Gender Identity, Sexuality and Autism [DRM] - ebook
Data wydania:
21 stycznia 2019
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Gender Identity, Sexuality and Autism [DRM] - ebook
Ebook zabezpieczony DRM. Dowiedz się więcej
Pamiętaj, ebook będzie dostępny do pobrania wyłącznie w wybranym przez Ciebie formacie.
Ebook po zakupie nie będzie dostępny do czytania w aplikacji Empik Go.
Bringing together a collection of narratives from those who are on the autism spectrum whilst also identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and/or asexual (LGBTQIA), this book explores the intersection of the two spectrums as well as the diverse experiences that come with it.By providing knowledge and advice based on in-depth research and personal accounts, the narratives will be immensely valuable to teenagers, adults, partners and families. The authors round these stories with a discussion of themes across narratives, and implications for the issues discussed. In the final chapter, the authors reflect on commonly asked questions from a clinical perspective, bringing in relevant research, as well as sharing best-practice tips and considerations that may be helpful for LGBTQIA and ASD teenagers and adults. These may also be used by family members and clinicians when counselling teenagers and adults on the dual spectrum.With each chapter structured around LGBTQIA and autism spectrum identities, Gender Identity, Sexuality and Autism highlights the fluidity of gender identity, sexual orientation and neurodiversity and provides a space for people to share their individual experiences.
Pamiętaj, ebook będzie dostępny do pobrania wyłącznie w wybranym przez Ciebie formacie.
Ebook po zakupie nie będzie dostępny do czytania w aplikacji Empik Go.
Bringing together a collection of narratives from those who are on the autism spectrum whilst also identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and/or asexual (LGBTQIA), this book explores the intersection of the two spectrums as well as the diverse experiences that come with it.By providing knowledge and advice based on in-depth research and personal accounts, the narratives will be immensely valuable to teenagers, adults, partners and families. The authors round these stories with a discussion of themes across narratives, and implications for the issues discussed. In the final chapter, the authors reflect on commonly asked questions from a clinical perspective, bringing in relevant research, as well as sharing best-practice tips and considerations that may be helpful for LGBTQIA and ASD teenagers and adults. These may also be used by family members and clinicians when counselling teenagers and adults on the dual spectrum.With each chapter structured around LGBTQIA and autism spectrum identities, Gender Identity, Sexuality and Autism highlights the fluidity of gender identity, sexual orientation and neurodiversity and provides a space for people to share their individual experiences.
Kategoria: | Gender Studies |
Język: | Angielski |
Zabezpieczenie: | brak |
ISBN: | 978-1-78450-585-1 |
Rozmiar pliku: | 1,5 MB |