejście
transparent - przezroczysty
visual aid – pomoc wizualna