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The Fort is Quiet - ebook

Data wydania:
20 sierpnia 2023
Format ebooka:
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The Fort is Quiet - ebook


The blistering heat of the Sahara desert provides the backdrop for Meiring Fouche’s thrilling fifth tale, “The Fort is Quiet”. The story follows three soldiers, Teuns Stegmann, Fritz Mundt, and Jack Ritchie, who find themselves transferred to the isolated Fort Laval as punishment after getting into a bar fight. As Lieutenant Juin and his relief column approach Fort Laval, they immediately sense something is amiss. The fort appears deserted, with gates eerily left wide open.

Venturing cautiously inside, Juin and two other soldiers are shocked to find not soldiers but a striking woman, Brigitte Bonnet, behind the commander’s desk. Claiming to be the new authority of the fort, she promptly takes Juin and his men prisoner. They soon realize Brigitte is enacting a bitter plan for revenge against the French Foreign Legion for the death of her sister, the late Princess of the Dulacs, El Karima. Brigitte has the thirty soldiers locked in the fort’s sleeping quarters without food or water to systematically weakens them for a cruel experiment. Soon bloodcurdling screams echo through the halls, as one by one, men are taken away for torturous experimentation with a secret poison gas weapon. Afterward, their bodies are disposed of and left for the vultures in the sweltering Sahara desert. When Teuns is selected next, Fritz and Jack are permitted one last trip for food and water before being shot dead in an “escape attempt”.

Trapped and outgunned, morale plummets amongst the captive troops. Betrayal and madness threaten to tear them apart from within. It seems Brigitte has planned her revenge flawlessly. Yet as Juin counsels patience, hope still glimmers for the men of the Legion. As the remaining Legion men grow increasingly desperate, a strange tapping sound emanates from beneath their quarters’ floor, suggesting they might have a secret ally. They hear the rhythmic sounds of Morse code. Is it a message for Lieutnant Juin? But who is behind this covert communication? And can it somehow aid their dire situation before all is lost?

Meanwhile, Brigitte continues her cruel agenda, denying water and executing more Legion soldiers to punish any misbehavior. The arrival of the maniacal Professor Benesj escalates matters further. Juin realizes they will soon all be marched into the desert for a massive live experiment under the effects of the horrific gas. With time running out and lives hanging in the balance, Juin desperately hatches a risky overnight plan. Can the garrison be saved in time? Will Brigitte’s thirst for vengeance consume them all? As despair threatens to overtake the men and the desert sun climbs into the sky, the story builds to an explosive, unexpected climax where a fierce and bloody conflict will determine who lives and dies at Fort Laval.

With fluid action sequences, rich details of Legion life, camaraderie in the face of adversity, and a brewing love story, “The Fort is Quiet” will keep readers enthralled until its thrilling climax. Thus step into the Sahara and experience an unforgettable tale of intrigue, bravery, and sacrifice. Meiring Fouche crafts a gripping and suspenseful tale that will keep readers anxiously turning pages. Grab a copy of “The Fort is Quiet” to experience this thriller firsthand! With vivid characters and nonstop intrigue, this book provides an addictive adventure that will stay with you long after the shocking conclusion.

Kategoria: Literature
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-928498-80-3
Rozmiar pliku: 194 KB

