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Pilates And Breast Cancer Recovery - ebook

Data wydania:
8 stycznia 2021
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Pilates And Breast Cancer Recovery - ebook

The creation of this manual wants providing a practical guide through the Pilates method that helps patients with breast cancer to achieve complete psycho-physical recovery.
The benefits that are obtained through the application of the Pilates method are many and valid. They guide each patient on the path to recovering their daily quality of life. The improvement of the mobility of the operated side, the muscular rebalancing, the improvement of posture and breathing, are the main objectives that can be achieved with this planning. The manual is aimed at everyone, even non-professionals, and will provide guidelines to optimize the benefits of the method. For this reason we will present the inventor Joseph Pilates and the Michael King school, recognized all over the world. Knowing the principles on which the method is based is of fundamental importance to perform the exercises with precision, fluidity and effectiveness. The interested parties will also be treated at an anatomical level by exposing the fundamental notions to better understand the reason for the choice of exercises. In the final part of the manual we will discuss how with the Pilates method diversified work phases can be organized, useful for achieving full recovery. Starting from simple exercises with the application of the principles of the method and developing, in the subsequent phases, motor challenges, we will improve all skills: control, stability, mobility, strength and balance. The psychological, emotional side, as well as depression, will also benefit, thus offering a new, more positive, approach to life. Laura Rapuzzi, ISEF graduate with 110 cum laude, for 40 years in the world of fitness; university teacher in sports science, she has perfected in recent years with Michael King's MK Pilates school, with whom she collaborates as a referent in Italy for several courses. He will discuss the potential of the Pilates method as a recovery tool for those who have undergone breast surgery. Simone Zanelli, Motor Sciences Brescia has been in the fitness and Pilates sector for years, collaborating with the MK school of which he is tutor, he will develop together with Laura, the rehabilitation and functional part of Pilates applied to this series. In detail, Dr. Carol Pileggi, Emergency Doctor, specialist in Oncological Radiotherapy, as well as practitioner of the method and Pilates Instructor, will deal with the clinical aspects of breast cancer, from the anatomical constitution of the district concerned to the diagnosis to possible interventions based on the case and therapies, also touching the emotional as well as psychic sphere put to a severe test by the disease, whatever its evolution. Thank you for taking the time and getting ready to read this manual.

Kategoria: Health & Fitness
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-88-354-1658-6
Rozmiar pliku: 14 MB

