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The Kingdom of Overcomers - ebook

Data wydania:
15 maja 2020
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The Kingdom of Overcomers - ebook

In a book titled The Holy Warning, the author stated the following words. \"The majority of Christians in this generation do not know what it means to be truly reborn. And there are far too many who claim to be reborn without actually being so. There are too many who still live in sin and the greed of this world yet think that they are born-again Christians. The responsibility for this lies largely on the false preachers. This is the great tragedy of this generation, a great danger.\"
I can never forget the first time I preached the contents of this book, The Kingdom of Overcomers. Our church was very small at the time, but I was invited to speak at a rather large church led by the chairman of our presbytery. All those who heard the challenging message I gave were shocked, yet greatly blessed. A few days later, however, I received the following message from the presbytery chairman.
“Pastor Byun, you have stolen the hearts of our church members with your one sermon. The members think very highly of you. What you have preached is right. It is the biblical truth. But who would keep coming out to church if you preach like that? Who would be left in our congregations?”
I wasS shocked to see that a pastor could be so far from the truth. He was more concerned with how many members would attend his church than with the safety of the people’s souls. Sadly, there are more than a few of these pastors today.

\"Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.\" (Matthew 9:36)

This is how I honestly feel when I see the Church and Christians of this day and age. That is why I hurried to finish the manuscript for this book just a few hours after finishing another book,Christianity Alone is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.Christianity Alone was written to effectively evangelize to non-believers. This Kingdom of Overcomers, however, was written to awaken the nominal Christians in our churches and lead them to salvation. This current generation has darkened so much that it requires evangelism not only out in the world but also in the church. I thus hope that readers may utilize these two books to lead many souls to salvation.
Lord, have mercy on the Church and Christians of this generation! Through this small book, would you awaken the nominal Christians that have become the majority in the Church! Save them Lord! I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Kategoria: Religion & Spirituality
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 979-11-90341-36-3
Rozmiar pliku: 5,8 MB

