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Raspberry Pi User Guide [DRM] - ebook

Data wydania:
25 sierpnia 2014
Format ebooka:
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Raspberry Pi User Guide [DRM] - ebook

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The unofficial official guide to the Raspberry Pi, complete with creator insight Raspberry Pi User Guide, 3rdEdition contains everything you need to know to get up and running with Raspberry Pi. This book is the go-to guide for Noobs who want to dive right in. This updated third edition covers the model B+ Raspberry Pi and its software, additional USB ports, and changes to the GPIO, including new information on Arduino and Minecraft on the Pi. You ll find clear, step-by-step instruction for everything from software installation and configuration to customizing your Raspberry Pi with capability-expanding add-ons. Learn the basic Linux SysAdmin and flexible programming languages that allow you to make your Pi into whatever you want it to be. The Raspberry Pi was created by the UK Non-profit Raspberry Pi Foundation to help get kids interested in programming. Affordable, portable, and utterly adorable, the Pi exceeded all expectations, introducing millions of people to programming since its creation. The Raspberry Pi User Guide, 3rd Edition helps you and your Pi get acquainted, with clear instruction in easy to understand language. Install software, configure, and connect your Raspberry Pi to other devices Master basic Linux System Admin to better understand nomenclature and conventions Write basic productivity and multimedia programs in Scratch and Python Extend capabilities with add-ons like Gertboard, Arduino, and more The Raspberry Pi has become a full-fledged phenomenon, popular with tinkerers, hackers, experimenters, and inventors. If you want to get started but aren t sure where to begin, Raspberry Pi User Guide, 3rd Edition contains everything you need.
Kategoria: Computer Technology
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: brak
ISBN: 978-1-118-92168-5
Rozmiar pliku: 38 MB

