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Paranormal Investigators Books 6 - 10 - ebook

Data wydania:
13 stycznia 2018
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Paranormal Investigators Books 6 - 10 - ebook

Book 6 Hans Holzer

Paranormal Investigator or Ghost Hunter, Hans Holzer in the end, he has to be looked upon as perhaps the man most responsible for making this field of endeavor mainstream. Hans Holzer used television and mass media to promote the profession of the paranormal investigator in a way that had not been considered before him and without his influence, the ghost hunter television shows of today would not exist.

Book 7 The Werewolf and Demon Trial an Ed and Lorraine Warren File

The legendary investigations of Ed and Lorraine Warren continue with the werewolf investigation of Bill Ramsey. Also their investigation of Arne Cheyenne Johnson,.a man who committed murder and who tried to use demon possession as his defense. His murder trial became known as the Demon Murder trial. These files are two of their most fascinating cases investigated by the famous paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. Is the werewolf legend actually based upon demonic possession?

Book 8 Harry Houdini And Sir Authur Conan Doyle

Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are world famous. The thing not well reported about them was that they were well early leaders in the field of Paranormal investigation.

Houdini had a desperate need to know whether there was life after death, while the same burning curiosity that fueled his most famous fictional creation Sherlock Holmes Sir Authur Conan Doyle wanted to know if there was more to the nature of existence than met the eye.

Book 9 Montague Summers

Montague Summers was a priest, a writer and one of the world's most interesting paranormal Investigators. This remarkable little man was the true believer. Montague Summers believed in the power of witchcraft, in actual Vampires, Demons, and Werewolves.

His first claim to fame is a translation of the manual on how to hunt, question and exterminate witches, the book known as the Malleus Maleficarum.

He later wrote on the subject of Vampires and Werewolves. His writings are not those of a skeptic, but of a true believer in the topics.

Famous for the saying Tell Me Something Strange, Montague Summers was perhaps the perfect paranormal investigator. With the skills of a scholar and a priest while maintaining the open-mindedness of a child he was one of a kind.

Book 10 Sir William Crookes and Frederick Bligh Bond Jason Conrad Hawes and Grant Steven Wilson

Paranormal Pioneers and the Modern Investigator.

William Crookes was one of the world's greatest and most famous scientist when he decided to become a paranormal investigator.

Frederick Bligh Bond is one of history's most underrated paranormal investigators.

Jason Conrad Hawes and his partner Grant Steven Wilson are perhaps more responsible than any other men for the massive growth that we have seen in the field of paranormal investigations. Thanks to their super popular TV series Ghost Hunters many of you first learned about paranormal investigations.

Kategoria: Religion & Spirituality
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-5378-3978-3
Rozmiar pliku: 1,2 MB

