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English prepositions Test - ebook

Data wydania:
26 sierpnia 2023
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English prepositions Test - ebook

Incorrect usage of prepositions in English is like driving your car at night with the headlights off. You can’t find the way in darkness. The book illuminates the way by being the most definitive resource for English learners at all levels. • Test with a key and helpful explanations in brackets: I have heard about the band Dif Juz. (I know some details and recent news about the band) I have heard of the band Dif Juz. (I know that such a band exists) • A scoring system helps you keep track of your progress • Interesting, contrastive preposition usage in carefully selected contexts: She is staying at the Smiths’. vs She is staying with the Smiths. I’m sorry about the damage. vs I’m sorry for the damage. • Focus on enhancing the minutest differences: be nostalgic about sth vs be nostalgic for sth a painting by Monet vs the paintings of Monet • English Prepositions. Exercises Part 1, 2 and 3 serve as perfect complements to English Prepositions. Test

Kategoria: Angielski
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 978-83-968474-9-2
Rozmiar pliku: 593 KB





Test 1 - 50

Key to test 1 - 50

Test 51 - 100

Key to test 51 - 100

Test 101 - 150

Key to test 101 - 150

Test 151 - 200

Key to test 151 - 200

Test 201 - 250

Key to test 201 - 250

Test 251 - 300

Key to test 251 - 300

Test 301 - 350

Key to test 301 - 350

Test 351 - 400

Key to test 351 - 400

Test 401 - 450

Key to test 401 - 450

Test 451 - 500

Key to test 451 - 500

Test 501 - 550

Key to test 501 - 550

Test 551 - 600

Key to test 551 - 600


Although the most important part of the English sentence is the verbal group, prepositions form its integral part. Incorrect usage of prepositions in English is like driving your car at night with the headlights off. You can’t find the way in darkness. The ebook illuminates the way by being the most definitive resource for English learners at all levels, focusing on prepositions in a wide variety of illuminating contexts and examples. With this self-study guide, you will be able to broaden and test your knowledge and see the correct answer consulting the key. The overriding aim of the ebook is a practical one: the more examples you have, the better chance of gaining a feel for preposition usage. The ebook _English Prepositions - Exercises_ serves as a perfect complement to the ebook.

Radosław Więckowski

[email protected]

Choose a correct preposition from the set of prepositions written in bold. Sometimes in a given context two prepositions can be used ___ /___, e. g. He is AT/IN the station or three, e. g. We had to fly BY/ON/WITH British Airways. After solving the first 50 examples of preposition usage, you can have a look at the key and check the answers giving yourself a point for each correct answer and then add up your score. The sum total is given at the very end of the test.


on, by, in, over, of, with

We had to fly ___ /___ /___ British Airways.

We had to fly ___ plane.

We had to fly ___ the plane.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 5 points

Klucz do 1:

We had to fly by/on/with British Airways.

We had to fly by plane.

We had to fly on the plane.

YOUR SCORE: 5 / 5 pointsTEST 1 - 50


on, by, in, over, of, with

He took a selfie ___ /___ his phone.

He took a selfie ___ the Eiffel Tower.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points


at, about, on, by, in, with

She laughed ___ the photos that I showed her. (She laughed the moment she saw the photos)

She laughed ___ the photos that I had showed her the day before. (She laughed in retrospect when she looked back on the photos)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


about, on, in, of, for, to

___ English we speak of children playing ___ the lawn or ___ the yard, but not as playing ___ the lawn or ___ the yard.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 5 points


about, in, on, of, to, into

I wonder what’s ___ her mind? (I wonder what she is thinking about or planning?)

I wonder what’s ___ her mind? (I wonder what’s worrying her?)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


at, in, for, of, on, with

I played Kate ___ chess.

I played a game ___ chess ___ Kate.

Can I interest you ___ a game ___ chess?

I must find somebody ___ you to play chess ___.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 7 points


about, at, by, with, of, to

Be careful ___ thieves, they are everywhere in town.

Be careful ___ your money, thieves are everywhere in town.

Be careful ___ /___ where you go in town, thieves are on every corner.

Be careful ___ ATMs in town.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 5 points


in, on, by, of, for, over

I did a search ___ yoga clubs ___ the area. (I tried to find information about yoga clubs on the internet)

I did a thorough search ___ the area but didn’t find any yoga clubs. (I tried to find yoga clubs in the area)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points


about, at, in, on, for, of

I am anxious ___ my exam. (I am worried as to my exam)

I am anxious ___ a good mark. (I am eager to have a good mark)

I am anxious ___ her to get a good mark ___ /___ the test. (I really want her to get a good mark)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 5 points


at, in, on, for, of, to

She put pictures ___ her party ___ a blog post.

She put pictures ___ her party ___ a blog page.

Do leave a comment ___ this post ___ /___ her blog.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 7 points


at, on, in, over, of, with

Now I am based ___ Google’s headquarters.

Google is based ___ Mountain View, California.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


on, by, in, of, for, with

They grabbed Usain Bolt ___ a trackside selfie after his win.

___ the stadium Usain Bolt posed ___ selfies.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points


in, on, for, of, to, with

Usain Bolt ___ Jamaica took gold ___ a time ___ 9.93 seconds. ___ second place was Justin Gatlin, ___ 9.94. And the bronze medal went ___ Blake, ___ 9.96.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 7 points


at, by, for, in, on, with

You look good ___ that dress.

That dress looks good ___ you.

That dress looks good ___ my eye.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points


about, at, in, on, for, to

The dish is good ___ her.

The dish tastes good ___ her.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


at, by, for, to, with, until

I'd like to confirm ___ you that you will finish the report ___ Thursday. (I'd like to get confirmation from you)

Let me look at my calendar to confirm that ___ you. (according to your request)

I confirm ___ you that I will finish the report ___ Thursday. (I give you confirmation)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 5 points


about, at, in, on, for, of

Interest ___ credit is high. (Interest rates are high)

Interest ___ credit is big. (More and more people want to get it)

He made about $500 ___ interest.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points


at, by, for, on, of, to

He was startled ___ a knock ___ the door.

He was startled ___ the sound ___ someone knocking ___ the door.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 5 points


in, on, with, from, for, to

He went ___ the pool ___ a swim.

He went ___ a swim ___ the pool.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points


at, in, on, with, over

He is ___ the swimming pool. (He is in the building)

He is ___ the swimming pool. (He is somewhere near the swimming pool)

He is ___ the swimming pool. (He is swimming)

How’s the work ___ the swimming pool going?

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points



He likes windsurfing and kitesurfing ___ the lake.

He likes windsurfing and kitesurfing ___ the ocean.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


about, from, of, into, over, for

She thought ___ the problem. (She considered the problem)

She thought ___ the problem. (She brought the problem to her mind)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


in, on, over, of, for, from

He is a political blogger ___ /___ the Washington Post.

I read about it ___ /___ a blog.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points


at, in, on, into, through, for

I found it ___ /___ Google.

I Googled ___ something completely different.

I was googling ___ a lot of web sites.

You have to type the word you want to search ___ ___ the Google search box.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 6 points


about, at, in, on, by, with

He likes having fun ___ various occasions ___ various times and ___ various ways.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points


in, on, by, with, to, for

He was killed ___ a blow ___ /___ the head ___ a bat.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points


at, in, of, to, over, with

Taking photos ___ planes as the background isn’t illegal.

Taking photos ___ planes taking off from the runway isn’t illegal.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


about, for, on, of, by, with

She dreams ___ becoming a pilot. (aspiration)

She often dreams ___ flying. (image during sleep)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


at, for, in, on, to, with

I’d like to have a job ___ the Vogue magazine.

I don’t know what to wear ___ a job interview ___ Vogue.

I had an interview ___ a job ___ Vogue.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 5 points


in, of, for, by, on, with

How will you be paying ___ your purchase: ___ cash, ___ check, or ___ a credit card? (credit card as a tool for making a payment)

You can pay ___ your purchase ___ one ___ two ways: ___ cash or ___ credit card. (credit card as a way of payment)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 9 points


at, for, on, over, to, with

Thanks for coming ___ the party.

Thanks for coming ___ the program.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


at, for, on, into, by, to

Go ___ the Internet and type the word ___ the browser.

Go ___ the website ___ the photos.

I got ___ the Web site ___ clicking ___ a link ___ another site.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 8 points


about, for, on, over, of, to

Internet is a remarkable source ___ information.

Internet is a remarkable source ___ a lot of people. (Internet provides information about a lot of people)

Internet is a remarkable source ___ /___ a lot of people. (Internet provides a lot of people with information)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points


at, on, to, for, over, with

He was ___ the phone ___ /___ Kate.

There's someone ___ the phone ___ Kate.

He made a phone call ___ Kate.

Kate was called ___ the phone.

He told Kate the news ___ the phone. (He used the phone to tell Kate the news)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 8 points


about, over, in, on, by, of

A book ___ horses is probably more formal and scientific than a book ___ horses which might, for instance, be a children’s story.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


at, on, of, for, from, since

I’ve been swimming ___ I was three years old.

I’ve been swimming ___ the age ___ three.

SCORE __ / 3 points


at, in, on, to, for, into

Put the champagne ___ ice.

Put a bottle of champagne ___ /___ the fridge.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points


about, by, for, of, to, with

A dry champagne makes the ideal accompaniment ___ /___ this dish.

This dish is accompanied ___ /___ a dry champagne.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points


at, in, on, by, to, with

He was driving ___ 120km per hour ___ the A51 ___ an appointment ___ his new boss.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points


at, in, of, on, to, with

If you are waiting for someone outside a restaurant, you are ___ the restaurant, not ___ the restaurant. But if you are inside, you can be both ___ or ___ McDonald’s.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points


at, in, on, for, with, off

If someone is ___ the station, they could be ___ the street outside, or ___ the ticket office, waiting room, restaurant or ___ the platform.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points


by, for, of, from, on, to

I have been ___ the restaurant many times, usually ___ breakfast ___ a Saturday morning ___ visits ___ London, arriving ___ the train ___ Peterborough, but also ___ lunch a couple ___ times.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 9 points


at, on, by, for, of, to

Can I have a moment ___ your time?

Can I speak ___ you ___ a moment?

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points


at, in, for, with, of, to

We replaced apples ___ oranges. (We put oranges in the place of apples)

We substituted apples ___ oranges. (We put apples in the place of oranges)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


about, at, by, for, with, to

I am sorry ___ the damage ___ your car. (It is not my own fault or is beyond my control)

I am sorry ___ the damage ___ your car. (I am personally at fault)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points


about, at, in, on, by, to

Did you see Matt Damon ___ Saturday Night Live? The sketches ___ that show are funny.

Did you see Matt Damon ___ Good Will Hunting? The scenes ___ that film are funny.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 4 points


at, in, on, by, to, of

There has been an improvement ___ the weather. (The weather has got better)

Today’s weather has been an improvement ___ yesterday’s. (Today’s weather is better than yesterday’s) YOUR SCORE: YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 POINTS


at, on, by, to, for, from

Instructions ___ how to do this will be provided in the User Manual.

Instructions ___ the correct way to do this will be provided in the User Manual.

Here’s a list of instructions ___ the computer.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points


at, in, on, by, with, of

It was an interesting training session ___ presentation techniques. (Presentation techniques were the area of knowledge of the training session)

It was an interesting training session ___ presentation techniques. (Presentation techniques were the subject of the training session)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 2 points


at, in, on, to, for, of

I'm ___ training ___ the London marathon.

I'll be out of the office ___ a (training) course.

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points


at, in, on, to, for, of

I am ___ training. (I am a member of the training team)

I am rewriting the entire employee manual. I was ___ travel, and now I am ___ training. (Training is one item in a list or sequence being done)

YOUR SCORE: ___ / 3 points

1 – 50 YOUR SCORE: ______ / 197 maximum pointsKEY TO TEST 1 - 50


He took a selfie on/with his phone.

He took a selfie with the Eiffel Tower.


She laughed at the photos that I showed her.

She laughed about the photos that I had showed her the day before.


In English we speak of children playing on the lawn or in the yard, but not as playing in the lawn or on the yard.


I wonder what’s in her mind?

I wonder what’s on her mind?


I played Kate at chess.

I played a game of chess with Kate.

Can I interest you in a game of chess?

I must find somebody for you to play chess with.


Be careful of thieves, they are everywhere in town.

Be careful with your money, thieves are everywhere in town.

Be careful about/of where you go in town, thieves are on every corner.

Be careful at ATMs in town.


I did a search for yoga clubs in the area.

I did a thorough search of the area but didn’t find any yoga clubs.


I am anxious about my exam.

I am anxious for a good mark.

I am anxious for her to get a good mark in/on the test.


She put pictures of her party in a blog post.

She put pictures of her party on a blog page.

Do leave a comment on this post in/on her blog.


Now I am based at Google’s headquarters.

Google is based in Mountain View, California.


They grabbed Usain Bolt for a trackside selfie after his win.

In the stadium Usain Bolt posed for selfies.


Usain Bolt of Jamaica took gold with a time of 9.93 seconds. In second place was Justin Gatlin, on 9.94. And the bronze medal went to Blake, on 9.96.


You look good in that dress.

That dress looks good on you.

That dress looks good to my eye.


The dish is good for her.

The dish tastes good to her.


I'd like to confirm with you that you will finish the report by Thursday.

Let me look at my calendar to confirm that for you.

I confirm to you that I will finish the report by Thursday.


Interest on credit is high.

Interest in credit is big.

He made about $500 in interest.


He was startled by a knock at the door. (The phrase "knock at the door" uses "knock" as a noun. A knock at the door is the sound that someone hears when another person hits a door with their knuckles.)

He was startled by the sound of someone knocking on the door. (The phrase "knock on the door" usually uses "knock" as a verb. Knocking on a door is using the knuckles of the hand to hit a door to get the attention of someone on the other side of the door.)


He went to the pool for a swim.

He went for a swim in the pool.


He is at the swimming pool.

He is at the swimming pool. (somewhere near the swimming pool)

He is in the swimming pool.

How’s the work on the swimming pool going?


He likes windsurfing and kitesurfing on the lake.

He likes windsurfing and kitesurfing in the ocean.


She thought about the problem.

She thought of the problem.


He is a political blogger for/on the Washington Post.

I read about it in/on a blog.


I found it in/on Google.

I Googled for something completely different.

I was googling through a lot of web sites.

You have to type the word you want to search for into the Google search box.


He likes having fun on various occasions at various times and in various ways.


He was killed by a blow to/on the head with a bat.


Taking photos with planes as the background isn’t illegal.

Taking photos of planes taking off from the runway isn’t illegal.


She dreams of becoming a pilot. (aspiration)

She often dreams about flying. (image during sleep)


I’d like to have a job on the Vogue magazine.

I don’t know what to wear to a job interview at Vogue.

I had an interview for a job with Vogue.


How will you be paying for your purchase: in cash, by check, or with a credit card? (credit card as a tool for making a payment)

You can pay for your purchase in one of two ways: by cash or by credit card. (credit card as a way of payment)


Thanks for coming to the party.

Thanks for coming on the program.


Go on the Internet and type the word into the browser.

Go to the website for the photos.

I got to the Web site by clicking on a link at another site.


Internet is a remarkable source of information.

Internet is a remarkable source for a lot of people. (Internet provides information about a lot of people)

Internet is a remarkable source for/to a lot of people. (Internet provides a lot of people with information)


He was on the phone to/with Kate.

There's someone on the phone for Kate.

He made a phone call to Kate.

Kate was called on the phone.

He told Kate the news over the phone.


A book on horses is probably more formal and scientific than a book about horses which might, for instance, be a children’s story.


I’ve been swimming since I was three years old.

I’ve been swimming from the age of three.


Put the champagne on ice.

Put a bottle of champagne in/into the fridge.


A dry champagne makes the ideal accompaniment for/to this dish.

This dish is accompanied by/with a dry champagne.


He was driving at 120km per hour on the A51 to an appointment with his new boss.


