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How I Overcame Social Anxiety (And How You Can Too!) - ebook

Data wydania:
28 kwietnia 2016
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How I Overcame Social Anxiety (And How You Can Too!) - ebook

"If you've ever suffered from anxiety problems, you will find the answers in this excellent book." - 5-star review


Are you tired of worrying what others are thinking of you all the time?

Do you feel uncomfortable in public and can’t ever seem to relax around people?

Are you tired of that critical voice inside your head that’s always putting you down?

Have you tried to overcome your social anxiety & shyness before and nothing worked?

Do you believe you’re ‘beyond help’ or ‘born this way’ and things will never change?

I suffered from professionally diagnosed social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder for over a decade. The majority of my 20’s I was on strong antidepressant medication. Instead of being the best, those were the most unhappy years of my life.

I know how it feels to live with social anxiety 24/7, 365 days a year. The suffering, the shame, the lack of understanding from family and friends. The feeling that no-one really understands what you’re going through. I understand. 

This is why I can help. 

This book documents my entire journey through social anxiety; the factors that caused it and the exact steps I took to find my healing and regain control of my life. In this book, you’ll learn:

The real causes behind your social anxiety & shyness (it’s not what you think)
My step-by-step guide for overcoming social anxiety & shyness (follow what I did)
How I learned to stop fearing the opinions and judgments of others
How to let go of perfectionism and always putting yourself down
What I learned from spending over $35,000 on alternative therapies
How to finally start liking and accepting yourself
How to lower anxiety and self-consciousness in minutes, not years

This book provides you with a proven roadmap to overcome social anxiety, explained by someone who has actually gone through the process and found a way out of it. 

Readers' reviews:

"Top-notch, sincere, and well-written. (...) This book has been incredibly helpful and consistently insightful."

"If you've ever suffered from anxiety problems, you will find the answers in this excellent book."

"This book is so much better [than others about social anxiety] because of the author's very personal battle with it. It feels like I'm getting advice from a really close friend who knows exactly what I'm going through."

From the Author 

Hi I'm Tobias.

My life has been full of ups and downs. I am a living proof that you can overcome your biggest fears and achieve anything you want in life as long as you just have the courage to take the first step and not give up. I spent most of my teens and twenties depressed, lonely and on strong antidepressants. By age 27, I had given up on ever overcoming my social anxiety & shyness. 

Even worse than that, I had given up on myself. I was my own worst enemy, always calling myself harsh names like ‘loser’ and ‘ugly.’ I hated myself and didn’t believe I was worth very much. I thought I was ‘weak’ and ‘broken’ for having social anxiety and felt inferior to just about everyone in the world. 

Like most people, I grew up believing the narrative we are sold by society. You were born confident or you weren’t. You were good with people or you weren’t. You either have it or you don’t, and I certainly didn’t, better luck next lifetime. I am here to shatter that myth for you. To show you that you can overcome social anxiety and be anyone you want to be. 

My self-improvement articles have been featured on blogs such as Lifehack and Pick The Brain. My passion in life helping others realize their own greatness and live a life of freedom and passion.


Kategoria: Psychology
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-946697-21-9
Rozmiar pliku: 1,9 MB

