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The Meaning Of Life - ebook

Data wydania:
31 sierpnia 2023
Format ebooka:
Format EPUB
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The Meaning Of Life - ebook

A golden age of understanding dawns upon the human race, yet little is it aware of what is to come, for long has it lived in the shadows of misunderstanding. 

And even though humanity has often been its own greatest adversary, it has nonetheless proudly prevailed, for the human spirit is a powerful representation of the universal spirit and will not be denied.

The time has arrived, therefore, to lift the veil of illusion that stands between the human race and the supreme expression of itself, setting the stage for the greatest imaginable leap in human history – the leap towards immortality.

However, before humanity can assume the high plane, it must first understand that it believes a lie about reality – and that is, that fear is reality. Consequently, it must come to understand how fear unconsciously causes the human race to use the belief system of Seeing Is Believing to create its reality, for this is the paradigm of understanding that has kept humanity enslaved to the victim/perpetrator paradigm.

Therefore, as the stage is set for the human race to break the chains of self-servitude, it must now play its role in reestablishing its understanding of reality upon the principle that governs it – the principle of Awareness Is All There Is.

This is the principle of principles and, thus, the truth of all truths; hence, it is the ultimate truth. As such, this principle is best equipped to explain the true intention and purpose of human existence and the meaning of life itself.

As such, the time has now arrived for humanity to move into the age of immortal expression, for the divine spirit of universal love has thus given the command:

'Humanity, all rise.'

Kategoria: Health & Fitness
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-0-646-88115-7
Rozmiar pliku: 2,2 MB

