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Split/Mixed - ebook

Data wydania:
1 listopada 2017
Format ebooka:
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Split/Mixed - ebook

A dual language edition in English and French.

The genocide in Rwanda shocked the world. Back then, Ery Nzaramba was only a teenager and his family’s escape to Europe turned him into a “survivor”. How should he now respond to questions about who he is and where he comes from?

In this autobiographical one-man play, performed to acclaim on the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the author journeys back to his Rwandan childhood. With the help of a cassette player, he brings to life nearly a dozen characters, exploring memories of kinship, cultural attitudes and personal identity. Both funny and poignant, the play highlights not only the intolerance that can breed violence and war but also the importance of power and privilege in the struggle for survival.

Le génocide au Rwanda a choqué le monde. À l'époque, Ery Nzaramba était un adolescent. Après que sa famille se fut échappé en Europe, il est devenu un «survivant». Désormais, que doit-il répondre à des questions sur qui il est et d'où il vient?

Dans ce one-man show autobiographique, salué par la critique lors de sa présentation au Festival d'Édimbourg, l'auteur retourne vers son enfance au Rwanda. Accompagné d'un lecteur cassette, il donne vie à une bonne douzaine de personnages, explorant souvenirs de famille et d'affinités, attitudes culturelles et identité. À la fois poignante et pleine d'humour, la pièce met en lumière non seulement l'intolérance qui peut engendrer violence et guerre, mais aussi l'importance du privilège dans la lutte pour la survie.


Ery Nzaramba left Rwanda to settle in Belgium in 1994. Ten years later he moved to the UK for an acting career. In 2014 Ery started working with director Peter Brook and long-time collaborator Marie-Hélène Estienne, featuring in world tours of Battlefield and The Suit. Ery has been awarded two Grants for the Arts by Arts Council England and an Arvon Grant for his writing. He has written and directed short films; Split/Mixed is his first piece written for theatre. He wrote the first draft in 2013 and was invited to perform it in New York, Berlin, and Belfast. The play continued to be developed and its current version premiered to critical acclaim at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2016.

"Every time someone asks where I’m from, it’s a reminder of how lucky and privileged I’ve been. In 1994 Rwanda was in the news for all the wrong reasons. It was being torn apart by a civil war and a genocide. Unlike millions of others who couldn’t, my family escaped. Because we could. And we got all the support in the world because we were "refugees". But were we, really? Would I be able to look in the eye of one of the other millions of Rwandans who couldn’t leave the country and say "I’m a refugee"? I've lived in Europe for nearly a quarter of a century now, and though I’m no longer a refugee, that question has continued to haunt me. So I decided to write Split/Mixed."

Praise for his work:

"Hilarious, harrowing and acutely moving…[An] essential, coruscating work" −**** The Stage

"An extraordinary one-man play (...) Split/Mixed is deeply moving, even harrowing at times. But it is also extremely funny… −www.wordswithjam.co.uk

Kategoria: Drama
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-911501-98-5
Rozmiar pliku: 2,0 MB

