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Food and Wine Tourism : Integrating Food, Travel and Terroir [DRM] - ebook

Data wydania:
12 kwietnia 2017
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Food and Wine Tourism : Integrating Food, Travel and Terroir [DRM] - ebook

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This established textbook explores how regions, and food industry, travel and hospitality companies present themselves to tourists experiencing the culture, history and ambience of a location through the food and wine it produces. It provides practical suggestions and guidelines for establishing a food-related tourism destination and business, discussing the environment, understanding the food tourist, supply issues, tours and tasting sessions, themed itineraries, planning and developing the tourist product, marketing and best practice strategies. It also includes numerous case studies from around the world and plentiful pedagogical features to aid student learning. The second edition: - Contains updated chapters throughout, to form a complete and current overview of food and wine tourism. - Reviews new emerging destinations, and food and wine tourism from a business perspective. - Includes new global case studies discussing aspects such as transforming an Indian area into a wine-producing region, promoting a destination through a social media campaign, chocolate tourism in Belize, planning an international food fair, and making San Francisco a food capital. - Presents successful international professionals' experiences and tips, catching trends and setting the tourism phenomenon in an even more international context. If food and wine tourism is well planned, managed and controlled, it can become a real economic resource. Suitable for students in tourism and leisure subjects, the practical application provided in this book also makes it an ideal resource for those operating in the food and wine sector.
Kategoria: Travel
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: brak
ISBN: 978-1-78639-128-5
Rozmiar pliku: 7,7 MB

