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Hedge Fund Market Wizards [DRM] - ebook

Data wydania:
25 kwietnia 2012
Format ebooka:
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Hedge Fund Market Wizards [DRM] - ebook

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Fascinating insights into the hedge fund traders who consistently outperform the markets, in their own words From bestselling author, investment expert, and Wall Street theoretician Jack Schwager comes a behind-the-scenes look at the world of hedge funds, from fifteen traders who've consistently beaten the markets. Exploring what makes a great trader a great trader, Hedge Fund Market Wizards breaks new ground, giving readers rare insight into the trading philosophy and successful methods employed by some of the most profitable individuals in the hedge fund business. Presents exclusive interviews with fifteen of the most successful hedge fund traders and what they've learned over the course of their careers Includes interviews with Jamie Mai, Joel Greenblatt, Michael Platt, Ray Dalio, Colm O Shea, Ed Thorp, and many more Explains forty key lessons for traders Joins Stock Market Wizards, New Market Wizards, and Market Wizards as the fourth installment of investment guru Jack Schwager's acclaimed bestselling series of interviews with stock market experts A candid assessment of each trader's successes and failures, in their own words, the book shows readers what they can learn from each, and also outlines forty essential lessons from finding a trading method that fits an investor's personality to learning to appreciate the value of diversification that investment professionals everywhere can apply in their own careers. Bringing together the wisdom of the true masters of the markets, Hedge Fund Market Wizards is a collection of timeless insights into what it takes to trade in the hedge fund world.
Kategoria: Finance
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: brak
ISBN: 978-1-118-28361-5
Rozmiar pliku: 858 KB

