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The Ritchie and Fitz Sci-Fi Murder Mysteries. Books 4-6 - ebook

Data wydania:
26 stycznia 2025
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The Ritchie and Fitz Sci-Fi Murder Mysteries. Books 4-6 - ebook

This bundle contains the final three books in the Ritchie & Fitz Sci-Fi Murder Mysteries.

Death on the Summit

The cadets of the Oymyakon Foreign Service Academy know more than most about challenging environments. They experience one every day just while crossing their campus. Their planet barely ranks as habitable on the best of days. But now the third and fourth year cadets face even harsher conditions, climbing to heights nearly at the edge of space and totally within the heart of Oymyakon’s ever-present storms.

Murdina Ritchie relishes the opportunity to test her mettle in ways she never could back home in the stable, comfortable environment of a space station. Shackleton Fitz IV delights in freedom from campus life and distance from the growing rumors of political turmoil in the Union of Free Worlds, if only for a few days.

Then a fellow cadet falls to her death. No one in the camp thinks this an accident. But with no way down off the mountain until the storm passes, they all live with the knowledge that a murderer lurks among them, possibly planning to kill again.

Ritchie and Fitz face death all the time. But if a human killer fails to end them, the planet itself just might finish the job. Staying alive calls on them to apply everything they’ve learned at the academy. But will it be enough?

An Undiplomatic Murder

Cadets Ritchie and Fitz finally face their last year at the Oymyakon Foreign Service Academy. Which means decision time for what comes next. The golden wings and ivory robes of a diplomat? Or the crossed spears and navy blue uniform of a guardian?

Before they decide, they and the other last-year cadets first spend a week on the university planet, visiting both of the colleges. A single day at the guardian school exhausts even the most highly trained of the cadets.

But the first night visiting the diplomat school ends in a very undiplomatic murder. One of the guests at a mock state dinner dies in the middle of the dessert course, a victim of a very gruesome poison. And the only suspect? Cadet Shackleton Fitz IV.

So Murdina Ritchie finds herself alone on a strange planet with its own set of rules, desperate to prove her partner’s innocence. Hard enough under any circumstances, made harder still by the presence of two former Oymyakon cadets: Finn and Feena Berweger.

Can Ritchie defeat her old nemeses one more time? Maybe. Can she do it with her best friend and close partner in crime-solving trapped in police custody?

She has to.

A Lethal Betrayal

Murdina Ritchie left her childhood home of Buennagel when a volatile, very alien species abducted her father during a failed diplomatic meeting. Six years later, she finds herself flying back. Her best friend Shackleton Fitz IV needs her help.

His father’s increasingly bizarre behavior demands an explanation. And Ritchie and Fitz specialize in finding explanations.

But when another guest at the house dies when brutally attacked their first night home, Ritchie and Fitz find themselves caught up in two cases. Someone in the house is the killer, and anyone in the house could be next.

Kategoria: Young Adult Fiction
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-965167-27-4
Rozmiar pliku: 1,0 MB

