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The Patchwork Girl of Oz - ebook

Data wydania:
2 listopada 2019
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The Patchwork Girl of Oz - ebook

Ojo the Unlucky, a Munchkin boy raised in isolation in the Blue Forest by his taciturn Unc Nunkie, finds himself setting out on a quest through the wider world of Oz in this seventh entry in L. Frank Baum’s series about that magical country. The reader accompanies Ojo, the Glass Cat and the Patchwork Girl on a journey to find five magic items in the wonderful Land of Oz to restore to life Ojo’s Uncle Nunkie and the Crooked Magician’s wife, Margolotte, who turn to marble when the Magician’s Elixir of Petrification accidentally falls upon them. On his journey, Ojo meets many strange creatures and interesting characters, some new, like the lovable block-headed Woozy, whose tail hairs are just one of the things Ojo needs to rescue Une Nunkie; the Hoppers and Horners and some familiar, like the Jack Pumpkinhead. As they travel to the Emerald City, home of the wise and powerful Ozma, they meet Dorothy, the kind and sensible girl from Kansas; the gallant Scarecrow; and, of course, Toto. But no one proves more loyal than the spirited Patchwork Girl, who, although she was brought to life as a servant, is determined to see the wide world for herself.

Kategoria: Classic Literature
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 978-83-8200-117-4
Rozmiar pliku: 2,9 MB




Chapter One. Ojo and Unc Nunkie

Chapter Two. The Crooked Magician

Chapter Three. The Patchwork Girl

Chapter Four. The Glass Cat

Chapter Five. A Terrible Accident

Chapter Six. The Journey

Chapter Seven. The Troublesome Phonograph

Chapter Eight. The Foolish Owl and the Wise Donkey

Chapter Nine. They Meet the Woozy

Chapter Ten. Shaggy Man to the Rescue

Chapter Eleven. A Good Friend

Chapter Twelve. The Giant Porcupine

Chapter Thirteen. Scraps and the Scarecrow

Chapter Fourteen. Ojo Breaks the Law

Chapter Fifteen. Ozma's Prisoner

Chapter Sixteen. Princess Dorothy

Chapter Seventeen. Ozma and Her Friends

Chapter Eighteen. Ojo is Forgiven

Chapter Nineteen. Trouble with the Tottenhots

Chapter Twenty. The Captive Yoop

Chapter Twenty-One. Hip Hopper the Champion

Chapter Twenty-Two. The Joking Horners

Chapter Twenty-Three. Peace Is Declared

Chapter Twenty-Four. Ojo Finds the Dark Well

Chapter Twenty-Five. They Bribe the Lazy Quadling

Chapter Twenty-Six. The Trick River

Chapter Twenty-Seven. The Tin Woodman Objects

Chapter Twenty-Eight. The Wonderful Wizard of OzPrologue

Through the kindness of Dorothy Gale of Kansas, afterward Princess Dorothy of Oz, an humble writer in the United States of America was once appointed Royal Historian of Oz, with the privilege of writing the chronicle of that wonderful fairyland. But after making six books about the adventures of those interesting but queer people who live in the Land of Oz, the Historian learned with sorrow that by an edict of the Supreme Ruler, Ozma of Oz, her country would thereafter be rendered invisible to all who lived outside its borders and that all communication with Oz would, in the future, be cut off.

The children who had learned to look for the books about Oz and who loved the stories about the gay and happy people inhabiting that favored country, were as sorry as their Historian that there would be no more books of Oz stories. They wrote many letters asking if the Historian did not know of some adventures to write about that had happened before the Land of Oz was shut out from all the rest of the world. But he did not know of any. Finally one of the children inquired why we couldn’t hear from Princess Dorothy by wireless telegraph, which would enable her to communicate to the Historian whatever happened in the far-off Land of Oz without his seeing her, or even knowing just where Oz is.

That seemed a good idea; so the Historian rigged up a high tower in his back yard, and took lessons in wireless telegraphy until he understood it, and then began to call “Princess Dorothy of Oz” by sending messages into the air.

Now, it wasn’t likely that Dorothy would be looking for wireless messages or would heed the call; but one thing the Historian was sure of, and that was that the powerful Sorceress, Glinda, would know what he was doing and that he desired to communicate with Dorothy. For Glinda has a big book in which is recorded every event that takes place anywhere in the world, just the moment that it happens, and so of course the book would tell her about the wireless message.

And that was the way Dorothy heard that the Historian wanted to speak with her, and there was a Shaggy Man in the Land of Oz who knew how to telegraph a wireless reply. The result was that the Historian begged so hard to be told the latest news of Oz, so that he could write it down for the children to read, that Dorothy asked permission of Ozma and Ozma graciously consented.

That is why, after two long years of waiting, another Oz story is now presented to the children of America. This would not have been possible had not some clever man invented the “wireless” and an equally clever child suggested the idea of reaching the mysterious Land of Oz by its means.

L. Frank Baum.

at Hollywood
in CaliforniaChapter One

Ojo and Unc Nunkie

“Where’s the butter, Unc Nunkie?” asked Ojo.

Unc looked out of the window and stroked his long beard. Then he turned to the Munchkin boy and shook his head.

“Isn’t,” said he.

“Isn’t any butter? That’s too bad, Unc. Where’s the jam then?” inquired Ojo, standing on a stool so he could look through all the shelves of the cupboard. But Unc Nunkie shook his head again.

“Gone,” he said.

“No jam, either? And no cake–no jelly–no apples–nothing but bread?”

“All,” said Unc, again stroking his beard as he gazed from the window.

The little boy brought the stool and sat beside his uncle, munching the dry bread slowly and seeming in deep thought.

“Nothing grows in our yard but the bread tree,” he mused, “and there are only two more loaves on that tree; and they’re not ripe yet. Tell me, Unc; why are we so poor?”

The old Munchkin turned and looked at Ojo. He had kindly eyes, but he hadn’t smiled or laughed in so long that the boy had forgotten that Unc Nunkie could look any other way than solemn. And Unc never spoke any more words than he was obliged to, so his little nephew, who lived alone with him, had learned to understand a great deal from one word.

“Why are we so poor, Unc?” repeated the boy.

“Not,” said the old Munchkin.

“I think we are,” declared Ojo. “What have we got?”

“House,” said Unc Nunkie.

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