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The Sensory Processing Diet - ebook

Data wydania:
1 września 2020
Format ebooka:
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The Sensory Processing Diet - ebook

As a mom of a newly diagnosed child with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), I relentlessly sought experts in SPD, as well as top nutritionists, biopsychologists, and neurologists. I figured that if I understood the major functions of the brain, and how it's supposed to take in, process and respond to stimulation, I could discover how SPD interferes with these functions. Understanding the whole picture - the combination of body, brain and nutritional health - led me to embrace the "Sensory Diet." In this book, I share the keys of a well-balanced nutritional diet and the activities and exercises that truly work. Use the resources in this book to create a whole picture of your own child's conditions and customize a Sensory Diet for him/her.

"If you're the parent, teacher, relative or friend of a sensory kid, The Sensory Processing Diet will give you unique insight into his or her world. Reading it was a breath of fresh air, as I could relate to so many of her parenting struggles and found her recommended interventions to be both doable and helpful."
--CAMERON KLEIMO, sensory mom

"Chynna Laird has written a sensational book about a little known disorder, but one that is becoming increasingly more identified in children. As a child psychologist, I found the book to be interesting, informative and complete. I recommend it highly to parents and professionals. I loved it."
--LAURIE ZELINGER, PhD, ABPP, RPT-S, board certified psychologist, author of Please Explain "Anxiety" to Me

"I work with many children in play therapy that also experience sensory issues. The Sensory Diet gives an in-depth look at contributors to SPD, what types of treatments are available and adjustments families can make so that a child with SPD can cope in life in a way that he/she hasn't understood before. I wholeheartedly recommend it to therapists and parents."
----JILL OSBORNE, EDS, LPC, CPCS, RPTS, author of Sam Feels Better Now!

CHYNNA LAIRD - is a mother of four, a freelance writer, blogger, editor and award-winning author. Her passion is helping children and families living with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), mental and/or emotional struggles and other special needs. She's authored two children's books, two memoirs, a parent-to-parent resource book, a Young Adult novella, a Young Adult paranormal/suspense novel series, two New Adult contemporary novels and an adult suspense/thriller. Website: www.chynnalairdauthor.ca

Kategoria: Education
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-1-61599-523-3
Rozmiar pliku: 947 KB

