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The Dark Modern Age - ebook

Data wydania:
23 kwietnia 2021
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The Dark Modern Age - ebook

In Hungary, in the year of 2009, in the midst of the worldwide financial crisis, the profit of the Hungarian bank-system was the double of profits acquired in Western countries. Why it is not allowed for the state, as the owner, to have influence on the control of monetary system, even if the bank-system expected help from it during the crisis already? It turned out that in China, where the state controls the central bank, they could keep the balance even in hardest times: there is no inflation and their economy’s growth is about 10 percent. Problems were proven to be controllable. The Hungarian National Bank’s independence from its owner should be cancelled, as the members of Monetary Council are simply appointed bureaucrats who bear no political responsibility to citizens.

The European Union is the institute of the plutocratic world-elite. I cannot emphasize enough that the European Union is an unnecessary institute. Peoples of Europe does not need an over-bureaucratized and expensive imperial structure. The advantages of the Union – the free flow of production, products, information and ideas, the breaking up of national borders – could be effectively achieved without an imperial hydrocephalus, by the bi- or multilateral cooperation of states. The European Union is needed not by the peoples of Europe, but by the world-ruling elite. It is the transnational monetary cartel holding power over states that wants to get rid of national states by all means, because they, due to their claim to sovereignty, can quit from plutocratic world-order at any time.

Hungary’s national debt and its payment has strangled the country. Let’s take a simple example: from the 10 000 million USD loan taken between 1970 and 1989, only 1000 million USD came actually into the country, it can be looked up in HNB’s Internal Reports. Till 1989 we paid 11 000 million USD as interest for this 1000 million USD. Our debt has grown to 270 000 million USD by now. We have already paid 107 000 million USD as interest. The country paid back 27 times the loan, and if we proceed the same way, then we will have to pay back 120 times the original sum, that is impossible. It amounts to liquidating our national economy and the nation itself. It is impossible to bear the burden of debt and pay back the loan and its interests for a millennia. In whose favour is this nonsense?

Kategoria: Politics
Język: Angielski
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ISBN: 978-963-426-367-8
Rozmiar pliku: 765 KB



As Hungarians and Europeans, we now bid a sad farewell to the Enlightenment. In secret, we hope that this hopeful era of the light of the spirit left us only temporarily. Nevertheless, the evolution of the anti-Enlightenment that, at present, seems to be unstoppable, signals that the new era of the “endarkening” of the human spirit, morality and culture – of the general decay of the Western civilization – has not only begun, but is even pressing forward more and more powerfully. If we do not manage to create new ownership relations, linked to natural persons and their own performance, as well as to shift from the money rule system to a natural economic order, we shall have to be in need of the new era of a harmonic world order, of the light and brightness, of the prevailing of the universal morality for still a long time.

In the history of the world, the Renascence and the Enlightenment, gradually, put an end to the so-called Dark Middle Ages. Through bloody wars of religion, the peoples of Europe lived over both the Reformation and the anti-Reformation. Nevertheless, in the first decade of the 21st century, the denying of the ideas of the Enlightenment, the annihilation of its achievements, and the destructive effect of the anti-Enlightenment developed more and more perceivably. All that Oswald Spengler foresaw in his major work “The Decline of the West” and George Orwell in his famous works “Animal Farm” and “Nineteen eighty-four” was achieved in front of our eyes. We are facing that the general decay of our civilization has accelerated as a consequence of the gaining ground of the anti-Enlightenment.

The hopeful period of the Enlightenment, comprising two and a half centuries, ended not completely unexpectedly around the end of the millennium. The change of era was already forecast by the more and more frequent and greater and greater financial, economic and political crises, the perpetual local conflicts, the big and small wars. In our days, we can already experience that the thunderclouds of the era of darkness and decay are gathering above mankind. Unfortunately, even the possibility of a nuclear war cannot be totally excluded.

The world-ruling elite has gradually annihilated the achievements of the Enlightenment, and then has introduced the financial rule world order. This order is the dictatorship of the money empire over nations, leaning on the power economy and masked as democracy. The global system controlled from one single centre is already in fact _(de facto)_ a nearly completed reality. Nevertheless, formally _(de jure),_ some smaller adjustments, finishing operations are still to be done, until the Great Work is finished: the New World Order, one of the variants of the GLOBAL UNION. Before this, the new financial world order must be established, because the system based on the dollar, as the world currency, cannot be maintained any longer, on the long run.

At present, everything is hidden by the dimness of the faceless money relationships, and the bigot blindness of the superstitious belief in the eternality of the interest mechanism. The autocracy of the delusions concerning the rule of money surpasses the stupefying effects of the darkest dogmas of the Dark Middle Ages, effects that paralyze the spirit, and tie up the freedom of action of the creative man. There is not even a word more about social progress. The progressive modernization of the human relations has finished and has turned on the reverse, the struggle for social justice has been terminated, and the solidarity, based upon sympathy and compassion, does not prevail any more. Almost all values have got a relative character and could be expressed in money, and, by this, they have become undervalued. The bright sunlight of the human spirit is getting dimmer and dimmer, the validity of the universal morality has weakened into a mere wish, and its feasibility into an uncertain utopia. The European culture and the world historical top achievement of the white man – the social market economy enforcing also the social justice – have ceased to exist. Only ruins remained from the welfare state – the cathedral surpassing the overwhelming Gothic church miracles. Europe has given up herself, and it seems that has definitively surrendered to her new masters: the money rule global elite and to the transnational money cartel above states, which expropriated the international supreme power.

The new era of the world history developing around the end of the century can be characterized with three terms: ENERVATED, MORBID and DECADENT. This era carries the culture of destruction, of disintegration and of death in itself. In this one-dimension order of value, the human spirit has fallen deep under its own possibilities. The dim and confused “humanism” stepping in the place of the universal morality, as well as the individualism neglecting the community atomized the human communities and made them vulnerable against the organized, aggressive and arrogant private power. The society of the Dark Modern Age is ENERVATED, because it is hardly capable of more than the weakening biological and social reproduction. It has lost that vigorous dynamism, which was assured for it by the period of the Enlightenment and progress. The Dark Modern Age is also MORBID, since the strategists of the New World Order propagate openly that the mankind presently amounting to seven billion people should be reduced to half or even less. This means that the world ruling elite has to create such conditions which will soon result in the considerable reduction of the number of human beings on earth. Many reasons can be mentioned to support the stopping of the explosion of population increase emerging in the 20th century. The question is whether the strategists of the population reduction count themselves among the survivors or among those who must be eliminated. The Dark Modern Age is DECADENT, because its culture is characterized by the cultural disintegration, the moral decay, the annihilation of social justice, and by the general regression of the civilization. From the progression and modernization, only the technical progress remained, which is frequently self-contained. A small group of interest can expropriate for themselves the results of the work of all others, of the peoples of the world. Hiding behind faceless money relations, they can continue the building of their colonizing empire, reminding of a creeping thief. These robber knights of the Dark Modern Age throw the peoples of the world into a slave-like dependence with getting them indebted and collecting interest, and holding the mankind to ransom, especially the nations deprived of the tools of auto-defence.

The two hundred years of modernity can also be characterized as the process of getting into a dead-end. Not only the civilization of the West got into a dead-end. Nevertheless, the symptoms of the disease became most obvious in this culture. The decline of the West was accelerated by the fact that the religious dimension weakened and got unimportant in the Western civilization. The secular liberalism drove out not only the classical mythologies, but also banished the spiritual and cultural historical perspective, referring to the fact that they all contradict the rational thinking, and they cannot be harmonized with the progress of science. The extremely generalized (universal) concept of mankind, as well as the extremely atomized (individualistic) concept of the individual have become a myth. We had to witness the disappearance of the myths of Modernity. To our days, there is no such a system of ideas left to the humanity in which it could still believe and could cramp on, and the perspective of which it could still accept trustfully.

After the Dark Modern Age has set in, only the empiric sphere, the empirical world tied down to the ground has remained, but, without a guiding order of value, even this has become a mere marshland. The money rule world order tries to present its own order of value as a timeless one, as if its rules were eternal truths valid for all times. Nevertheless, even the ideologies offered by the rationalism overstrained beyond its frames proved to be nothing but myths themselves. The socialist economic and political theory failed primarily in its application in practice. But the theory of the capitalist and money rule economy failed either. In our days, it is hardly arguable that even that assumption proved to be a myth, according to which the “invisible hand” always steers the operation of the market into the good direction. As a consequence of the general decay, even the words have lost their original meanings. The speculators doing business carelessly on the money market are called “the market”, opposed to the actors of the productive economy operating according to the principles of free enterprise, who are competing with each other in a moral manner and undertaking even social responsibility.

That assertion has also proved to be a delusion according to which the process of globalization would be the greatest achievement of market economy. The globalization has created such a world-scale power economy, in which a narrow money rule elite can enforce its selfish particular interests. The myths of the rationalism appearing in the guise of science could not explain, in a durable and convincing way, neither the reality surrounding the man, nor his own world. Even in our days, we still do not have a comprehensive and convincing explanation about the universe, about the macrocosm surrounding the man and his own microcosm. As a consequence of the over-expanded relativization, the modern mythologies cannot be considered to be universal. The most different myths are permanently at war with each other. None of them offers a solid frame of orientation, a reliable map and compass – a useful intellectual-spiritual GPS – to the members of the society, within the amazingly accelerated changes. Freedom, in essence, has become the prerogative of a small group detaining money wealth and production wealth. And the individual freedom of the atomized average man can be measured by weighing to what extent he is subjected to the money rule and political structures surrounding him.

During the development of the Dark New Age, the different ideologies and utopias mix together the effects of different myths. The ephemeral ideas lost their effect, because their existence and future depends on the ever changing circumstances of the events. The ideologies concerning equality, free market economy, a democracy based on ethics and merits, as well as an economic, social and political globalization.

The Dark Modern Age brought the acceleration of the disintegration of the society for our civilization. The cohesion of communities, the solidarity is the result of the integration forces working within the whole of the society. The modern development, reduced to technical modernization, removed these integrating powers from the society. The European Enlightenment – to some extent, similarly to the Christian values – wanted to integrate the individual man into the whole of the mankind. This, nevertheless, has led to something inhuman, to the extreme atomization of the society and to the individualism that shakes off all restrictions. The annihilation of the community and of the traditional values connected with the community has accelerated. In consequence, the individual cannot develop optimally, because a complete life can be lived only in a community. As a consequence of the started disintegration of the natural communities, even the public power is not able to maintain the order required by the population and to assure public safety.

The attempt to place the respect of law and legislation in the place of the traditional values of the community was not successful either. The constitutional values linked to the national community could not be substituted by the compulsion of artificial loyalty – without affective commitment – to the written constitutions. Due to the interest mechanism at work in the money rule world order, the exploitation of the natural environment – in fact the destruction of the irreplaceable resources – is being increased unceasingly. It is not the growth enforced by the interest, but the preserving of the irreplaceable resources that would be necessary. But the power relations of the Dark Modern Age do not make it possible. The ethics, as a social cohesive force, and the morality, as the relation of the individual man to the universal moral values, have touched bottom in nearly all spheres of social life. That endeavour of the modernization limited to technical development and of the money rule world order, which attempted at endowing the exchange and usage relations, as well as the money with moral authority, also failed. The human relations reduced to money are not able to control the individual and community behaviour. On the other hand, the legislation, the so-called “legality” only suggests that you can do anything, if you are not caught in and called to account. Thus, the pretence, the secretiveness and the camouflage have become a norm. The mania of secrecy, of classification, that has reached a morbid measure, settled down both on public and private life.

All this does not mean that there is no alternative to the Dark Modern Age. The new property system linked to the natural persons can make it possible to return to the rules of universal morality. If we can link the size of the property available to the individual with the performance of the natural person, the interest enforcing capacity of men can be approached to each other. And, with the enforcement at equal scale of the own interests, the unselfish ethic behaviour, based upon the mutual respect of interests, can be enforced even on the level of the society. Property is power. Property is freedom. Nevertheless, in order to achieve the new property system, it is necessary to restore the public money system and to exclude the interest mechanism from it. The money system – as it was proved by SILVIO GESELL and ISTVÁN SÍKLAKI – can be operated well even without the interest mechanism. Furthermore, even on international level, the “legal person jungles” created for the sake of different frauds and tax evasions.

We can get out the Dark Modern Age by creating the harmonic world order. For this, it is necessary to get duly acquainted with the elite of the money rule world order. This world elite and its predecessors played a decisive role in the creation of the money rule relations of the Dark Modern Age. It has come a public argument topic whether a certain ethnic and its specific values play a decisive role in the establishment and operation of the current money rule world order or not. Trying to answer this question, we face the extremely complicated problems of Semitism and anti-Semitism. The “anti” prefix of the term anti-Semitism refers to the fact that it stands against the Semitism, but we have rather little information about what that it is against is, i.e. what Semitism is. That who doubts this, only has to type these two words into the searching programme of his computer, and then to compare how many scores he got for Semitism and how many for anti-Semitism.

He can perceive that there is an enormous quantitative and content difference between the two notions. The rules of logics prescribe that, prior to dealing with the negation of something, one has to examine what he really rejects. It is necessary to tell what Semitism is, who the Semite and the Philosemite are. Which was the first? The Semitism or the anti-Semitism? Which of them arouses the other? In the language of mathematics: which is the independent and which is the dependent variable? The correct answer may enhance the better understanding of who and why is against the Semites, and what do their criticizers, their counterparts, i.e. the anti-Semites oppose in the Semitism, as a complex social phenomenon. The writer of the present lines, therefore, feels it as his duty to make the relevant knowledge public, leaning on the works of the most outstanding Jewish and non-Jewish scientists, public personalities and researchers. On the basis of the law of action–reaction, most of them start from the fact that the Semitism created the anti-Semitism as an answer. In our days, nevertheless, the latter, in turn, already strengthens the Semitism, and became one of the essential preconditions of its survival.

The recollection, the finding the way back to itself of the Hungarian nation in 2010 may help it to take up the fight, in the hope of success, with the Dark Modern Age and the money rule world elite hiding behind it. The success of the Hungarian union incarnated in the System of National Cooperation may lead to a larger union aiming at the Europe of Nations, to the rebirth of the – transcontinental – struggle for social justice. This new European solidarity, union could undertake again to create the social market economy based upon the equality of chances and the freedom of enterprise. The way of the future – not only in Europe, but in the whole world – is the returning to the original ideas of the Enlightenment and progression, the establishment of the ethical democracy based upon the universal morality, and of the harmonic world order based upon social justice. For this, nevertheless, a new system of property – linked to natural persons and performance – is needed, which can be created only through a long and hard struggle. Furthermore, it is necessary to demolish the over-centralized financial, economic, political and armed power system of the globalism. Firstly, we have to go back to the public money system so that we could get out of the Dark Modern Age, and we could definitively leave behind us the culture of disintegration, destruction and death, so that the shining light of the spirit could rise at last. The hope has been given to us for the sake of the hopeless, but we cannot expect for a quick success.

And, finally, I would like to say a few words about the birth of my writings. At first, there is always a central goal: to pass over knowledge about something important to the readers. Then the second question arises: how to do all this? So, there is a goal, an initial plan, to which, then, the sources must be found, the information must be gathered, which, then, must also be checked, and the writings containing the opposite opinion must be found. The pros and cons must be confronted with each other. In our days, the electronically retrievable information plays a greater and greater role besides the traditional sources. The building bricks are available to nearly everybody. That who has a clear concept, can build the house from them, that is he can write a book from the amount of information. For that person who has not got such a concept, all this remains a mere pile of information.

Books are inspired by life itself. The person who continuously inquires, investigates the events – trying to find what, why and how happened, what goals did the controllers of the events follow, and what were they motivated by –, will discover more and more interrelations. In order to be able to give answers to the questions, it is necessary to obtain the opinions of as many as possible well-informed and reliable specialists. This way, the expedient scientific research progresses and the fact-finding works are written. The present book, for instance, was born from the question: who and why want to deprive the mankind of the achievements of the Enlightenment? Therefore, we have to ask questions from the world permanently, and then we shall never run out of answers.

Budapest, 1st October, 2010


The different possible solutions can be divided into two large groups according to whether they strive at the preservation of the current money rule world order or, on the contrary, at the establishment of a world order based upon social justice, so a qualitatively different world order. The creation of the world system controlled from one centre and of the connected “new financial world order” has constituted the important part of the world elite strategy for many centuries. The transnationally organized private power, leaning on the private ownership of the money system, wants to strengthen its ruling position, even globally, with the establishment of a ruling structure above states.

The “New World Order” strategy of the global elite is in danger

One of the main institutions of the money rule world elite is the New York-based COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR), which, since its establishment, influences decisively the foreign and interior policy of the United States, and, through this, the whole of the world policy. The leaders of this powerful body called “think-tank” held a conference in Montreal in May 2010. The participants included DAVID ROCKEFELLER, the founder of the TRILATERAL COMMISSION (TC), one of the important sister institutions of the CFR, and the actual organizer and controller of the TC, ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, professor of the Columbia University, who is also known to have been Chief National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter.

At this important conference of the world elite, Brzezinski warned the participants about the fact that the political consciousness gaining global size, as well as the internal fights emerged within the elite can jointly hinder the establishment of the “world order controlled from a single centre”. Brzezinski explained that, in our days, the global political leadership of the world had become “much more diversified unlike what it was until relatively recently”. He referred to the rise of China as an important geopolitical factor, as well as to the global controlling role of the G20. Nevertheless, the latter was “lacking internal unity with many of its members in bilateral antagonisms.” The internal fight emerging within the world elite hinders the efforts which strive to save the strategy serving the creation of the global government. Therefore, this programme of world historical importance has to experience failures continuously on almost every front.

Brzezinski also called the attention to another important factor, namely that “for the first time in all of human history mankind is politically awakened – that’s a total new reality – it has not been so for most of human history.” According to Brzezinski, “the whole world has become politically awakened,” adding that all over the world people were aware of what was happening politically and were “consciously aware of global inequities, inequalities, lack of respect, exploitation.” “Mankind is now politically awakened and stirring,” said Brzezinski, adding that this, in combination with a fractured elite, “makes it a much more difficult context for any major power, including currently the leading world power, the United States.”

On the conference, Brzezinski was asked if he thought the United Nations Organization should be transformed into a “one world government”, to which Brzezinski responded that the UNO expresses mostly the variety of the countries of the world, and can create cooperation in only secondary questions, because it is based upon the fiction that all member states have equal rights. Only the five members of the Security Council having veto right are an exception. Brzezinski admitted clearly that humanity has undergone a political awakening is not a positive development in the eyes of the global elite striving to establish a New World Order, and he was not happy with it at all.

Brzezinski exposed, already in 1970, how he imagined the New World Order, which he called “technotronic era”. _(The translator’s observation: the term “technetronic” was misspelled, even in the title of the book, and it is referred to as “technotronic” in all dictionaries and encyclopedias.)_ In his 1970 book titled “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era”, Brzezinski wrote the following: “The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.” The “elite” to which Brzezinski refers attended the Montreal CFR conference.

More and more signs show that there is not only a rivaling at the highest level of world elite, but even a situation similar to a state of civil war. In the latest months, the leadership of the super-rich money dynasties underwent a generation change. The questions left open include the fate of the dollar, the introduction of the new global currency, as well as the creation of the structure of a new financial world system, which, in our days, is not possible without, for instance, China, India and Russia. The possibility of a so-called “preventive strike” against Iran must also be taken into account.

What would a real change of regime be in Hungary?

The Hungarian society was split in two by the fact that a disproportionately smaller part of it appropriated the overwhelming majority of the national wealth for itself and for the money cartel above states. The most valuable part of the national wealth taken away this way was absorbed into the global stock wealth of the transnational money cartel exerting the world power. As we have already made reference to it, property is power, and the majority deprived of their national wealth has become powerless, who hardly has any interest enforcing capacity. The political struggles of the past twenty years reflected – only in the upper region of the political sphere – the process of becoming propertiless of the majority of the Hungarian society, its general pauperization, and the regrouping of a larger and larger part of its income to the international financial structures. The main representation of the latter in Hungary is the Hungarian National Bank torn from the public power, made independent from its owner according to the law, but depending very much from the structures of the money world.

The establishment of the SYSTEM OF NATIONAL COOPERATION without the basic change of the property and ownership relations would remain only a beautiful wish. If the Hungarians fail to create more just property relations, those social fault lines and front lines will remain, which inalienably confronted with each other the two parts of the Hungarian society. One side was formed by those cosmopolite, comprador and collaborator groups of interest, which arrived from the mediocre technocrat layer of the nomenclature of János Kádár’s regime. They could transform their contact capital into their own private property, with the – frequently illegal – privatization of the public property. It was them who – by passing the most valuable part of the national wealth into the hands of the transnational money cartel – could get such hidden return service, which enriched them even more and, in the meantime, impoverished the majority of the Hungarian society.

It is difficult to create the national unity among the selfish beneficiaries of the change of regime and the losers of the change of regime. The conflict of interest between the looters and the looted cannot be bridged with national rhetoric. This conflict can be eased somehow only by the at least partial regaining and more just redistribution of the national wealth. The first step towards the regaining of the national wealth is the soonest restoration of the public money system. Namely, the current private money system not only pours concrete upon the unjust property relations, but associates them with the extremely unjust income relations.

There is no need that the Hungarian economy should operate exclusively with credit money arrived from abroad, which, from the very first, arrives in the country charged with a disproportionately high interest. The international money cartel forces its own money onto the country through the central bank which is exclusively responsible to it. The Hungarian National Bank (MNB) is in 100% Hungarian property, but it is controlled exclusively by the money cartel – the money rule group of interest about which we have proved, in our writing titled “The New World Order is born from chaos”, that it uninhibitedly loots the human societies and the world economy. The MNB is, in fact, controlled by the Basel-based bank of the money cartel, the BIS (Bank of International Settlements), together with the ECB, the Frankfurt-based central bank of the European Union. The money cartel loots the countries and the world economy with fraudulent methods. Therefore, it must be deprived of the exertion of the monetary prerogatives. And also the monetary rights due to the Hungarian State must be taken away from the money cartel!

There is a need for Hungarian money covered with Hungarian work

Nevertheless, until a really nationally committed government dares to make this really revolutionary step, it would still be possible to operate at least a part of the Hungarian economy with Hungarian money covered with Hungarian work.

Today, Hungary has only very scarce available material devices. In this case, it is necessary to create extraordinary money resources, on the one hand for the establishment and enlargement of the economic infrastructure, and, on the other hand, for research and development and for scientific and technical innovation. Instead of the present-day MNB, a new-type central bank is needed, which assures money for the real economy in such a way that it would not cause inflation, since exclusively such projects can be financed from it, which serve the building up of a production-increasing infrastructure, as well as the technological modernization, the research and development and the innovation. This kind of credit money creation can increase the capacity and productivity of the given economy without indebtedness and interest payment. Nevertheless, the state should only issue money with the condition that the economic actors would spend it strictly on the increasing of the potential of the real economy.

We can overcome the current economic and financial state of emergency not by restrictions, by the restrictive economic and financial policy urged, even today, by the IMF, the international money cartel and the EU, but by the INCREASING OF OUTPUT. The current fallback of the Hungarian economy is characterized by the fact that the internal (but also the external) demand lags constantly behind the offer. And this, in turn, results in the further decrease of production. The reaction to this of the Hungarian financial administration was that it tried to eliminate or decrease the budget deficit, and, on the other hand, we can also witness that they have decreased the amount of money in circulation with high rates of interest.

Nevertheless, the depression can be answered also in another way. The state should finance infrastructure-developing and productivity-increasing projects, from public money, from public credit. In times of depression, it is practical to spend the public moneys on productive and infrastructure-developing projects, which are organized by the state. If, by restoring the public money system, the state exerts the monetary sovereign rights, the assurance of the money devices can be solved. Namely, the liquidity is an organizational and technical question. The issue bank controlled by the public power could already achieve the credit enlargement necessary for the financing of the workplace-creating programmes and investments. The actually utilized credits must make up only a fragment of the total sum necessary for the financing of the workplace-creating programmes. It could even be possible to introduce the large-scale application of the state-guaranteed commercial papers, which has a valid legal background in Hungary.

The commercial papers that can be cashed and prolonged by the central bank are suitable, combined with other financial devices and techniques, for the short-term financing of workplace-creating and productivity-increasing programmes. These would exert their effect quickly and effectively in Hungary. These programmes, organized by the public power, increase the production by making use of the existing machine capacity, as well as the raw materials and the fuels. By this, the demand for such goods increases. The financial status of the enterprises will improve, and thus, with the solvency of the enterprises, the situation of the commercial banks that offer them credits or manage their accounts will also get solid. A further favourable effect is that the newly employed labour force would represent an increasing effective, solvent demand towards consumption goods.

The primary credits, through the financing of infrastructure programmes, exert an animating effect on the whole economy. This financial propulsive power would make it possible for the state to transform the preliminary financing of the achievable programmes into a long-term financing. According to the economists committed to the current money rule world order, the financing of infrastructure programmes with state issue bank money can cause inflation. According to the evidence of history – since these concepts were already applied in Japan, in Germany even twice, in the United States and France, and, at present, in China –, if the public credits are spent strictly on production-increasing and infrastructure-developing programmes, it cannot cause inflation.

In fact, a capital development process is started. As a result of credit financing, real economy values are created. Furthermore, the measure and pace of the production increase surpasses many times the measure and pace of the credit enlargement. Of course, reasonable programmes of economy are also necessary, but they must be connected with the economy-developing programmes. This means a guarantee for the efficiency of the crediting and investment policy. Nevertheless, the main tool is the assurance of credit, the saving only plays a secondary role. Such a “Hungarian money covered with Hungarian work” programme decreases the disproportionateness between the domestic demand and offer, making, by this, the whole of the economy more equilibrated.

The KEY PROBLEM in Hungary today is: WHO CONTROLS THE MONETARY POLICY? When the financial collapse happened, with both its deliberate and additional consequences, the controllers of the international money world did not hesitate to enforce from the government of the United States and from the European states the issuing of state public money amounting to 4.5 trillion (4500 billion) dollars and 3000 billion euros, which aimed at the restructuring and recapitalization of the banking system from the money of tax-payers. Now, the same money cartel, with the detained private money monopoly, blackmails on the basis that it “had lost confidence in the over-indebted governments”. This money cartel, however, does not add to this that the global financial system collapsed owing to its own hazardous, irresponsible and unscrupulous behaviour. The states COULD HAVE GIVEN THE PUBLIC MONEYS DIRECTLY TO THE PRODUCTIVE ECONOMY TOO, which produces alone value-bearing goods that satisfy social necessities. Instead of this, the public moneys were given to the banks, which used it not for the financing of the real economy, but for the further operation of the global financial casino. Their goal is to produce even more money from money, since they cannot satisfy their endless aim to get rich from the financing of the real economy any longer.

A few reminders about what measures are necessary to be taken immediately

We cannot speak of a radical change and of strategic turn without further decreasing the base rate of interest and bringing it down to the average level of the EU. An exact account must be given to the Hungarian society about what was the 25-billion stand-by credit taken up from the IMF and Brussels spent on. The Hungarian people must be told, at last, how much does the European Union membership cost for the country, and this account must also include reference to the incomes the country lost as a consequence of this membership, as well as to the other detriments and disadvantages that occurred. Poland’s pattern must be followed concerning the fighting out of the cancellation of debt and rescheduling of debt. It must be also studied how Argentina solved successfully this question. A programme must be elaborated for the enlargement of the public property, for the re-nationalization, if necessary, and at the same price and with the same conditions, as the sale and the privatization was stipulated.

The Hungarian state controlled by national forces must become again such an economic actor, which plays a determining role not only as a redistributor, but also as a guarantor and end buyer. The financial crisis has proved that actually THE STATE IS THE ONLY REAL ECONOMIC FORCE, which can really have an effect, because it has the final word. The Hungarian state controlled by national forces must become the defender of public welfare. The public welfare serving and social justice enforcing role of the state is not an ideology which can come and go, but an indispensable function of the social, state existence. The public interest, public welfare and public safety are indispensable conditions of the good social public feeling, which are in harmony with health, welfare and the consciousness of belonging to a community. This means the harmonic coexistence of people. And, on world scale, this would mean the HARMONIC WORLD ORDER, the real alternative to the fallen usury civilization, kept alive only on respirator.

