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Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers [DRM] - ebook

Data wydania:
15 maja 2020
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Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers [DRM] - ebook

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Build a strong foundation in designing and implementing real-time systems with the help of practical examplesKey FeaturesGet up and running with the fundamentals of RTOS and apply them on STM32Enhance your programming skills to design and build real-world embedded systemsGet to grips with advanced techniques for implementing embedded systemsBook DescriptionA real-time operating system (RTOS) is used to develop systems that respond to events within strict timelines. Real-time embedded systems have applications in various industries, from automotive and aerospace through to laboratory test equipment and consumer electronics. These systems provide consistent and reliable timing and are designed to run without intervention for years. This microcontrollers book starts by introducing you to the concept of RTOS and compares some other alternative methods for achieving real-time performance. Once you've understood the fundamentals, such as tasks, queues, mutexes, and semaphores, you'll learn what to look for when selecting a microcontroller and development environment. By working through examples that use an STM32F7 Nucleo board, the STM32CubeIDE, and SEGGER debug tools, including SEGGER J-Link, Ozone, and SystemView, you'll gain an understanding of preemptive scheduling policies and task communication. The book will then help you develop highly efficient low-level drivers and analyze their real-time performance and CPU utilization. Finally, you'll cover tips for troubleshooting and be able to take your new-found skills to the next level. By the end of this book, you'll have built on your embedded system skills and will be able to create real-time systems using microcontrollers and FreeRTOS.What you will learnUnderstand when to use an RTOS for a projectExplore RTOS concepts such as tasks, mutexes, semaphores, and queuesDiscover different microcontroller units (MCUs) and choose the best one for your projectEvaluate and select the best IDE and middleware stack for your projectUse professional-grade tools for analyzing and debugging your applicationGet FreeRTOS-based applications up and running on an STM32 boardWho this book is forThis book is for embedded engineers, students, or anyone interested in learning the complete RTOS feature set with embedded devices. A basic understanding of the C programming language and embedded systems or microcontrollers will be helpful.]]>
Kategoria: Computer Technology
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: brak
ISBN: 978-1-83882-928-5
Rozmiar pliku: 12 MB

