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The business plan. Biznes plan - ebook
Data wydania:
1 stycznia 2013
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The business plan. Biznes plan - ebook
Seria kieszonkowych poradników językowo-biznesowych pomoże Ci poszerzyć słownictwo i wiedzę w różnych dziedzinach. Książeczki zawierają tematycznie zgromadzone pojęcia i zagadnienia, a także ich tłumaczenia. Bądź specjalistą w swojej dziedzinie, również w kręgach obcojęzycznych!
Kategoria: | Angielski |
Zabezpieczenie: |
ISBN: | 978-83-64340-09-3 |
Rozmiar pliku: | 1,2 MB |
Why Write One?
A business plan provides a roadmap for your enterprise⁴, defines your objectives, shows the direction your business is going to take, maps out strategies and ways to handle possible obstacles⁵. It may serve a few distinct purposes, depending on your current outlook⁶ and future plans.
In the planning process, you learn about the different forces and factors that may affect your success. By creating a plan you will:
• learn about the industry⁷, market and competition⁸,
• specify your current position and heading⁹,
• identify barriers and work out strategies to overcome or avoid them,
• understand your finances and determine a break-even point¹⁰,
• set specific quantifiable¹¹ goals and timeframes for achieving them,
• make informed¹² decisions focusing your activities and resources¹³.
It may help you decide whether you want to go into business¹⁴ in the first place. No matter how starry-eyed¹⁵ you are, writing a business plan will force you to face the facts. Some vital questions you will need to answer are:
• How much money will you need? How are you going to get it – is it your own cash, bank loans, equal partners, equity¹⁶, angel investors¹⁷? How will you cover interest rates¹⁸?
• Are you willing to sacrifice your lifestyle to work long hours for no pay?
• What kind of support will you need? Are you ready to delegate to others? How many people will you eventually employ?
| 4 enterprise /ˈentəpraɪz/ | przedsięwzięcie |
| |
| 5 obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl̩/|przeszkoda |
| |
| 6 outlook /ˈaʊtlʊk/ | perspektywa |
| |
| 7 industry /ˈɪndəstri/ | przemysł, branża |
| |
| 8 competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn̩/|konkurencja |
| |
| 9 heading /ˈhedɪŋ/| kurs, kierunek (podróży, rozwoju) |
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| 10 break-even point /breɪk ˈiːvn̩ pɔɪnt/|próg rentowności |
| |
| 11 quantifiable /ˈkwɒntɪfaɪbl/ | mierzalny |
| |
| 12 informed /ɪnˈfɔːmd/ | przemyślany, świadomy |
| |
| 13 resource /rɪˈzɔːs/ | zasób |
| |
| 14 to go into business / tə ɡəʊ ˈɪntə ˈbɪznəs/| zacząć działać, wchodzić w interes |
| |
| 15 starry-eyed /ˈstɑːri aɪd/ | marzycielski |
| |
| 16 equity /ˈekwɪti/ | udział |
| |
| 17 angel investor /ˈeɪndʒəl ɪnˈvestər/ | prywatny inwestor darczyńca |
| |
| 18 interest rate /ˈɪntrəst reɪt/ | stopa odsetek |
• When will the business turn a profit¹⁹? What will your annual revenue²⁰ be?
• What is going to happen if this does not work out?
• If it does succeed, what are you going to do next?
If you seek funding, a sound²¹, well-structured business plan will be essential in convincing lenders²² or investors that your venture²³ is going to thrive and bring profit. Focus on how your company is going to make revenue and stress your ability to create sufficient cash flow²⁴.
If you are in business already, making a plan will help provide a general outlook of your company to identify the areas that are working well and the ones you can improve. It helps give you a sense of control over your business and a vision of the future.
How to Put It Forward²⁵?
Keep it short and simple. The business plan is not the place to flounce²⁶ your literary prowess²⁷. Think of it as a manual that will make your employees, investors and yourself understand your goals and ways to achieve them better.
Use simple, straightforward sentences and wording. Whenever possible, use bullet points, tables and charts to make information easily accessible. Graphics are welcome. Instead of complicated descriptions, include product sketches, location shots²⁸, mock-ups, blueprints²⁹ or logos.
You do not have to start with a blank sheet of paper. There are business plan templates³⁰ in abundance³¹ readily available.
The Elements of a Business Plan
Executive³² Summary
Within this point you should state what exactly you propose to develop and how, show the merits³³ and capabilities of the venture as well as point out what is needed for it to succeed. Include key elements such as:
• the business concept, the product and the market it will service,
• financial points, including sales, profits, cash flows and return on investment³⁴,
• the capital needed to start and expand it, with specifics on how it will be made use of and what kind of collateral³⁵ will be provided,
• information on the company’s legal form of operation, track record³⁶, major owners and key personnel,
• elements that will grant the business a competitive advantage³⁷ (location, innovative products, patents, crucial contracts etc.)
Business Description
Begin with a brief report on the industry, its present landscape and prospects for the future. Describe the various branches within it, any new products or developments included. Explain in what way these might benefit or hinder³⁸ you. Say whether your business is already in operation or not. Include a description of the type of company and its structure (retail³⁹, wholesale⁴⁰, service-oriented, food service, manufacturing⁴¹). The company’s legal form should be specified here. Provide an idea of the relevant experience you and your key partners have.
Describe the product or service you intend to offer and explain to whom you are going to cater⁴². The product should be portrayed completely
| 19 to turn a profit /tə tɜːn ə ˈprɒfɪt/| osiągnąć zysk |
| |
| 20 revenue /ˈrevənjuː/ | dochód |
| |
| 21 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ | solidny, rzetelny |
| |
| 22 lender /ˈlendə/ | pożyczkodawca |
| |
| 23 venture /ˈventʃə/ | przedsięwzięcie |
| |
| 24 cash flow /kæʃ fləʊ/ | przepływ gotówki |
| |
| 25 to put sth forward /tə ˈpʊt ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈfɔːwəd/| przedstawić coś |
| |
| 26 to flounce /tə flaʊns/ | popisywać się (czymś) |
| |
| 27 prowess /ˈpraʊɪs/ | sprawność |
| |
| 28 shot /ʃɒt/ | ujęcie, migawka |
| |
| 29 blueprint /ˈbluːprɪnt/ | plan wykonawczy, projekt |
| |
| 30 template /ˈtemplɪt/ | szablon |
| |
| 31 in abundance /ɪn əˈbʌndəns/ | obficie |
| |
| 32 executive /ɪɡˈzekjʊtɪv/ | wykonawczy, kierowniczy |
| |
| 33 merit /ˈmerɪt/| zaleta |
| |
| 34 return on investment (ROI) /rɪˈtɜːn ɒn ɪnˈvestmənt, ɑːr əʊ ˈaɪ/| zwrot z inwestycji |
| |
| 35 collateral /kəˈlætərəl/ | dodatkowy, towarzyszący |
| |
| 36 track record /træk rɪˈkɔːd/ | historia działań, lista osiągnięć |
| |
| 37 competitive advantage /kəmˈpetətɪv ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ | przewaga konkurencyjna |
| |
| 38 to hinder /tə ˈhɪndə/ | powstrzymywać, przeszkadzać |
| |
| 39 retail /ˈriːteɪl/ | handel detaliczny |
| |
| 40 wholesale /ˈhəʊlseɪl/ | handel hurtowy |
| |
| 41 manufacturing /ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃərɪŋ/ | produkcja |
| |
| 42 to cater to sb /tə ˈkeɪtə tə ˈsʌmbədi/| obsługiwać kogoś |
enough to give a clear idea. Emphasise any unique features it may have. Explain how you will distribute and support sales; what kind of advertising, promotions and customer service will you use?
Briefly point out why you think your business is going to be successful. Be specific in what sets you apart from your competition; include details like organisation, manpower⁴³, equipment, location, product or price. Relate the opinions of experts, suppliers⁴⁴ or market research⁴⁵ results.
Lastly, show in what ways you will be able to expand or develop your business further in the future.
A business plan provides a roadmap for your enterprise⁴, defines your objectives, shows the direction your business is going to take, maps out strategies and ways to handle possible obstacles⁵. It may serve a few distinct purposes, depending on your current outlook⁶ and future plans.
In the planning process, you learn about the different forces and factors that may affect your success. By creating a plan you will:
• learn about the industry⁷, market and competition⁸,
• specify your current position and heading⁹,
• identify barriers and work out strategies to overcome or avoid them,
• understand your finances and determine a break-even point¹⁰,
• set specific quantifiable¹¹ goals and timeframes for achieving them,
• make informed¹² decisions focusing your activities and resources¹³.
It may help you decide whether you want to go into business¹⁴ in the first place. No matter how starry-eyed¹⁵ you are, writing a business plan will force you to face the facts. Some vital questions you will need to answer are:
• How much money will you need? How are you going to get it – is it your own cash, bank loans, equal partners, equity¹⁶, angel investors¹⁷? How will you cover interest rates¹⁸?
• Are you willing to sacrifice your lifestyle to work long hours for no pay?
• What kind of support will you need? Are you ready to delegate to others? How many people will you eventually employ?
| 4 enterprise /ˈentəpraɪz/ | przedsięwzięcie |
| |
| 5 obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl̩/|przeszkoda |
| |
| 6 outlook /ˈaʊtlʊk/ | perspektywa |
| |
| 7 industry /ˈɪndəstri/ | przemysł, branża |
| |
| 8 competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn̩/|konkurencja |
| |
| 9 heading /ˈhedɪŋ/| kurs, kierunek (podróży, rozwoju) |
| |
| 10 break-even point /breɪk ˈiːvn̩ pɔɪnt/|próg rentowności |
| |
| 11 quantifiable /ˈkwɒntɪfaɪbl/ | mierzalny |
| |
| 12 informed /ɪnˈfɔːmd/ | przemyślany, świadomy |
| |
| 13 resource /rɪˈzɔːs/ | zasób |
| |
| 14 to go into business / tə ɡəʊ ˈɪntə ˈbɪznəs/| zacząć działać, wchodzić w interes |
| |
| 15 starry-eyed /ˈstɑːri aɪd/ | marzycielski |
| |
| 16 equity /ˈekwɪti/ | udział |
| |
| 17 angel investor /ˈeɪndʒəl ɪnˈvestər/ | prywatny inwestor darczyńca |
| |
| 18 interest rate /ˈɪntrəst reɪt/ | stopa odsetek |
• When will the business turn a profit¹⁹? What will your annual revenue²⁰ be?
• What is going to happen if this does not work out?
• If it does succeed, what are you going to do next?
If you seek funding, a sound²¹, well-structured business plan will be essential in convincing lenders²² or investors that your venture²³ is going to thrive and bring profit. Focus on how your company is going to make revenue and stress your ability to create sufficient cash flow²⁴.
If you are in business already, making a plan will help provide a general outlook of your company to identify the areas that are working well and the ones you can improve. It helps give you a sense of control over your business and a vision of the future.
How to Put It Forward²⁵?
Keep it short and simple. The business plan is not the place to flounce²⁶ your literary prowess²⁷. Think of it as a manual that will make your employees, investors and yourself understand your goals and ways to achieve them better.
Use simple, straightforward sentences and wording. Whenever possible, use bullet points, tables and charts to make information easily accessible. Graphics are welcome. Instead of complicated descriptions, include product sketches, location shots²⁸, mock-ups, blueprints²⁹ or logos.
You do not have to start with a blank sheet of paper. There are business plan templates³⁰ in abundance³¹ readily available.
The Elements of a Business Plan
Executive³² Summary
Within this point you should state what exactly you propose to develop and how, show the merits³³ and capabilities of the venture as well as point out what is needed for it to succeed. Include key elements such as:
• the business concept, the product and the market it will service,
• financial points, including sales, profits, cash flows and return on investment³⁴,
• the capital needed to start and expand it, with specifics on how it will be made use of and what kind of collateral³⁵ will be provided,
• information on the company’s legal form of operation, track record³⁶, major owners and key personnel,
• elements that will grant the business a competitive advantage³⁷ (location, innovative products, patents, crucial contracts etc.)
Business Description
Begin with a brief report on the industry, its present landscape and prospects for the future. Describe the various branches within it, any new products or developments included. Explain in what way these might benefit or hinder³⁸ you. Say whether your business is already in operation or not. Include a description of the type of company and its structure (retail³⁹, wholesale⁴⁰, service-oriented, food service, manufacturing⁴¹). The company’s legal form should be specified here. Provide an idea of the relevant experience you and your key partners have.
Describe the product or service you intend to offer and explain to whom you are going to cater⁴². The product should be portrayed completely
| 19 to turn a profit /tə tɜːn ə ˈprɒfɪt/| osiągnąć zysk |
| |
| 20 revenue /ˈrevənjuː/ | dochód |
| |
| 21 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ | solidny, rzetelny |
| |
| 22 lender /ˈlendə/ | pożyczkodawca |
| |
| 23 venture /ˈventʃə/ | przedsięwzięcie |
| |
| 24 cash flow /kæʃ fləʊ/ | przepływ gotówki |
| |
| 25 to put sth forward /tə ˈpʊt ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈfɔːwəd/| przedstawić coś |
| |
| 26 to flounce /tə flaʊns/ | popisywać się (czymś) |
| |
| 27 prowess /ˈpraʊɪs/ | sprawność |
| |
| 28 shot /ʃɒt/ | ujęcie, migawka |
| |
| 29 blueprint /ˈbluːprɪnt/ | plan wykonawczy, projekt |
| |
| 30 template /ˈtemplɪt/ | szablon |
| |
| 31 in abundance /ɪn əˈbʌndəns/ | obficie |
| |
| 32 executive /ɪɡˈzekjʊtɪv/ | wykonawczy, kierowniczy |
| |
| 33 merit /ˈmerɪt/| zaleta |
| |
| 34 return on investment (ROI) /rɪˈtɜːn ɒn ɪnˈvestmənt, ɑːr əʊ ˈaɪ/| zwrot z inwestycji |
| |
| 35 collateral /kəˈlætərəl/ | dodatkowy, towarzyszący |
| |
| 36 track record /træk rɪˈkɔːd/ | historia działań, lista osiągnięć |
| |
| 37 competitive advantage /kəmˈpetətɪv ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ | przewaga konkurencyjna |
| |
| 38 to hinder /tə ˈhɪndə/ | powstrzymywać, przeszkadzać |
| |
| 39 retail /ˈriːteɪl/ | handel detaliczny |
| |
| 40 wholesale /ˈhəʊlseɪl/ | handel hurtowy |
| |
| 41 manufacturing /ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃərɪŋ/ | produkcja |
| |
| 42 to cater to sb /tə ˈkeɪtə tə ˈsʌmbədi/| obsługiwać kogoś |
enough to give a clear idea. Emphasise any unique features it may have. Explain how you will distribute and support sales; what kind of advertising, promotions and customer service will you use?
Briefly point out why you think your business is going to be successful. Be specific in what sets you apart from your competition; include details like organisation, manpower⁴³, equipment, location, product or price. Relate the opinions of experts, suppliers⁴⁴ or market research⁴⁵ results.
Lastly, show in what ways you will be able to expand or develop your business further in the future.