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Pretty Woman Mystery Unfolds - ebook

Data wydania:
6 listopada 2018
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Pretty Woman Mystery Unfolds - ebook

They accuse a beautiful young woman of watching a blue film in her office with a co-worker.

An unknown person writes her for ransom otherwise her children will be kidnapped.

She is separated from her husband.

Her husband’s friends think her a woman of easy virtue because she winks her left eye while talking

What she will do?

This mystery thriller will keep you engrossed

It will not only keep you enthralled but you would not leave this book without reading it till the end

Kategoria: Young Adult Fiction
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 978-1-370-88946-4
Rozmiar pliku: 165 KB


Table of Contents



Pretty Woman (Mystery Unfolds

Letter one

Letter Two

Letter Three

Letter Four

Letter Five

Letter Six

Letter Seven

Letter Eight

Letter Nine

Letter Ten

Letter Eleven

Letter Twelve

Letter Thirteen

Letter Fourteen

Letter Fifteen

Letter Sixteen

Letter Seventeen

Letter Eighteen

Letter Nineteen

Letter Twenty

Letter Twenty One

Letter Twenty Two

Letter Twenty Three

Letter Twenty Four

About the Author

Other books by the Author

Connect wth the AuthorPretty Woman (Mystery Unfolds)

Handing the phone over the Inspector, the superintending engineer said, "Please hold, our boss is on the line."

"Sir, the general secretary of a union has accused Rakesh, a computer operator and Mrs Dalvi for watching a blue film together in a closed office. He has complained that they were having the blue film stored on a floppy disk. I have apprehended Rakesh and Mrs Dalvi. I have taken floppy disks in my possession. I want to keep these floppies in a safe place here itself as I do not want to take the floppies with me. I will take up this matter only when you will be back on duty because they are attached with your office."

Mrs Dalvi was around 30 years old, a fair, slender, beautiful, and educated woman. She had studied up to the degree level. After completing degree, her parents arranged her marriage. She has two children. Her son is four years old, and the daughter is of two years. Her husband died about eight months back and her job application on a compassionate ground was sent to the company headquarter two months ago.

Her husband was a compounder and General Secretary of a union. The present general secretary of the union was a deputy general secretary at his time. He made this complaint against her.

What often happens because of an alcohol addiction, happened to Dalvi? One day Dalvi became ill. His condition kept on worsening day by day. They took him to Nagpur, where on just his third day in hospital, he had stopped breathing. Alcohol took his life. His body was brought to Saoner, his hometown for final rites.

Sinha had taken care of the reins of the union.

The Union's Area President and Sinha were of the same caste. He was a soft-spoken person, well versed with the laws, connected to workers and had a good knowledge of rules of the company,

Two months after Dalvi's last rites, Mrs Dalvi came back to her project's residence. People expressed their sympathy. The people of her husband's union helped her to get the dues of her husband from her husband's company. In this matter, Sinha was a real help. He helped her a in withdrawing money from Dalvi's Provident Fund and Pension scheme but had not forgotten to receive his remuneration for his work. As far as Sinha was concerned, he always considered it a sin to offend Lakshmi ji. Who could refute this eternal truth?

Wherever she had to go for work, Sinha went with her. In this way, Sinha became infatuated with her beauty, and in his heart of hearts, he became enamored with her. It was the magic of her beauty that Sinha spent his free time talking with her.

Sinha's wife belonged from an elite family. In no perspective was she less beautiful than Mrs Dalvi, but she was healthy and figureless, but despite being the mother of two children, Mrs Dalvi appeared in every way unmarried. Her beautiful eyes and chiseled figure were magical. Sinha's attraction was just the natural attraction of a man for a beautiful woman.

After receiving her husband's money, her employment application on compassion ground was sent to the company headquarter. During her paper work for employment, Sinha went with Mrs Dalvi to the Area Office. To spend more time with her, Sinha tried to stretch one day's work into two or three days.

During this period, her elder brother was living with her and looking after her children. Despite the presence of her elder brother, Sinha's meetings used to continue till late at night. Many times, Mrs Sinha used to ring Mrs Dalvi as her husband used to stay late at night.

It often happened. Deep inside, Mrs Sinha had huge grudge towards her husband's behavior but she never spoke a word.

They were living just one quarter away.

Well, after three months Sinha took forty thousand rupees in the name of the office expense and sent her papers for her employment on compassionate ground to the headquarter. After this, her elder brother went back to his home, and she lived with her two children in her quarter.

Mrs Dalvi had a strange habit of winking her left eye while speaking, of which she was unaware. It looked as if she was deliberately winking her left eyes. Her way of talking often instigated people to take it in a wrong perspective. When her husband was alive, it was then a different time. But after his demise, people took it in a different perspective; they thought of her as a woman of easy virtue.

Her habit of winking while talking had awoken an unknown desire among the married men of the colony. Due to this, the married people searched for opportunities to talk to her with an overwhelming desire to offer her help. She misinterpreted the help as a respect for her late husband by them, but people, offering her help, looked for an opportunity to get closer to her.

One day she received an unidentified letter from the Damua post office. Damua was twenty kilometers away from her residence.

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Letter one

Mrs Dalvi,

Every Saturday you go to the Hinglaj temple. Next time you visit the temple, you must leave a package of one lakh rupees wrapped in a paper. Place the package on the railing of the temple and then leave for puja.

Denying it may prove fatal. For three weeks, I will wait for your money on the Temple's stairs, if not delivered, then I will let you know what will happen.

You know nowadays lots of Dumpers ply between Project and Damua Coal washery. By chance if a dumper runs over your son, what would you do? What would you do with the money? You should understand this.

Think over it, you are an educated, beautiful woman. Seeing your untied hair falling to your slender waist makes my heart pound. A fire flares up across my body when you wink your left eye while talking, I lose my senses; I become clueless, and I don’t know what to do.

I will tell you one more thing, when you go inside the temple, your son remains busy in puja with you, but your daughter runs around here and there in the temple. she could go missing. Have you ever thought of that, my beautiful queen?

Leaving now but think twice before making your next move. If possible, think about this lover too.

See you in the next letter.

Until then,

Your well-wisher

Struck dead by winking eye!

The moment she read it, she became worried. She found it quite illogical about the winking her left eye while talking. She was worried. In anxiety, she asked her brother to come at once. Within three days, her brother came. When he came, he asked his sister "Is everything OK? Mom and Dad are worried. By evening, I need to inform them over the phone from Damua."

"You must be tired now. Go take a bath, eat something and rest for a while, after then leave for Damua. I was just feeling lonely, that’s why I called you," she said.

"You are telling the truth, aren't you?" Her brother asked.

"Yes, why would I lie, everything is fine," she assured her brother.

Her brother felt relieved on his sister's assurance. He went back to Damua in the evening and informed his mother and father about his sister.

After two days, Sinha asked her brother "Is everything OK? Any trouble? Nothing to worry until we people are here. No one can trouble your sister. She is just waiting for her papers to come from the headquarter."

Her brother replied, "I came here for a casual visit. My father said to check if she and her children needs something."

"It’s good to see you here. Parents always care about their children. They always think about their wellbeing." Sinha replied.

While talking, an idea struck his wicked mind, why not to take advantage from this opportunity. He suddenly spoke out, "Why not, we take advantage from your visit and tomorrow or the day after, we can go to Nagpur to check about the papers." "What do you say, Madam?" asked looking at her.

She said, "No, my brother came here to see me. It will not be good to leave him here."

"You understand the situation better," Her brother replied.

"No, I want to stay here as you are monitoring this work, and I am more than cent percent sure that papers will come quickly." "I understand, if you will wish, somehow or other, it will get expedited at Nagpur." Mrs Dalvi said.

Receiving the complement from Mrs Dalvi, Sinha felt elated and important. Thankfully, no saliva spilled out of his mouth, but his whole body shuddered. He thought, what a heavenly pleasure it will be when this woman comes in his arms. But, he said, "Oh! Yes, I am after it, it will soon be delivered. Leave your worries with me."

She continued to visit the temple with her brother for three weeks, to catch the stranger, the unknown letter writer. They cut papers in such a way that it appeared like a stack of currency notes, wrapped it well, and kept it on the Temple's staircase.

Her brother kept an eye on the package from afar. If anyone would look at this bundle, he will think it as a real currency note's bundle. It was their planning so that the letter writer can fall in their trap, and they can catch him red-handed.

Their spying spree ran for three weeks with no result. Later they thought, maybe someone had played a prank. Whoever played this prank has bad taste. They tried their best possible. They had nothing more to do. Few days later, her brother went back to his home. She was sure that someone had played a prank.

In the meantime, she received another letter. This time letter had come from Jamai, roughly thirty kilometers away from where she was living. Like before, there was no clue of the writer in this letter. The envelope had Jamai's post office stamp on it. The handwriting of the letter was the same as last letter. It was clear that writers of both the letters were the same.

Letter Two

Hello Madam,


After reading my first letter, you had laid a good trap. You made your idiot brother a detective.

You are not just beautiful but astute too. Being cunning is a good thing but losing intelligence in shrewdness is idiocy.

Madam, I must tell you; I keep myself up-to-date with your every news. This is my love for you that I am unable to give punishment to you for your silliness.

The feelings of having you in my arms give me goose bumps. I become weak in your love. My anger evaporates.

Anyway, Madam, now what I am going to say, please read it carefully. Think carefully, only then only take any further step.

What do you think? Your son or daughter cannot disappear from school. They are just children; during lunch break, they keep on jumping around play. Whilst playing, they can get lost. It can happen like that. Is it not? Think for yourself.

Moreover, at the end, I will only say this much. Do not take tension. Your worried face will not look good to me. Now, as I have said before, in place of one lakh now one and half lakhs. In the same manner having wrapped it in paper leave it where I said before and do exactly as I had said.

If you inform police, think twice before doing so. It would be your brother who would be sent to hospital first followed by your children.

Do not take my word as mere fun sweetheart.

That is all for now.

Your admirer,

Your loving guard

After reading this letter, she became very much worried. She could not understand what to do and to whom she could ask for help. She could not see anyone trustworthy. Once, she thought that she shall tell Sinha, he can advise her. Then she remembered Sinha's last devilry, and she thought he would take money from her for no reason or would find an excuse to take more money. When she looked at it this way, she did not like him. What should she do then? After thinking a lot, she decided to take help from Thomas.

Thomas was from Kerala. He was the PA to the Project officer. His wife was a nurse in the Project Dispensary. Both husband and wife had a convivial nature. They went to church every Sunday. Thomas looked after the church. Thomas was dark and lanky, roughly five foot seven inches tall. He was starting to go bald in the middle, and he had a cheerful nature. Mrs Thomas was a fair, plump, beautiful woman.

Thomas had two children. The elder son was in the ninth standard. He went by the Project's school bus to school in Dungariya. It is roughly twenty-five kilometers away from the Project. Thomas's daughter too studied in the Project's school. Both of Mrs Dalvi's children also studied in the same school.

After days of deep thought, she decided to discuss the issue with Thomas. She was started thinking the way to start the conversation. Finally, one day when Sinha went to Nagpur for some work and Thomas came in the evening to see her, Mrs Dalvi using her womanly tact said to Thomas "I have something important to tell you".

"Tell me what you want to say?" Thomas asked.

"But first, you will have to promise that you will not tell anyone about this matter. You must not even tell Sinha," she said.

Initially, Thomas thought a little, and then he thought that perhaps it is a God’s given an opportunity to be close to her. He said, "Feel free to tell me whatever you want to say. Apart from us, no one will ever know about this matter. I promise."

After this, she gave Thomas both letters to read.

Thomas was not as straight forward as he seemed. He read both the letters gleefully. Making an excuse with a cool head he said, "Give me one day or twice. I will come up with a solution by tomorrow evening or the day after that after thinking every perspective. We will not leave this bastard. We will teach him a lesson."

With a deep sigh of relief, she said, "I knew you will give me correct advice on this matter."

"OK, please let me think. I can’t sit calm until I will teach him a lesson," after saying this Thomas went to his home.

She became very happy. That night she slept peacefully.

Thomas was very happy. Mrs Dalvi put her trust in him. His heart started jumping with joy. He thought that very quickly he will gain her confidence in this way. After all, she herself trusted him enough to bring this to his attention.

In passion, human beings often forget the difference between right and wrong. His own thoughts become so dominant that he looks at other people's issues in his own mirror in his own perspective and takes the decision. This was Thomas's condition. He could not see the harm that this devil could do to her children or her brother. Her young and beautiful body intoxicated him.

Thomas decided to share this secret with Sinha, which he promised to her that he will keep with himself; when Sinha returned from Nagpur, Thomas said to him "I have to tell you something important. After lunch, meet me at my house."

"What is it? Tell me a little at least," Sinha asked.

"Just for your knowledge, it is about Madam Dalvi," Thomas said returning to his office.

"I'll arrive after meal," Sinha said.

In the afternoon, Sinha arrived at Thomas's house after taking meal. Thomas gave the letters to Sinha to read. Sinha felt excited after reading the letter "Thomas by God; she is a real hot sizzling material."

"Indeed, she is really hot, but what about this letter?" Thomas said.

"So, have you thought of some solution?" Sinha asked.

"Until now I have not thought anything. You suggest me some solution." Thomas asked Sinha.

"I'll tell you, ask her to write a letter to this stranger letter writer. In this letter, ask her to entice him in her charm. Let us see, what will madam write? It will be fun. When the situation will go out of hand, then we will think of something else." Sinha advised.

Thomas liked this suggestion. He gave just this advice and said, "But we must be careful of one thing that Madam must not have a doubt that you know of everything."

"OK, I won't let her know it." Sinha said laughing

The two of them planned together. Both became busy in weaving their knit of their dreams. Mrs Dalvi's beautiful body overshadowed their hearts and minds. On the third evening, Thomas said to Sinha "You should go now, I have some important private matter to talk to Madam".

Pretending to be clueless, Sinha asked anxiously, "What is the matter which you two are trying to hide from me?"

"It's nothing special. Thomas is just going to tell me something," she said.

"Will there be a problem if I come to know about it?" asked Sinha.

"I know nothing, only Thomas can say," she said.

"Oh, just go! it's getting late," Thomas replied.

"OK. I am leaving. Good night," Sinha said while returning to his own residence.

In this way, he and Thomas made her believe that apart from them, no one else knew anything about the letter.

After Sinha left, Thomas said, "Madam, I thought a lot. It seems he wants money, but he is also infatuated with you. It means he is a man who desires you a lot. He keeps on looking at you. However, he does not have the courage to express his desire to you. What do you think, am I thinking correct or not?"

"What can I say about this? I cannot think anything. For this, I asked for your help," she said.

"OK. Then do it like this, write a letter to him. Write that you are very forgiving. You want to meet him. You will meet him wherever he wishes etc. Write a letter as if it worries you, and you also know of his desire. As it is if not today, then tomorrow, you will need a true desiring friend. After all, you have a lot of life in front of you etc. Write it just like this and we will finalize it. Then on Sunday we will keep this letter on the railing of the temple and see what happens next?"

Having explained this Thomas went to his home.

Mrs Dalvi wrote the letter and gave it to Thomas to see it.

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Letter Three

Dear Stranger,

I am writing this letter to you hoping you will think on my point of view with your heart then take decision for any steps.

You really are a tenderhearted person. I came to know about this from your letter.

You like me. Being a woman, I understand this. For this reason, I want to meet you wherever you want. If we will not meet, then how can we know each other? You tell me where and how we can meet. I am honestly saying from the core of my heart that I want to meet you.

I promise you. I will not get help from police or any other person. I will not include even my brother as well in this.

I am not fond of putting my children's lives at risk. As I have a long life ahead of me. If not today, then tomorrow I will need a true friend. I do not want to take any foolish steps. I do not wish to do anything wrong.

Please reply. I will do whatever you want. If you will want money, I will give you money. If you will want to be my friend, then I will be extremely happy. You trust me.

I hope an early response from you.


Mrs Dalvi

In the evening when Thomas came, she gave him the letter to read which she had written for that stranger. Until now Sinha had not come.

Thomas read it and said with a smile "Beautiful. You are really flirting by nature"

She did not like Thomas's comment. Angrily she spoke "How can you say that! You advised me to write like that and now you are using such words for me."

Smiling, Thomas spoke "Madam, you take even a joke seriously. Because of this, I always hesitate in saying anything to you. What is the harm in speaking with laughter? If you do not enjoy yourself, then your whole life will be doomed. You are not old but young and beautiful with a long life ahead. It will not always be like this. Please sometimes speak with laughter; it will be good for health."

Sinha arrived. To end the matter, Mrs Dalvi said "OK. Let's stop talking."

"All right," Thomas said.

Sticking his nose in the matter Sinha spoke "I too should know what you two are whispering about and hiding it from me."

"It is not some hidden matter." Thomas said.

"I don't believe it. It is definitely something." Sinha said making fun.


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