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The Rebirth of Israel. Historical Documents. Volume III: 1940-1948. - ebook

Data wydania:
16 czerwca 2014
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The Rebirth of Israel. Historical Documents. Volume III: 1940-1948. - ebook

The hereby thesis concerns the research on the rebirth of lsrael (1948). The object of the analysis is the research on the actions provided by the Jewish nation, which aim was to create independent country on the Palestine territory. The chronological scope of the thesis ends on the date of 1919 (volume I), 1939 (volume II) and 1948 (volume III).

The aim of the thesis is to present archive documents of the nation’s actions, which resulted in establishing of Israel in 1948. That is the reason why I took up the following documents:

- Firstly, documents of creating the country of Israel in XIX/XX century (volume I) were presented, because only by the prism of the indirect actions we can understand the end effect. Presentation of the international events gives the clear view of the Jewish nation battle over the recovery of the territory for their nation on the Palestine territory. By engagement of the Jewish patriots in the case there is possible to understand why so many countries were interested in the situation of the Near East;

- Secondly, presentation of the situation of Palestine by authority of British (volume II) enabled to understand of the logical cohesion of Zionist activists' actions, which main aim was to make advantage of every arisen political opportunity, in order to realize their aim. Presentation of the battle methods, which aim was the recovery of the country in the unambiguous way presented in the volume II and II of the thesis. The laborious activity in creating country structures of the Israel before its origin gives the view of Zionists determination, who realized their vision in the uncompromising way. They did not accept, that their aspiration may not come true. That is why, the use of the decision: United Nations on establishing of the country of Israel was accepted by them, even though the shape of the document was not precisely formulated. Zionists' action connected with approval of the country of Israel, was to assure him the existence on the international arena.


Concluding the herby thesis is the attempt to look at the problem from the certain perspective, in order to enable to understand the undertaken actions by the Jewish nation, Zionists and their allies all over the world in the case of establishing independent country of Israel on the Palestine territory.

Spis treści

1. The Biltmore Program (1942) 6

2. The Alexandria Protocol(1944) 8

3. Pact of the League of Arab States(1945) 12

4. Letter From President Roosevelt to King Ibn Saud(1945) 20

5. Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry (1946) 21

6. Immigration into Palestine Statement by President Truman (1946) 123

7. UN Debate on Establishment of USCOP(1947) 126

8. UNSCOP Report (1947) 140

9. United Nations Debate on Partition (1947)

10. UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947) 301

11. United Nations Security Council Resolution 42 (1948) 325

12. Statement by Ambassador Warren R. Austin (1948) 326

13. Plan Dalet (1948) 328

14. British Police Report Regarding Arab Evacuation of Haifa 338

15. Situation in Jerusalem (1948) 339

16. Temporary United Nations Trusteeship for Palestine (1948) 344

17. United Nations Security Council Resolution 43 (1948) 346

18. United Nations Security Council Resolution 44 (1948) 347

19. United Nations Security Council Resolution 46 (1948) 348

20. United Nations Security Council Resolution 48 (1948) 350

21. U.N. General Assembly Resolution 186 (1948) 351

22.Declaration of Israel's Independence 353

Kategoria: Politics
Język: Angielski
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ISBN: 978-83-272-4311-9
Rozmiar pliku: 2,4 MB

