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Super Trader, Expanded Edition: Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets [DRM] - ebook

Data wydania:
10 grudnia 2010
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Super Trader, Expanded Edition: Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets [DRM] - ebook

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Think like a trader. Act like a trader. Become a Super Trader."Let your profits run!" It's the golden rule by which all Super Traders live. With the help of investing guru Dr. Van K. Tharp, you can join the ranks of full-timetraders who consistently master the market.Super Trader provides a time-tested strategy for creating the conditions that allow you to reach levels of trading success you never thought possible. Providingexpert insight into both trading practices and psychology, Tharp teaches you how to steadily cut losses short and meet your investment goals through the use of position sizing strategies--the keys to steady profitability. Tharp offers concepts and tactics designed to help you:CREATE AND MEET YOUR SPECIFICUNDERSTAND THE BIG PICTURECONQUER COUNTERPRODUCTIVE THINKINGMASTER THE ART OF POSITION SIZING STRATEGIESWith Tharp's proven methods, you can live the dream of enjoying above-average profits under various market conditions--up, down, and sideways. Tharp's wisdom, perspective, and tactical expertise are legendary in the world of trading. Follow the master down the path to trading excellence with Super Trader.How do you transform yourself from a mild-mannered investor into a proactive trader who outperforms the market day-in and day-out. Think clearly. Plan accordingly.Commit completely. In other words, become a trader. No one is better suited to help you make the transformation than legendary trading educator Dr. Van K. Tharp.Combining the sharp insight and technical brilliance that have drawn legions of investors to his books and seminars, Tharp provides a holistic approach for becoming a successful full-time trader. His system--a meld of investing psychology and sound trading practice--is the secret to achieving optimum conditions that produce results in both bull and bear markets.Using the lessons of Super Trader, you will approach trading as you would a small business--realistically, systematically, and enthusiastically. Drawing on his decades of experience, Tharp has created a simple plan designed to help anyone successfully navigatethe market that includes the following:Mastering the psychology of tradingCrafting a "business plan"--a working document to guide your tradingDeveloping a trading system tailored to your personal needs and skillsCreating position sizing strategies to meet your objectivesMonitoring yourself constantly to minimize mistakesYou can put this plan to use immediately.Throughout the book, Tharp raises the pertinent questions you must ask yourself about becoming a trader, being a trader, and succeeding as a trader.The rewards that come with being a Super Trader--both financial and personal--make you feel as if you can leap small buildings in a single bound. Whatever your skill level, Tharp provides the formula for succeeding in a fieldwhere most people fail.
Kategoria: Education
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: brak
ISBN: 978-0-07-176085-0
Rozmiar pliku: 5,1 MB

