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Social Science Student's Guide to Surviving Your PhD [DRM] - ebook
Data wydania:
11 stycznia 2021
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Social Science Student's Guide to Surviving Your PhD [DRM] - ebook
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This book is written by a successful survivor! This clear and supportive text provides a detailed synthesis of, and rationale for, the key issues involved in a PhD and is highly recommended for anyone contemplating embarking on a PhD programme - it should be read from start to finish before starting the journey and consulted at regular intervals throughout the journey using the lists of dos and donts as checklists at strategic milestones along the way.Professor Eleri Jones, Professor Emerita, Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityDr Iornem presents the topic of a PhD journey in the same way as he undertook the journey itself: with enthusiasm and joy. Any student wanting to tackle this daunting task should use this book as a guide and as a motivator. Dr Iornem recognizes the hurdles and the fears which face a research student and addresses them with realism, pragmatism and humour, based on his own personal experiences.Dr John Koenigsberger, PhD supervisor: Cardiff Metropolitan University; University of Wales, Trinity St. DavidsFrom development of the research proposal to preparing for the viva voce and post-doctoral career options, this handy survival guide provides an invaluable source of advice and inside knowledge on the entire PhD process. All stages are explained in simple terms, and potential pitfalls are clearly highlighted, along with how to avoid them. This accessible, informative and engaging book is highly recommended as essential reading to anyone considering undertaking a PhD. Dr Hillary J. Shaw, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Urban Research on Austerity, De Montfort UniversityThe doctorate is an emotional and academic journey, filled with dilemmas and obstacles that are normal for every student. Offering a new perspective to help navigate and adjust to a new environment and culture of learning, this book seeks to answer questions like:What if my research is not up to a PhD standard?What makes a thesis original?What if I cannot finish the course before the stipulated 3-year period?What kind of training do I need before commencing a PhD?Drawn from the authors own experience, alongside the stories of other students and graduates, the book illustrates possible solutions to the academic and emotional challenges faced by todays PhD student.Key features:1.Reflections from contemporary PhD students and graduates.2.Comprehensive table of contents including research, proposal writing, avoiding plagiarism, publishing, and preparing for the viva voce.3.Accessible and practical approach to the common problems faced by todays doctoral students.4.Conversational style for an easy-to-read experience, particularly useful for international students whose first language is not English.5.Simplified coverage of the research journey in a logical step-by-step format from pre-application to the final Thesis Defence. Essential reading for students and supervisors, A Social Science Students Guide to Surviving Your PhD will also be of use to international students seeking to gain further insight into the application process and the demands of research degrees in the UK.Dr Kohol Shadrach Iornem is a senior lecturer at the International Foundation Group, London, UK, where he teaches Business Management, Organisational Behaviour and Study Skills. He is also the Director of Programmes at London Graduate School.
Pamiętaj, ebook będzie dostępny do pobrania wyłącznie w wybranym przez Ciebie formacie.
Ebook po zakupie nie będzie dostępny do czytania w aplikacji Empik Go.
This book is written by a successful survivor! This clear and supportive text provides a detailed synthesis of, and rationale for, the key issues involved in a PhD and is highly recommended for anyone contemplating embarking on a PhD programme - it should be read from start to finish before starting the journey and consulted at regular intervals throughout the journey using the lists of dos and donts as checklists at strategic milestones along the way.Professor Eleri Jones, Professor Emerita, Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityDr Iornem presents the topic of a PhD journey in the same way as he undertook the journey itself: with enthusiasm and joy. Any student wanting to tackle this daunting task should use this book as a guide and as a motivator. Dr Iornem recognizes the hurdles and the fears which face a research student and addresses them with realism, pragmatism and humour, based on his own personal experiences.Dr John Koenigsberger, PhD supervisor: Cardiff Metropolitan University; University of Wales, Trinity St. DavidsFrom development of the research proposal to preparing for the viva voce and post-doctoral career options, this handy survival guide provides an invaluable source of advice and inside knowledge on the entire PhD process. All stages are explained in simple terms, and potential pitfalls are clearly highlighted, along with how to avoid them. This accessible, informative and engaging book is highly recommended as essential reading to anyone considering undertaking a PhD. Dr Hillary J. Shaw, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Urban Research on Austerity, De Montfort UniversityThe doctorate is an emotional and academic journey, filled with dilemmas and obstacles that are normal for every student. Offering a new perspective to help navigate and adjust to a new environment and culture of learning, this book seeks to answer questions like:What if my research is not up to a PhD standard?What makes a thesis original?What if I cannot finish the course before the stipulated 3-year period?What kind of training do I need before commencing a PhD?Drawn from the authors own experience, alongside the stories of other students and graduates, the book illustrates possible solutions to the academic and emotional challenges faced by todays PhD student.Key features:1.Reflections from contemporary PhD students and graduates.2.Comprehensive table of contents including research, proposal writing, avoiding plagiarism, publishing, and preparing for the viva voce.3.Accessible and practical approach to the common problems faced by todays doctoral students.4.Conversational style for an easy-to-read experience, particularly useful for international students whose first language is not English.5.Simplified coverage of the research journey in a logical step-by-step format from pre-application to the final Thesis Defence. Essential reading for students and supervisors, A Social Science Students Guide to Surviving Your PhD will also be of use to international students seeking to gain further insight into the application process and the demands of research degrees in the UK.Dr Kohol Shadrach Iornem is a senior lecturer at the International Foundation Group, London, UK, where he teaches Business Management, Organisational Behaviour and Study Skills. He is also the Director of Programmes at London Graduate School.
Kategoria: | Education |
Język: | Angielski |
Zabezpieczenie: | brak |
ISBN: | 978-0-335-24964-0 |
Rozmiar pliku: | 2,5 MB |