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Hands-On Test Management with Jira - ebook

Data wydania:
19 lutego 2019
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Hands-On Test Management with Jira - ebook

Learn best practices for testing with Jira and model industry workflows that can be used during the software development lifecycle

Key Features

  • Integrate Jira with test management tools such as Zephyr, Test Management, and SynapseRT
  • Understand test case management, traceability, and test execution with reports
  • Implement continuous integration using Jira, Jenkins, and automated testing tools

Book Description

Hands-On Test Management with Jira begins by introducing you to the basic concepts of Jira and takes you through real-world software testing processes followed by various organizations. As you progress through the chapters, the book explores and compares the three most popular Jira plugins—Zephyr, Test Management, and synapseRT.

With this book, you’ll gain a practical understanding of test management processes using Jira. You’ll learn how to create and manage projects, create Jira tickets to manage customer requirements, and track Jira tickets. You’ll also understand how to develop test plans, test cases, and test suites, and create defects and requirement traceability matrices, as well as generating reports in Jira.

Toward the end, you’ll understand how Jira can help the SQA teams to use the DevOps pipeline for automating execution and managing test cases. You’ll get to grips with configuring Jira with Jenkins to execute automated test cases in Selenium.

By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a clear understanding of how to model and implement test management processes using Jira.

What you will learn

  • Understand QMS to effectively implement quality systems in your organization
  • Explore a business-driven structured approach to Test Management using TMap NEXT
  • Implement different aspects of test planning, test strategy, and test execution
  • Organize and manage Agile projects in Scrum and Kanban
  • Uncover Jira plugins available in the Atlassian Marketplace for testing and project management
  • Configure a DevOps pipeline for continuous integration using Jira with Jenkins

Who this book is for

If you’re a quality assurance professional, software project manager, or test manager interested in learning test management best practices in your team or organization, this book is for you. Prior knowledge of test management and Jenkins will be beneficial in understanding the concepts covered in this book.

Afsana Atar is an accomplished test engineer with a decade’s experience in software testing. She extends her thought leadership to teams in various domains, from digital advertising, education, and healthcare, to the financial sector, insurance, and trading. Previously, she worked with Google, IBM, the Principal Financial Group, and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and is presently working for Susquehanna International Group. She is a Certified Scrum Master, an Agile Scrum practitioner, and is also part of the Scrum Alliance community. She has managed and worked on projects worth over $1M as a QA engineer to a QA manager. She believes in sharing her experiences with the testing community to help foster learning and innovation.
Kategoria: Computer Technology
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-78995-487-6
Rozmiar pliku: 8,9 MB

