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The Comprehensive Vibrational Healing Guide - Life Energy Healing Modalities, Flower Essences, Crystal Elixirs, Homeopathy and the Human Biofield - ebook

Data wydania:
13 maja 2013
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The Comprehensive Vibrational Healing Guide - Life Energy Healing Modalities, Flower Essences, Crystal Elixirs, Homeopathy and the Human Biofield - ebook

An Amazon #1 Bestseller in Mental & Spiritual Healing, The Comprehensive Vibrational Healing Guide covers hundreds of holistic remedies that work with the body’s natural energetic rhythm to foster better emotional, spiritual and physical health. Maya Cointreau walks you through the layers of the body biofield, explaining vital concepts such as chakras, meridians, and elemental theory so that you can choose the remedies that will work best for you and your family. Quantum physics and rigorous scientific studies are explored, shedding light on how and why vibrational healing works so well in conjunction with modern allopathic medicine.

“Vibrational remedies are energy medicine. Everything in this book is designed to balance or enhance the energy patterns in the body so that it can heal itself. All vibrational remedies shift our energy so that we can feel better. So that we can be better.”

Learn how to effectively use mind-body techniques such as EFT, meditation and affirmations. Create and use your own flower essences and homeopathic remedies, or choose from hundreds of remedies that are on the market today, including essential oils and crystal elixirs. Understand the power of UV light, and how to harness its healing potential through the use of LED lights or colors. Hands-on healing therapies such as Reiki, Polarity, Therapeutic Touch and Qigong Healing are all explained, as well the basic tenets of Ayurveda, Won-Ki and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Harness modern technological breakthroughs from NASA and other respected scientists and take charge of your healing process.

Powerful Holistic Healing Modalities from the Comprehensive Vibrational Healing Guide:

* The Human Biofield, Chakras & Meridians
* Reiki, Polarity Therapy & Therapeutic Touch
* Ayurveda & Traditional Chinese Medicine
* EFT, Meditation and Affirmations
* Aromatherapy & Homeopathy
* Brain Waves, Learning, and Sound Healing
* UV Light & Color Therapy
* Learn to Create and Use Your Own Remedies
* Electro-Magnetic Quantum Healing Technologies
* Biofeedback, BioResonance and Rife Machines

“Maya Cointreau will take you on a journey towards a new way of living life. She makes it easy to relate to the material and her words will leave you feeling confident and self-empowered.” –Kathy Lalonde, RPP

Kategoria: Medical
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-944396-23-7
Rozmiar pliku: 1,1 MB

