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Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree - ebook
Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree - ebook
Ernest Brammah Smith is best-known for two series, the Max Carrados books about a blind detective, all of whose Perceptions are enormously enhanced, and a series of tales in which the Chinese Kai Lung tells stories – often to stave off some unpleasant fate, like Scheherazade. This collection of eight Kai Lung stories came out in 1940, two years before the author’s death. They show the same wit as the earlier ones. The China which Kai Lung inhabits has numerous features of the fantasy Land of Fable, and many of the embedded tales are fantasy; all are told in an ornate manner which ironically, often hilariously, exaggerates the old Chinese tradition of understatement and politesse. The main sequence begins with „The Wallet of Kai Lung” and ends with „Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry-Tree”; of the posthumous collections, „Kai Lung Raises His Voice” usefully assembles all the remaining series stories.
Kategoria: | Classic Literature |
Język: | Angielski |
Zabezpieczenie: |
ISBN: | 978-83-8200-871-5 |
Rozmiar pliku: | 2,7 MB |
“IN order to appreciate more fully the various involvements concerned in the legendary tale which a scrupulous and uninventive recorder of actual facts has selected for recital on this gratifying occasion, it is necessary to take into account the usages and conditions of primitive simplicity existing in the State of Yin at that distant era of what has been aptly termed ‘our celestial and richly-embroidered country’s crudely-chiselled narrative’.”
Thus auspiciously Kai Lung responded to a well-sustained request that after a surfeit of round-bodied merchants, occupied chiefly with their wares, officials of not very imposing rank, unsuccessful students–no matter how hard- striving–earth-tillers, redolent of their toil, stall- keepers and beggars of the street, hired assassins, travelling minstrels, actors, sleeve-snatchers and persons of no particular kind, he would gratify their attentive ears with a story in which one of really exalted standing played an essential part, so that they might learn how people belonging to a class widely distant from their own ordered their doings. Nor when Kai Lung pointed out that a story where nobles of distinguished Line were brought in naturally involved a more sustained effort than one concerned with their own low-conditioned sort and was therefore worthy of an increased reward, had they failed to respond to the obligation.
“Yet how, seeing that the bulk of those who form your circle are ordinary persons of menial task arid unlettered tastes–how is it attainable for these to take into account, as you say, usages and complexities of whose operations they are profoundly unconscious?” asked one, an industrious crier of wayside herbs whose ambition it was to become a spokesman. “Is it not incumbent on the one professing to scatter the seed of entertainment first to prepare the soil of knowledge?”
“There is a grain of truth in the generality of your charge, but the matter is not so remote from a common understanding as your words might imply,” was Kai Lung’s admission. “It is perhaps sufficient to realise that in that distant and credulous age what was said was currently believed, and the more sonorously it was claimed the greater was the degree of conviction carried; that what another was seen to do was sedulously reproduced in the faith that what another did must be necessarily right, and the higher the degree of the one observed the more implicit the assurance; that those who had achieved success were the worthiest to succeed while failure to obtain material weal was the logical outcome of inferiority on the part of the striver. To this must be added that it was an era when, as the records of the most esteemed narrators disclose, whatever the appearance of a deplorable outcome meanwhile, Righteousness invariably triumphed over Iniquity in the end, but which constituted the one and which the other lay wholly within the province of the discloser.”
“Yet wherein does this fabled state of affairs differ–” began a simple-minded goat-herd from the Barren Uplands, but reproving voices pointed out that Kai Lung had already spread his mat and taken the position.
IN the feudatory days of the State of Further Yin the venerable and widely-esteemed, ruler, Hysi Ming, had at length announced that it was his gracious inclination (since it was not to be imagined that so powerful a monarch could ever be constrained) shortly to Pass Above, and to confirm his words it was soon afterwards generally agreed that a flourish of celestial dragons had hovered above the palace grounds bearing a cordial invitation for Hysi Ming to join his devoted forerunners.
It is of this enlightened sovereign’s humane outlook that many worthy sayings have been preserved, including the inscription on his outer gate: “When this door is freely ajar there is no need to seek justice elsewhere.” Notable also is his admission that if any man was unlawfully killed throughout the land it was as though he, as their responsible Head, had committed murder; if another’s goods were despoiled he was inferentially guilty of theft; and should the meanest of his subjects be wrongfully accused it was not too much to say (though none actually ventured to go to the extent of saying it) that Hysi Ming had borne false witness.
Indeed, so benevolently-inspired was the sympathetic potentate unquestioningly admitted to be that several influentially- supported risings had come to a fruitless end, when all but ready to launch, merely on it being pointed out by mutual well-wishers how seriously the intended course would wound Hysi Ming’s feelings.
In this courteous atmosphere of general amity and resolute goodwill Prince Ying had passed his youth, nor did it ever occur to his somewhat restricted vision that any other state of things might possibly exist outside the palace walls, or that the universal deference which he received as a matter of official routine had any other source than as a natural tribute to his exceptional qualities. He could not fail to be aware that he outshone all others in feats of arms, for he had been instructed in the correct positions of archery by the foremost exponents of the age, and trusty attendants saw to it that by an ingenious arrangement of hidden cords his arrows never failed to reach “the yellow;” at sword-play the most redoubtable champions of that art habitually fell beneath the rain of blows that he was able to inflict upon them, and when he rode, either in pursuit of prey or along an appointed course, no other horse could–or at all events ever did–outrun the one on which Prince Ying happened to be seated. A like success invariably attended the games of chance, the contests with coloured discs, or the poetical matching competitions in which he took a part, for if by any mishap he failed to win outright a dependable slave was always near at hand so that the table became overturned or a suitable interruption broke in at the most convenient moment. Nor in the matter of his outward form had the prince any reason to distrust the opinion of those who extended praise, for his reflecting surface of polished brass disclosed that he was of an agreeable colour, well-proportioned in all his parts, and had an alert yet ingenuous expression. The jewelled profusion of his splendid robes amply proclaimed the distinguished aloofness of their wearer’s high position.
The earliest faint rustling of a breath of doubt–the slenderest shaft of suspicion that everything might not perhaps be exactly so unblemished as it seemed in the most desirable of all imaginable States–would be attributable to a chance remark overheard as he stood unseen on the inner side of the palace stockade, beyond which a group of persons of the most ordinary kind expressed themselves” in very unrefined tones with distressing freedom. For the first time in his unclouded life Ying heard the venerable and widely-honoured head of their royal Line, the benign Hysi Ming himself, referred to not with deference by his many ceremonial titles but allusively as an elderly, white-whiskered baboon of predatory tastes and equivocative habits, while one whose identity he could not altogether avoid conjecturing was veiled under the similitude of a brightly-hued bird with well-spread tail or, by another speaker, an irrational-natured domestic beast of burden. Without staying to rebuke these uncouth travesties of humanity on their grotesque distortion of a flowery and richly melodious tongue, Prince Ying passed unostentatiously on but his unquestioning confidence in the essential equipoise of inherent uprightness could never be quite the same thereafter.
DOUBTLESS it was some recollection of this unworthy band’s lack of culture–even though they should be only an infinitesimal fraction of those whom he must rule–that caused the prince to approach that task, when the sublime Hysi Ming condescended eventually to Pass Up, in a hitherto-unsuspected spirit of enquiry.
“It is one thing to maintain that impartiality prevails throughout the land and that all men receive satisfaction, but it is quite another whether those who are directly concerned would spontaneously assent to the declaration,” was the direction of his thoughts. “This can only be set at rest by merging one’s true position.”
Having this end in view Ying passed through the palace gates without any premonitory beating of ceremonial drums or blowing of processional horns and for the first time in his life wholly unaccompanied by a retinue of bearers. Although he wore what he considered to be a mean and inconspicuous garb he was so much more richly attired than any person of ordinary rank that none whom he approached had any difficulty whatever in recognising a noble of exalted station.
“Being but newly arrived at your romantic and favoured land a stranger would gladly learn something of its condition,” he explained, addressing himself to one who leaned with lethargic ease at an angle of the ways, waiting for the gate of an adjoining tea-house to be unbolted. “Is justice administered with a single face in Yin or would it be necessary to approach a closed door with a well-filled hand held open?”
“It is impossible to speak too highly of all that goes on around,” was the discreet reply; “from base to apex the endeavour of each official is directed towards a single object. Just as the State of Yin is the most desirable point of all inhabitable space, so its rulers’ virtues are practically unmeasurable, and lesser functionaries only descendingly less perfect; while the never-failing splendour of the facile-handed guardians of the ways has passed into a saying.”
“Is disaffection then unknown in any form?” enquired the prince, who had his own reasons for seeking assurance on this specific detail.
“Not only is antagonism unseen from dawn to dusk but it is so remote that its face would not be recognised should you chance to meet it on the highway.”
“It is aptly spoken,” declared Prince Ying, and after bestowing a piece of gold, in what he understood to be the customary way, he passed on to investigate elsewhere.
A sentry standing by a weak point of the wall next responded to his call, for seeing the evident consequence of the one who spoke the warrior readily laid aside his weapons of defence and withdrew from the position.
This one in turn assured Ying that insubordination or the thought of discontent was unknown among any of the various sections of a thoroughly willing and grateful army. When the prince referred in idiomatic terms to certain forms of laxity or craft of which he had dimly heard from martial courtiers, the sentinel confessed himself as at a loss even to understand the meaning of the alien words, and almost inexpressibly grieved that such duplicity should exist, albeit if only among outside tribes and barbarian hordes strange to the scrupulousness of polite campaigning. Those in authority over themselves, he added, were so solicitous to secure a life of luxurious ease for all within their charge that during every midday rice one of high standing passed among their ranks and besought that if even the lowliest should have any cause for dissatisfaction or complaint he would openly express it; while scarcely a night passed without a head being thrust through the opening of their tent, to be assured that all were free from discomfort.
“What then is the most prevalent cause of annoyance advanced on these occasions?” enquired the prince.
“How should murmuring be heard, seeing that one and all get more, as it is, than the extent of their desires?” was the significant admission. “No more convincing testimony to the efficiency of a resolute and vigorous system need be produced than that, despite this gracious encouragement from above, no man has ever yet been known to proclaim a grievance.”
Recognising that it would be fruitless to probe for that which did not exist Ying commended the sentry for the simple candour of his word and having rewarded him fittingly with a costly jewel, the prince bent his footsteps on in the hope of further discoveries.
WHAT new evidence of contentment and well-being might have been forced upon his attention it would be unprofitable to assume, for on passing into a secluded place Prince Ying stumbled upon a sight that he had been influenced to believe could not exist within the confines of his dominion–that of a strong man in the lusty prime of life who had turned aside from the more public ways to lament unseen, now beating his sinewy breast with clenched hands in reasonless despair, now again raising them in fierce challenge to the attesting sky while he called down the seven-fold curse from which there is no escape on the heads and repose of those whom he inculpated. This peculiar scene the prince observed for such a space of time as wherein a man might count five-score; then disclosing himself from the obscurity in which he had stood concealed he approached the stranger.
“How comes it,” he enquired, “that in the most justly-ordered and bountifully endowed of all discoverable lands one in full possession of his years and strength should find cause to arraign authority?”
“Before we discuss that,” replied the other, displaying an attitude that was neither subservient nor bold, “it is necessary that I should know with whom I speak and the definite reason for his avowed interest.”
“Since you ask,” replied the prince, “there is no absolute reason why I should conceal my identity behind a mask of evasion. The one who speaks is Hysi Ying, Prince of Yin, and Hereditary Brother of the Yellow Dragon, though for a set purpose he assumed this lowly garb, so that he might freely pass unrecognised about the city.”
“In that case,” accepted the man, with no great concern, “Sheng Yei is now as good as among the spirits. Therefore call your awaiting guard and end an existence that has already exceeded the normal capacity of misfortune.”
“We are evidently involved in a mutual labyrinth,” declared the prince, “in which neither sees the outcome of the other. Why should this one condemn unheard a person against whose life he has no possible grievance?”
“It is the usual course when a subject, however moved, has been led into speaking without due respect of a member of the royal lineage. Was it not for this reason that your Great Highness lurked alone in the byways of your city?”
“So far from that being the case,” maintained the prince, “the sole purpose of this second-hand disguise was to be assured that universal justice was being done, or to redress the balance of right and wrong if it should appear that any form of iniquity flourished.”
“Disguise!” repeated the one who had thus avowed his name to be Sheng Yei, and for the first time his voice lost its conscious bitterness. “It would be as profitable to go begging with Yen Sung’s silver bowl as to expect sincerity from those who are in a position to speak, towards one wearing the obvious marks of a rich official.”
“This is certainly unlooked for,” admitted Ying, “since the costume appealed to this person’s eye as indicating modest want, being of an inconspicuous tone and wholly obsolete in its last year’s fashion.”
“The test of the stew lies in what the chop-stick brings to the surface. Did any man confide to your ear of disaffection gathering from the four points of the wind or was it a smooth tale of prosperity and contentment, perchance with the expectation of a small piece of silver in return, that was flatteringly presented?”
“There may have been some negligible coin that fell unheeded from one’s sleeve,” replied the prince with a distant air, “but that was apart from the subject matter of our conversation. Yet if sincerity is not to be found by these extraneous means how is it possible to arrive at a true understanding?”
“It is in the nature of things that any ordinary person should seek to mislead one suspected of possessing official rank, just as certain creatures instinctively feign death on the approach of a natural enemy,” was the tolerant reply. “Now had you been in this one’s place–”
“The suggestion is inspired!” exclaimed Ying, stirred by new hope; “therein lies the germ of what is necessary. It is not to be denied that your general appearance is much more calculated to win the confidence of the beneath and withdrawn than this person’s ill-chosen aspect. All that remains, therefore, is for us to assume each other’s being.”
“Pre-eminence!” protested the one thus equally involved, “is it to be thought–”
“It is useless to demur,” interrupted the prince, “for not only is it incumbent on you as a vassal subject to obey your lord but it is also futile to resist, the one who commands being trained to the usage of all manner of arms and able to vanquish any adversary. Lead, therefore, to your conveniently-situated though no doubt inexpensive abode so that we may effect the change, and if possible let our path be screened from observation.”
Seeing no outlet from this course Sheng Yei made his way by secluded tracks to a crumbling dwelling among the Lower Wastes and there untying a knot that held the bolt he stood aside for the prince to enter. It was dark within until the shutter was swung back but an emotion of disquietude stirred some inner faculty at the feeling which Ying encountered.
“There is an influence that pervades this place,” he was constrained to exclaim as he looked round. “What are the three objects that lie there side by side and why is each hid beneath a coverlet?”
“They are all that remain of a once prolific house,” replied Sheng Yei, now relapsing into his former morose mood, “and their faces are veiled because the manner of their Passing Hence was not tranquil.”
“It was of this that you spoke when you arraigned authority at the meeting of our ways?” enquired the prince, and Sheng Yei acquiesced by a despairing sign, for spoken words were just then beyond his power.
“It is well that we should have come together now and hereafter all who are concerned will be held to a strict account, but for the time being I am not to be put off from my immediate purpose,” was Ying’s firm resolve after he had swung his sleeve ambiguously for an undecided moment. “Meanwhile, take this solace to heart, Sheng Yei: ‘Iniquity must achieve its end by a sudden stroke, but justice can wait until the avenging gods are ready.’ “
“Can reparation call back spirits from the Upper Air or restore the severed limbs to dismembered shadows that must now exist bereft of the common faculties?” was the outspoken reply. “How then, Omnipotence, can exact justice be rendered?”
“It may not be actually possible to do as you truly observe,” admitted the one addressed, “but should you establish your charge you will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that those at fault are being punished in exactly the same heartrending way that you yourself have suffered. Beyond that, the most exalted impartiality could scarcely go. To do more would savour of malice.”
Being eager to pursue his way unhampered by any outward sign of wealth or rank Prince Ying was already discarding his distinctive robes and assuming Sheng Yei’s threadbare raiment. His elaborate sandals also he cast off and his well-gilt hat, taking in its place one that would have the advantage of protecting a wearer’s head from the weather. When Sheng Yei sought to restore a weighty purse of gold that he found in the inner sleeve Ying thrust it heedlessly aside, though on being pressed he consented to carry a hand-count of pieces in a concealed knot of his garment.
“Three things, Imperishable, rank as the necessities of life: a piece of money, a smooth-noosed cord, and a knife of superior keenness,” was Sheng Yei’s counsel. “Properly used, as the several emergencies arise, these should be enough to bring a resourceful man through most ordinary difficulties.”
“In a pressing angle an authoritative voice would carry further than a weapon could be flung,” was the self-confident reply. “Moreover, the one whom you would warn is admitted to be invincible at every kind of martial encounter. Have no fear, therefore, but should any unforeseen tangle occur make your way to the inner ward of our palace here and there discover to the trusty Captain of the Guard, Hao Hsin his name, all that you know of this arisement.”
“My head shall answer for that charge,” undertook Sheng Yei stoutly. “Indeed,” he added, as he realised what the undertaking might involve, “that is what will probably result should this one’s account be received in a misgiving spirit.”
“It is very evident that affliction must have obscured your naturally clear-sighted mind or, in the most perfectly-arranged State that exists (with, perchance, an occasional lapse) you would scarcely refer continually to unpleasant happenings,” remarked the prince with unshaken confidence. “However, take this inscribed ring”–and he withdrew from his thumb a jewel bearing the royal device–”and display it whenever necessary. Even supernatural Beings–unless very highly placed–would hardly venture to dispute its authority.”
With this assurance Hysi Ying–now wearing a weather-beaten robe and no other sign of his regal state–proceeded on his outward path, for he had already determined to leave the city, where he had apparently been misinformed, and take the unenclosed highway. Sheng Yei, dressed as a leading dignitary of the land, his sleeve weighed down with considerable gold and a ring of unlimited authority encircling his thumb, could not entirely satisfy himself that he had not been involved in a delusive vision.
AS he proceeded on his adventurous quest, so light-hearted did Prince Ying become at the thought of the many instances of meritorious government and virtuous content which he would presently disclose that as he went he was impelled to raise his voice in an exultant song that told of bygone paladins. Hitherto, whenever he had condescended to exhibit his unique gift of melody–whether alone or blending with his voice the tones of a many-stringed zither–all those who had been allowed to share the privilege of listening had united to declare that it went far beyond anything previously deemed credible; while only the previous day a maiden of the court, on recovering from an ecstasy into which she had passed while he sang, affirmed that she had been transported to a celestial glade wherein a flock of nightingales poured out notes that changed into strings of lustrous pearls as they plashed into a crystal fountain. On this occasion, however, none whom he encountered stayed actually to commend Ying’s voice although one or two did extend a passing reference to it.
In his new found release from the cares of state the prince had added li to li with no thought beyond that of discovering for himself what precise forms loyalty and contentment took in the outside parts of his territory. Not until a growing sense of insufficiency beneath his waistcloth and a realization that the great ancestor of the sky was calling in his messengers did it occur to him that never before had it been necessary to do more than strike a summoning gong for whatever he desired of the richest food and the most costly wine instantly to appear. In this contingency he recalled, not without an element of relief, that he carried a few negligible pieces of gold secured in a fold of his garment, but so far no suitable resort had appealed to his somewhat exacting taste, and of late the path had been destitute of so much as the scantiest tea-house. Had even a pedlar propelling a migratory wheel-barrow vending sweetmeats passed that way Prince Ying would gladly have interrupted his progress and purchased one.
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