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Lazy Dungeon Master: Volume 13 - ebook

Data wydania:
8 grudnia 2020
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Lazy Dungeon Master: Volume 13 - ebook

I'm Keima Masuda, a Dungeon Master aiming for a life without work. Haku told me about there being a Hell Tournament in the Demon Realm with the reward being the Divine Pajamas, and she even sent me over as an imperial official. She's being so generous I can't help but feel like something's off... And of course, the winner of this year's Hell Tournament suddenly forces me into a fight. "Now then, in accordance to the law, you are now mine." What?! If you lose a duel in the Demon Realm you're the winner's slave? No way! Thus begins my live as a slave. And he's forcing me to train in combat?!

This is Volume 13 of my own kind of dungeon story! The demonic hands of forced labor are grabbing for me!

Kategoria: Young Adult Fiction
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-71832-424-4
Rozmiar pliku: 18 MB


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“So, Uzou. How long will it be before we can go back to Keima’s town?”

“...Who knows, Muzou. But it shouldn’t be too long before we’ve got enough money to pay him back.”

Uzou and Muzou were two C-Rank adventurer brothers that Keima had saved in the past. At the moment they were working as hunters in a city within the Demon Realm–essentially, the Demon Realm version of adventurers. Reason being, the only adventurer work there was hunting monsters.

The bulk of the work was done by undead monsters summoned by demons–the equivalent of nobles in the empire–which meant that outside of things like trade work and customer service, the only work available was hunting monsters. But both of those required too much training for adventurers to just do on the side.

Uzou and Muzou had been surprised at first to see skeletons pulling wagons and tilling fields, but thanks to that semi-automated labor the people lived comfortable lives, though it was questionable if those with such a demonic appearance should really be called “people.” Either way, the brothers got used to skeletons before long.

In any case, Uzou and Muzou were on their way back from the city after hunting some Iron Toads, which were frogs about fifty centimeters big with hard skin. They had come to the Demon Realm on a quest after handing Keima his magic blade over a year ago. In the middle of their quest they happened to save the life of a rich young demon, and ever since then they had lived as valued guests in the city ruled by that demon family.

During the rescue Uzou was wounded badly, and they covered the costs of his healing. The plan was for them to keep working until they could pay that back, but... they were taking their sweet time, which was why they had been there for over a year.

Incidentally, they reported the quest that brought them there as complete in a local Hunter’s Guild office. It was a different organization from the Adventurer’s Guild, but they did keep in contact with each other.

“Still, people of the Demon Realm aren’t too different from humans from the empire, huh?” Muzou said.

“Yeah. I’m always caught off guard by how they look, but they’re basically just humans with magic stones stuck in their body. And, heh. I heard you went drinking with a Witch, Muzou.”

“Just a bit, just a bit. She turned me down, anyway. Said she only cares about magic.”

“Hahaha! Feels good,” Uzou said, cackling at Muzou getting rejected. It was revenge for when Muzou laughed at him for being rejected by the Harpy working at the bar.

It was then that a Werewolf walked over to them. “Yo. Finally back, newbies?”

It was Sukjira, one of their drinking buddies. He worked in a two-person party with Shironaga, a Weretiger. Uzou and Muzou had at first been thrown off by meeting a Werewolf and Weretiger, but upon noticing they were basically like humans that could transform into a (quite furry) wolf beastkin, they didn’t feel too scared. It helped that Werewolves had magic stones in their hearts rather than somewhere visible.

“Hey, you listening, newbies?” Sukjira sniffed with his wolf nose.

“We’ve been here for more than a year, y’know. Isn’t that right, Uzou?”

“Yeah. Feels like it’s about time he calls us by our names, Muzou.”

“Alright, good point. It’s a bit much to keep calling you newbies forever. Uh, you’re Uzou and you’re Muzou, right?” Sukjira asked with a hand on his fluffy chin.

“Yup. And didja really have to ask? Shouldn’t be too hard to figure out who’s who, am I right, Uzou?”

“Yeah. ’Specially since we’re always calling each other by name, Muzou.”

“Hey, don’t get the wrong idea. I’m just tryin’ to appreciate different cultures here. Some people get ticked if you call them by their first name,” he said, reminding Uzou and Muzou that in the empire, nobles all had long names, and they only allowed those close to them to use nicknames or first names. He was probably thinking of something like that.

“Makes sense. But don’t worry. These are our real names. Not even a single letter missing from them. Right, Uzou?”

“Huh? You forgot my name’s actually Uzordat? Hah, just kidding. Our names are just our names, Sukjira.”

“Good then. C’mon, you two. Shironaga wants to talk.”

Uzou and Muzou followed after him, wondering what was up. Shironaga probably just wanted to spar again.

They passed through the well-built city, buildings as tall and finely crafted as the imperial capital, before reaching the training grounds where Shironaga was swinging a wooden sword with weights in the air.

“Ah! Finally, you’re here!”

“Yup. What’s up, Shironaga? Want to train some more?”

“Yeah, but something else’s going on today!” Shironaga replied, propting Uzou and Muzou to tense up a bit. “Y’know about the tournament coming up, yeah? Well, you two are gonna join in too!” he exclaimed, which neither of them expected.

“Huh? Wait, hold up. By Fighter’s Tournament you mean the Hell Tournament? Whoa now, we’re just normal old C-Rank adventurers. Right, Uzou?”

“Yeah. Hell’s Arena has a bunch of real deal tough guys not even you can beat, Shironaga. We’d be dead in a second.”

“Idiots! Why’re you giving up before you even start?! And the Hell Tournament is the one demons participate in! The Fighter’s Tournament’s different!”

So he said, but either way, there would be nothing but a bunch of strong foes participating in both.

“Look. I’m not sayin’ you have to win. You two would be lucky to get even two wins in the tournament.”

“So why should we join, then?” Uzou asked, and Shironaga was ready to answer.

“First of all, you’re visitors here, but you’re not accomplishing anything special. That’s not gonna help out the young master.”


“W-Well, yeah, we knew that ourselves,” Muzou replied. He and Uzou were living off the money they earned themselves, but they were still being given the status of valued guests. The only thing they had accomplished at all in the Demon Realm was rescuing the young demon upon arriving. Nothing after that was worth noting whatsoever. They were doing nice hunter work, but that was just a normal job here if you weren’t hunting huge monsters. In conclusion, Shironaga was saying they needed to go to a public tournament and show that they were still worth keeping around.

“Plus, it’ll be good experience. Am I right, Sukjira? You fought in last year’s tourney. How was it?”

“Hm? Oh, yeah. It was real good experience. Plus, the tourney officials will heal you back to full health as long as you don’t die. Not to mention the prize money. I got five golds for beating the first three fights.”

Five golds. That much money would let Uzou and Muzou pay off their debt and go home with more to spare.

“You heard the man. If you both can get through your first two fights, you’ll have more than enough to pay off that debt of yours. There’s not much left anyway, yeah?”

They could show that they weren’t cowards just by participating in the tournament. They didn’t have to worry about getting hurt, either, as long as they survived. Winning earned them money.

Everything about the tournament seemed great. How could Uzou and Muzou refuse after all that?

“Not like we’d die for losing, right, Muzou?”

“Yeah, might as well give it a shot, Uzou.”

And so, the two brothers decided to fight in the Fighter’s Tournament.

“Muzou, how far do you think Keima would get if he fought in it?”

“Y’know, he might actually win and earn the right to fight in the Hell Tournament. Though Keima’s in Tsia, so no way is he gonna be fighting in a Demon Realm tournament.”

Perhaps due to being distracted by pointless musing, Shironaga trained them even harder than usual that day.


Now that matters with Dragg, the town on the other side of Tsia’s Tunnel, were settled, I could finally get some sleep. But it was the exact moment I relaxed and let my guard down that an agent of evil came for me. My brief moment of peace came to a swift close.

“Rokuko, sweetie, I came to see you.”

“Sister! Hi!”

Indeed. Our inn’s sponsor, Haku, gave us a surprise visit. She was boldly entering from the front door with her retainer Chloe at her side.

Haku was so divine that she was worshiped throughout the empire as the Ivory Goddess, and here she was visiting us. _Has it really been that long since we fought the Dungeon Battle with the rabbits? Or what, is she here to threaten me about something?_

Either way, it had been a long time since Haku last visited us. The grand suite was open, and we were always ready to serve her. We guided her to my parlor in the chief residence, ignoring the adventurers who had clasped their hands and begun praying at the sight of her. _I mean, I would like to take her straight to the grand suite, but I’m pretty sure she has some reason for coming here._

We sat down in the parlor’s sofas, with Rokuko sitting next to Haku (of course) while I sat facing them. The moment we were all seated, our head maid Kinue came in and silently set down cups of tea. Naturally, it was our highest quality tea made from dungeon-produced leaves. Though most tea tasted the same to me.

“So, sister, what brings you here?” Rokuko asked after Haku had a sip of tea.

“My my. Well, Rokuko, I wish I could say I was just here to see you. But sadly, I am here to fulfill my promise from earlier. Chloe, please present the letter.”

“Yes, milady. Please take this, Keima.”

Despite not knowing what promise Haku was referring to, I accepted the wax-sealed letter and paper knife from Chloe. _Open it right now? Alright, alright. I sure am excited to see what’s in here. Cut, cut, cut with the knife... Okay. Let’s see here._

“...Invitation to the Demon Realm’s Hell Tournament?” I said aloud. That was what the letter was titled. If all she had for me was a letter, why couldn’t she just send it through the Ivory Beach? No, way. She mentioned a promise. Could it be...?

“The grand prize for this tournament are the Divine Pajamas.”

“Ah, that explains that.”

Haku had promised to give me information on some of the Divine Bedding if I won the Dungeon Battle. That was no doubt the promise she was referring to.

“It was quite the struggle to get this information, I’ll have you know. The Demon Realm and I are enemies, after all.”

“...Will I need a permit to go to the Demon Realm?” I asked. If it was an enemy to the empire, I could imagine all sorts of tedious paperwork being needed at border stops between the two countries. It might even be the case that I wasn’t even allowed to leave the country at all without Haku’s permission.

But Haku shot that idea down with a smile. “No, everyone can go. One’s safety is not guaranteed without permission, however.”

“Isn’t that same thing as needing permission...?”

“Not quite. Think of it like... It will be less likely for them to give those on official empire business trouble.”

If they did, the Demon Realm would be in trouble rather than the empire. According to Haku, the Demon Realm was almost entirely populated by hotblooded warriors like Aidy and Core 564. Anyone not sent on government business would get wrapped up in fights, and it was the kind of government where you could be enslaved by anyone you lost a fight to. But even those on business got wrapped up in fights too, apparently. Geez that’s terrifying. Being sent by a government only put a little political pressure on them.

“And so, Baron Goren, I will send you to the Demon Realm as an envoy of the empire to attend their Hell Tournament. Is that all well and good with you?” Haku asked, using the noble title that I had honestly forgotten I even had. In other words, I was a mere baron in her empire, and she would chop my head right off if I refused. Literally.

“Hm? Wait, sister. He’s going to attend the tournament, not fight in it?”

“Oh my. You noticed? Goodness, Rokuko, you are such a clever girl.” Haku patted Rokuko’s head.

The Hell Tournament consisted largely of monstrously strong Dungeon Cores of the Demon King faction, and rather than being Dungeon Battles it consisted of duels of individual strength. Haku apparently didn’t think I had a chance in hell of winning after I revealed my tricks early on.

“As a legendary warrior that conquered a Dragon, you would surely go far, but the victory itself would be beyond your reach. You need only to observe the fighting,” she said, and naturally that wasn’t just her taunting me by forcing me to watch someone else get the Divine Pajamas while I watched with my thumb in my mouth. Rather, by attending the tournament as an envoy from the empire, I would be able to negotiate politically with whoever did win the Divine Pajamas.

In other words, out of pure good will, Haku was affording me an opportunity to acquire the Divine Pajamas. Though I couldn’t deny the possibility that if not for Rokuko noticing her sleight of hand, that I might have been forced to participate, and then killed, in the fighting.

“I see. Thanks, Haku. I’ll take you up on this offer.”

“You are very welcome. Politically speaking, you will be attending to learn more about their culture. Take care not to scorn the honor of the Demon Realm, and to always keep a close eye on Rokuko.”

“Of course, of c–Wait, Rokuko’s coming with me?” I had thought for sure that I would be going alone. And look, even Rokuko was surprised.

“I get to go too?”

“It seems that Core 666 wishes to see you. Ahhh, believe me, if I had my way I would never let Rokuko go to such a violent, boorish country. It’s just that Core 6 gave me no opportunity to refuse in our negotiations.”

“Oh, Aidy? That explains that.”

Core 666, also known as Aidy, was Rokuko’s friend. She was doted upon by the Great Demon King Core 6, just like Rokuko was doted on by Haku. I had no idea what being doted on by that stern old man might entail, but apparently she was well-trained in Demon King style warfare. And you can bet she was happy about that.

_Y’know, maybe the empire and Demon Realm could end up as allies if Rokuko and Aidy formed their own alliance. Okay... That’s probably unrealistic._

“Rokuko, you too will be sent on cultural grounds. You may engage in as much cultural exchanging with Core 666 as you wish.”

“Yay! Thank you, Haku!”

_Cultural exchange, huh? I guess drinking tea together could be considered a cultural exchange of sorts._

“Incidentally, I will send Misha to guard your dungeon while you are gone. Work her to the bone as you wish.”

“You don’t mind, Haku? She is the imperial capital’s guildmaster, despite everything.”

“It’s quite alright, Rokuko. All she does is take naps anyway.”

“That kind of reminds me of Keima, which makes me like her more.”

_Funny, I was thinking the same thing. She and I get along just fine._

“Still, just what kind of place is the Demon Realm? Aidy’s only told me a little about it, but she said they have dance parties every single day,” Rokuko said.

“Dance parties? Ahhh, if Core 666 said that, she was referring to duels and brawls. That is why, if you were to sum up the Demon Realm in a single word, it would be the country of barbarians.”

_Yeah, barbaric is a good word for them,_ I agreed silently.

“...Keima, I will be sending an agent of mine to protect Rokuko. I do hope you understand.”

“Er. Of course.”

And so, it was decided that Rokuko and I would be going to the Demon Realm.

“So, Haku. When will this field trip begin?”

“Two weeks from now. It will last for one month.”

_Oh?_ A whole month starting two weeks from now, huh.

“To that end, I ask that you come to the imperial capital by the end of next week.”

“Alright,” I replied. We had plenty of time with half a month on our hands, but travel in this world was so slow that in normal terms she would have been informing us at the very last minute here. Not everyone can use {Teleport} or dungeon functions to travel quickly. _But well, Haku contacted us now knowing all that. We definitely have plenty of time here, since we can just go to the Ivory Beach then go to the capital from there._

“Now that, with official business settle... Ahem. Mmm?” Haku coughed and glanced Rokuko’s way.

“...Rokuko. You know what to do,” I said.

“Mhm. Come on, Sister. I’ll give you lots of hospitality!”

“Ahaha, I’m looking forward to it.”

Haku took Rokuko’s hand and let herself be guided away, a bright smile on her face. In the end her stay was once again top of the world, and the next morning she left an enormous tip before leaving sadly, saying she would be waiting for us the week after the next.

* * *

So yeah, we started to prepare for our little field trip. That said, we didn’t need to rush that much, even though we would be staying for an entire month.

“’Cause I mean, DP can do pretty much everything.”

“Uh-huh. I guess that really just leaves Kinue’s cooking?”

We thought back to the journey to the imperial capital we had gone on with Wataru’s party. All we had to do was the same things we did then. After all, we had the DP catalog, and as long as we had DP we could basically cheat and get anything we wanted. We could prepare the same things we had for the imperial capital trip, then buy anything we forgot with DP. It was pretty stress-free.

Incidentally, we could bring one partner with us each to the Demon Realm, for a total of two companions. Personally I would be bringing our strongest fighter, Niku, since she was an absolutely essential bodyguard. As for the other one, however...

“Masteeer, I wanna go to the Demon Realm toooo,” Neruneh said, surprising everybody. “You haven’t settled on all the members yet, riiight?”

“Well. I was thinking of taking Ichika along since she went with us to the imperial capital, but... What do you think, Keima?” Rokuko asked.

“Can’t say I expected you to want to come, Neruneh. Is there some reason for that?” I asked, already knowing that Ichika would want to go to eat Demon Realm food.

“You seee, the Demon Realm is a hotspot for magic tool reseaaarch.”

The Demon Realm. The country of barbarians. Put simply, it was a country filled with year-round warfare. And what did warfare engender without fail? Indeed, the development of new technology. The fundamental connection between war and progress led to the Demon Realm having cutting edge technology for magic tools that could be used as instruments of death, and as a result even common citizens lived with frequent magic tool use.

“The top magic tools of the empire are very incredible toooo, but that’s mostly thanks to the Hero Workshop and alchemists, who keep their technology secreeet. They’re on average a lot worse throughout the whole empiiire,” she explained. There was a big gap between the best and the worst magic tools in the empire, which the Demon Realm was filling in with a high average standard of tools.

“In other words, you want to take this field trip seriously and learn from it.”

“Uh-huh, uh-huuuh! If you take meee, the results will show in all the magic tools I make from now ooon.”

Considering our party composition, Ichika would be the safest choice. Her sociable personality would prove invaluable when we needed to follow our cover story of being there for a cultural exchange. No doubt she’d find all the best food in the whole Demon Realm too. She made our last trip a lot easier and filled with good food, so yeah.

“Keima, I think we should pick Neruneh this time.”

“You think so?”

“Ichika’s useful, but... This is a field trip for learning, isn’t it?” Rokuko said, and that settled things on the spot. It was just a fact that Neruneh stood to gain a lot more from the Demon Realm than Ichika did. I also appreciated that she was motivated to pay us back by making better magic tools using what she learned. Not to mention, if Haku asked us to show we made use of our time abroad, we could just have Neruneh make a magic tool for us. _And I can pretty much guarantee Haku will try to give me hell for not learning anything on the trip, so yeah. Neruneh it is!_

“Good point. Magic tool technology will help the dungeon too.”

“Okay. You’re in, Neruneh, so get ready for the trip. Have you learned {Storage} yet? If not, I can give you a scroll for it.”

“Yaaaay! Thank you, Rokuko! Master!”

And so, we decided on Neruneh being our final companion. Ichika would have to settle for whatever souvenirs we brought back. She seemed pretty sad about it, but since the food would be kept completely fresh in {Storage}, we could buy all sorts of food from stands for her. _Just look forward to our return. Yeah._

“By the way, Rokuko. Are the shifts in the dungeon and inn going to be fine?” I asked when the thought struck me.

“Hm? Oh, I guess I will need to modify the schedule a bit. Let’s see... Maybe now would be a good time to summon more administrative monsters? I think it would definitely be a good idea to summon at least one more monster to watch over the dungeon.”

She had a point. As it stood the dungeon was being run by Elulu the Elf Ghost, since she didn’t need to rest or sleep, but at times she played with Igni from next door. _Undead monsters may not need rest, but Elulu used to be a normal, living person. Speaking as a Beddhist, it’s important to respect her individuality and give her some time to rest._

_And also, now that I think about everyone running the dungeon, isn’t the current situation pretty bad? Rei is the High Priestess of Beddhism, Kinue is running the inn with the Silkies, and Neruneh is focusing on her research. Not to mention she’s about to leave with us on this trip. There’s Kosaki the ring Succubus, but I’m bringing her with me for protection against dream invasions, and then there’s Siesta the Magic Blade, Rokuko’s pets, the rats... Uh. Is there not a single proper Named monster in our entire dungeon? Should we bring Mr. Tent over here? No, wait, he’s the boss of the ._

_...I feel like as the pope of Beddhism, it’s my duty to let everyone get some more rest. Which means, yeah, we do want one more monster dedicated to running the dungeon._

“Rokuko, want to try rolling the gacha? Maybe we can just use whatever we get.”

“Oh, good idea! Let’s do it! But, um, which level of gacha should I pick?”

“Uhhh, the 10,000 DP one, I guess?”

“Well, fair enough. I wanted to try the 100,000 DP gacha again, but if we’re spending that much we might as well buy another like Rei and the others. Let’s just try it once and see what happens.”

And so, we moved to the Master Room just to be safe. Any monster could be safely summoned here. Rokuko quickly opened the menu and reached for the 10,000 DP gacha.

Woosh! A magic circle spread out. No lightning this time; it was just a standard roll. We watched on, wondering if it would be the monster we wanted... and out came a panda.

“A black and white bear...?” Rokuko said.

“Yep... It’s a panda.” _A one meter tall panda. Welp... Guess this goes into the crowd of Rokuko’s pets. And I guess as a bear it’ll be good in a fight...? But why is it a panda?_

“Oh, Keima, this isn’t just any bear.”

“Hm? I mean, yeah, it’s a panda, but what about it?”

Rokuko pointed, and I finally noticed that there was a ten centimeter wide treasure chest on the end of its tail.

“It’s a mimic!”

“Hold on a second.” _Mimics are those monsters that pose as a chest and eat adventurers, right? So why is it a panda? And why is the treasure chest so ridiculously small? What is going on? What is even happening...?_

“Ah, Keima, look!”


The panda entered the treasure chest before our eyes. Right into... the ten centimeter wide box. It just got sucked in like it was a whirlpool, and then the chest dropped to the floor.

_That must be some Spacetime magic at work,_ I thought before picking it up. It fit in my palm, and didn’t feel heavy. But that was it. _What’s the point in this thing? This... Mimic Panda?_

“This is a bit too weird to use in the dungeon... Guess you’ve got yourself a new pet, Rokuko.”

“Oh, well, that’s nice. Ahaha, from today forth, you are... Puck!”

_Ah, a combination of “panda” and “box” (bocks) I see. Pretty similar to “pack” as well, very clever. Definitely not pure coincidence._

And so, we failed to get a dungeon manager, but we did get a new pet for Rokuko. _Which means we need to get more manual with this._

We opened the DP catalog to look for a dungeon monitoring monster. I looked through our options as Rokuko clicked the tiny chest open and closed with monster inside. _Er... Can you stop that, Rokuko? You’re probably annoying the panda._ Though I know it’s funny to see it swoosh in and out of the box.

“...I feel like I kind of want a monster that just dryly manages the dungeon without kicking up much of a fuss about it.”

“An intelligent monster, but one without strong feelings... Hmm, maybe a Ghost like Elulu?”

“I get the feeling that a lot of Ghost monsters just aren’t good at all.” Getting Elulu herself was like a jackpot, but the Ghost in Core 564’s dungeon was stupid enough to leave its own Boss Room.

“Anyway, since it will be managing the dungeon, the monster will be serving beneath Rei just like Elulu,” Rokuko observed, closing the Mimic Panda and shoving it into her pocket before sitting next to me to peer at the catalog.

“So you think we should get something that would work well with a Vampire?” Her sudden approach hit me with a wave of her sweet scent.

“Uuuh, if we look through other blood-sucking monster we’ve got... an Ogre? Maybe one with intelligence?”

“I’m not so sure about that. I think a plain Oni would be better.”

“This Demon seems solid too. And of course they’re going to be intelligent. We would be in trouble if they weren’t.”

“It would be more trouble if they were ‘intelligent’ like Core 564, no? Oh, but there are a lot of customization options. I guess I shouldn’t expect anything less from Demons?” Rokuko said.

“This Rabbit Sage here’s definitely in our catalog thanks to Mikan. I wonder just how smart it really is,” I said.

“It’s possible it’s just smart for a rabbit. Let’s do something else.”

And so, after much discussion...

“Let’s just settle with a Fairy,” I said, feeling a bit defeated.


Size didn’t matter when it came to running the dungeon. Really, having a weaker monster that couldn’t serve as a Boss Monster would discourage them from throwing themselves at adventurers and potentially dying. As long as they had the intelligence to not go outside, they were fine. And the monster with the highest ratio of “cheap cost” to “intelligence” ended up being Fairies.

_How are they connected to Vampires? Uhhh, well, the wings? Meh, who cares. It doesn’t matter._

All that said, we weren’t summoning them just yet.

“They’re gonna serve Rei, so let’s give Rei the DP and have her summon them.”

“Agreed,” Rokuko said. “I think they’ll listen to Rei more that way. I’m not sure why I think that, but it feels true. Though we’ll have to tell her not to just use this DP on strengthening herself again.”

_Might as well use this opportunity to give her enough DP to summon three whole monsters, then leave all the summoning and training to her. Yeah. I mean, it’s just that Fairies have even more customization options than Vampires, so it’ll probably be best to just let her do what feels right._

There were options for gender, height, existence of wings, and even expansion rate, whatever that meant. There were even elemental options on top of all that. _The only thing I know for sure is I want them to have ‘Magic Talent,’ since I want them to use {Create Golem} and stuff._

“It’s possible she gets so overwhelmed by the options that she doesn’t summon anything before we leave for the trip,” Rokuko observed.

“We can just set a deadline. Not to mention naming them. We’ll have to give the monsters menu access, after all.”

“Oh, right. That’s important. They will be managing the dungeon, so.”

We couldn’t grant someone the right to grant others menu access (at the moment, anyway). In other words, granting menu access was the only thing that only Rokuko or I could do. The monster had to be Named for it to work as well. We couldn’t give admin access to a nameless mob monster.

We summoned Rei over to the Master Room and went over the situation with her.

“Direct subordinates, just for me?!” she exclaimed.

“Yep. We want them helping out with running the dungeon. Pick any Fairy you like and summon them. Try to get it done before we leave for our trip.”

“Yes, Master! As you wish!” Rei shouted, giving a sharp salute. Rokuko gave her a handshake to give her the DP. Each fairy was about 15,000 DP, so we gave her 45,000 DP in total.

“I’ll go ahead and give you enough for three. Fairies have a lot of customization options, so just do what you can to make them fit for running the dungeon. Make sure they can be on good terms with Elulu.”

“Understood! This responsibility is heavy, but you may count on me!” Rei exclaimed. She seemed to be bubbling with joy.

_Sure, consider yourself counted on. We’ve gotta focus on our upcoming trip anyway._

* * *

