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God's Marriage and Man's Divorce - ebook

Data wydania:
11 października 2024
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God's Marriage and Man's Divorce - ebook

There are many books already out there that address the topic of marriage and divorce, but this one is different in that it is basically a Bible commentary that expounds extensively and solely on the scriptures that deal with this topic. You have heard many people say that wives, husbands, or children do not come with instruction manuals, well now they can. This book takes a serious look at marriage, having and raising children, divorce, abortion, alcohol consumption, drugs, church attendance, and salvation, and so many other topics that are critical to the kind of marriage that God wants His people to have.

David Boudreaux is no stranger to the publishing industry, as this is his fifth book to be published in the last few years, the last one being, "Lord Jesus Please Help Me Find My Happy." David is a Vietnam-era veteran with twelve years of cumulative governmental service and is a dedicated American patriot. He is a well-known aviation mechanic, pilot, and inspector and owned and operated his own aviation business in Orange, Texas, for nearly fifteen years, where he also pastored a start-up church. He is currently the Chief of Maintenance for Hood Aero at the Hood River airport. David has earned a degree in Pastoral Theology and is an ordained minister. After graduating, David served the Lord in several capacities, including evangelism and pastoring a small church for a time. After authoring the book "Lord Jesus Please Help Me Find My Happy," David claims that the Lord spoke to him and his family through the words in his own book, telling him to "sell all you have and come and follow me." That is just what they did, and since then, God has done amazing things in the lives of his family and himself. He says the Lord has led them to Hood River, Oregon, where God continues to use him and his family in the writing of his books through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. According to David, his current assignment from God is to continue to do God's work by writing the messages that God gives to him to share with the world.

Kategoria: Philosophy
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-965498-16-3
Rozmiar pliku: 5,0 MB

