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English for Beauty Therapists - ebook

Data wydania:
1 stycznia 2020
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English for Beauty Therapists - ebook

W podręczniku zaprezentowano bogate słownictwo i wyrażenia specjalistyczne, pozwalające porozumiewać się w języku angielskim zarówno w kontaktach zawodowych, jak i życiu codziennym. Ponadto w książce można znaleźć: krótką historię stosowania kosmetyków; wykaz preparatów wykorzystywanych w terapiach kosmetycznych oraz do wyrobu kosmetyków; spis chorób skóry; klucz do ćwiczeń, a także słowniczek angielsko-polski.

Profesjonalne nagrania audio zamieszczone na portalu medycyna.pzwl.pl ułatwiają rozumienie ze słuchu i pomagają w doskonaleniu umiejętności komunikowania się w języku angielskim

Publikację przygotowano z myślą o studentach kierunku kosmetologia, uczniach szkół kosmetycznych, kosmetyczkach i kosmetologach, terapeutach działających w salonach kosmetycznych oraz innych osobach związanych z branżą kosmetyczną.

Kategoria: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 978-83-200-5967-0
Rozmiar pliku: 4,1 MB



Podręcznik English for Beauty Therapists przygotowany został z myślą o kosmetyczkach, kosmetologach, uczennicach szkół kosmetycznych, dermatologach oraz innych osobach związanych z branżą kosmetyczną i zdrowotną. Przedstawiono w nim program nauczania języka angielskiego odpowiedni dla każdego typu szkoły kosmetycznej lub kursu kosmetyki.

Podręcznik English for Beauty Therapists jest przeznaczony zarówno dla osób, które rozpoczynają naukę angielskiego, jak i dla tych, które chcą odświeżyć znajomość tego języka, a jednocześnie poszerzyć słownictwo związane z tematyką kosmetyczną.

Tworząc autorski program, postawiłyśmy sobie jako główny cel dostarczenie uczącym się takiego słownictwa i wyrażeń, które pozwolą im porozumieć się w różnych sytuacjach: w pracy, w gabinecie kosmetycznym, w kontaktach zawodowych, jak również w zwykłych sytuacjach życia codziennego.

Książka zawiera teksty, dialogi oraz ćwiczenia, które umożliwią uczącym się opanowanie słownictwa stosowanego w branży kosmetycznej. Występuje w nich także terminologia medyczna i dermatologiczna.

Teksty oraz dialogi zostały podzielone na bloki tematyczne: przedstawiamy gabinet, personel, zabiegi kosmetyczne, wskazania i przeciwwskazania do ich wykonywania, urządzenia stosowane do zabiegów kosmetycznych. W kolejnych rozdziałach poświęcamy uwagę skórze, jej typom, pojawiającym się dolegliwościom, odpowiedniej pielęgnacji itp.

Nie zabrakło też w książce tematów z zakresu makijażu, historii kosmetyki czy medycyny chińskiej.

Tekstom i dialogom towarzyszy wiele interesujących ćwiczeń o różnorodnej formie. Dzięki nim uczący się mają szansę sprawdzić zapamiętany materiał i szybciej go opanować. Ćwiczenia mają na celu rozwinięcie umiejętności komunikacji, a także czytania ze zrozumieniem oraz pisania. Utrwalają też specyficzne słownictwo stosowane w branży kosmetycznej i medycznej. Ćwiczenia można wykonywać ustnie, jednak zachęcamy wszystkich do rozwiązywania ćwiczeń w formie pisemnej.

Teksty oraz ćwiczenia są zróżnicowane pod względem stopnia trudności, co umożliwia znalezienie w podręczniku odpowiednich materiałów zarówno dla osób początkujących, jak i średnio zaawansowanych i zaawansowanych.

Integralną częścią podręcznika są dzwiękowe nagrania dialogów dostępne na portalu medycyna.pzwl.pl. Stanowią one podstawę do ćwiczenia rozumienia ze słuchu i doskonalenia umiejętności komunikowania się w języku angielskim.

Nauka języka obcego wymaga zaangażowania, samodyscypliny, a przede wszystkim systematyczności. Mamy nadzieję, że dzięki naszemu podręcznikowi okaże się nie tylko pożyteczna i satysfakcjonująca, ale również pasjonująca, czego wszystkim życzymy.

AutorkiUnit 1

Anger detracts from her beauty

Text 1 A Beauty Therapist

Sandra Nowak is a beauty therapist. Sandra is her first name and Nowak is her surname. She is Polish. She is thirty-three. She is married. She lives in Warsaw, Poland. She is the owner of a beauty salon called Tip-Top Beauty Studio. The beauty salon is in the centre of Warsaw. Its address is 12 Poziomki Street and its phone number is 22 826 34 09. Sandra is a highly qualified professional. She has a diploma from the faculty of cosmetology and a lot of certificates from different courses. After 9 years of working as a beauty therapist, she also has a lot of experience in the profession. She is very good at her job.

The Tip-Top Beauty Studio offers a full range of cosmetic treatments for men and women. Sandra follows all the developments and novelties in beauty treatments. She reads professional press. She subscribes to Polish professional periodicals for beauty therapists, called “Kosmetyka i Kosmetologia” and “Piękno”. She wants to keep up to date. She improves the offered therapies and adds new methods to her procedures all the time. The Studio employs beauty therapists, massage therapists, make-up artists, manicurists, chiropodists, nail design technicians, hairdressers, as well as dermatologists, nutritionists and fitness trainers. All these fully qualified and highly skilled specialists are there ready to serve the clients of the Studio with their wide offer of advice and treatment.

The Tip-Top Beauty Studio is a modern, pleasant and calm place. The interior is well designed and nicely decorated. The colours are soft and warm, the furniture is functional and comfortable. There is enough room both for clients to feel well and employees to work efficiently. The street noise does not penetrate the building. There is always soft music on playing. Clients can have herbal tea, fresh fruit juices and mineral water at the Studio bar. They can relax in an armchair and read a daily paper or a journal. The staff of the Studio do their best to create a nice atmosphere. Everybody wears a smile on their face. Everybody is polite and friendly. Clients must feel welcome and relaxed. A visit to the Studio should improve their looks. But not only! It should also make them feel better, more relaxed and more satisfied.

Answer the following questions to Text 1.

a. First answer the questions. Next practise questions and answers in pairs.

1. Is she good at her job?

2. What is Sandra by profession?

3. What’s her nationality?

4. How old is she?

5. What’s her marital status?

6. Where does she live?

7. What’s the name of her beauty salon?

8. Where is it? What’s its address?

9. What’s its telephone number?

10. Is Sandra a highly qualified professional?

11. What qualifications does she have?

12. And what about her experience in the profession?

b. Now imagine that Sandra is your friend. Ask her the questions.

1. What are you by profession?

2. .............................................................................................

3. .............................................................................................

4. .............................................................................................

5. .............................................................................................


a. First answer the questions. Then practise them in pairs.

1. What does the Tip-Top Beauty Studio offer?

2. What does Sandra follow? What does she read?

3. What periodical does she subscribe to?

4. Why does she read professional press? (...because...)

5. What does she do to be a good beauty therapist?

6. What specialists does her studio employ?

7. What are these fully qualified and highly skilled specialists ready to do?

b. Now imagine that you are Sandra’s friend. Ask her questions.

1. .............................................................................................

2. .............................................................................................

3. .............................................................................................

4. .............................................................................................


First answer the following questions to the third part of the text. Next practise the questions and answers in pairs.

1. What is the Tip-Top Beauty Studio like?

2. Is the studio big?

3. Is it a noisy place?

4. What can clients have and what can they do in the Studio?

5. What atmosphere do the staff want to create?

6. How do they create it?

7. How should clients feel in the Studio?

8. What should a visit to the Studio improve?

9. How should it make them feel?


Exercise 1

Complete the dialogues below with the correct form of the verb to be (być) in the Present Simple Tense.

1. A: .................. you a beauty therapist?

B:Yes, I .................. . I .................. a qualified beauty therapist.

2. A: .................. you good at your job?

B:Yes, I .................. . I .................. highly skilled.

3. A: ..................you a make-up artist?

B:No, .................. . I .................. a massage therapist.

4. A: .................. Mary and Betty manicurists?

B:No, they .................. . They .................. chiropodists.

5. A: .................. they fully qualified specialists?

B:Yes, they .................. . They .................. nutritionists by profession.

6. A: .................. Sandra a fitness trainer?

B:No, she .................. . She .................. a beauty therapist.

7. A: .................. your beauty studio in Warsaw?

B:Yes, it .................. in the centre of Warsaw.

8. A: .................. the studio open on Saturdays?

B:Yes, it .................. open from 9 to 16 on Saturday.

9. A: .................. there enough room in the Studio to work efficiently?

B:Yes, there .................. enough room for clients and for staff.

10. A: .................. the interior of the studio nice?

B:Yes, it .................. well designed and nicely arranged. It .................. not noisy. It .................. calm.

Exercise 2

Complete the minitexts with the correct Present Simple Tense form of the verb in brackets.

1. The studio .................. a full range of cosmetic treatments. (offer) We .................. our clients with a wide range of advice and treatment.(serve) We .................. highly qualified specialists. (employ)

2. I .................. professional press regularly (read) and I ...... ............ to professional periodicals.(subscribe) I .................. to keep up to date.(want) I .................. the offered therapies. (improve) I .................. all novelties in beauty treatments and .................. them to my procedures.(follow; add)

3. Sandra .................. a beauty studio.(have) She .................. in this studio as a beauty therapist.(work) The studio .................. a wide range of beauty therapists.(employ) They .................. the clients of the studio with their advice and treatment. (serve) They .................. diplomas and they .................. experience. (have)

4. Jack .................. as a beauty therapist.(not work) He ...... ............ a diploma.(not have) He ............... as a nutritionist. (work) He .................. all developments in nutrition.(follow) He .................. coffee to clients. (not serve) He .................. them advice on nutrition. (offer)

5. Nina .................. her job.(not like) She .................. to be a manicurist.(not want) She .................. good in this job. (not feel) She .................. a smile on her face. (not wear) She .................. her best to do a good job. (not do)

Exercise 3

Complete the minidialogues with do, does, don’t, doesn’t. Practise questions and answers in the Present Simple Tense.

1. A: .................. you read professional press, Ewa?

B:Yes, I ..................

A:What titles .................. you read regularly?

B:I read “Kosmetyka i Kosmetologia”.

2. A: .................. you follow all the developments and novelties,


B:Yes, I ..................

A:How .................. you do it?

B:I subscribe to the “Piękno” magazine and I read it.

A:.................. you read everything in this journal?

B:No, I.................. I .................. need all the information.

3. A: .................. the Tip-Top Studio employ many people?

B:Yes, it ..................

A:How many qualified beauty therapists ........................ it employ?

B:I .................. know. (negative) I .................. know all the staff. (negative)

4. A: .................. it offer a wide range of services?

B:Yes, it ..................

A:.................. it employ a hairdresser?

B:No, it .................. .................., not now.

5. A: .................. you like your job?

B:Yes, I ..................

6. A: .................. you feel welcome there?

B:Yes, I .................. The staff are nice and friendly.

A:.................. you relax at the Studio?

B:Yes, I .................. I have time for myself and everybody serves me.

A:.................. a visit to the Studio really improve your looks?

B:Oh, yes! It certainly ..................

Exercise 4

Transform the sentences as in the examples.

a. She has a diploma. – I think she must have a diploma.

1. You read professional press. I think you ..............................

2. I follow all novelties. I think I .............................................

3. She has a lot of certificates. I think she ................................

4. They wear a smile on their faces. I think they ......................

5. We employ specialists. I think they .....................................

b. Clients have coffee. – I’m sure clients can have coffee.

1. Clients have herbal tea. I’m sure clients can .........................

2. Clients relax. I’m sure clients ..............................................

3. Clients read journals. I’m sure ..............................................

4. You improve clients’ looks. I’m sure ....................................

5. They offer advice and treatment. I’m sure ..........................

c. A beauty therapist reads professional press.
I believe a beauty therapist should read professional press.

1. She follows developments in beauty treatments.
I believe she should .................................................................

2. She improves the offered therapies.
I believe ..................................................................................

3. She adds new methods to her procedures.
I believe ...................................................................................

4. We create a nice atmosphere.
I believe ..................................................................................

5. A visit to a beauty therapist improves clients’ looks.
I believe ...................................................................................

Exercise 5

a. Complete the sentences with English verbs. Then learn the text.

1. Sandra, a beauty therapist, .................. all the developments and novelties in beauty treatment. (śledzi)

2. She .................. professional press. (czyta)

3. She .................. with new developments in beauty treatment. (chce być na bieżąco)

4. She .................. to professional press. (prenumeruje)

5. She .................. the offered therapies. (ulepsza)

6. She .................. new methods to her procedures all the time. (dodaje)

b. Repeat the same text making a few changes. Begin with:

1. I am a beauty therapist. I .........................................................

2. A beauty therapist should .........................................................

3. I ...............................................................................................

4. .................................................................................................

5. .................................................................................................

6. .................................................................................................

Exercise 6

Complete the description with the right adjectives and adverbs.


A beauty therapist must be a .................. professional (wysoko wykwalifikowanym)
She should be .................. at her job. (dobra)
She must be .................. and ..................... (uprzejma i przyjazna)
She should be ................... (mająca wysokie umiejętności)
She should work .................. (sprawnie i fachowo)


Clients must feel .................. and .................. in the studio. (mile widziani; zrelaksowani)
They must feel .................. and .................. after a visit to a beauty therapist. (lepiej; bardziej zadowoleni)


A beauty salon is usually a .................., .................. and .................. place. (nowoczesne, miłe; spokojne)
Its interior should be .................. and .................. (dobrze zaprojektowane; ładnie urządzone)
The colours should be .................. and .................. (łagodne; ciepłe)
The furniture should be .................. and .................. (funkcjonalne; wygodne)

Exercise 7

Complete the sentences with nouns.

1. We offer a wide ............ of cosmetic ............... (zakres; zabiegi)

2. There are a lot of ..................... for the skin. (zabiegi)

3. We have a lot of new .................. . (metody)

4. We improve our cosmetic ........................ all the time. (postępowanie)

5. We offer both .................. and .................. to our clients. (pielęgnacyjne; zabiegi lecznicze)

6. We improve our clients’.................. (wygląd)

7. We create a nice.................. (atmosfera)

8. We make our clients .................. and feel better. (wyglądać lepiej)

Exercise 8

Complete the sentences giving the name of the right specialist.

1. You have a problem with your skin.
I advise you to consult .................. (dermatolog)

2. You need to look extra well for a party.
I advise you to make an appointment with .................. (wizażysta)

3. Your finger nails do not look good.
I advise you to visit .................. (manikiurzystka)

4. Your hairstyle irritates you.
I advise you to see .................. (fryzjer)

5. I think I am a bit too big.
I advise you to consult .................. (dietetyk)

6. I think I need more exercise.
I advise you to consult .................. (trener fitnessu)


Task 1

You are a beauty therapist like Sandra. Speak/write about yourself. Begin with: “I am a beauty therapist. My name...” (para 1)

Task 2

You are the owner of a beauty salon. Speak/write about it and its services. Begin with: “I am the owner of a beauty salon called...” (para 1 and 2)

Task 3

You are a client of the Tip-Top Studio (or another beauty salon that you like). Speak/write about your experience.

Dialogue 1 2

Listen to a dialogue between a Polish beauty therapist (A) and an Italian cosmetic consultant (C) at a demonstration organized by a cosmetic company. Complete it with the missing words or phrases.

A: Excuse me, are you Italian?

C:Yes, I am. My name’s Claudia Bozzi. I work as a ............... for Fendirelli Cosmetics Company.

A:Let me introduce myself. I’m Sandra Nowak. I am a ............... from Warsaw.

C:Are you a cosmetic consultant for Fendirelli, too?

A:No, I’m not. I run a ............... in Warsaw.

C:Oh, do you use our cosmetics in your beauty salon?

A:Yes, we do. That’s why I am interested in your ............... of cosmetics.

C:Clients are very demanding these days.

A:That’s why we have to keep up to date and offer them new ..................... and new .....................

C:My company tries to help you.

A:Yes. You certainly ............... By the way, ............... this your first visit to Warsaw?

C:No, it isn’t. I come to Warsaw every month.

A:And how ............... Warsaw?

C:Very much, indeed. I feel almost at home here.

A:............... to hear that!

Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions which follow.

1. Where are the two women?

2. What company does Claudia Bozzi work for?

3. What do the two women have in common?

4. Does Sandra know Fendirelli and their products?

5. Why is Sandra at the demonstration?

6. How does Claudia feel in Warsaw?

Dialogue 2 3

First, look at the vocabulary given on the margin. Then, listen to a dialogue between a journalist from the “Piękno” magazine (J) and Monika Stelmak, a beauty therapist (M). Decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F). Explain why you think so.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
1. Mrs Stelmak is a qualified beauty therapist. ...
2. She keeps updating her knowledge. ...
3. Mrs Stelmak believes that experience is more important than formal education. ...
4. Mrs Stelmak finds her job interesting. ...
5. Mrs Stelmak wants to improve the reputation of her beauty salon. ...
6. The salon employs only beauty therapists. ...
7. A beauty salon cannot be success without satisfied clients. ...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

Now listen to the dialogue again and complete what the beauty therapist says:

1. I have ................................. cosmetology and a lot of ..................... from different ........................

2. I have ........................................... in the job.

3. There are a lot of .......................... I mean new ....................... and new ................................

4. We try to ................ our clients what they ..................., high- quality beauty treatment and ..........................

5. We employ not only ................................. but also massage therapists, chiropodists, ......................., .............................

6. But, first of all, we .................................... to satisfy our clients.


Task 1

Say all you know about the Italian from Dialogue 1.

Task 2

Say all you know about the beauty therapist from Dialogue 2.

Task 3

Learn to act out both dialogues.Text 2 Beauty Therapy As a Profession

Beauty therapists are highly skilled beauty and health professionals. They use grooming procedures such as make-up, waxing, cosmetic tattoo as well as therapeutic procedures such as electrolysis, massage therapy, lymphatic drainage or non-surgical face lifting. Their objective is to improve the client’s appearance. Beauty therapists must keep up to date with the latest novelties in skin care. First of all, however, they must have comprehensive knowledge of the human body, its anatomy and physiology, bacteriology, cosmetic chemistry and dermatology, in particular skin disorders and defects, as well as nutrition. They are taught and trained to evaluate the condition of the client’s organism from a holistic point of view. A holistic approach is crucial to the proper choice of treatment. It is a prerequisite to the double effect which the beauty therapist wants to achieve, namely improvement in appearance and well-being of the client.

Beauty therapists work not only in beauty salons and health clinics. Hospitals employ them to help in the treatment of scars, birthmarks as well as in post-plastic surgery treatment. You can find them in the makeup departments of film studios and theatres, on the staff of beauty and fashion journals for men and women. They can work as lecturers and instructors at a variety of cosmetic schools, courses, demonstrations. They can follow a large number of career options. They can work as beauty consultants, make-up artists, sales representatives, manicurists and pedicurists, electrologists. Their places of work can range from a beauty salon through a hotel, a department store, a hospital, a health farm or a leisure centre to a cosmetic company. They can also be self-employed, mobile therapists. What a wide choice! What wonderful prospects!

Beauty therapists can specialise as beauty consultants. A beauty consultant, also referred to as a cosmetic consultant, is a trained senior sales assistant who promotes one or more brands of cosmetic products in department stores and pharmacies. Beauty consultants provide advice on the choice, purchase and application of cosmetics. As a rule, this job requires additional training in selling techniques as well as an outgoing personality and communicative skills. A beauty therapist is concerned with facial and body treatments, waxing, manicure, pedicure, eyelash and brow tinting and make-up application. There are three groups of beauty therapists:

1) salon or spa beauty therapists who are concerned with regular skin care, including its revitalisation, rejuvenation and relaxation

2) medical beauty therapists who cooperate with medical staff and focus on the pre- and post-operative care of the patient. They deal with skin problems such as acne, post-acne scaring, chemical peelings

3) clinical beauty therapists who work independently within a clinical setting such as a skin care clinic or salon. They concentrate on clinical aspects of the skin and are responsible for spa services.

Beauty therapists should be impeccably groomed, pleasant and tactful at all times. They should have genuine interest in people, be sensitive to their responses and considerate of their needs. They must also have good manual skills and perfect eye-hand coordination.

Answer the following questions to Text 2.

1. What is the international term for beauty salon employees?

2. What procedures do beauty therapists use?

3. What is the objective of these procedures?

4. What knowledge must beauty therapists have?

5. What are beauty therapists taught and trained to do?

6. Why is a holistic approach so important?

7. Where do beauty therapists work?

8. Is it good to choose this profession as a future career?

9. What do you know about beauty consultants?

10. What is a beauty therapist concerned with?

11. What are the three types of beauty therapists?

12. What should beauty therapists be like?


Exercise 1

Study the vocabulary. Complete the sentences.





1. Our beauty studio provides a wide range of .................. (zabiegów)

2. We employ highly qualified .................. (terapeutów)

3. A lot of clients are interested in massage .................. (terapia) because journals write a lot about its .................. effects. (terapeutyczne)


to improve



1. Regular skin care can .................. the client’s appearance. (polepszyć)

2. The client should see .................. in the appearance of the skin after 3 procedures. (polepszenie)

3. We use new .................. methods of skin care because we follow all novelties. (ulepszone)


to add




1. We read professional journals and .................. new therapies to our offer. (dodajemy)

2. A visit to a beauty salon should always produce an important .................. effect, namely relaxation. (dodatkowy)

3. Our cosmetic products are without any .................. (dodatków) They are 100% natural.

4. Massage is a welcome .................. to any vistit to a beauty salon. (dodatek).






1. Before and after your beauty treatment you can .................. in our bar over a cup of herbal tea or a glass of juice. (zrelaksować się)

2. I’m sure this treatment is very .................. (relaksujący)

3. Clients always feel .................. after this procedure. (zrelaksowani)

4. I think .................. is an important part of beauty treatment. (relaksacja)

Exercise 2

Study the vocabulary. Use it in the sentences.


skin care



cosmetic tattoo

1. A modern woman should find time for regular .....................

2. A lot of women wear .................. these days to look and feel better.

3. .................. is very popular among women not only in summer these days.

4. We offer .................. because a lot of teenagers are interested in it.


non-surgical face lifting


massage therapy

lymphatic drainage

1. A lot of women find .................. very relaxing.

2. We have qualified and skilled specialists in .................. which is a form of rejuvenation.

3. Women who feel too big can have ....................................

4. ..................... is a way of removing excess hair.

Exercise 3

Read the text to find the English equivalents of the Polish phrases. Next complete the sentences.


------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
ocenić stan . ..................................................
osiągnąć efekt . ..................................................
pomagać w leczeniu . ..................................................
rozwijać się zawodowo . ..................................................
promować markę . ..................................................
udzielać porad . ..................................................
wymagać szkoleń . ..................................................
koncentrować się na kliencie . ..................................................
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------

1. First you should .................. of the client’s organism.

2. We always do our best to .................. that is improvement in the client’s appearance.

3. Our specialists can .................. on a variety of treatments.

4. A qualified beauty therapist can .................. of scars, birthmarks, and the like.

5. Some new methods of treatment ..................

6. A beauty consultant often helps to .................. of a well-known cosmetics company.

7. You must know that a qualified beauty therapist can .................. in a variety of places.

8. A good beauty therapist always .................. not on the method.


------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------
otwarta osobowość . ...............................................
zdolności manualne . ...............................................
koordynacja oko-ręka . ...............................................
prawdziwe zainteresowanie . ...............................................
wybór kosmetyków . ...............................................
barwienie rzęs i brwi . ...............................................
zastosowanie tych kosmetyków . ...............................................
potrądzikowe zmiany skórne . ...............................................
------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------

1. Can you advise me on ..................?

2. What can you tell me about ..................?

3. You have wonderful ..................! You can be a beauty therapist.

4. ... are very important when you want to be a beauty therapist.

5. Her .................. in people makes her very popular with clients.

6. I do not like doing .................. but clients often ask for it.

7. She has an .................. and good communicative skills. It helps her in contacts with clients.

8. We often have clients who have problems with ..................


Task 1

Give a minilecture/speech to students about beauty therapists, the objective of their work, the knowledge and skills they must have, and the like. Begin with: “As you may already know...”

Task 2

Give a minilecture/speech to students about their career options and prospects. You can begin with: “I’d like you to know that a qualified beauty therapist can follow a large number of career options.”


beauty therapist – kosmetyczka

owner – właściciel

beauty – piękno

beauty salon – salon piękności, gabinet kosmetyczny

highly qualified – wysoko wykwalifikowany

professional – profesjonalny

diploma – dyplom

certificate – świadectwo

course – kurs

experience in sth – doświadczenie w czymś

to be good at sth – być w czymś dobrym

job – praca

to offer – oferować, polecać

a full range of sth – bogata oferta czegoś

treatment – zabieg, leczenie

to follow sth – tu: śledzić

development – rozwoj

professional press – prasa branżowa

to subscribe to sth – zaprenumerować coś

periodical – periodyk

to keep up to date – być na bieżąco

therapy – terapia, zabieg

offered – oferowany, polecany

to add – dodawać

method – metoda

to employ – zatrudniać

make-up artist – wizażystka

massage therapist – masażysta

manicurist – manikiurzyst(k)a

chiropodist – specjalista od piel ęgnacji stóp

nail design technician – specjalista od stylizacji paznokci

hairdresser – fryzjer

dermatologist – dermatolog

nutritionist – dietetyk

fitness trainer – instruktor fitnesu

qualified – wykwalifikowany

specialist – specjalista

to be ready to do sth – być gotowym do zrobienia czegoś

to serve sb – obsłużyć kogoś

client – klient

wide – szeroki

offer – oferta

advice – porada

calm – spokojny

pleasant – przyjemny

place – miejsce

interior – wnętrze

well designed – dobrze zaprojektowany

nicely decorated – ładnie urządzony

soft – miękki, delikatny

warm – ciepły

furniture – meble

functional – funkcjonalny

comfortable – wygodny

room – pokoj, tu: miejsce

both... and – tu: zarowno... jak

to feel (felt, felt) – czuć

efficiently – sprawnie

noise – hałas

to penetrate – przenikać

building – budynek

herbal tea – herbata ziołowa

fresh fruit juice – sok ze świeżych owoców

to relax – relaksować się

armchair – fotel

daily paper – gazeta codzienna

journal – magazyn, czasopismo

staff – personel

to do one's best – dokładać wszelkich starai, robić co można

to create an atmosphere – stwarzać atmosferę

to wear a smile – uśmiechać się

face – twarz

polite – uprzejmy, miły

friendly – przyjacielski

welcome – tu: mile widziany

relaxed – zrelaksowany, wypocz ęty

looks – tu: wygląd

also – także

to make sb feel better – sprawić, że ktoś czuje się lepiej

satisfied – zadowolony, usatysfakcjonowany

demonstration – pokaz

let me introduce myself – pozwol, że się przedstawię

to use – używać, stosować

to be interested in sth – interesować się czymś

demanding – wymagający

to try – starać się

certainly – z pewnością

by the way – a propos

every month – co miesiąc

almost – prawie

to be bored – być znudzonym

I mean – tu: mam na myśli

to enjoy good reputation among... – cieszyć sie dobrą opinią wśrod...

to need – potrzebować

to depend on sth – zależeć od czegoś

to satisfy – zadowolić

health – zdrowie

to use – używać, stosować

grooming procedure – zabieg piel ęgnacyjny i upiększający

therapeutic procedure – zabieg leczniczy

electrolysis – elektroliza

massage therapy – masaż

lymphatic drainage – drenaż limfatyczny

face lifting – lifting twarzy

non-surgical – nieoperacyjny

objective – cel

appearance – wygląd

skin care – pielęgnacja skóry

first of all – przede wszystkim

however – niemniej jednak

comprehensive – obszerny, cało ściowy

knowledge – wiedza

human body – ciało człowieka

anatomy – anatomia

physiology – fizjologia

bacteriology – bakteriologia

cosmetic chemistry – chemia kosmetyczna

dermatology – dermatologia

in particular – w szczególności

disorder – zaburzenie, choroba

defect – defekt, wada

nutrition – odżywianie

to teach – uczyć (kogoś)

to train – szkolić

to evaluate – oceniać, analizować

condition – stan

organism – organizm

a holistic point of view – holistyczny/całościowy punkt widzenia

a holistic approach to sth – holistyczne podejście do czegoś

crucial to sth – decydujący/ /przełomowy dla czegoś

proper choice – właściwy wybór

prerequisite to sth – warunek wst ępny do czegoś

effect – efekt

double – podwojny

to achieve an effect – osiągnąć efekt

namely – mianowicie

improvement in sth – ulepszenie/poprawienie czegoś

well-being – dobre samopoczucie

health clinic – klinika zdrowia

hospital – szpital

to help – pomagać

scar – blizna

birthmark – znamię

pharmacy – apteka

to provide advice on sth – udzielać rady odnośnie czegoś

purchase – zakup

application – zastosowanie

as a rule– z reguły, zasadniczo

to require – wymagać

additional – dodatkowy

training – szkolenie

selling techniques – techniki sprzedaży

outgoing personality – otwarta osobowość

communicative skills – umiejętność komunikacji

to be concerned with – zajmować się

facial treatment – zabieg kosmetyczny twarzy

waxing – depilacja woskiem

manicure – manikiur

pedicure – pedikiur

eyelash/brow tinting – henna rzęs i brwi

make-up application – wykonanie/ nałożenie makijażu

type – typ

including – w tym

revitalisation – rewitalizacja

rejuvenation – odmładzanie

relaxation – relaks

to focus on sth – skupiać się na czym ś

to deal with sth – zajmować się czym ś

plastic surgery – operacja plastyczna

to find – znajdować

department – wydział

fashion – moda

fashion journal – magazyn poświ ęcony modzie

lecturer – wykładowca

instructor – instruktor

variety – różnorodność

to follow a career option – wybrać jedną z dróg kariery zawodowej

a large number of sth – duża liczba czegoś

sales representative – przedstawiciel handlowy

pedicurist – pedikiurzystka

to range from... through... to – prezentować zakres od... przez... do...

department store – dom towarowy

health farm – farma piękności

leisure centre – ośrodek wypoczynkowy

company – firma, przedsiębiorstwo

self-employed – pracujący na własny rachunek

mobile therapist – kosmetyczka na telefon

wonderful prospects – wspaniałe perspektywy

to specialise in sth – specjalizować się w czymś

referred to as – zwany

sales assistant – sprzedawca

to promote – promować

brand – marka

acne – trądzik

scarring – zbliznowacenie

peeling – piling

independently – samodzielnie

within a clinical setting – na terenie kliniki

aspect – aspekt

to be responsible for sth – być odpowiedzialnym za coś

impeccably groomed – perfekcyjnie zadbany

pleasant – miły, przyjemny

tactful – taktowny

at all times – przez cały czas, zawsze

genuine interest in sth/sb – szczere zainteresowanie czym ś/kimś

sensitive to sth – wrażliwy na coś

response – tu: reakcja

considerate of sth – pełna wzgl ędów dla potrzeb innych

perfect coordination – doskonała koordynacja

