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Five Element Acupuncture - ebook

Data wydania:
11 sierpnia 2024
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Five Element Acupuncture - ebook

Praise be to God, and blessings be upon his Messenger, who gave me the opportunity to finish this book called "Five element acupuncture" after the books "Systematic acupuncture" and "Ear acupuncture" and present it to you, the reader. Acupuncture is a part of TCM and requires looking at the person from a holistic perspective. Acupuncture education and training is a very enjoyable process. It requires a long marathon. Unfortunately, I have witnessed many physician friends who did not use the correct method in this marathon, abandoning this race. I frequently used the art of simile in the approach in this book, where we explain acupuncture through a sequence of logic. Thus, abstract subjects and concepts that were difficult to understand by friends trained in Western Medicine became much easier to understand. If the reader learns this science in line with the principles I have explained, he will be able to make his own prescription for all kinds of diseases and will avoid being a point acupuncturist.

In the book, I touched upon the basic acupuncture information that I deemed necessary regarding my subject, and tried to give the message I wanted to give directly, without extending the subject too much. I drew a picture for you in the book. I did not draw the whole picture, but the parts that I deemed important. I went into detail on some pieces that serve as touchstones to understand the whole picture. Thus, when the reader fully understands the cornerstone parts of the picture, he will be able to fill in the gaps in the picture very easily. This style of narration enabled us to convey, in a short content, a subject that could only be understood if volumes of books were written. Therefore, do not be fooled by the small volume of the book. The knowledge you will gain from many reference books that explain the subject in detail will not be more than the knowledge you will gain from this book.

The book was written with an English translation. This book, in which acupuncture enthusiasts will find answers to many issues that they cannot understand, will fill a huge gap in its field with the explanations it provides on many issues whose boundaries are not clear.

Op. Dr. Adnan Uzun

Kategoria: Medical
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 9786256235137
Rozmiar pliku: 12 MB

