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Family Economics - ebook

Data wydania:
17 grudnia 2023
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Family Economics - ebook

What is Family Economics

The study of family economics involves applying many economic ideas to the context of the family, including production, division of labor, distribution, and decision making. The use of economic analysis is employed in order to provide an explanation for outcomes that are specific to families, such as marriage, the choice to have children, fertility, the amount of time spent on domestic production, and dowry payments.

How you will benefit

(I) Insights, and validations about the following topics:

Chapter 1: Family economics

Chapter 2: Economics

Chapter 3: Labour economics

Chapter 4: Gary Becker

Chapter 5: Feminist economics

Chapter 6: Household production function

Chapter 7: Jacob Mincer

Chapter 8: Labour supply

Chapter 9: Economics imperialism

Chapter 10: Distribution (economics)

Chapter 11: Rural economics

Chapter 12: Demographic economics

Chapter 13: Household economics

Chapter 14: Intra-household bargaining

Chapter 15: Shoshana Grossbard

Chapter 16: Economics of marriage

Chapter 17: Review of Economics of the Household

Chapter 18: Michael Grossman (economist)

Chapter 19: Parental dividend

Chapter 20: Robert A. Pollak

Chapter 21: Junsen Zhang

(II) Answering the public top questions about family economics.

(III) Real world examples for the usage of family economics in many fields.

(IV) Rich glossary featuring over 1200 terms to unlock a comprehensive understanding of family economics. (eBook only).

Who will benefit

Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information for any kind of family economics.

Kategoria: Finance
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 9791222096704
Rozmiar pliku: 1,6 MB


Fouad Sabry is the former Regional Head of Business Development for Applications at Hewlett Packard (HP) for Southern Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Fouad has received his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) of Computer Systems and Automatic Control, dual master’s degrees, Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Management in Information Technology (MMIT), from University of Melbourne (MoU) in Australia. Fouad has more than 25 years of experience in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), working in local, regional, and international companies, such as Vodafone and international business machines (IBM). Currently, Fouad is an entrepreneur, author, futurist, focused on Emerging Technologies, and Industry Solutions, and founder of one billion knowledge (1BK) community.Family Economics: Unveiling the Economics of Everyday Life

In the bustling marketplace of economic ideas, there's a hidden treasure trove - a realm where love, care, and responsibility intersect with budgets, investments, and choices. Welcome to "Family Economics," a unique exploration into the captivating world where the personal meets the economic. This book is an invitation to embark on a journey that reveals the profound economic dynamics at play within the family unit and how they resonate far beyond the hearth.

A Personal and Universal Journey

The family is not just a haven of affection; it's an intricate economic unit where daily decisions impact the allocation of resources, the pursuit of education, and the outcomes of each individual. It's where budgets are set, career paths are chosen, and investments in human capital are made. The economics of the family affects our lives in ways we may not always realize. "Family Economics" is your key to unlocking the secrets of this realm.

Relevance to All

This book isn't just for the economists; it's for all of us. Whether you're a student eager to explore the vast world of economics or a parent seeking insights into managing your family's financial well-being, these pages are tailored to you. "Family Economics" bridges the gap between economic theory and its practical applications in our daily lives, making complex concepts relatable, engaging, and, most importantly, empowering.

Real Stories, Real Impact

But this journey is not just about theory and research; it's about real families. As you read, you'll encounter individuals and households who have faced economic challenges, made sacrifices, and celebrated triumphs. These stories humanize economic principles, demonstrating their impact on families and communities. The experiences within these pages are not just examples; they are a testament to the enduring connection between economic theory and human lives.

Economists Who Shaped Our Understanding

Within the chapters of "Family Economics," you'll also meet influential economists whose work has left an indelible mark on the field. From Gary Becker's groundbreaking research on the family as an economic unit to Shoshana Grossbard's insights into the economics of marriage, their contributions have reshaped our understanding of family dynamics. By delving into their work, you'll gain a deeper appreciation of the economic underpinnings of families.

An Interactive Exploration

As you turn the pages of "Family Economics," we invite you to become an active participant in the exploration. This book is not just a one-way conversation; it's a call to question, reflect, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the economic dynamics of families. Your curiosity and insights are the lifeblood of family economics, and this book is your portal into that vibrant and dynamic world.

What Awaits You

In the following chapters, we will journey through the core principles of family economics, exploring labor market choices, investments in human capital, gender dynamics, and the allocation of resources within the family. We will meet influential economists and hear the stories of real families, uncovering the profound impact of the economic forces at play in our daily lives.

So, with an open heart and a curious mind, we invite you to step into the captivating world of "Family Economics." Prepare to gain new insights into the choices you make, the resources you allocate, and the economic forces that shape not only the heart of your family but also the world beyond.

Join the Journey

"Family Economics" is not just a book; it's a revelation of the profound economic forces that drive our lives. It's an invitation to explore, a testament to the enduring connection between economic theory and human experiences. So, open these pages and embark on a journey that will forever change the way you view the world, your family, and your financial choices.

Join us in this exploration, and let the journey begin. Your understanding of economics and family life is about to be enriched in ways you never imagined. "Family Economics" is your key to unlocking a world of knowledge, a journey that leads to a deeper, more informed, and empowered perspective on the world of finance and family dynamics. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the captivating world of family economics.Dedication

To the countless families, both known and unknown, who navigate the intricate web of economic decisions daily, this book is dedicated to you. Your resilience, love, and sacrifices form the heart and soul of our exploration of family economics. It is your stories and experiences that inspire us to shed light on the economic intricacies within the family unit.

In loving memory of those who came before us and shaped our understanding of economics and family, we dedicate this work. The wisdom passed down through generations and the lessons learned from our predecessors have laid the foundation for our exploration. This book is a tribute to their enduring legacy and the enduring curiosity to understand the world.

To the researchers and economists who have dedicated their careers to unraveling the mysteries of family economics, we extend our heartfelt dedication. Your relentless pursuit of knowledge and your contributions to this field are invaluable. It is our hope that this book can contribute to the ongoing dialogue that you have nurtured for years.

For the students, educators, and lifelong learners who seek to explore the intricacies of family economics, this book is dedicated to your intellectual curiosity. We believe that knowledge should be accessible and engaging, and we hope this dedication serves as a testament to our commitment to making this field of study both comprehensible and compelling.

To our friends, families, and loved ones who have provided unwavering support throughout this journey, we dedicate this work with profound gratitude. Your patience, encouragement, and understanding have sustained us during the long hours of research and writing. This book would not have been possible without your belief in our mission.

Last but not least, this book is dedicated to you, our dear reader. Your curiosity, your willingness to explore complex topics, and your desire to better understand the world are what make the pursuit of knowledge so meaningful. We hope that this dedication is a token of our appreciation for your interest in "Family Economics." We invite you to embark on this intellectual journey with us, and we look forward to sharing the knowledge, insights, and stories that await you within these pages.

With heartfelt dedication and gratitude,

Fouad SabryEpigraph

every conceivable manner, the family is a link to our past, bridge to our future." - Alex Haley

These words resonate deeply as we embark on our journey through the captivating world of "Family Economics." The family, a timeless institution, serves as the cornerstone of our society, linking us to our roots and propelling us forward into an ever-evolving future. Just as Alex Haley's words suggest, the family is a profound source of connection, identity, and growth, and within its intricate dynamics lie the secrets of human economics.

"Family is not an important thing; it's everything." - Michael J. Fox

In the quest to understand the economics of the family, we are reminded of the pivotal role it plays in our lives. Michael J. Fox's sentiment underscores the significance of the family unit, highlighting that it isn't merely one facet of life; it is life itself. In "Family Economics," we explore how economic decisions and dynamics within the family influence not only our present but also shape our future.

"The family is one of nature's masterpieces." - George Santayana

The family, as George Santayana eloquently puts it, is a masterpiece of nature. In its complexity and simplicity, it reflects the beauty of life's design. "Family Economics" is our journey to dissect and appreciate this masterpiece from an economic perspective, revealing the intricate brushstrokes and patterns that make it a work of art.

"Family is where life begins, and love never ends." - Unknown

As we venture into the heart of family economics, we come to understand the profound truth in this anonymous saying. The family is the birthplace of life's experiences and a reservoir of enduring love. Within these pages, we explore how love, care, and decision-making are interwoven with economic considerations, providing a richer and more nuanced understanding of the family's significance.

"To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there." - Barbara Bush

The idea of family, as articulated by Barbara Bush, is one of support and togetherness. It's the essence of being present for one another, especially in times of need. In "Family Economics," we will explore how economic principles shape the family's capacity to support its members and how, in turn, the family supports economic growth and development.

These epigraphs remind us that the family is a vital force in our lives, both personally and economically. "Family Economics" is a journey that delves into this intersection, uncovering the economic threads that connect us to our past and propel us into the future. We invite you to explore the pages that follow, where you'll discover the economic underpinnings of the family, its profound impact on our lives, and its role in shaping our sharedForeword

In the vast landscape of economics, there exists an intricate web of decision-making, resource allocation, and relationships that often goes unnoticed. It's the heart of every home, the cornerstone of society, and a microcosm of the broader economic world. Welcome to "Family Economics" - a journey into the heart and soul of our daily lives. Within these pages, you will discover the hidden economic forces that shape families, influence choices, and ultimately, play a crucial role in defining our society.

The family is the crucible where our economic values and principles are forged. It's where we learn the fundamentals of resource management, negotiation, and the distribution of wealth. Through the lens of family economics, you will gain a profound understanding of how economic theories play out in the intimate setting of our homes.

Economists have long recognized that families are more than just groups of individuals living under one roof; they are dynamic economic units. "Family Economics" opens a window into this complex world. It delves into the decisions families make about education, work, consumption, and investment. It explores the impact of gender, age, and roles on family economic dynamics. It dissects the forces that drive marriages, shape parenting strategies, and influence intergenerational wealth transfer.

The family is where our personal and economic lives collide, and this book is your guide to decoding that collision. Whether you are a student of economics, a parent seeking insights into your family's financial health, or simply a curious mind interested in understanding the world around you, this book is your key to a deeper appreciation of family economics.

As you turn the pages of "Family Economics," you'll find yourself immersed in a world of ideas, theories, and real-life stories. You'll meet renowned economists who have dedicated their careers to unraveling the mysteries of the family unit. You'll explore groundbreaking concepts and discover the hidden links between the family and the broader economy.

We invite you to embark on this intellectual journey with us, to open the door to a new understanding of your own life, and to gain fresh insights into the forces shaping our world. Within these pages, you will find the answers to questions you never knew you had. "Family Economics" is not just a book; it's an exploration, an invitation, and a revelation.

So, come on in, and let's begin our journey into the captivating world of "Family Economics."Preface

In the realm of economics, there is a topic often overlooked, yet deeply intertwined with our daily lives - the economics of the family. "Family Economics" invites you to explore this intriguing and multifaceted field, delving into the economic dynamics of the family unit. But this is not merely a book about numbers and charts; it's a journey through the heart of your home, revealing how economic principles shape the choices, decisions, and relationships within your family.

Every family is a microcosm of economic activity. From budgeting and financial planning to decisions about education, labor force participation, and investments in human capital, the family serves as a living laboratory of economic concepts. This book is your key to understanding this intricate world where personal and economic interests converge.

At its core, "Family Economics" is about relevance. It's about bringing economic theories out of the ivory tower and into the living rooms and kitchens of households worldwide. Whether you're a student eager to understand the economic underpinnings of family dynamics, a parent striving to make informed financial decisions, or simply someone curious about the economic forces that govern our lives, this book offers something for everyone.

Our journey into the world of family economics is more than just theory and equations; it's a narrative enriched by the stories of real families. These narratives breathe life into the subject, making it relatable and engaging. You'll hear about families making challenging economic choices, facing dilemmas, and finding innovative solutions. These stories are not just illustrations; they are the threads that weave together the fabric of family economics.

As you explore the pages of "Family Economics," you'll also have the privilege of meeting influential economists who have paved the way for our understanding of the field. You'll delve into the work of luminaries like Gary Becker, who laid the foundations for considering the family as an economic unit, and Shoshana Grossbard, whose research into the economics of marriage has left an indelible mark. Their contributions have not only advanced the field but also transformed our appreciation of the family's role in economics.

This book is not a solitary endeavor; it is an invitation for you to actively participate in the exploration. Your questions, reflections, and insights are encouraged and valued. Family economics is a dynamic field that thrives on curiosity, and your engagement contributes to the ongoing conversation about how economic principles shape family life.

As you embark on this intellectual journey, we will navigate through the core principles of family economics, explore the impact of labor market choices, investments in human capital, gender dynamics, and resource allocation within the family. Together, we will uncover the profound influence that economics has on the choices and decisions made within the family unit.

"Family Economics" is more than just a book; it's an exploration, a revelation, and an invitation to understand your own life and the world in a new light. The family is where economic theory comes to life, where love and responsibility intersect with resource allocation and decision-making. Join us on this enlightening journey and be prepared to see your family and your finances through a fresh and empowered perspective.

We invite you to turn the page and embark on this captivating exploration of family economics, where your understanding of both economics and the heart of your family will be forever enriched.Acknowledgements

As we embark on this journey through the intricate world of family economics, we stand on the shoulders of giants who have contributed to our understanding of this vital subject. This book would not have been possible without the invaluable support, guidance, and encouragement of numerous individuals and institutions. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have made this project a reality.

First and foremost, we want to express our profound appreciation to the authors, economists, and researchers whose groundbreaking work laid the foundation for this book. Your dedication to unraveling the complexities of family economics has been a constant source of inspiration. We also want to acknowledge the countless families who have allowed us to gain insights into their lives and experiences, enabling us to present a comprehensive view of the topic.

Our sincere thanks go to the editors, reviewers, and experts who have dedicated their time and expertise to ensure the accuracy and quality of the content in this book. Their meticulous reviews and insightful suggestions have been instrumental in shaping the chapters and ensuring that the information presented is both informative and engaging.

We are indebted to the academic institutions and libraries that have provided access to vast repositories of knowledge. Special mention goes to the dedicated staff and librarians who have been instrumental in helping us access and sift through an extensive body of research and literature. Their unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge is commendable.

We would also like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our friends and family who have been unwavering sources of support and encouragement throughout this endeavor. Their patience, understanding, and willingness to provide a listening ear during our most challenging moments have been invaluable.

Lastly, we thank you, dear reader, for choosing to explore the world of family economics with us. We hope that this book will not only inform but also inspire you to delve deeper into the intricate dynamics of economics within the family unit. Your curiosity and interest are what make the pursuit of knowledge so rewarding, and we are excited to have you on this intellectual journey with us.

Thank you for your support and for being a part of this exciting exploration of "Family Economics."Introduction

In the bustling marketplace of economic ideas, there's a hidden treasure trove - a realm where love, care, and responsibility intersect with budgets, investments, and choices. Welcome to "Family Economics," a unique exploration into the captivating world where the personal meets the economic. This book is an invitation to embark on a journey that reveals the profound economic dynamics at play within the family unit and how they resonate far beyond the hearth.

The family is not just a haven of affection; it's an intricate economic unit where daily decisions impact the allocation of resources, the pursuit of education, and the outcomes of each individual. It's where budgets are set, career paths are chosen, and investments in human capital are made. The economics of the family affects our lives in ways we may not always realize. "Family Economics" is your key to unlocking the secrets of this realm.

This book isn't just for the economists; it's for all of us. Whether you're a student eager to explore the vast world of economics or a parent seeking insights into managing your family's financial well-being, these pages are tailored to you. "Family Economics" bridges the gap between economic theory and its practical applications in our daily lives, making complex concepts relatable, engaging, and, most importantly, empowering.

But this journey is not just about theory and research; it's about real families. As you read, you'll encounter individuals and households who have faced economic challenges, made sacrifices, and celebrated triumphs. These stories humanize economic principles, demonstrating their impact on families and communities. The experiences within these pages are not just examples; they are a testament to the enduring connection between economic theory and human lives.

Within the chapters of "Family Economics," you'll also meet influential economists whose work has left an indelible mark on the field. From Gary Becker's groundbreaking research on the family as an economic unit to Shoshana Grossbard's insights into the economics of marriage, their contributions have reshaped our understanding of family dynamics. By delving into their work, you'll gain a deeper appreciation of the economic underpinnings of families.

As you turn the pages of "Family Economics," we invite you to become an active participant in the exploration. This book is not just a one-way conversation; it's a call to question, reflect, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the economic dynamics of families. Your curiosity and insights are the lifeblood of family economics, and this book is your portal into that vibrant and dynamic world.

In the following chapters, we will journey through the core principles of family economics, exploring labor market choices, investments in human capital, gender dynamics, and the allocation of resources within the family. We will meet influential economists and hear the stories of real families, uncovering the profound impact of the economic forces at play in our daily lives.

So, with an open heart and a curious mind, we invite you to step into the captivating world of "Family Economics." Prepare to gain new insights into the choices you make, the resources you allocate, and the economic forces that shape not only the heart of your family but also the world beyond.

Join us in this exploration, and let the journey begin.Editorial Reviews

"The family is the cornerstone of our society, and family economics is the foundation of its stability."

"In the tapestry of life, the family is where threads of economics and love are intricately woven together." -

"A family's economic decisions are the seeds of their future prosperity." - Suze Orman

"The choices we make as a family not only impact our bank account but also our legacy." - Dave Ramsey

"Love may make a family, but economic decisions shape its future." -

"A family's economic success isn't measured by the size of their wallet, but by the depth of their financial understanding."

"In family economics, each financial decision is a brushstroke on the canvas of our shared future." -

"Economics is the language of choices, and the family is where we become fluent."

"A family that learns economics together grows together." -

"The economics of the family is where everyday choices become investments in our shared dreams." - Suze OrmanPrologue

Imagine for a moment that you're sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in hand, the soft murmur of family life surrounding you. Your partner is discussing their day at work, your child is excitedly sharing their school project, and you're considering the family budget. This familiar scene holds more economic significance than you might realize, for the family is where economics truly comes to life. This is the essence of "Family Economics."

The prologue to this journey is an invitation to look beyond the traditional boundaries of economics and into the heart of your daily life. The family, as an economic unit, is an intricate tapestry of choices, decision-making, and resource allocation. It is where you apply economic principles without even realizing it, and it's where the impact of those choices extends well beyond the four walls of your home.

"Family Economics" offers you a lens through which to view this intricate world, exploring the profound connections between love, care, responsibility, and economic principles. Whether you are a student, a parent, or simply a curious individual interested in understanding the world better, this book is your gateway to a deeper appreciation of family life and its economic underpinnings.

Within these pages, you will meet not just renowned economists but also the families and individuals who navigate economic challenges, make financial sacrifices, and celebrate triumphs every day. Their stories will show you how economic principles are not abstract theories but tangible aspects of daily existence. These narratives humanize economics, demonstrating its impact on the lives of real families.

The prologue to "Family Economics" is the beginning of a journey that will take you through the core principles of this field. We will explore labor market choices, the investments families make in human capital, the impact of gender dynamics, and the delicate art of resource allocation within the family. As you read, you'll come to understand that the family is not just a haven of love and care; it's also a hub of economic activity.

Economic decisions within the family influence education, work, consumption, and investment. They are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. The family is where individuals learn essential economic skills, where budgets are set, and where investments are made, not only in financial assets but also in the human potential of the next generation.

So, as you turn the page and embark on this intellectual journey, we invite you to ponder the profound economic forces that shape the heart of your family and the world beyond. This prologue is just the beginning, a glimpse into a world where your understanding of both economics and the heart of your family will be forever enriched.

Join us on this exploration, and let the journey begin.Brief Overview

Welcome to the fascinating world of "Family Economics," a comprehensive exploration of the economic dynamics that shape the foundation of our society - the family. In the following chapters, we will journey through a rich tapestry of economic principles, research, and real-world experiences that shed light on the intricate web of decision-making, resource allocation, and relationships within families. Prepare to embark on an intellectual journey that will deepen your understanding of the forces at play within the family unit and the broader economic landscape.

Chapter 1: Family Economics

In the opening chapter, we dive into the heart of the matter, exploring the core principles and concepts of family economics. Discover how families make decisions regarding consumption, labor, and investments in human capital, and why understanding these decisions is vital in a broader economic context.

Chapter 2: Economics

This chapter provides a foundational understanding of economics, setting the stage for our exploration of family economics. We'll delve into fundamental economic principles, from supply and demand to opportunity cost, and how these concepts apply to family decision-making.

Chapter 3: Labour Economics

Understand the crucial intersection of family and labor economics. We explore how labor market choices, earnings, and investments in skills impact families' economic well-being.

Chapter 4: Gary Becker

Meet the influential economist, Gary Becker, whose groundbreaking work on the family as an economic unit has shaped our understanding of family economics. We delve into his contributions and their lasting impact.

Chapter 5: Feminist Economics

Explore the critical perspectives of feminist economics and their role in reshaping the discourse on family economics. This chapter delves into issues of gender, inequality, and family dynamics.

Chapter 6: Household Production Function

Learn about the concept of household production and how it influences family economic decisions. We examine the invisible work done within the home and its economic implications.

Chapter 7: Jacob Mincer

Discover the pioneering work of Jacob Mincer, a leading figure in labor economics. His research on human capital and earnings will provide invaluable insights into family economic choices.

Chapter 8: Labour Supply

Explore the dynamics of labor supply within the family unit. We'll delve into how family members make decisions about work, hours, and income contributions.

Chapter 9: Economics Imperialism

Uncover the fascinating concept of economics imperialism, where economic analysis extends into traditionally non-economic domains. We examine its impact on family economics.

Chapter 10: Distribution (Economics)

Understand the distribution of resources within families, a crucial aspect of family economics. We explore the factors influencing resource allocation and outcomes.

Chapter 11: Rural Economics

Delve into the unique economic challenges and opportunities faced by rural families. This chapter explores the dynamics of rural economies and their effects on families.

Chapter 12: Demographic Economics

Discover the intersections of family and demographic economics. Explore topics like fertility, aging, and population dynamics and their impact on family economics.

Chapter 13: Household Economics

This chapter delves deeper into the concept of household economics, examining how households make decisions and allocate resources to meet their needs and goals.

Chapter 14: Intra-household Bargaining

Uncover the intricate process of intra-household bargaining. We examine how family members negotiate and make decisions within the household.

Chapter 15: Shoshana Grossbard

Meet Shoshana Grossbard, an influential figure in family economics. Her research on marriage, family, and human capital will broaden your perspective on family economics.

Chapter 16: Economics of Marriage

Delve into the economics of marriage and its profound impact on family economics. Explore the factors influencing partner choice, marital stability, and economic well-being.

Chapter 17: Review of Economics of the Household

Get a comprehensive overview of the key insights and findings in the field of economics of the household. This chapter provides a synthesis of current research.

Chapter 18: Michael Grossman (Economist)

Discover the contributions of Michael Grossman to the field of family economics, particularly his work on health economics and human capital.

Chapter 19: Parental Dividend

Understand the concept of the parental dividend and its implications for family economic decisions and intergenerational transfers of resources.

Chapter 20: Robert A. Pollak

Meet Robert A. Pollak, a prominent economist whose research has greatly influenced our understanding of family economics and gender roles.

Chapter 21: Junsen Zhang

In our final chapter, we explore the contributions of Junsen Zhang, an economist known for his work on family economics and its intersection with demographic trends.

With these chapters, "Family Economics" offers a captivating journey into the profound impact of economics on families and vice versa. Whether you're a student, researcher, or simply curious about the economic forces shaping our lives, this book provides a comprehensive and enlightening exploration of the topic.From the Inside Flap

Welcome to "Family Economics," an enlightening journey into the world of economics where the heart of every home is revealed as a hub of decision-making, resource allocation, and the negotiation of choices. Within these pages, you will uncover the hidden economic forces that influence your daily life and the lives of families around the world.

At the heart of "Family Economics" is the recognition that the family is a dynamic economic unit, where principles of economics are tested and applied daily. From the way families allocate their resources to the decisions they make about work, education, and consumption, the family is an economic arena that shapes both individual well-being and broader societal outcomes. In this book, we break down the complexities of this world into accessible, engaging, and thought-provoking chapters.

One of the key reasons for delving into this subject is the universal relevance of family economics. Regardless of your background, whether you're a student of economics or a parent striving to make informed financial decisions for your family, the concepts explored within these pages are deeply pertinent to your life. You'll gain a better understanding of how economic theories play out in everyday scenarios, empowering you to make more informed decisions, whether in your personal life or in your community.

But this book is not just a theoretical exploration of economic concepts. It's a journey through the real-world stories of families. These narratives bring economic principles to life, making them not just academic constructs but tangible, relatable aspects of our daily existence. The stories are not just examples; they are a testament to the enduring connection between economic theory and human lives.

Within these pages, you will also meet influential economists whose research has significantly impacted our understanding of family economics. From the groundbreaking work of Gary Becker on the family as an economic unit to Shoshana Grossbard's insights into the economics of marriage, you'll explore how these economists have reshaped our views of family dynamics.

"Family Economics" is more than a mere book; it is an exploration, an invitation to question, and a revelation of the economic dynamics shaping your world. It challenges you to think about the economics of your own life, your family, and the societies we live in.

We invite you to step into this world with us, to explore the powerful forces of love, care, and responsibility and how they intersect with economics. "Family Economics" is an open door to a deeper appreciation of family life and an enlightening journey into the world of economics that surrounds us all.

So, embark on this intellectual adventure with us and prepare to gain new insights into the choices you make, the resources you allocate, and the economic forces that shape the heart of your family and the world at large.From the Back Cover

Unveil the hidden economic world that shapes our lives daily. "Family Economics" is your gateway to understanding the complex, intricate, and profoundly influential dynamics within the family unit.

This book is not just about numbers, charts, and equations; it's about the powerful forces of love, care, and responsibility and how they intersect with economics. "Family Economics" takes you on a captivating journey into the heart of your daily life, where you'll discover the economic principles that drive the choices and decisions you make within your family.

Inside these pages, you'll meet renowned economists whose work has profoundly impacted our understanding of family economics. From Gary Becker's pioneering research on the family as an economic unit to Shoshana Grossbard's insights into the economics of marriage, you'll explore how these economists have reshaped the way we view family dynamics.

Have you ever wondered how gender, age, and roles influence family economics? "Family Economics" delves into these critical topics, shedding light on how family members' choices impact economic well-being and decision-making. Explore the profound impact of labor market choices, human capital investments, and the distribution of resources within the family.

"Family Economics" is not just a book for economists; it's a book for everyone. Whether you're a student eager to delve into the world of economics, a parent seeking insights into financial decision-making for your family, or someone who simply wants to understand the world better, this book has something to offer you. It's a bridge between the theory and practice of economics, between academia and the real world of families making daily choices.

But "Family Economics" is more than just theory and research; it's about real families and their stories. As you read, you'll encounter individuals and households who have faced economic challenges, made sacrifices, and celebrated triumphs. These stories make economics relatable and engaging, showcasing how the subject truly comes to life within the family unit.

In this book, you're not just a passive reader; you're a vital part of the exploration. You're invited to question, reflect, and contribute to the ongoing conversation about the economic dynamics of families. Your curiosity and insights are the lifeblood of family economics, and this book is your portal into that vibrant and dynamic world.

"Family Economics" is not just a book; it's a revelation of the profound economic forces that drive our lives. It's an invitation to explore, a testament to the enduring connection between economic theory and human experiences. So, open these pages and embark on a journey that will forever change the way you view the world, your family, and your financial choices.From the Author

Dear Reader,

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I welcome you to the world of "Family Economics." As the author of this book, I'm deeply honored to be your guide on this intellectual journey. "Family Economics" is a project that is close to my heart, and I want to share with you why I believe this book is worth your time and attention.

At its core, "Family Economics" is about unraveling the intricate economic dynamics within the family unit. The family is where we first encounter economic principles - from budgeting to decision-making, from investments in education to the distribution of resources. In this book, I've endeavored to break down these complexities into accessible, engaging, and thought-provoking chapters.

One of the key reasons I felt compelled to write "Family Economics" is the universal relevance of the subject. Whether you're a student seeking to expand your knowledge of economics or a parent interested in making informed financial decisions for your family, the concepts explored within these pages are pertinent to your life. You'll gain insights into how economic theories play out in everyday scenarios, helping you make better decisions, whether in your personal life or within your community.

This book isn't just a compilation of facts and theories; it's a journey through the stories of real families. As you read, you'll encounter individuals and households who have faced economic challenges and made remarkable choices. These narratives bring the subject to life, making it relatable and engaging. The real-world stories are not just examples; they are a testament to the enduring connection between economic theory and human lives.

Moreover, "Family Economics" explores the work of influential economists like Gary Becker, Jacob Mincer, and Shoshana Grossbard. Their research has left an indelible mark on the field, and their ideas continue to shape our understanding of family economics. Through their work, we delve into topics such as labor economics, gender dynamics, and the economics of marriage, shedding light on the profound impacts of their contributions.

But beyond the theory and research, "Family Economics" is a call to action. It invites you to explore, question, and contribute to the ongoing conversation about the economic dynamics of families. You are an integral part of this exploration, and your curiosity and insights are what make the study of family economics both relevant and meaningful.

In closing, I want to express my sincere hope that "Family Economics" will not only inform but also inspire you. I invite you to delve into the captivating world of economics within the family, where love, responsibility, and choices intersect with economic principles. I look forward to being your companion on this journey and to the enriching discussions and discoveries that await within these pages.

Thank you for embarking on this exploration with me, and I hope you find "Family Economics" to be a source of knowledge, reflection, and inspiration.


Fouad SabryTable of Contents

Chapter 1: Family economics

Chapter 2: Economics

Chapter 3: Labour economics

Chapter 4: Gary Becker

Chapter 5: Feminist economics

Chapter 6: Household production function

Chapter 7: Jacob Mincer

Chapter 8: Labour supply

Chapter 9: Economics imperialism

Chapter 10: Distribution (economics)

Chapter 11: Rural economics

Chapter 12: Demographic economics

Chapter 13: Household economics

Chapter 14: Intra-household bargaining

Chapter 15: Shoshana Grossbard

Chapter 16: Economics of marriage

Chapter 17: Review of Economics of the Household

Chapter 18: Michael Grossman (economist)

Chapter 19: Parental dividend

Chapter 20: Robert A. Pollak

Chapter 21: Junsen Zhang




About the Author

