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Islamic lullabies - ebook

Data wydania:
5 lipca 2022
Format ebooka:
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Islamic lullabies - ebook

About the book:
The book is a collection of islamic lullabies for kids right from newborn to toddlers, at this age baby is quite attached to mother's voice, touch and everything. This book shares some wonderful poems which connects the child to it's religion right from his birth. The written poems also has some of the Stories of the prophets which sub consciously fits in the mind of child that helps him to know more about his religion. This book can also serve as a wonderful medium to develop the bond between mother and child to their creator ALLAH.

About the author:
Firdos Tarannum is a teacher , with a degree in bachelor of science.
She completed her school education in holy family school of Sindhanur, and completed her science field education in a renowned college called smj pu college, sindhanur.

Firdos Tarannum always admired of educating herself and others around her , she lived her life to the fullest before marriage and Alhamdulillah her every dream of educating the children completed.
She taught some religious topics to the students of an islamic school where her parents studied which was a stepping stone of her teaching field, she completed the degree and started teaching in the same year immersing herself into two different roles everyday.She also gave tuition classes for the kids and also actively participated in courses of Islamic organisation held every week and ten days in summer months
She also served as a science teacher in her own learned school for a year , which was a proud moment for her teacher seeing their student sitting with them on the same post at such an early stage.
Lockdown throughout the world stopped the teaching of many teachers and one among them was firdos too.
She completed her degree on the other hand successfully just before lockdown.
During the times of lockdown she used them in a good way by handling around motivational or councilling sessions as her second dream is to help people with her words which have an immense effect on one's mind as people are often get themselves in depression and stress
She got married and gave birth to a wonderful son in a year of marriage itself Alhamdulillah. But this didn't stop her from completing her dreams.Tarannum is a housewife and a mother, who recently inspired herself to write the books after finding her love towards studies, she loved reading and was always appreciated for her work either for her teaching of 3 years or a councilling sessions.

Kategoria: Poetry
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-93-5610-838-7
Rozmiar pliku: 1,1 MB

