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Sex Toys: Good Or Evil? - ebook

Data wydania:
20 kwietnia 2019
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Sex Toys: Good Or Evil? - ebook

Dealers of sex toys rake in billions of dollars every year. Their products are so diversified and today are available in every part of the world. Now, it looks like this business of artificially or technologically satisfying sexual desires is in vogue. The single, married, old, young today patronise sex toy shops and the manufacturers, wisely too, are steadily churning out more alluring and sophisticated ones. It seems like there will be no end to their innovative ingenuity to inventing these new instruments of sexual pleasure. Today some of these toys act and behave exactly like opposite sex partners in the act. True. But here, we want to look at the origin, intentions, and effects of these toys on the users, especially the spiritual and psychological implications. Sex toys are not new. They have a long history that started with the use of carved objects that represented the penis.
Dealers of sex toys rake in billions of dollars every year. Their products are so diversified and today are available in every part of the world. Now, it looks like this business of artificially or technologically satisfying sexual desires is in vogue. The single, married, old, young today patronise sex toy shops and the manufacturers, wisely too, are steadily churning out more alluring and sophisticated ones. It seems like there will be no end to their innovative ingenuity to inventing these new instruments of sexual pleasure. Today some of these toys act and behave exactly like opposite sex partners in the act. True. But here, we want to look at the origin, intentions, and effects of these toys on the users, especially the spiritual and psychological implications. Sex toys are not new. They have a long history that started with the use of carved objects that represented the penis. The ancient Roman, Greek, Chinese, Asian, Indian had these objects carved out of stones, iron, gold, wood and other materials that were used to drive masturbation. Some of them (like the Greek) also had worship of sex gods and goddesses where these objects are displayed, used and other sexually immoral acts were extensively promoted, including sex with demons and spirits. So, we can rightly say that the foundation of sex toys was that of the desire for ‘unlimited’ pleasure and the worship of demonic gods. This invention metamorphosed into other objects and in the 20th century, we saw the first electric vibrator invented. Since then, it has been a deluge of these manual and later sophisticated instruments of sexual pleasure. Some of them winking and talking! Wow! Now, is sex toy in the original plan of God? And since sexual relationship is a physical, emotional and spiritual connection, does it have any spiritual and emotional side effect?? First, sex toys were not in the original plan of God. What is the connection between using these toys and encounters with sex demons - Incumbus and Succumbus, 'spirit wives and husbands' demonic and dream sex attacks, problems in relationship and life, etc. This book will open your eyes to all these.

Kategoria: Antiques
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-88-9398-388-4
Rozmiar pliku: 395 KB

