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Economics - ebook

Data wydania:
29 października 2023
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Economics - ebook

What is Economics

The study of the production, distribution, and consumption of different products and services is the focus of the social science known as economics.

How you will benefit

(I) Insights, and validations about the following topics:

Chapter 1: Economics

Chapter 2: Microeconomics

Chapter 3: Macroeconomics

Chapter 4: Kenneth Arrow

Chapter 5: Monetary base

Chapter 6: Neutrality of money

Chapter 7: John Eatwell, Baron Eatwell

Chapter 8: Liquidity preference

Chapter 9: Richard Kahn, Baron Kahn

Chapter 10: Neoclassical synthesis

Chapter 11: The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics

Chapter 12: Lawrence E. Blume

Chapter 13: Involuntary unemployment

Chapter 14: Peter Kenneth Newman

Chapter 15: Scarcity

Chapter 16: Demographic economics

Chapter 17: History of macroeconomic thought

Chapter 18: Murray Milgate

Chapter 19: Ross Starr

Chapter 20: Non-convexity in economics

Chapter 21: Convexity in economics

(II) Answering the public top questions about economics.

(III) Real world examples for the usage of economics in many fields.

(IV) Rich glossary featuring over 1200 terms to unlock a comprehensive understanding of economics

Who this book is for

Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information for any kind of economics.

Kategoria: Finance
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 9798890088031
Rozmiar pliku: 2,4 MB


Fouad Sabry is the former Regional Head of Business Development for Applications at Hewlett Packard (HP) for Southern Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Fouad has received his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) of Computer Systems and Automatic Control, dual master’s degrees, Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Management in Information Technology (MMIT), from University of Melbourne (MoU) in Australia. Fouad has more than 25 years of experience in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), working in local, regional, and international companies, such as Vodafone and International Business Machines (IBM). Currently, Fouad is an entrepreneur, author, futurist, focused on Emerging Technologies, and Industry Solutions, and founder of one billion knowledge (1BK) community.In a world where every choice, every policy, and every transaction has economic implications, understanding the intricate web of human behavior and markets is not just a skill; it's a necessity. "Economics" is a book that invites you on a captivating journey into the fascinating realm of economic thought, a journey that promises to enrich your understanding of the forces that shape our lives, our societies, and our world.

The Adventure of Economics

Imagine economics not as a dry, mathematical exercise but as an adventure. "Economics" presents this field as an exciting voyage that delves deep into the fundamental questions of human behavior and the allocation of resources. It's your ticket to exploring the profound impact of economic principles on every aspect of your life.

Understanding Human Behavior

At its core, economics is about understanding the choices we make. It's about deciphering the rational and sometimes irrational behaviors that drive our decisions. "Economics" offers you a window into this complex world, providing insights into how and why we make choices, from buying a cup of coffee to investing in a new business venture. It's an exploration of the rationality and psychology that underlie our everyday actions.

The Power of Economic Knowledge

The knowledge you gain from "Economics" goes beyond theory. It empowers you to navigate the complexities of the modern world. Ever wondered how government policies affect your job prospects, how interest rates influence your mortgage, or why prices rise and fall in markets? This book provides you with practical insights that transform you into a more informed participant in economic conversations, whether in your personal life or in the global context.

Meeting the Masters

One of the book's highlights is the opportunity to meet the intellectual giants of economics. From John Maynard Keynes, whose ideas reshaped the world of economic policy, to Kenneth Arrow, the Nobel laureate whose work laid the foundation for modern economic theory, you'll discover the life stories and contributions of these remarkable thinkers. Their journeys and ideas offer historical context to the theories that continue to influence our decisions and policies today.

A Broad Spectrum of Economic Thought

"Economics" is not just about the old guard. It takes you through a spectrum of economic thought, from the classics to the cutting edge. You'll explore the intricate dynamics of microeconomics, which examines the choices of individuals and firms, as well as the grand narratives of macroeconomics, which delve into the broader forces shaping our economies. The book covers diverse topics, from monetary policy to scarcity, from demographic economics to the history of macroeconomic thought. Whether you're curious about markets, government intervention, or the consequences of scarcity, this book has something for everyone.

Unlocking Real-World Applications

Theory is just the beginning. "Economics" unlocks the world of real-world applications. You'll dive into topics like budgeting, investing, recognizing economic trends, and engaging in policy discussions. The book provides you with the knowledge and tools to make more informed financial decisions, participate in meaningful conversations about economic policies, and better comprehend the economic dimensions of global events.

A Lifelong Journey

The journey through "Economics" doesn't end when you finish the last page. It's the beginning of a lifelong adventure. Economics is a dynamic field, constantly evolving to meet the challenges of the times. "Economics" invites you to engage in ongoing discussions, challenge paradigms, and apply economic wisdom to shape a better world.

Empowering Your Perspective

Economics isn't just for economists. It's for anyone who seeks to understand the world through the lens of economic thinking. Whether you're a student looking to grasp the fundamentals, a professional aiming to enhance decision-making skills, or simply a curious mind eager to explore the fascinating world of economics, this book is your guide.

Your Adventure Awaits

The world of economics is vast, vibrant, and endlessly fascinating. "Economics" is your passport to this incredible realm. It's an invitation to embark on an intellectual adventure, to expand your understanding, and to relish the insights and revelations that the study of economics can bring. It's a journey that transforms the way you perceive the world and empowers you to make more informed decisions.

"Economics" is more than a book; it's a key to unlocking the secrets of human behavior and markets. Are you ready to embark on this adventure, to deepen your understanding, and to discover the transformative nature of economics? Your journey starts here.Dedication

To all those who seek to unravel the intricate web of human behavior and its economic consequences, this book is dedicated to you.

In these pages, we honor the inquisitive minds, the relentless thinkers, and the aspiring economists. You, the reader, are at the heart of our dedication. It is your insatiable curiosity and your thirst for understanding that fuel the pages that follow. We invite you to embark on a captivating journey through the world of economics, a journey that promises to enrich your understanding of the forces that shape our lives, our societies, and our world.

This book is dedicated to the students, the teachers, and the learners. It is a tribute to those who have sat in classrooms, who have huddled in libraries, and who have engaged in passionate debates about economic ideas. Your pursuit of knowledge is a beacon of hope for a brighter, more economically informed future.

We dedicate these words to the economists, past and present, whose theories, insights, and wisdom have shaped the contours of economic thought. It is through your work that we navigate the complex landscape of supply and demand, of markets and governments, and of prosperity and adversity.

We dedicate this book to the dreamers, the innovators, and the changemakers. Your commitment to harnessing the power of economic principles to build a better world is the driving force behind these pages. It is our hope that this book will inspire you, challenge you, and empower you to enact positive change through economic understanding.

Our dedication extends to the mentors and the guides, those who have shared their wisdom and experiences with the next generation of economists. Your mentorship is the beacon that lights the path for aspiring economists, and this book is a tribute to your enduring influence.

We dedicate this book to the families and friends who have supported, encouraged, and occasionally endured the endless discussions about supply and demand, fiscal policy, and economic history. Your unwavering support has been our pillar of strength and a reminder of the real-world implications of economic ideas.

In the spirit of collaboration and shared knowledge, this book is dedicated to all those who believe that economics is not just a subject of study, but a means to better understand the world and to make it a better place. With this dedication, we invite you to open these pages, explore the diverse topics, and discover the profound connections between economics and our everyday lives. It is our sincere hope that this book will engage, enlighten, and empower you to see the world through the lens of economics.Epigraph

"Man is an economic creature, motivated by self-interest and the pursuit of happiness. Economics is the key to unlocking the mysteries of our choices, our societies, and our world." — Anonymous

In the opening pages of this book, we present this epigraph as a testament to the power and relevance of economics in our lives. At its core, economics is the study of human behavior, decision-making, and the allocation of resources. It is a field that transcends the ivory towers of academia and permeates every aspect of our existence. Our aim is to bring the richness of economic thought to your fingertips, illuminating the profound influence it has on our individual lives and the collective human experience.

The epigraph's mention of "self-interest and the pursuit of happiness" is a reflection of the fundamental questions that economics seeks to answer. How do individuals make choices? How do their decisions impact their well-being and that of their communities? By delving into these questions, we hope to empower you with a deeper understanding of the motives and consequences that shape our world.

"Economics is the key to unlocking the mysteries of our choices, our societies, and our world." These words resonate with the overarching theme of this book. Economics serves as the master key, unlocking the doors to comprehending the complex web of human interactions, market dynamics, and the policy decisions that mold our world. As you turn the pages that follow, you will uncover how economic concepts and theories shed light on everyday challenges, from personal financial decisions to global economic crises.

This epigraph encapsulates the essence of our book, inviting you to explore the enthralling realm of economics. With every chapter, we will take you on a journey through the corridors of thought, introducing you to the luminaries who have shaped this discipline, and unraveling the concepts that underpin our economic world. It is our hope that the insights and revelations within these pages will not only enhance your understanding of economics but also inspire you to see the world through a new, economic lens.

As you embark on this intellectual adventure, remember that economics is not just a subject of study; it is a key that unlocks doors of understanding and insight. We invite you to join us on this journey, to explore the depths of economic thought, and to uncover the beauty and complexity of the economic world. May this epigraph be a beacon that ignites your curiosity and fuels your desire to explore the pages that follow, where the enchanting world of economics awaits.Foreword

Welcome to a journey of discovery, a voyage through the enchanting world of "Economics." This book serves as your portal to a realm where ideas have the power to shape nations, where choices hold the key to prosperity, and where the collective wisdom of brilliant minds illuminates the path forward. As we stand at the threshold of these pages, it is our hope that you'll join us on an intellectual adventure that reveals the extraordinary relevance of economics in our lives.

Economics is often described as the "dismal science," but within these chapters, we invite you to see it as the illuminating science—a tool for understanding the complexities of human behavior, the intricacies of markets, and the dynamics of our global society. The principles and theories within these pages are not dry abstractions; they are the threads that weave together the fabric of our existence.

Whether you are an experienced economist, a curious student, or someone with a passing interest in the subject, this book is crafted to engage and inspire you. The beauty of economics lies in its versatility; it provides both the analytical rigor to dissect the most intricate problems and the practical wisdom to guide real-world decision-making. Through the chapters that follow, you will explore a diverse array of topics that reflect the breadth and depth of this field.

The journey begins with the fundamental concepts of microeconomics and macroeconomics, offering you a comprehensive understanding of how individual choices and broader economic forces shape our world. We introduce you to the luminaries who have left an indelible mark on economic thought, from John Maynard Keynes to Kenneth Arrow, and we dive deep into their theories and contributions.

Our exploration encompasses the intricacies of monetary policy, the nuances of supply and demand, and the captivating world of economic history. From scarcity to demography, from non-convexity to convexity, we unveil the layers of economic reality that define our past, influence our present, and mold our future.

This book is not just about learning economics; it's about grasping its far-reaching implications. It's about becoming a more informed participant in the economic narratives that shape our daily lives. As you read, you'll gain insights that will empower you to make wiser financial decisions, engage in meaningful policy discussions, and appreciate the economic dimensions of global events.

Each chapter is an invitation to explore, to question, and to broaden your horizons. This book is your compass, guiding you through the myriad complexities of economic thought and real-world applications. Whether you're passionate about public policy, intrigued by market dynamics, or simply curious about the world, economics has something profound to offer you. We invite you to take a step into this captivating universe, to expand your understanding, and to relish the intellectual adventure that awaits.

In a world where economic choices influence everything from job opportunities to the well-being of nations, the study of economics becomes an invaluable skill. We embark on this journey with you, the reader, and we promise that your experience will be one of intellectual enlightenment, deep engagement, and a renewed appreciation for the beautiful science of economics.

So, turn the page and embark on this enlightening adventure. The world of economics awaits your exploration, and within its intricate web, you'll find insights that empower you to navigate the complexities of our modern world. We thank you for joining us, and we look forward to sharing this captivating journey through the fascinating world of economics with you.Preface

In the pages of this book, we embark on an intellectual adventure into the captivating world of "Economics." Our journey through these chapters is not just an exploration of theories and concepts but a gateway to understanding the profound influence of economics on our lives, societies, and the world at large.

Economics is often seen as an enigmatic and complex subject, but our aim is to demystify it and make it accessible to all. Whether you are a student aiming to grasp the foundations, a professional seeking practical insights, or simply someone curious about the world, this book is designed to engage, inform, and inspire you. At its core, economics is not just a field of study; it's a tool for empowerment and an essential lens through which we can better understand our choices and the forces that shape our world.

Our journey through "Economics" begins with a fundamental question: What drives our choices? Economics provides the answers by delving into the rational and sometimes irrational behaviors that underlie our decisions. It offers a profound insight into how markets work, how governments shape our lives through economic policies, and how our daily choices are influenced by the invisible hand of supply and demand.

This book goes beyond theory and equips you with practical insights. As you turn the pages, you'll encounter real-world applications that reveal how economic principles are not confined to the classroom or academic debates. They are present in the prices you pay, the policies that affect your job, the investments you make, and the global events that shape our world.

But "Economics" is not just about numbers; it's also about the luminaries who have shaped the discipline. From John Maynard Keynes to Kenneth Arrow, we introduce you to the thinkers who have left an indelible mark on economic thought. Their stories provide historical context to the theories that continue to guide our choices and policies.

As you journey through these pages, you'll explore the intricate dynamics of microeconomics, which examines the choices of individuals and businesses, and macroeconomics, which delves into the broader forces shaping our economies. You'll encounter diverse topics, from monetary policy to scarcity, from demographic economics to the history of macroeconomic thought. Each chapter is an invitation to explore, question, and uncover the profound impact of economics on our lives.

At its heart, "Economics" is an invitation to engage with the world more critically and to embrace the power of economic thinking. The journey does not end when you close the final chapter; instead, it's just the beginning of a lifelong endeavor. The insights you gain from this book empower you to make informed decisions, engage in meaningful conversations about economic policies, and appreciate the economic dimensions of global events.

We invite you to turn the page and embark on this intellectual adventure, to challenge assumptions, spark your curiosity, and deepen your understanding of the world through the lens of economics. The journey of "Economics" is not only educational; it's transformative, and we're excited to have you as our companion through its pages.

Thank you for choosing "Economics" as your guide to the remarkable world of economic thought. Your adventure begins here, and we look forward to sharing this enlightening journey with you.Acknowledgements

In bringing this comprehensive exploration of Economics to life, we extend our deepest gratitude to the many individuals whose unwavering support and dedication have made this endeavor possible. This book is not the product of one, but a collaborative effort that has harnessed the wisdom and passion of countless individuals in the field of economics.

Our first and most profound thanks go to the brilliant economists, scholars, and educators who have paved the way for the incredible wealth of knowledge within these pages. Their groundbreaking research and tireless commitment to the study of economics have been a beacon for us throughout this journey.

We would also like to express our appreciation to the countless students who have graced our classrooms and engaged with the complexities of economics. Your curiosity, questions, and enthusiasm have been a constant source of inspiration and motivation.

In the ever-evolving world of economics, we have leaned on the expert guidance of many professionals. We owe a debt of gratitude to our colleagues and mentors whose insights and critiques have been invaluable in shaping this book. Your willingness to share your experiences and expertise has been a cornerstone of our learning and growth.

This book would not be in your hands without the dedication of the editorial and production team. Their meticulous attention to detail, tireless efforts, and unwavering commitment to quality have transformed a vision into a tangible reality. Their names may not be on the cover, but their fingerprints are on every page.

Finally, we acknowledge our friends and families who have stood by us as we immersed ourselves in the world of economics. Your patience, encouragement, and understanding during late-night writing sessions and intense research periods have been our bedrock.

We hope this book serves as a tribute to the collective spirit of learning, discovery, and the ever-evolving field of economics. It is our hope that the pages within will ignite your curiosity and inspire you to delve deeper into the fascinating world of economic thought. Thank you for joining us on this journey.Introduction

Welcome to a journey of intellectual exploration and enlightenment, a voyage into the intricate and thought-provoking world of "Economics." This book is your gateway to a realm that unveils the profound mysteries of human behavior, the forces that shape our societies, and the intricate dynamics of markets. Our aim is to not only introduce you to the captivating field of economics but to ignite your curiosity, empower your decision-making, and deepen your understanding of the world.

At its core, economics is the science of choice—choices we make as individuals, businesses, governments, and societies. It's a discipline that provides us with the tools to decipher the complexities of resource allocation, the functioning of markets, and the policies that influence our daily lives. Through the pages that follow, you will embark on an intellectual adventure that takes you from the fundamental principles of microeconomics to the grand narratives of macroeconomics, all the while exploring the profound impacts of economic theories on the way we live.

But this book is not just about theory; it's about application. Economics is not confined to the pages of textbooks; it's alive in the decisions you make daily. From the prices you pay for goods and services to the implications of government policies, from personal financial choices to global economic crises, the principles of economics underlie it all. We invite you to explore the practical side of economic thinking, providing you with insights that can enhance your everyday decision-making.

As we delve into this fascinating journey, you'll have the opportunity to meet the brilliant minds who have shaped the world of economics. From John Maynard Keynes, whose ideas revolutionized economic policy, to Kenneth Arrow, whose groundbreaking work in economic theory earned him the Nobel Prize, their stories provide historical context to the theories that continue to influence our world. Learning about these luminaries will give you a deeper appreciation for the intellectual heritage of the field.

Our intent is to engage you, the reader, in a way that sparks curiosity, challenges assumptions, and encourages critical thinking. The world of economics is one of constant discovery, where every problem is a puzzle waiting to be solved. The insights you gain from this book will empower you to think more critically about the choices you make, the policies you support, and the broader implications of economic thinking on society.

As you turn the pages that follow, we invite you to immerse yourself in the captivating world of economics, where every concept you encounter is an opportunity to explore, learn, and grow. Whether you're a student eager to grasp the fundamentals, a professional seeking practical insights, or a curious mind intrigued by the mysteries of the economy, this book is your key to unlocking the transformative power of economics.

The journey of enlightenment begins now. We invite you to embark on this intellectual adventure and allow the world of economics to reshape the way you perceive the world, make decisions, and understand the complex forces that drive our societies. Are you ready to uncover the captivating world of economics? Your adventure starts here.Editorial Reviews

"Economics is the art of making the most of life." - John Maynard Keynes

"The study of economics does not seem to require any specialized gifts of an unusually high order. Is it not, intellectually regarded, a very easy subject compared with the higher branches of philosophy and pure science?" - Alfred Marshall

"The invisible hand of the market always moves faster and better than the heavy hand of government." - Milton Friedman

"Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists." - John Kenneth Galbraith

"The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing." - Philip Fisher

"In the long run, we are all dead." - John Maynard Keynes

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design." - Friedrich Hayek

"Economics is too important to be left to the economists." - Steve Keen

"Economics is the only calling in which one can have a lifetime reputation for incompetence without ever being fired." - Harry Truman

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." - Margaret ThatcherPrologue

In the pages that follow, you are about to embark on a profound intellectual journey through the intricate landscapes of "Economics." This prologue is your gateway to a world that is more than just a subject of study; it is the key to understanding the forces that shape our daily lives, guide the decisions of nations, and influence the course of history. At the heart of this journey lies a simple yet powerful question: What drives human behavior in a world of scarcity and choice?

Economics is often perceived as an abstract science, a realm of charts, graphs, and complex formulas. However, it is much more than that; it is the science of choice itself. It is the exploration of the choices we make as individuals, the strategies employed by businesses, and the policies crafted by governments. "Economics" is your portal to a realm where every decision, every trade, and every policy has a story, a rationale, and a profound impact.

As we dive into the world of economics, you will find that it is a discipline that empowers you to navigate the complexities of our modern world. Ever wondered why prices fluctuate, or why certain products become scarce, or how government policies affect employment and inflation? Economics is the compass that guides you through these intricate questions. It offers you the tools to make more informed financial decisions, engage in meaningful policy discussions, and see the world through the lens of rational choice.

Our journey through "Economics" begins with a deep dive into microeconomics and macroeconomics, two pillars of economic thought. Microeconomics unravels the choices made by individuals and businesses, illuminating the subtle forces that shape markets. Macroeconomics takes a broader perspective, examining the forces that steer entire economies and governments. We invite you to explore these two dimensions, each offering profound insights into the intricacies of our economic world.

But "Economics" is not just about abstract concepts; it is a living science with real-world applications. In the chapters that follow, you will encounter practical examples and case studies that bridge theory and practice. From personal finance and investment decisions to the grand policy challenges facing nations, economics provides the framework to address these challenges. This book equips you to analyze, understand, and participate in the economic narratives that shape our lives.

The prologue is but a glimpse of the profound journey that awaits you in the pages of "Economics." It is an invitation to delve deeper into the complexities of human behavior, markets, and policies. Whether you are a student embarking on a lifelong learning journey, a professional seeking to sharpen your decision-making skills, or simply an individual with a curiosity about the world, this book is your companion through the exciting world of economics.

The adventure begins now. We invite you to turn the page and venture deeper into the captivating realm of "Economics." Our aim is to engage your intellect, stimulate your curiosity, and empower you with the knowledge that will not only inform but transform your understanding of the world. Are you ready to uncover the profound mysteries of economics? Your journey begins here.Brief Overview

Welcome to the captivating world of "Economics." In this carefully crafted book, we embark on a journey through 21 chapters, each offering a unique and thought-provoking exploration of the intricate web of economic concepts, theories, and the fascinating individuals who have shaped this field. As you delve into the pages ahead, here's a sneak peek of the rich tapestry you're about to unravel:

Chapter 1: Economics

We begin at the heart of it all with a foundational chapter that defines economics and sets the stage for the intellectual adventure that follows. Discover the essential concepts and the grand questions that have fueled centuries of economic inquiry.

Chapter 2: Microeconomics

Microeconomics takes center stage, shedding light on the economics of individual choices, firms, and markets. Uncover the forces that govern supply and demand and how they impact our everyday lives.

Chapter 3: Macroeconomics

Zooming out, we transition to the world of macroeconomics, where we explore the broader aspects of national economies. Understand the complex interplay of factors that influence economic growth, inflation, and unemployment.

Chapter 4: Kenneth Arrow

Dive into the lives and contributions of eminent economists. In this chapter, we delve into the work of Kenneth Arrow, a Nobel laureate whose insights have left an indelible mark on the field.

Chapter 5: Monetary Base

Money makes the world go 'round, and this chapter demystifies the concept of the monetary base, a cornerstone of modern economies. We'll explore the intricacies of central banking and money supply.

Chapter 6: Neutrality of Money

Is money truly neutral, or does it exert a profound influence on economic outcomes? Join us as we contemplate this intriguing debate and its implications for monetary policy.

Chapter 7: John Eatwell, Baron Eatwell

Meet the luminaries of economics. This chapter introduces you to John Eatwell, Baron Eatwell, and his profound contributions to economic thought and policy.

Chapter 8: Liquidity Preference

Delve into the mind of John Maynard Keynes and his concept of liquidity preference. Explore how this idea revolutionized our understanding of interest rates and monetary policy.

Chapter 9: Richard Kahn, Baron Kahn

Continuing our exploration of influential economists, we turn the spotlight on Richard Kahn, Baron Kahn. Unearth his pioneering work on income and employment.

Chapter 10: Neoclassical Synthesis

Bridging the gap between micro and macro, the neoclassical synthesis offers a unified framework to understand economic phenomena. Discover how this integration revolutionized economic analysis.

Chapter 11: The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics

Navigate the vast seas of economic knowledge with The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. This invaluable resource opens doors to a treasure trove of economic insights.

Chapter 12: Lawrence E. Blume

Meet Lawrence E. Blume, an economist whose work on economic theory has reshaped how we think about decision-making, strategy, and learning.

Chapter 13: Involuntary Unemployment

The concept of involuntary unemployment remains central to economic policy discussions. Learn about its origins, implications, and potential solutions.

Chapter 14: Peter Kenneth Newman

Explore the life and work of Peter Kenneth Newman, whose contributions to the understanding of economics and public policy have had a lasting impact.

Chapter 15: Scarcity

Scarcity is the quintessential challenge of economics. Understand how it drives choices, resource allocation, and the pursuit of economic efficiency.

Chapter 16: Demographic Economics

Discover the fascinating intersection of demographics and economics, where population dynamics shape economic outcomes and societal well-being.

Chapter 17: History of Macroeconomic Thought

Take a journey through the evolution of macroeconomic thought, tracing the origins of influential theories and their impact on policy.

Chapter 18: Murray Milgate

Meet Murray Milgate, an economist known for his scholarship in the history of economic thought. Explore how his work has enriched our understanding of economics.

Chapter 19: Ross Starr

Dive into the world of finance and economics with Ross Starr. Understand his contributions to the field and their implications for market stability.

Chapter 20: Non-convexity (Economics)

Explore the intriguing concept of non-convexity in economics and its implications for decision-making, market behavior, and resource allocation.

Chapter 21: Convexity in Economics

Conclude our journey with a look at the contrasting concept of convexity in economics. Understand how it shapes optimization and efficiency in economic systems.

Prepare to embark on a captivating voyage through the intricate and intellectually stimulating landscape of economics. Each chapter offers a unique lens through which to view the world of economic ideas. Whether you're a seasoned economist or a curious novice, this book promises to be an enlightening and engaging companion on your intellectual journey.From the Inside Flap

Welcome to a captivating journey through the dynamic and thought-provoking world of "Economics." In these pages, we invite you to explore the heart of a discipline that influences every aspect of our lives, from the choices we make as individuals to the global policies that shape our world. As you embark on this intellectual adventure, you will discover that economics is not merely a subject but a powerful lens through which to examine the complexities of human behavior, the intricacies of markets, and the forces that drive our societies.

Are you curious about the forces that shape the prices of goods, the allocation of resources, and the well-being of nations? Are you intrigued by the stories of influential economists whose ideas have changed the course of history? Do you wonder how economic theories apply to real-life situations? This book offers the answers you seek and more. It is designed to engage, enlighten, and empower readers from all backgrounds, whether you're a student aiming to grasp the fundamentals, a professional seeking practical insights, or a curious mind eager to explore the intriguing world of economics.

This book provides a comprehensive journey through the core principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics, unveiling the fundamental concepts that underpin the discipline. You'll delve into topics like supply and demand, monetary policy, and scarcity, gaining a deep understanding of the forces that drive our economy. But it doesn't stop there. The real magic of economics is its applicability to real-world situations, and this book is your guide to bridging theory and practice.

Meet the visionaries who have shaped the world of economics, from John Maynard Keynes to Kenneth Arrow, and discover how their ideas continue to influence our policies, markets, and societies. Their stories and contributions offer a vivid historical context to the economic theories that remain vital today. As you learn about these brilliant minds, you'll gain insight into their ideas and the profound impact they've had on our world.

Throughout these pages, you'll find real-world examples and applications that make economics come alive. You'll gain practical knowledge that can help you make more informed financial decisions, engage in discussions about economic policies, and see the world with a new perspective. It's an opportunity to enhance your critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. The more you explore the world of economics, the more you empower yourself to navigate its complexities.

This book is not just about theory; it's about engaging your mind and embracing the power of economic thinking. It's about challenging your assumptions, sparking your curiosity, and deepening your understanding of the world in which we live. We invite you to embark on this adventure with us, to question, to explore, and to discover the transformative nature of economics.

The journey begins now. As you turn the pages, you'll realize that economics isn't just a subject; it's a journey of intellectual enlightenment, one that will change the way you see the world, make decisions, and understand the forces that drive our societies. We invite you to start this journey and embrace the power of economics to change your perspective and empower your life.

Are you ready to unlock the world of economics? Your adventure starts here.From the Back Cover

Prepare to embark on an intellectual adventure that will change the way you perceive the world. "Economics" is not just a subject; it's a key to understanding human behavior, shaping public policies, and unlocking the mysteries of everyday choices. This book is your gateway to this captivating realm, offering you an engaging and enlightening journey through the core principles, influential thinkers, and real-world applications of economics.

Discover the profound impact of economic concepts on your daily life. Explore how supply and demand shape the products you buy, how interest rates affect your financial decisions, and how government policies impact the job market. From personal finance to global economic crises, this book unveils the power of economic thinking in addressing the challenges and opportunities that define our times.

Dive into the lives and contributions of economic luminaries like John Maynard Keynes, Kenneth Arrow, and many more. Learn how their groundbreaking ideas revolutionized our understanding of markets, government intervention, and the very fabric of society. Their stories will inspire you and provide a historical context for the theories that continue to shape our world.

This book goes beyond mere theory; it equips you with practical insights. Whether you're a student, a professional, or someone with a curious mind, you'll find real-world examples and applications that enrich your understanding and decision-making. From budgeting and investing to recognizing economic trends, the knowledge you gain here empowers you to make informed choices.

The world of economics is vast, but this book is your guiding light. It leads you through the intricacies of microeconomics and macroeconomics, exploring diverse topics such as scarcity, monetary policy, and demographic economics. Each chapter is a doorway to a new facet of economic thought, engaging your intellect and broadening your horizons.

Join us on this journey through the fascinating world of economics, where every page is an invitation to explore, question, and discover. Economics isn't just a field of study; it's a tool for empowerment, a source of enlightenment, and a means to better understand the world. Whether you're an economics enthusiast or someone just beginning to explore its wonders, this book promises to engage, inform, and inspire you.

The power of economics is within your grasp. Are you ready to unlock its potential? The adventure begins here.From the Author

Dear Reader,

It is with great excitement and a sense of profound purpose that I welcome you to the world of "Economics." As the author of this book, I am deeply passionate about the field of economics and the transformative power it holds. This passion has driven me to create a book that not only imparts knowledge but sparks curiosity, fosters understanding, and invites you on a captivating journey through the intricacies of the economic landscape.

Economics is often viewed as an enigmatic realm, reserved for academics and policymakers. But in these pages, I aim to break down the barriers that may have kept you at bay. I want you to understand that economics is not just a subject of scholarly inquiry; it is a beacon that illuminates the path to informed decision-making and a richer understanding of the world.

Through this book, I strive to make economics accessible to all, regardless of your prior exposure to the subject. Whether you're a seasoned economist seeking a fresh perspective, a student eager to grasp the foundations, or someone entirely new to the world of economics, you will find something of value within these pages.

The journey you're about to embark upon is one of exploration and enlightenment. Economics offers us the tools to decipher the world's most complex problems, from unemployment and inflation to the intricacies of international trade. It reveals the rational and sometimes irrational behaviors that underlie our everyday choices and the dynamics that drive markets, businesses, and governments.

I've structured this book to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of economics, taking you from the fundamental concepts of microeconomics and macroeconomics to a deep dive into the lives and contributions of renowned economists. You'll explore a wide array of topics, from monetary policy to scarcity, from demographic economics to the history of macroeconomic thought, and beyond. At each step, I aim to demystify economic theory and demonstrate how it applies to your life, offering practical insights and real-world examples.

But this book isn't just about imparting knowledge; it's about igniting a passion for economics. My hope is that the content you encounter here will not only inform but inspire. I invite you to think critically, to challenge established ideas, and to engage in thoughtful discourse about the economic issues that shape our world. Economics is a dynamic field, and your journey doesn't end when you finish this book; it's merely the beginning.

As you embark on this voyage through the realm of economics, I encourage you to keep an open mind, to ask questions, and to explore the broader implications of economic thinking. Whether you're intrigued by the mysteries of money and markets, fascinated by the profound impact of economic policies, or simply curious about how the world works, you're in for a treat.

I am deeply honored to be your guide through these pages, and I extend my gratitude for your trust in me as your author. I'm excited to be your companion on this intellectual journey, and I'm committed to providing you with a fulfilling, engaging, and rewarding experience. Together, we'll unravel the beautiful tapestry of economics, one concept at a time, and I hope you find as much joy and enlightenment in this exploration as I have in creating it.

Thank you for choosing "Economics" as your guide to understanding the world through the lens of economic thought. I look forward to sharing this incredible journey with you and to witnessing your own economic enlightenment along the way.

Warmest regards,

Fouad SabryTable of Contents

Chapter 1: Economics

Chapter 2: Microeconomics

Chapter 3: Macroeconomics

Chapter 4: Kenneth Arrow

Chapter 5: Monetary base

Chapter 6: Neutrality of money

Chapter 7: John Eatwell, Baron Eatwell

Chapter 8: Liquidity preference

Chapter 9: Richard Kahn, Baron Kahn

Chapter 10: Neoclassical synthesis

Chapter 11: The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics

Chapter 12: Lawrence E. Blume

Chapter 13: Involuntary unemployment

Chapter 14: Peter Kenneth Newman

Chapter 15: Scarcity

Chapter 16: Demographic economics

Chapter 17: History of macroeconomic thought

Chapter 18: Murray Milgate

Chapter 19: Ross Starr

Chapter 20: Non-convexity in economics

Chapter 21: Convexity in economics




About the Author

