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Greek Waters Pilot : A yachtsman's guide to the Ionian and Aegean coasts and islands of Greece 13 [DRM] - ebook

Data wydania:
4 kwietnia 2019
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Greek Waters Pilot : A yachtsman's guide to the Ionian and Aegean coasts and islands of Greece 13 [DRM] - ebook

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Greek Waters Pilot is the definitive cruising guide to the coasts and islands of Greece. It covers the entire area from the Ionian Islands to the Aegean, Rhodes and Crete and includes details of over 450 harbours in a single volume. Greek Waters Pilot has been painstakingly compiled from the author's own survey work and the latest first-hand information. The organisation of so much detail within the confines of a single volume is an impressive achievement and has been the basis of Greek Waters Pilot's status as the indispensable guide for anyone sailing around Greece. This 13th edition contains detailed updating of every part of the guide, but in particular areas of the Ionian, Saronic and northern Greece, visited by the authors since the last edition, have major revisions. Many new photos, often from the air, have been introduced. There are also many new harbour plans. Imray Digital Charts: Free mobile download A voucher code to download the relevant Imray digital charts into Imray Navigator (our app for iPad and iPhone) is included with this book. 'The fascinating background information with historical and mythological anecdotes gives this book a richness too often missing from bald pilot guides. It would be inconceivable to visit this area without the detailed knowledge provided by Rod Heikell's enviable experience of Greek cruising.' Royal Cruising Club. 'Anyone who has cruised around Greece will be grateful to Rod Heikell for compiling what has become `the bible' for pilotage in these waters. If you are planning on cruising in this delightful region, Heikell is invaluable...' Cruising Association'... his excellent pilots are the yardstick by which all others are measured and it's with justification that they are often referred to as `the bible.' John Goode, Sailing Today`This is a respected pilot boasting regularly repeated editions over 30-plus years- an impressive continuation of a high standard.' Edward Cartner, Cruising Magazine
Kategoria: Sports & Recreations
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: brak
ISBN: 978-1-78679-115-3
Rozmiar pliku: 148 MB

