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Shizuko Kuroha's Japanese Patchwork Quilting Patterns [DRM] - ebook

Data wydania:
26 marca 2019
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Shizuko Kuroha's Japanese Patchwork Quilting Patterns [DRM] - ebook

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Shizuko Kuroha's Japanese Patchwork Quilting Patterns infuses a cherished American craft with an exquisite Japanese sense of color, detail, and design. This book brings a fresh eye to classic patchwork patterns in a way that is delighting quilters all around the world today. Here, Kuroha shares her intricate hand-quilting techniques and a design sense that has been refined over her 40-year career as a celebrated book author and teacher. Her easy combinations of soft colors, detailed patterns, and bold stripes show how to achieve balance and flow in any type of patchwork projectfrom the simplest to the most complex. Step-by-step illustrations walk quilters through Kuroha's intricate hand-piecework process. The book includes 19 sampler blocks used to make hundreds of different combinations for all kinds of quilting projects. The photos and diagrams of the block assembly are so clear, you hardly need to read the steps! A handy printable pattern sheet at the back of the book takes the labor out of drawing the pieces used to build these blocks. Detailed instructions show you how to incorporate the blocks into projects large and small, including: Pincushions in round and square designsDrawstring bags and zippered pouches embellished with patchworkQuilted tote bags and a stylish backpack Table runners and wall hangings with gorgeous color schemes Full-sized quilts destined to become cherished heirlooms This book is an invaluable introduction to the basics of hand-stitched piecework. Practiced quilters will also love it for the way it broadens their horizons. Kuroha fans will be happy to see this popular book finally available in Englishwhere it's sure to become a treasured reference for years to come!
Kategoria: Crafts
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: brak
ISBN: 978-1-4629-2072-3
Rozmiar pliku: 27 MB

