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The Battle of Euangelion: Reborn - ebook

Data wydania:
13 grudnia 2024
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The Battle of Euangelion: Reborn - ebook

The first book in a coming-of-age series about the origins of evil on Earth and the supernatural struggle for humanity’s redemption. The epic unravels through the adventures and misadventures of 18-year-old Alexis Sharp and her unlikely friends as they navigate trials, quests, and secrets that transcend both time and space.

Kategoria: Fantasy
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 9788397361904
Rozmiar pliku: 333 KB


“The Battle of Euangelion: Reborn is a thrilling mix of fantasy and sci-fi that will grab you from page one. Follow Alexis Sharp as she’s pulled from our world into a realm of magic, prophecies, and danger. With its rich world, memorable characters, and exciting plot twists, this book is impossible to put down. A perfect read for anyone who loves adventure stories with heart.”

Rev. Aleksander Saško Nezamutdinov of Christ the Savior Presbyterian Church in Kraków, Poland.

“An original and captivating story that refreshes the genre of Christian fantasy. Steyn’s allegories surely are persuasive.”

Grzegorz Żarnecki,

Editor of luteranie.konfesyjni.pl

“Steyn is a talented writer, and the Battle for Euangelion deserves to be called great Christian fantasy literature. The story captivates readers with its compelling characters, vivid imagery, and intriguing plot. While much of modern fantasy literature celebrates amoral characters, glorifies vice, and lacks purpose, The Battle for Euangelion exhibits important Christian themes such as the evil of sin, redemption, forgiveness, and the strength of character. Steyn presents a world where evil is evil and good is good, and where the main characters, while significant, are not the focus; instead, the Creator is.”

Rev. Mikael Römer, PhD, Team Leader in Kraków, Poland, Mission to the World_.

The key to humanity’s future is tucked away in a world far from ours. A wretched prison world, home to deviant rebels who once forsook the very magic they were created with. These rebels, and one in particular, have much to do with the current state of _our_ world. For you see, things were not created to be as they’ve become.

At its conception, humanity was meant for greatness. Traces of this original potential manifest in our ability to perceive and appreciate beauty, to create, to love, and to sacrifice (even our lives) in profound acts of selflessness.

But something went wrong. There’s a fingerprint of a dark force that tainted our home.

We hate, we deceive, we steal, and we even destroy.

Rumors of a future restoration have been passed down over the millennia, but many have lost hope. And why wouldn’t they? History can’t be rewritten. Nor can we take back any of the atrocities committed on our watch. We all carry some sense of cosmic debt to be paid. And yet, the rumors persist.

Before we can attempt to decipher our future, we first need to understand our past. And that’s where this story begins: a time when time was not.


Prior to the creation of time and space - at least as humans know it - there reigned a great and powerful King who ruled over a magnificent Kingdom called Euangelion.

This Kingdom was unlike any other because it possessed something that no other Realm did. But more about that in a bit. For now, we must redirect our attention to the King.

A ruler was never as revered, worshipped, and adored as Dominus. Throughout his domain, and beyond, he was hailed the _Great King_. He could be likened to none in terms of strength of character and loving-kindness, except, perhaps, to his only son and heir - Prince Salvatore.

As a token of his affection, the King presented the Prince with a glorious gift on his Royal Name Day: a kingdom and subjects of his own in the Realm of Universum, a world forged entirely in its future ruler’s honor. Its inhabitants were created from the same cosmic dust as their Realm. But they were given something else, something that set them apart called a _soul_ to reflect the Prince in dignity, creativity, and virtue. And thus, mankind was born. A people, a legacy, and a promise.

The Great Wizard, King Dominus’ oldest and most trusted friend, also wanted to contribute to this spectacular gift. He gave Salvatore’s subjects a very special Euangelion tree that came from the sacred Isle of Sanctum. The fruit of this Tree would grant its consumers immortality so they could enjoy their Prince and their home forever.

Unfortunately, not all from Euangelion were enthusiastic about the Prince’s gifts.

In those times, a charismatic Rider from the King’s elite guard had been influencing and corrupting those under his command. In his opinion, the inhabitants of Universum were inferior creatures with no right or claim to Euangelion’s _old magic_ (a special kind of magic indeed), and granting them such was a gross display of indulgence. At least that was the mantra he used to spark the outrage that was needed to serve his own sinister motives.

The Rider’s propaganda would reach a boiling point when the rest of the Royal Council unraveled a plot to usurp the King’s throne.

Within the elite guard, a full-scale rebellion was set in motion and spearheaded by the mutinous Rider, who, though formerly called by a different name, became better known as Diabolus.

The Riders Rebellion marked a dark period in Euangelion history. Legion fought legion, general fought general - _brother fought brother_.

But the Rebellion was ultimately crushed by the coalition force made up of the King’s loyalists. Their defense was led by the finest and fiercest warrior in all the Realms, none other than Prince Salvatore himself.

Half of Diabolus’ legion was all but destroyed and the remaining half was gravely wounded and weakened.

After the battle, the King banished all the treacherous rebels along with their malicious leader to the desolate Isle of Stridor in the Forsaken Realm of Nullius Terram. Here the disgraced former Riders, all stripped of honor and title, were to spend their days awaiting their final judgment.

Driven mad with humiliation and contempt, the exiled Diabolus didn’t wait long before he began plotting his revenge against all who had wronged him. He soon hatched a plan to cast the Realm of Universum and all its inhabitants into utter ruin and despair while also ensuring the removal of the Euangelion tree. Sure enough, he managed to infiltrate their world and unleashed a lethal virus that doomed mankind to utmost corruption and inevitable destruction.

King Dominus was infuriated by the defilement of his son’s beautiful kingdom and immediately tasked his special order of Magis to strip the banished rebels of their ability to travel beyond the boundaries of Nullius Terram by covering it with an invisible veil, trapping them inside. But the damage had already been done.

An emergency council meeting was called in the Euangelion Royal Palace after the disastrous event. King Dominus threatened to have the Realm of Universum destroyed and a new world created in its place. Prince Salvatore agreed that it should eventually be destroyed, but moved with compassion for the humans he petitioned, “What about a cure? Could we create a cure for the virus, Father? Would it be possible?”

“It is not that simple. Crimes were committed - grievous crimes. And worse crimes will follow. They will forget who they are and the greatness they were meant for. You forget, we are bound by old magic. Lady Justitia will demand retribution for the Scale of Justice,” the King wisely explained.

“But the cure itself is possible?”

“Where would the humans even go? No cure would be effective if they were to stay where they are. The very soil beneath their feet has been corrupted.”

“Here. They could come here. Until such a time as they could be given a new world.”

“Grant them safe passage to Euangelion? Our Kingdom is sacred. To adorn a tainted creature with such splendor… to merely think about such a thing would be treason. You cannot possibly be proposing evasion of justice. I will not have it!”

“I am not proposing evasion, Father.” The Prince stood firmly.

“Let us alone,” the King commanded the other Royal Council members, clearing the room. “Not you, Castus,” King Dominus waved his oldest confidant back to his chair.

“Majesty.” Lord Castus obeyed.

“Along with the Lady Justitia, we here are all aware of the old provision. I intend to invoke it,” the Prince boldly asserted.

The King reciprocated the Great Wizard’s solemn glance before returning his attention to his son.

“I’m not sure you are grasping the full magnitude of what you’re proposing. Blood will be demanded, and war will be inevitable. Are you truly prepared to do what will be required of you?” The King slowly approached his son before firmly grabbing him by the shoulders, searching his eyes for the slightest morsel of doubt.

“I am,” the Prince said earnestly.

The King dropped his head with an exhale. “Then so be it,” he said resolutely after meeting his son’s eyes once more. “Castus, when the time is right the humans are to be recruited and taken to Sanctum. The Island’s natural resources should keep Diabolus’ curse at bay. I entrust this to you, my friend.”

“His hold won’t spread but they will remain vulnerable to it once they leave the Island.” Castus contemplated as he ran his fingers through his long gray beard. “They’ll also need to be trained to withstand this dark magic, mentally and physically. Their resistance should buy enough time for-” he finished in Prince Salvatore’s direction.

“For me to do what needs to be done,” Salvatore concluded.

“Once the blood covenant is made, you will have to see it through to the very end. There’s no turning back after this, my son.”

“I understand and accept the undertaking. I will not let you down,” The Prince vowed as he knelt down on one knee before his King.1.


A Journey into the Unknown

The collective murmur had barely turned into chaos when an explosion caused the windows on the left side of the building to burst and shatter all over the classroom.

Alexis half-dove half-fell beside her desk and covered her head. As she slowly turned around and tucked her messy blonde locks behind her ears, she saw a giant of a man in armor resembling something she had once observed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The eighteen-year-old’s pearly brown eyes doubled in size.

The strange giant was just staring at her for what seemed like forever before pointing and beckoning her to follow him. The rapid shaking of her head only prompted him to reach through the broken windowpane.

Alexis tried to get up and make a run for the door but too many hysterical classmates were blocking her path, and the man moved faster. He forced his way through the turmoil, grabbed her by her leg, pulled her through the window, and hauled her over his shoulder before carrying her away from the wreckage left in his wake.

Her heart was fighting to burst out of her chest. Before she could attempt to kick or scream they were on the back of the abductor’s proportionally sized transportation, which Alexis made out to be a golden-brown feline of some sort from her limited view. That was until the creature’s movement started to part ways with the ground.

Finally, the realization that she was legitimately being kidnapped fueled Alexis’ vocal cords. She yelled, “Put me down, put me down!” until their altitude was that of her three-story school building. From that point on, she just screamed.

As the lion-creature ascended higher and higher, the air grew colder and thinner. Whether it was from shock or lack of oxygen, Alexis passed out soon after they entered a dense cloud; dangling lifelessly over the Rider’s shoulder.


A welcoming smell woke the aero-sedated girl. She was lying against a stone well on a hilltop overlooking an abnormally blue oceanic vista. Several more hills were popped up all around and dwarfed by the enormous rocky mountain range that fringed the scene from the opposite side of the sea. The scent that woke her was a combination of the water’s undiluted and uncontaminated high salt content which delivered with it the vegetative freshness of the sloping valley in between.

Alexis leaned forward on her arms while she beheld the beautiful panoramic view. For a brief moment, she had completely forgotten about her ordeal, but the water droplets from the well snapped her out of her daze.

“Oh no,” she said as she turned and registered the giant figure filling his water container. She quickly crab-walked backward until her backside bumped into the thing purporting to be a lion with an eagle’s head and wings. Tempted to faint again, Alexis jumped up.

“I demand you take me back!” she insisted with confidence that seemed to come out of nowhere.

“Captives don’t make demands.”

Alexis’ lips pursed, and her eyes widened the instant she heard her captor speak for the first time. His voice was otherworldly; deep, firm, and yet smooth like his helmet around its plume.

“Wh- who-” she cleared her throat, “-who are you? And where are we?”

“Everything you see that stretches from Mount Mysticis and passes over the horizons of the Sublimis Sea is the Kingdom of Euangelion.” The man pointed to the highest and most intimidating mountain in the rocky range preceded by nothing but clouds before moving his hand along to underline the most magnificent and untampered landscape full of trees as tall as buildings and finally halted in the direction of the groaning blue glory. The sea was alive.

“Kingdom? Now see, my memory may be a bit rusty, but I’ve been across the pond a few years ago, and it most certainly didn’t look anything like this,” the girl protested with a surprisingly reduced stutter. “Look, I know falling asleep in history class is tradition. But normally the bell would’ve woken me up by now - and since that’s not happening, I’m guessing you have something to do with it. And yo-you need to fix it.”

“Please!” she added while taking a step back as the Rider stood up straight and removed his helmet, revealing his blonde shoulder-length hair; it oddly complemented his fierce gray eyes. His golden armor covered a bronze-colored tunic. To a belt fastened around his waist, a metal scabbard was housing a sword the size of her.

“Do you always yell when communicating with others?”

“Oh? I’m sorry, how rude of me.” She nervously laughed. “My voice tends to pitch when I’m being manhandled and kidnapped! And airline Mufasa isn’t exactly first in line for consumer’s choice awards,” she finished in the bronze beast’s direction; his white feathery head flung up as though it understood her. “What am I saying? How is this even happening?” Alexis anxiously paced up and down while clasping her hands behind her head. “O-oh-oh, if this is really happening, if this is real, oh buddy, oh boy, you’re in a lot of trouble. Big trouble, actually. You have no idea who my father is!” She waved her scrawny finger in the Rider’s direction without making direct eye contact.

“Twice decorated General Sharp, more commonly known as G-Sharp, currently stationed at Fort Drum.” The Rider moved toward his hybrid and removed a smaller bag from its saddlebag. Alexis again only responded with a dumbfounded expression.

“Foolish girl, I don’t answer to mere Earthly generals but to the King of Euangelion. Here, eat and drink.” He handed her a soft piece of bread which he retrieved from the smaller bag along with the water container he had just filled. Alexis slowly took the bread and the container, moved a couple of feet away, and sat down cross-legged with both the Rider and his hybrid in her sight. The bread was surprisingly delicious and the water refreshing; thus a short-lived silence prevailed during which nothing but the noises from the surrounding utopia could be heard.

Everything seemed to be intensified: the noises, the colors, the smells, even the butterflies that could occasionally be seen fluttering about were the size of cats. And all the
enhancements were framed by the unrealistically tall trees. Alongside the wide misty river that flowed through the mainland, the landscapes were greener than the proverbial grass and were edged by an azure sky filled with clouds of curious shapes.

Alexis could almost forgive herself for forgetting that she was being held against her will and believe this to be paradise. But she dismissed her temporary amnesia when observing the Rider feeding their transportation and got upset all over again. The scene was a blatant violation of all that was natural, reasonable, and right.

“What is that _thing_? Who are you? What is this place and why did you bring me here? What does your king want from me?” She reopened her investigation. The movement of the beast’s head suggested that not only did he understand Alexis, but he also did not take kindly to her words.

“It must truly pain your kind not to be in control. I suppose, with all your self-entitlement it’s perfectly understandable. My name is Angelo, and I am an Inter-Realm Rider. This here is Draco, a griffon. And I suggest you apologize for calling him a ‘thing’ before we take off again. They’re as sensitive as they are intelligent.”

Alexis was baffled at how cavalier this patronizing paradox was about everything he had just said. When she finally built up the strength to continue the interrogation she persisted, “Inter-_Realm_? I’m in another _Realm_? As in, another _world_? Madness. Stop this madness right now, and take me home or wake me up!”

“Again with the impertinent demands. You are not asleep, and we are not going back. You’ll understand soon enough.”

“This isn’t real,” she whimpered repeatedly as she clutched her bent legs and shook her head, finally burying it in her knees as the blue sky was being stained with streaks of orange and pink from the setting sun.

“It would be best for you to quiet down and go to sleep. You’re upsetting Draco.”

_What?_ _I’m_ _upsetting_ _them?_

Alexis was horrified. She watched Angelo fall asleep and couldn’t begin to fathom how someone so unnerving could seem so at peace.

Night fell and reached its apex. All was quiet. The sky was pitch black and decorated with hundreds of stars emitting varying shades of nebulae. The moon also shone brightly and was four times its normal size. But Alexis didn’t notice the nocturnal splendor as she had noticed the picturesque scene in the daylight. She was too busy contemplating her lot.

Notwithstanding the possibility the griffon could always hunt her down and eat her if she escaped, where would she go if she could manage to pull off a successful attempt? She had no idea whether or not Angelo was her best bet at survival. What she did know was she didn’t have the energy to gamble and lose. After all, there could be bigger and meaner abductors lurking around.

_Rather the devil you know_, Grandmother Sharp’s voice echoed in her head.

Eventually, the considerations started to weigh heavy, and it proved difficult to stay awake. With eyes as heavy as her considerations, Alexis dozed off.1.


The Isle of Sanctum

Suspended over Draco’s mouth hearing nothing but Angelo’s sinister laugh provoked Alexis to cry out _“No!”_ as she startled herself awake.

“She wakes.” The Rider was fiddling with his saddlebag again. “Here, breakfast. Don’t eat too much though, we’ll be flying soon.” It was that delicious bread again. Alexis ignored his petition and inhaled the whole piece.

As Angelo positioned himself onto Draco, a reluctant Alexis moved closer. The Rider picked her up with one hand and placed her in front of him on top of the griffon. Angelo directed Draco by his mane, and Alexis grabbed onto a few hairs just below.

Or is it feathers?

Her heart pounded like a drum. The creature gave a few steps back and then started running until a final sprint shot them from the hilltop. Alexis dove forward to conceal her eyes as the enormous wings were putting more and more distance between them and the ground.

Once they’d ascended high over the green landscapes below, Draco anchored his wings and soared. Nothing but valleys led to the dazzling water in front of them.

Alexis slowly picked up her head and took notice of the exquisite scenery below while slowly embracing the fact that she was flying over it. She didn’t exactly have the luxury of Draco’s ‘good side’ on her initial voyage, nor was she in the right frame of mind to appreciate the view then. Alexis pushed her body back and lifted her arms to fully experience the soar. Awestruck, a faint grin took shape as she enjoyed the wind on her face.

Her premature excitement turned to horror as Draco made a swift downward movement and proceeded to dive toward the surface of the water. Alexis screamed until her vocal cords were raw while she tightly grabbed onto Draco’s mane. He continued with the dive until they were close enough to feel water droplets from a crashing wave, after which he quickly aligned his flight parallel with the surface. Draco’s energy dented the water underneath. Alexis lifted her head again and observed as the waves systematically morphed into water creatures shaped like dolphins that followed the griffon.

In the distance, an island boasting green hilltops, white cliffs, and gushing waterfalls started coming more and more into focus. It seemed to be where they were headed.

As they approached, Alexis could make out a large wooden gate arched by sturdy high walls that appeared to be boxing in architecture of a similar stature. The Castle was akin to the likes you’d find on medieval tours. Only something about this one was unique. The way the light brushed over it made the structure look timeless.

When they got closer, Alexis could see the battlements were manned by archers, one of whom started blowing a horn from the far right corner of the wall. Angelo promptly reciprocated with a much louder version of the noise by blowing on his own horn right behind Alexis who immediately covered her ears.

Draco commenced his descent a few yards before the island and eventually made his landing on the beach just outside the walls. Alexis stumbled off the griffon not a moment after he came to a standstill. Her stomach was churning, and she couldn’t prevent what was fighting to get out. Mustering all balance that remained, she flailed to one side and retched.

Angelo gave a mischievous smirk.

“I’m fine I’m fine.” Her waving hand gestured. “Your grass ain’t though,” she murmured embarrassedly as she covered her mouth. Before Alexis straightened her posture, something odd caught her eye - the ground was moving. The spoiled area was absorbed by a marshlike substance, and in a matter of seconds, new grass had grown in its place.

“How did it…? Did you…?” she half-aimed at Angelo as he came closer.

“This entire Island is sacred ground protected by old magic. It cannot be polluted or corrupted, nor can any life thereon. When a living substance gets damaged or a living creature injured, it is restored to its proper form. You’ll be grateful for it in the coming months.”

Alexis followed intently with her ears while her eyes were still locked on the paranormal phenomenon, finally whipping her head back to Angelo, who was now walking toward the Castle gate.

“Hold up, did you just say _months_?” she yelled after him and started making quick strides in the same direction, but she froze when the drawbridge started to lower. As soon as it connected with the ground, both Angelo and Draco crossed over and entered the austere sand-colored structure. Alexis caught up but hesitated before entering. Inside the walls, there were more figures the size of her newly acquainted Rider. Only once she had adjusted her eye level did she notice the more numerous beings that looked remarkably human. Despite being her preferred size, these presumed humans were all wearing long different colored robes which made Alexis stand out like a sore thumb with her jeans and sneakers.

“Alexis,” it was the first time Angelo had called her by name. She felt compelled to enter but she also felt extremely small. It was the third time in her life she’d felt _this_ small. The first time was at the age of fifteen when she crashed a US Army truck in Fort Ryan. The second was but the previous day when her mysterious kidnapper turned her life upside down. _Literally._

How many more situations could she expect to evoke such a feeling?

Alexis’ jaw dropped as she examined the robust stonewalls in front of her. She could now see what it guarded: a huge courtyard connecting seven covered bridges at its far end which led to towering turrets and terraces. Each of these bridges functioned as a corridor and was distinguished by the color of the flames burning from the torches mounted to its columns. From left to right they were red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The most prominent of all the structures was a tall and wide tower housing a marble staircase visible through the tower’s entrance. It was located to the right of the seventh corridor bridge and annexed a large hall with ceiling-high doors standing wide open.

“And down the rabbit hole we go,” Alexis awkwardly whispered to herself as she started moving across the wooden planks.

The Castle residents seemed friendly enough, they all smiled at her as she made her entrance.

Children of the Corn, perhaps.

“Barbarity belongs to your world, not ours.”

Is someone reading my mind?

“Yes, Alexis. You can put your mind at ease; you’re safe with us,” the voice spoke again.

“Stop that!” she petulantly snapped at the old man walking in her direction. He had long gray hair with an equally long beard and was clothed in a brilliant white robe. Smaller than her captor, the old man was a bit taller than the appropriate length for a human.

“Excuse her, Lord Castus, she has yet to gain understanding,” Angelo interceded.

“And your instructions have been so insightful,” Alexis got her own in before turning to the gray one.

“Lord, Castus was it? Greetings.” She pulled her fingers into the Vulcan salute from Star Trek. “May I perhaps have a private word_?”_

If the giant showed him respect, he must be in charge.

“Soon enough, child. I think you might want to go and freshen up first. Ah, Aurelia, would you please escort Miss Sharp over here to the pools? She has just arrived,” Castus politely instructed a young lady wearing a blue robe with long, braided, silver-blonde hair cascading down her back. She was busy having a conversation with a young red-headed man in a green robe. When Aurelia had turned her attention to them, Alexis could see her sapphire eyes. She was strikingly beautiful.

“Certainly, my Lord,” the addressee genially responded before walking over to Alexis. “You can come with me,” she said in a sweet voice before attempting to take her hand. Uncertain, Alexis yanked her hand away and raised an eyebrow at Angelo. The Rider gave her a slight nod of assurance, prompting her to follow her appointed guide with her arms crossed.

“Lord Castus called you Miss Sharp, I must have missed your first name?” Aurelia initiated small talk as she led Alexis through the red-flamed corridor on the far left. It was lit by the sunshine coming through the huge arching gaps in between the columns. The corridor bridged a deep gorge where a river flowed from East to West.

“Alexis…” the owner of the name answered as she stopped and stared out of one of the gaps.

“Exquisite, isn’t it?”

Alexis thought so too, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy all her unanswered questions.

“Are you like me or do you just look human?” She asked.

“Oh, I’m as human as you are!”

“Finally!” Alexis pulled Aurelia behind one of the columns and covered her mouth to muffle any potential noise. “Please don’t scream. I just have a couple of questions.”

Alexis slowly moved her hand away as Aurelia nodded compliantly.

“What are we doing here and who are these people?”

“Your Rider didn’t explain?”

“He said we’re in the Kingdom of Euan-, -lion, -something, like that’s supposed to mean anything? And apparently, some king is calling all the shots.”

“Eu-an-ge-li-on. In a nutshell, I suppose that’s true. But I’ve clearly forgotten how strange it must sound when hearing it for the first time!” Aurelia laughed.

“So, you’ve been their prisoner for long then?”

“Prisoner? Oh, you misunderstand. I suppose the transportation is a bit questionable, and Riders can be very intimidating! But the humans living within these walls are here out of allegiance to the King’s son, Prince Salvatore.”

“Down the rabbit hole indeed.” Alexis’ hopeful expression faded.

“Please don’t be so dismayed. We truly are as free as birds. In fact, they even provide us with an opportunity and the means to leave after our Final Orientation. It’s just that, well, no one has ever wanted to. If you do leave, you may never return.”

Alexis’ face contorted in all the wrong sort of ways. “Kings, Princes, Inter-Realm Riders, griffons, and regenerating Islands… How are you _not_ freaked out by all this?” She paused for a moment and lowered her voice, “Or perhaps… Is this like an Orwellian thing? Is _he_ listening right now?” Her last words were barely audible, but her finger pointed to the courtyard. “Blink twice if yes.”

Aurelia pulled away, “Oh, hush, you paranoid girl. Look, until such a time as you are presented with the choice to leave, you may as well just make the most of your time here and save yourself unnecessary trouble by following me. Probably a good idea too. You’re followed by an unpleasant odor.”

A surprised Alexis grabbed a piece of her shirt, pulled it up to her nose, and took a whiff. “Fine. Am I going to get one of these prudish robes as well?” The girls resumed their journey down the stony corridor.

“Indeed, but a red one.”

“Why a red one?”

“Because you haven’t sworn fealty yet.”

“Of course,” Alexis sighed.

“So where is it that you come from?”

“All over I guess. But we were last stationed in Upstate New York. And you?”


