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English sentences Quiz - ebook

Data wydania:
15 lipca 2023
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English sentences Quiz - ebook

• Ebook which has no counterpart on the market • Quiz equipped with the key which consists in deciphering which sentences are correct and incorrect: He is sure to succeed. He is certain to succeed. It is sure that he will succeed. It is certain that he will succeed. • 200 sets of contrastive examples in carefully selected contexts • Selective and inspiring collection of sentences • Focus on enhancing the minutest differences • An informative resource for inquisitive English learners who enjoy challenging themselves

Kategoria: Angielski
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 9788396847478
Rozmiar pliku: 569 KB




Sentences 1 - 5

Key to sentences 1-5

Sentences 6 - 11

Key to sentences 6 - 11

Sentences 12 - 16

Key to sentences 12 - 16

Sentences 17 - 21

Key to sentences 17 - 21

Sentences 22 - 26

Key to sentences 22 - 26

Sentences 27 - 31

Key to sentences 27 - 31

Sentences 32 - 36

Key to sentences 32 - 36

Sentences 37 - 41

Key to sentences 37 - 41

Sentences 42 - 46

Key to sentences 42 - 46

Sentences 47 - 51

Key to sentences 47 - 51

Sentences 52 - 56

Key to sentences 52 - 56

Sentences 57 - 61

Key to sentences 57 - 61

Sentences 62 - 66

Key to sentences 62 - 66

Sentences 67 - 71

Key to sentences 67 - 71

Sentences 72 - 76

Key to sentences 72 - 76

Sentences 77 - 81

Key to sentences 77 - 81

Sentences 82 - 86

Key to sentences 82 - 86

Sentences 87 - 91

Key to sentences 87 - 91

Sentences 92 - 96

Key to sentences 92 - 96

Sentences 97 - 101

Key to sentences 97 - 101

Sentences 102 - 106

Key to sentences 102 - 106

Sentences 107 - 111

Key to sentences 107 – 111

Sentences 112 - 116

Key to sentences 112 - 116

Sentences 117 - 121

Key to sentences 117 - 121

Sentences 122 - 126

Key to sentences 122 - 126

Sentences 127 - 132

Key to sentences 127 - 132

Sentences 133 - 137

Key to sentences 133 - 137

Sentences 138 - 142

Key to sentences 138 - 142

Sentences 143 - 148

Key to sentences 143 - 148

Sentences 149 – 153

Key to sentences 149 – 153

Sentences 154 - 158

Key to sentences 154 - 158

Sentences 159 - 163

Key to sentences 159 - 163

Sentences 164 - 168

Key to sentences 164 - 168

Sentences 169 - 173

Key to sentences 169 - 173

Sentences 174 - 178

Key to sentences 174 - 178

Sentences 179 - 183

Key to sentences 179 - 183

Sentences 184 - 188

Key to sentences 184 - 188

Sentences 189 - 193

Key to sentences 189 - 193

Sentences 194 - 200

Key to sentences 194 - 200PREFACE

In everyday communication we do not pay much attention to the building blocks of a sentence, the setup of which impacts the way we are understood by others. Irrespective of which level of English we are at, we tend to ask ourselves questions about the building blocks, just like doing a jigsaw puzzle we try to fit together small pieces of different shapes. The ebook is the form of a quiz which consists in deciphering which sentences are correct and incorrect. It is an interesting and informative resource for inquisitive English learners by focusing on a wide variety of contrastive contexts. With this self-study guide, you will be able to test your knowledge of English and see the correct answer consulting the key equipped with bracketed explanations. A plethora of seemingly similar sentences constitutes the biggest asset of the publication. The more correct and incorrect sentences you study in contrastive contexts, the better chance of gaining a feel for correct English usage. When the sentence is wrong the first fundamental step is to identify where the problem is before even finding the solution, rather than randomly changing things hoping for a stroke of luck. It is worth mentioning at this point that the ebook is not a coursebook and does not aim to be as such. It is a selective and inspiring collection of sentences, which I hope, will encourage the learner to do their own study into this fascinating language.

Radosław Więckowski

[email protected] each group of sentences there are both correct and incorrect ones. There can be one incorrect sentence or more. Mark the correct sentences with √ and incorrect ones with ×. Try to identify the mistakes and explain your choice.


1. How about we play tennis? ___

2. How about playing tennis? ___

3. How about play tennis? ___

Key to 1:

1. How about we play tennis? √ correct

2. How about playing tennis? √ correct

3. How about play tennis? × incorrect


1. How does it feel to work at Google? ___

2. How is it like to work at Google? ___

3. What does it feel like to work at Google? ___

4. What is it like to work at Google? ___

5. What is it like working at Google? ___

Key to 2:

1. How does it feel to work at Google? √ correct

2. How is it like to work at Google? × incorrect (The preposition _like_ occurs with _what_, not with _how_ so the correct question is _what is … like_, not _how is … like_)

3. What does it feel like to work at Google? √ correct

4. What is it like to work at Google? √ correct

5. What is it like working at Google? √ correctSENTENCES 1 - 5


1. To have been working so little and to have achieved such results is a big surprise for them. ___

2. Having been working so little and having achieved such results, they were surprised. ___

3. To have been working so little and having achieved such results is a big surprise for them. ___


1. This is a pen, and that’s a pencil. And what’s this? It’s a felt-tip pen. ___

2. This is a pen, and that’s a pencil. And what’s that? It’s a felt-tip pen. ___

3. This is a pen, and this is a pencil. And what’s that? This is a felt-tip pen. ___


1. There are a lot of people being nice to you. ___

2. There are a lot of people be nice to you. ___


1. I seem unable to solve this problem. ___

2. I seem to be unable to solve this problem. ___

3. I seem not to be able to solve this problem. ___

4. I can’t seem to solve this problem. ___

5. I can’t seem to be able to solve this problem. ___


1. Many of these data are useless because of their lack of specifics. ___

2. Much of this data is useless because of its lack of specifics. ___

3. Much of this data are useless because of their lack of specifics. ___KEY TO SENTENCES 1-5


1. To have been working so little and to have achieved such results is a big surprise for them. √

2. Having been working so little and having achieved such results, they were surprised. √

3. To have been working so little and having achieved such results is a big surprise for them. ×


1. This is a pen, and that’s a pencil. And what’s this? It’s a felt-tip pen. √

2. This is a pen, and that’s a pencil. And what’s that? It’s a felt-tip pen. √

3. This is a pen, and this is a pencil. And what’s that? This is a felt-tip pen. × (When we point to the second thing we use the determiner _that_, not _this_. In reply to _What’s that?_ we don’t say _This is_ …, but _That is_ … or _It is_ …)


1. There are a lot of people being nice to you. √

2. There are a lot of people be nice to you. × (in _there_-sentences we use gerunds, for example _There are some people_ waiting _for you, There are some people_ being _angry with her_ etc.)


1. I seem unable to solve this problem. √

2. I seem to be unable to solve this problem. √

3. I seem not to be able to solve this problem. √

4. I can’t seem to solve this problem. √

5. I can’t seem to be able to solve this problem. × (_to be able_ is redundant here)


1. Many of these data are useless because of their lack of specifics. √

2. Much of this data is useless because of its lack of specifics. √

3. Much of this data are useless because of their lack of specifics. × (with _much_ we always use a verb in the singular)SENTENCES 6 - 11


1. I remember my father to have been very kind. ___

2. I remember my father having been very kind. ___

3. I remember my father being very kind. ___

4. I remember my father to be very kind. ___


1. What I am irritated at is his treating me like a child. ___

2. What I am irritated at is he treats me like a child. ___

3. I am irritated at his treating me like a child. ___


1. I hate it that the project is over. ___

2. I hate that the project is over. ___


1. I found a book few of whose pages were lost. ___

2. I found a book few of which pages were lost. ___

3. I found a book of which few pages were lost. ___


1. You won't get a promotion until you have been working here as long as he. ___

2. You won't get a promotion until you will have been working here as long as he. ___

3. You won't get a promotion until you have worked here as long as he. ___


1. Once you've mastered the basics, you can begin to experiment a little. ___

2. Once you will master the basics, you can begin to experiment a little. ___

3. Once you master the basics, you can begin to experiment a little. ___KEY TO SENTENCES 6 - 11


1. I remember my father to have been very kind. √

2. I remember my father having been very kind. √

3. I remember my father being very kind. √

4. I remember my father to be very kind. ×


1. What I am irritated at is his treating me like a child. √

2. What I am irritated at is he treats me like a child. ×

3. I am irritated at his treating me like a child. √


1. I hate it that the project is over. √

2. I hate that the project is over. × (the verb _hate_ preceding _that_ is used with _it_)


1. I found a book few of whose pages were lost. √

2. I found a book few of which pages were lost. ×

3. I found a book of which few pages were lost. √ (_of which_ always proceeds _many_ and _few_)


1. You won't get a promotion until you have been working here as long as he. √

2. You won't get a promotion until you will have been working here as long as he. × (in time clauses after _until_ we do not put future tenses)

3. You won't get a promotion until you have worked here as long as he. √


1. Once you've mastered the basics, you can begin to experiment a little. √

2. Once you will master the basics, you can begin to experiment a little. × __ (In English after _once_ we don’t put future tenses)

3. Once you master the basics, you can begin to experiment a little. × __ (In this context mastering the basics takes some time, so after _once_ Present Perfect is more appropriate)SENTENCES 12 - 16


1. That John was angry surprised Mary. ___

2. For John being angry surprised Mary. ___

3. John’s being angry surprised Mary. ___

4. For John to be angry surprised Mary. ___


1. My tooth needs filling. ___

2. My tooth needs being filled. ___

3. My tooth needs to be filled. ___


1. The problem is worth considering. ___

2. The problem is worth to be considered. ___

3. The problem is worth being considered. ___


1. John’s playing the violin surprises the teacher. ___

2. It surprises the teacher John’s playing the violin. ___

3. It surprises the teacher that John plays the violin. ___

4. For John to play the violin surprises the teacher. ___


1. Quickly he left for home. ___

2. Quickly he didn’t leave for home. ___KEY TO SENTENCES 12 - 16


1. That John was angry surprised Mary. √

2. For John being angry surprised Mary. ×

3. John’s being angry surprised Mary. √

4. For John to be angry surprised Mary. √


1. My tooth needs filling. √

2. My tooth needs being filled. ×

3. My tooth needs to be filled. √


1. The problem is worth considering. √

2. The problem is worth to be considered. × (after the adjective _worth_ we do not put an infinitive)

3. The problem is worth being considered. √


1. John’s playing the violin surprises the teacher. √

